The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 27, 1901, Image 3

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    m m
jfV tum. OHWHI MAM
& Marx
The element of style enters
more largely every year in
the determination of the val
ue of Clothing. Without it
the best efforts of the retailer
are wasted.
PEASE & MAYS1 perfect-fitting
clothing not only
embraces the season's ad
vanced patterns and fabrics
but the workmanship, the
merchant-tailor kind is there,
the kind that breeds confi
dence and makes a man
look stylish and up-to-date.
Guaranteed all-wool suits
from $8.00 to $26.00.
New Stiff Hats,
New Monarch Shirts.
Largest Stock,
Lowest Prices,
Underwear from $1.00 to
$8.00 per suit.
Best Styles. Umbrellas from 75c to $3.50.
Miss Autumn's Debute
Mitt Aatavtn'e "eoeaiaf oat" I celebrated (everyday) ia
formally with tb races acted feshioaa obttiaabte In America.
Wa hate bad tba hart picking ham the moat acted weoaroee la
tba fashion CM tart of thit ooaatrr. Iba price wa mate oa
fashionable food la tba tall of thatowo.
Stylish Suits made of fine
cheviot, in black only; jacket
handsomely made, new double-breasted
$12 to $14.
Grand Sale of Missea' and Chlkiren's Flannelette
Underskirts all handsomely made, with yoke and waiat ;
worth 46c anywhere. Oar price this week 27c
Smart Looking
la the woman who cornea down the street with a trim-fitting pair
of street boots, made on a mannish laat. Her tread is firm and
solid, because the soles extend and are broad on the bottom. She
is indeed a sensible woman. Box oal, rioi kid, all rizas and
widths; some wih extension soles and rope stitch, the typical
mannish shoes, so stylish and sensible.
Special good values at $2.50, $3, $3.50 and $4.
The Dalles Daily ChfOffide.
SEPT. 27. 1901
Ice Cream
At Andrew Keller's.
All Wasco County warrants registered
prior to December a, 1898, will be paid
oa presentation at my offloe. Interest
e after September 18, 1901.
Oounty Treasurer.
Good piano for rent. Address P. O.
box 822, City. 25a 3t
An elegant new line of pipes at the
American cigar store. e26-4t
Professor Bandvig will Rive a social
dance at the Baldwin Saturday night. 2i
One of the three-eight mlie races an
nounced for the coming fair will be a
pony race.
The Glaoier reports the killing of a
bear within the city limits of Mood River
last Sunday. The slayer was Ike Nee-
If you are looking for bargains in real
property, do not overlook the fact that
Hudson & Brownbtil and Dad Baits are
strictly in the swim.
Just arrived. The largest and moot
complete line of picture mouldings ever
shown in the city are now on display at
H. Glenn & Co. 'a paint and oil store.
The Seventh Regiment U. 8. Infantry,
band, which has been engaged to play
here during tba oarnival, will arrive In
The Dalles on the Bailey Gatzert Sun
day afternoon.
Wanted By a strong healthy woman,
situation to work by tba day at any
Bind of housework. Apply at the Star
Lodging House, on Madison street, be
tween First and Second. 26s 3t
All those intending to make exhibits
t the coming fair and oarnival should
PPly at ouce for entry to 0. E. Bayard,
tbii office on the south aida of the
in entrance to carnival grounds. 8t
E. H. Moore, of Nansene, sold a fine
pan of 7-yearld black geldings to Jeff
U'ippi, of this oily, last evening for 286.
ey wtlgh between thirteen and four
Men hundred pounds each and are vary
Jeeksoo Gngme Company No. 1, of
The Dalla,, m mm lh
eMmbere tomorrow t Saturday) evening
17:80 o'aloak, to make arniajsrr-r "
"Wending In a body iba eemWal
next Mpoday. grit
Hood R.var poetaster aaye tba orig
jwiitdua nana of Hoed Riear was U-je-nam-Bat,
and thai astasia plnassis of
hrieteaad it Hog Utter, (rose has lac
to kill their faithful dog for food while
in a state of starvation. This latter
affirmation is probably just poetry and
nothing else.
The Rhaniko paper says : "E.Jacob
sen came up on'Satnrday'a train and left
for the interior the same evening. Every
one that saw Jake was foroibly struck
with bia improved appearance since bis
marriage, not but what he always was a
good looking fellow." t '
The management of The Dalles carni
val and diatriot fair have appointed the
Wednesday of the fair as Portland day
and apeoial efforts will be pnt forth to
maae the day a great success. A big
excursion party is expected bere from
Portland aod way towns on that day,
when the fares bv boat and rail will be
reduced to nearly half rates.
At the coming district (air thirty-nine
head of thoroughbrek Ramboulet bucks
and ewes belonging to the Baldwin
Sheep A Land Company of Crook coun
ty, will be plaoed on exhibition. Tbeee
sheep were recently imported by the
Hay Greek company from France, where
they were selected from a hard belong
ing to the French government.
Mart Rand la still the boss fisherman,
aays the Hood River Glaoier. Wednes
day ha caught a rainbow trout, 86 inches
long, with a No. 6 fly hook. He was
three-quaiters of an hour landing tba
big fish. Mart hasn't the papers for
this fish story no photographer was
near, but tbe veteran fisherman, Sam
Koplin, was a witness of tbe catch.
Dr. Cline, of Prlnevllle, arrived bere
yeaterday afternoon with bis famous
runner, Barney Barneto, and is camped
on the fair grounds west of tow,n. An
other noted runner, Phillip Fair, owned
by Jim Bilvertooth, of Antelope, ia also
here and will contoet for honors with
Barney Barnato. The knowing onee any
tbis will be one of tbe prettiest races of
tbe season. ...
R. H. Weber, the Dalles nursery man,
has a sample peach of the Late Crawford
variety at tbe office of the Pacific Ex
press Company whiob measures twelve
inches in circumference and weighs four
teen ounces. Tbe peach in qneation bad
fallen off the tree during tbe late rains
and a squirrel bad dug a bole in one
aide of it. alee it ia believed it would
bave weighed a pound.
As an outcome of the assault on tbe
Chinaman at Wasco, Sheriff McGinnla
has arrested five men, two named 8altb,
one Metney, Root and Duttoo. Tba
sheriff says tba people of Waico are not
in (sympathy with tbe parpotrators of
tba outrage, and gave him every assist
anew possible ia tba discbarge af bit
doty. At tbe present time it is reported
that tba unfortunate Oblaamau will not
Urn, Sbaniko Leader.
sandwiches. The stranger aaked Mr.
White if he had any sandwiches on
hand, and the latter replied in the
affirmative, eyeing the stranger the
while as he followed up bis first question
byaaking: "Are you alone?" As Mr.
White again answered in the affirmative
the stranger shouted, ''Throw np your
bands," as he drew a revolver that
White thinks was as long as bis arm.
White's suspicions bad prepared him
for thia result and before tbe stranger
had time to draw a bead on tbe candy
man White fired a revolver right at hie
head, and tbe shot came ao near ending
his career that it knocked the stranger's
hat off. Without wailing for a second
shot tbe stranger picked up bia bat and
took to his heels. White rushed to the
door after blm and fired a parting abot,
without effect, at another man who had
been waiting outside and was evidently
a partner of White's assailant. White
deacribe'e tbe would-be lobber as a man
of 35 to 40 yeara of age, of sandy com
plexion with a sandy beard turned up at
the ends. The men wore a light sack
coat and a dark colored bat. As usual
be got away and no trace of him has
been found.
The Grand Farad Will form on Ueeoad
Street at 1:80 Muaday Afteraooa.
A boat midnlaht last night a
antered tba fruit aod oandy ttata of
Jamas White, ia tba East Sad, Joat ae
Mr. White bad returned to tba etaat
from his eaetomary vialt to the mttabjbt
train with hot eatae aad
Tbe Dallea Carnival aad Street and
District Fair will open next Monday
afternoon in tbe following order. Queen
Melvia will arrive on the steamer Reli
ance and will be met at the D. P. A A.
N. Co. landing by tbe president of the
carnival. Judge W. L. Bradahaw, tbe
prime minister, Judge G. C. Blakeley,
and tbe mayor, G. J. Farley. Her maj
esty will be escorted to bar plane in tbe
parade by tbeee functionaries aad by Co.
D, O. N. G., and tbe band of the Seventh
Regiment, United States Infantry.
Tbe parade will form at 1 p. m. oa
Second etreet, right reeting on Court, in
be following order :
Chief Marshal Frank Menefee and staff.
Seventh Regimental Bead.
Company D, O. N. Q.
Quae n's Carriage.
Malda of Honor.
Carriage President Oarnival, Prime
Minister, Mayor.
Civic societies on loot.
Assistant Marshal and Aids.
Dallea Band.
Eagles' Float.
Eagles oa Foot,
Indians under escort of a Typical Cow
Woodman's Float.
Vegetable Floats.
Fruit Floats.
Two horse Farm Team.
Merchants' Floats.
Foar-boree Farm Tea.
Exhibition Stock.
CH Usees fo Carriages.
Parade will move at 1 :80, east oa Sec
ood to Maataoa ; south to Fourth west
to tales aasiitii ad Wash Inert ran where law
BrW aWBPalSBaejraBVaBjBnaBB sw w eBBBass-Bs"eaPBi -sr -- v-saw
of tea oareftal qaoaa vW
escort of tbe band and O. N. G., to the
carnival through tbe main entrance at
tbe corner ot Third and Washington
The Dallas Race Track and Grounds.
A visit to the new race track west of
town yesterday afternoon was a revela
tion to the Chboniclb man, who bad
not been on tbe grounds since tbe open
ing epeed contest of Dallas horses early
last eammer. A force of earpantars was
still at work putting tbe finishing touches
on a commodious pool stand, and the
time between tbis and next Monday will
probably be fully occupied by tbe eame
force in building hog and sheep peas,
in removing the closets from tbe inclos
ure within the race track and erecting
them on grounds south of tbe track and
at a proper distance back of tbe grand
stand. Besides these a double fence
will be built from the entrance gate on
tbe eaat, so as to make a lane from the
entrance gate to tbe first cross fenoe, a
short distance back of tbe Mission or
chard. Tola lane will prevent loose
stock pasturing in the mission groonds,
from getting outside while tbe fair is in
The entire grounds are well inclosed
with a substantial board fence eight feet
In height. Stalls have been erected to
accommodate forty bead of cattle, and as
many more stalls will be built as tbe
entriee may abow to be needed. There
are stalls for fifty odd bead of horses, end
their location aad arrangement are all
that could be desired. Tbe grand stand
looks substantial aad comfortable and
has capacity for eeatlag 700 persons.
Three wells furnish abundance of good
pure water. From one of them a wind
mill raiees tbe water into a tine cittern
Eng a capacity of 2200 gallons. From
cistern the water ie taken that Is
to sprinkle tbe track. A one-borse
power is alao attached to tbe well to
raise tbe water at times when tbe wind
falls to drive tba wind mill.
Tba track ie under tba special care of
Andy Allan, who haa put it ia the finest
possible condition and only asks that
Jupiter Pluvius shall not be too liberal
with libations that have hitherto served
to assist him materially la bis work.
The absence of rain from this time ontil
the end of next week; as Secretary Will
lams puts It, would make tbe track tba
shortest In tba Northwest. Tbe track
and grounds, as wall as tbe cattle aod
boras stalls, are a vast Improvement oa
the old ones ia He matin's Addition.
They art. lo poJet of feat, something
that Tba Dallea has a right io be proud
af aod for which tba chief credit la dot
4 wewS JSGeMSleJasttSSt1 sS DsTJ V e) esJOsslssvwOjPjl
through wheat energy and liberality,
sappiest sated by that of their fallow
rJtfsaao af Tba Dal'ea, abeady atari
4488 bare bate aaeat to make Mem
fata tataasy of the
aTlM few) 09gnVftV4tstg
AffcMtfamof Fastest sMsse aad no
I ee.The New York Oath Store... I
I IS end 148 Second Street. I
I The BARGAIN STORK of the City. I
..Bags mi imi's stuooL am.
We have just received our complete fall line of
Boys' and Youth's Clothing, and are offering them at
unusually low prices. Now is the time to fit out your
boy for school. Don't make your purchases without
seeing our line. We will save you money.
Don't wait until the nobbiest and neatest patterns are
sold, but come in at once.
Every SUIT Guaranteed.
Tbe New York Cash Store
New Grocery Store
We have added a Grocery Depart
ment to our store. A new fresh,
clean stock. Give us a call. Prompt
delivery to any part of the city. '
Waietr & Benton,
Headquarter for
Family Groceries,
Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware,
Stores and Steel Ranges.
107 Soaond Street. THE DALLES, OR.
Thert once was men turned Horn
Who mute caught in terrible atom,
But he never aid "booh "
For he had on shoe,
Which of course aaa
Pingree-made and storm-proof;
the longest wearing, the most
reliable and swellest shoe yet
built for man.
There arc various
stylet, weights aad
leathers of them,
bet all cost alike,
I We ere sole Agent.
A Tbe Dallas Emptor stent OflUtje
plate where roe aaa troeere help aith.
oottoet or troabl. Mall or pboac
Vacant Kuunr,
swea X fft4s9 JepWwpMT
S. W. Partel), KitJemiUe, Pa., eats
1)0 Mabefeef aV P9bW WlsMei plW 4MM 0floSw4
Sssisisw aste wepewe s)eH owewe s Neeb
Moot SeJte aSsetse1 a Boreseeeei sere.
loausBaeaeJaa aea eaewultee. mar a
talk's P.O. PefSHSSff,
Undstttktr ad Embalm
Oar. Third and Waahlnajton eta
te'fBf ''WaaV.'isav'
(Sara e fats ate oarer eatatttaoesafe
OleVord'e ePVrtflei KlfVV