"3 A DAM! The Dalles Daily Chronicle. SATURDAY SEPT. 28, 1901 Tbe Astoria News notes with pride and admiration that Editor Scott, of the Oregonian, made a speech at: Buffalo the other day and never once cast a slur on Aio?ia. This would hardly be considered remark-, able anywhere outside the city at the mouth of the Columbia. 9 TUla 9 9 icmcMiciii 9 to-day and you'll be well A Mexican scientist claims that Vie Ciiff-Dwellcrs of the Colorado j canyon were of Asiatic origin. He j has found many baskets and trinkets Of Asiatic design. Tbe scientist says this government should take steps to preserve the caves fiom mutilation, as they form the sole link in the history of a remarkable ! prehistoric race. A prominent minister in an East ern city, while speaking upon the influences that caused tbe assassina tion of President MeKioley, said: "The cartoons of one paper which I call to mind, with its low-browed bestial giants, armed with a club and 9 9 9 9 9 9 3 9 9 9 9 9 9 Bold to CI like A F.Ik, The Dalles, Or. 9 9 9 9 to-morrow;) aid wins 9 Cold Cure g Tablet NoBB 9 (cold in head) NoftreNtltyAc 9 ad tor Trmt ml eaS Msslcst SmhI gsMvia Fraeslsee fls. For tbe Episcopal church convention, San Francisco, Oct. 2, 1901, tbe O. R. N. Co. will ecll round trip tickets to San Francisco Sept. 23d, 24th, 25th, S6tb and 27tb, good from Portland via. Southern Pacific Sept. 24th to 28th, $28.60. From Portland via O. R. A N. steamers in both figure of president, , directions, cabin passage, meals and and senator, have ! berth included 23.50, dates of sailing I -a-n . i i i . irom roruana to oe announced mier; final limit of tickets all rail November ' T ! V i via a I-aa m or frrm San TTrainniair el8tri dominating the vice president preached many an eioquent sermon to the poor, identifying tbe govern ment with all tbe power of tyranny." announced iater A dispatch from La Porte, Ind., says Caleb Harvey, an old and wealthy resident of that place, died there last Thursday as the direct re sult of grieving over tbe assassina tion and death of President McKin ley. The physicians say that Harvey literally cried himself to death. He wept for bour9 continuously from tbe afternoon tbe president was shot, suffering intensely. Tbe physicians consider tbe case without precedent. Senator Cockrell is said to make his lunch entirely on apples, and at the age of sixty-five enjoys remark ably vigorous health. At sixty-five the Missourian displays a capacity for work which is the marvel of the senate. He is more vigorous than he was ten years ago. He attributes in no small degree bis splendid health to the free use of apples, and especial ly to bis daily lunch on apples ex clusively. Taking' notice of tbe Missourian 'a good color, steady nerves and notable endurance, other senators are adopting the apple babit. TAKE THE O. R. & N For the Portland carnival and exposi tion. September 19th to October 19th, the O. R. & N. Co. will sell round-trip tickets to Phi tland and return, including two ainneaion tickets to the exposition, at 4. Tickets sold only on Sept. 19th 1 and 25h and October 2nd, 9th and 10th, j limited to expire six days after date of I salu. elS-lm NOT CE. All persons knowing themselves to be indebted to Ihe late firm of R. Gilbretb A Sons will please call on them and pay amount doe. All accounts nnpaid by September zutb win be banded over to Messrs Wilson & Huntington for col lection. sep6 tf Norris Silver, North Stratford, N. H. : "I purchased a bottle of One Minute Cough Care when suffering with a cough doctors told me was incurable. One bottle relieved me, the second and third almost cared. Todav I am a well man." Clarke & Falk'e P. O. Pharmacy. If yon want to retain yoar hair yon have to keep yoar scalp clean. Soap will make yoar hair harsh, dry and crispy. Now we have two of the yery beet preparations for cleansing tbe scalp Egg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It will leave yoar hair soft and glossv. Price, 2o and 50 cents a bottle, at Fraser'e barber chop, Tbe Dalles. tf Jnb Couldn't Have Htuud It. If he'd had Itching Piles. They're terribly annoying; batBocklen's Arnica Salve will care the worst case of piles on earth. It has cured thousands. For In juries, Pains or Bodily Eruptions it's tbe beat salve in tbe world. Price 25c a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by G, C. Blakeley, the druggist. 6 riayed !Oot. Doll Headache, Pains in various parts of the body, Sinking at tbe pit of tbe stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverisbneas, Pimples or Sores are all positive eviden ces of impure blood. No matter bow it became so it must be purified in order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Elexir has nevei failed tocure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly a wonderful remedy and we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Blakeley, the drag gist. Mrs. Wilson, of the Campbell & Wil son Millinery Parlors, has eogaged tbe services of Miss Margaret Torgler, a first-class trimmer, a former employee r. f llallorc rtf Pnel 1 a vwl and i 1,.M. more an attempt has been madetofdre pgA meek 'tbe deniand8 of this end. Since the founding of! the best trade, as well as tbe medium. Odd Fellowship there has been only We believe in free speeh as vouch safed by tbe constitution of this great federal republic, says the Signs of tbe Times, tbe organ of the Seventh Day Adventists. This means tbe free discussion of tbe principles of religion, of politics and public policy, of expediency and right; but the moment that it declares for the de struction of lawful government, and the assasainalion of rulers, it be comes a menace to government, a threat against tbe lives of those in authority, whether president or em peror; it becomes treasonable and criminal, and should be suppressed. Tbe sovereign grand lodge of Odd Fellows, in session at Indianapolis, voted to allow copies of tbe secret work of the order to be made. At every session for twenty years or one copy of tbe secret work of the order. This is not printed, but is stumped on parebmeut. It is kept by a guardian specially appointed for that purpose. During tbe session ! of the supreme body the copy of tbe j secret work has been kept in a room j under tbe watchful eyes of two! guardians. The resolution adopted provides that each state jurisdiction j ball receive one copy of the secret ' work. No additional copies will be made. Our styles are equal to the best, and our prices are as low as the lowest. 21s On Sept. 7th will be presented to my customers i Shakespeare, complete in one volume, bound in Mor rocco; i Atala in large folio volume, illustrated by Gus tav Dore. RE. T. NOLAN. Union and Second Streets. Local Phone 92. S dtfA) 3 amUihowRicihc (4) dpa TIME SOHEDTJLEB wo TBE DALLES, raw Si REGULATOR LINE. Dalies jortiawi k Astoria NAVIGATION CO. DALLES BOAT LEAVES OAK STREET DOCK, PORTLAND, at 7 A. M. and 11 P. M. ...Portland Boat... LEAVES THE DALLES at 7:00 A. M. and 3:00 P. M. DAILY .EXCEPT 8CNDAY. BTEAMEB8 REGULATOR, DALLES CITY, RELIANCE. W. C. ALLAWAY, General Agent, The Dalles. Oregon. NOTICE. Effective this date. A charge of $1 par ear par day will be made for delay to ears, for all time bald under load, in loading or unloading by consignee or consigner , in excess of forty-eight hours from Urns ear is sat for loading or un loading. Jambs Ibbland, o. it. n. Vo. When your hair appears dry and to have lost its vitality it wants something l give it lite and vigor. We have what the hair needs when it gets In that con dition. We have m the Crown of Science Hair GLwSS Grower and Cocoanut Cream w V Tonic. They will cure dand RHsT ruff and all scalp diseases. For sale at Fraser's bar ber shop. Price 60c and 76c a bottle. Miss Julia Matqnart, at the Beehive restaurant, will do dressmaking of all kinds. i0 lm Wlut'i Ion Paee Worth? Sometimes a fortune, bat never, if yon have a sallow complexion, a jaundiead look, moth patches and blotches on tbe skin.-all signs of Livtr Trouble. But Dr. King's New Ufa Pills give Clear Skin, Rosy Cheeks, Rich Complexion. Only 26 cents at G. C. Blakeley's Drag Store. 6 Clarke A Falk's flavoring extract at the bast. Ask yoar gr er for them. For Sat. 1000 acres more or lees lying on the Columbia river about seven miles from The Dalles. About 100 acres of river bottom tbe rest good upland suitable for fruit and pasture. One of tbe best dairy or milk ranches in the connty ; a small house ; good barn ; some orchard and plenty of water. Also other town and county property. Apply to Gibona & Alarc'en, Masonic building Third street. aog30-lm CHANCE TO BUY A HOME A body of 4800 acres of land near An telope will be sold in tracts of 160 acres or more to suit purchaser. More than half of this land is fine wheat land, rich black loam. It is well watered, there being aome thirty ;r forty springs on the tract and small running streams across most of it. The land is situated from four to eight miles from tbe end of the railroad at Sbaniko. Any part of tbe land will be told, either for cash or on long time after the first payment. Price $6 to $15 per acre. Inquire of A. 8. Bennett. slS- dawlm Geo. W. Lane, Pewamo, Mich., writes : "Yonr Kodol Dyspepsia Core is tbe best remedy for indigestion and stomach trouble that I ever used. For years I suffered from dyspepsia, at times com pelling me to stay in bed and causing me untold agony. I am completely I cored by Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. In recommending it to friends who suffer from indigestion I always offer to pay for it if it fails. Thus far I have never paid." Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Why pay $1.76 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James E. Patton's son proof paints for $1.60 per gillon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark A fr'alk. airenta. ml White Collar Line. The Danes-Portland Borne Str. BAILEY-GrATZERT, DAILY ROUND TRIPS, Except Monday, Cascade Locks, Hood River, White Salmon and The Dalles. TIME CARD Leave Portland 7 a.m. Arrive The Dalies 3 p. if. Leave " " 3:30 " Arrive Portland 10 ' Meals the Very Best. g9favSunday Trips a Leading Feature. AfflF"Thie Route has tbe Grandest Scenic Attractions on Earth. Portland-Astoria Route Str. "TAHOMA," Daily Round Trips except Sunday. TIME CARD Leave Portland Leave Astoria .7 A. M. .7 P. H. Landing and office Foot of Alder Street; both phones, M 361, Portland, Oregon. E. W. CRICHTON, Agent Portland, J. M. FILLOON, Agt. The Dalles, A. J. TAYLOR, Agent Astoria. Just What You cjuant. UecoieimiiaPaoiiDOCo., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF 11 AN D FACTD KKK8 OF Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND -HAMS & BACON OR1FD BEEF. ETC. U Restaurant L. Y. HONG, Proprietor. First-Class in Every Hespect MEALS AT AM SOCKS. Oysters Served in any Style. 87 Second St., The Dalles. Or Just Received A full line of Freeh Printing and De veloping Papers direct from factory. SoJio, Rex, Deko, Velox and Aristo in all sizes. Also a line of Plates in Cramer, Grown, Seeds and Stanley. Trays, Printing Frames, Albums, Multigraphs, And all accessories to complete tbe outfit of either the amateur or pro fessional photographer. Chicago Portland Special. 12:26 p. m. via Huntington. Atlantic Express, 12:60 a. m. via Huntington. 8t. Padl Fast Hail, 0:26 p. in. via H pe lt ane. Salt lata, Denver. saa City, Bt. tonic, Chi eagoead the Kan. Ft. an- , Omaha, Kan Ft Worth, Omaha, Kan- Citv.9l.LotrU.Chi. cage and the Bast Walla Walla, Lewis ton. Minneapolis, at. Paul.Duluth, Mil wan see, Chicago and Bait. Wn. a. 4:16 a. 3:30 a. 0CEAJT AID HTVES SCHEDULE From Pdrtlaa. 8:00 p. m. nailv except Bnnday, ) :00 p. m. Saturday, 10:00 p. rh. Dally except Snnday, 6:00 a. m. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 6:00a. m. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 7:00 a. m. Leave Riparia dally, 3:40 a. m. (All sailing dates sub ject to change.) For Ban Franclseo, Ball every 6 days. Colombia River. To Astoria and Way-Landings. Willamette River. Oregon City, Newborn, Halem, Independence, ana w ay-iawungs, 4:00 p. 4:00 p. WL except Bnnday. 1:30 p. B. exespt Sunday, Corvallis and Way-Landinga. Willamette and Yamhill tfSv-ere. Oiegen City, Dayton and Way -Landings. Hnafce River. Riparia to Lewis ton. 4:30 p.m. Monday, WedneMty Friday. 3:30 p.m. Mondsy, Wednesday Friday. Leave Lewistoa dally, 8:30 a.m. New tdeas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single stock. Beat imita tion Cretun effects at. nritinarc niwui Good papers at cheap paper prices. owgam uBoigpa, lasieiui cotorings, yours for a small price, at our store on Thint treat. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VATJSE, Third St Oar Enreka Combined Toning and fixing Hatn is a dandy. Try it. Tbe A. E. C. Developer for plates, films or developing papeis has no equal. Enough for 35c to develops fl dozen plates or 6 dozen Velox 4x6. Perfect blacks and whites are guaranteed, if directions are followed. Ask for tbe A. E. C. De veloper, and see that yon get tbe genuine. We are prepared to compound any and all of yonr own fQrmalee and guarantee satisfaction. At tbe old nlace. 175 Hecnnrf Sirmi Tbe Dalles, Oregon. Geo. C. Blakeley. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests whit yoa eat. ItarttficlailydljreaU tbe food and aida Nature In aLremrtbeninir and recoD s true Li og tbe exhausted digestive or It Is tbe Uteat discovered a tgeat- digestive Gr ant end tontc. No other ivapentloD ces approach it In efficiency. It In- aunuj leueveeana and pemaneotlv eurae Drnmlt, Indigestion, Heartburn, jrtawMnoe, .wur mammon Blok Heaaflba. OeetnUaTta.0 eilc4beritjguluolUnytegfaet VaaaaMo. aadOj. leWMatiM sail gsis aaina elian tai iyt Aoewrrr eld by Clarke A Falk's P.O. Pharmaay. Tire Insurance. Ltoi Hrcr Iffs. (o. of Lotdoo. Founded 1825. Capital paid up 97,1100,000 Aaeete 920,120,035 Now is the time to insure ; tomor row may be too late. Phone No. 86, Seufert & Condon. Phone No. 808, Pacific States Co. ARTHUR 8EUPERT, Resident Agent, The Dalles. John Pashek, The Tailor, Has just received 1000 samples of the latest patterns in Gent's Clothing Goods. He guaran tees prices and a good fit or no faff. John Pashek, The Tailor. F"WP-naaasarsamBesjsa L. Lane, GENERAL BiacKsmHQ aa AMD... Horsaoer Wagon and Oarrlage Work. Fieh Brothers' Wagon. I TMrf and JefTcrnn. PHoue 159 Var aale. Twenty bead of horses, rancina in weight from 1100 to 1400 pounds. All naitavbrokan, nnd some broken to work. Apply to 8traube Brothers. Endasah. O- jly 26-lmw FRENCH & COM BANKERS. Traasaot a General Banking Business. tv? ' Credlt tan available in tbe Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic fmn ai-.r ; z "ina ure Seattle Wash., and various point, n Oregon and Washington. STJgjr- ParUes dsatrlng to so to neppner or points od Columbia BouUmtd via Bins, iooubI uute Mo. 2, leaving The Dalles at 2:25 p. m. making direct connections at Heppner junction and Biggs. Returning mafclngdiractcoimsettaa at HeppuerluncUon and Biggs with tNo. 1, ar riving at Th8 Dalles at 1:06 p. m. For further parUcuUrs, eall on ar address JAB. IRELAND, Agent, The Dalles, Oregon. Complete Cipe of Dru$s at M. Z. DON NELL, THE DRUQG18T. J. 8. soaaaoa, MAJ A. VQOt. First national Bank. THE DALLES ... ORBQOM A Genaral Rankinx Buainaas tranaactsd DapoeUa reoaivad, subject to Sight matt tm llhaASr. Collections made and pfooeada prompth; raanltsast am Aav of aoUaetion. Sight and Telagranhie Exchange sold at now Tork, Baa Franciaoo anc -or- D. P. TaoMteoa. Jao. 8. Be n. m. William. Geo. A. Lisas. H. M. Bbalu Administrator's Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the nnni.n ti$MHgg d .mTLj against the esUte of w uty, iwi. Admtatatratorol tha estate &Wa5Ut. -war. Jljtr W- W. eiLMM. Maaacer- First-gass to Hwery reepot IDeats at Ml l?04i. PRIVATS PARTIES aERVBl Tba table always sapplied with bast in tba marisei. 74 Froat St., near Gear. Tba Bet.