llifetCfyamide. he Idle VOL. XIII THE DALLES, OREGON. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 27. 1901. MO. 190 - SENTENCED TO DEATH Czolgosz Will Be JSIectrocatetf Week Be ginning October 28tb Assnsain Hears Bis Doom Without Show ef Emotion. ' Buffalo. Boot. 88. UzlgofZ was aentenced to be electrocuted in the wek beginning October 98, 1901. According to the lav of tula state, October '28th it tbe earliest date that could be fixed for the execution. Buffalo. Sept. m. The police ar rangements at tbe city ball, Where Leon F. Cuolirosz wae to receive bis sentence this afternoon for the murder of President McKinle v, were even more stringent than during tiie trial of tbe assassin. Half an hour before the time announced for the opening of the court the court-room was filled and the doors locked. Atter 1 :30 no one but officials connected with the court or newspaper men were allowed to enter. About twenty-five of the 150 spectators were women. At 2:0a o'clock the prisoner was brought into court shackled to Df tectives Geary and Solomon, accompanied by Assistant Superintendent Ousick and Jailer Mitchell. Cz jlgpsx was perspiring: tod seemed nervous, though he did not tremble and bis gait wae steady. Cz3lgoBz took bis sect and mopped bis brow with hts handkerchief. When be settled back in his chair and bis won ed listless attitude was absent. Be kept bis eyes wide open end looked abont him occasionally, but presently be dropped his eyes to the table ahead of bim and assumed bis former listless air. Ihe strain on bim was intense evident ly, as was attested by the few eigha end beaving of tbe chest At 2:12 Justice While took his aeat on tbe bench and the crier announced the opening of the court. "Czolgoez, stand up," demanded Die trict Attorney Penney of the prisoner. The aeeassin rose. "What is your name?" asked Mr. Penney. "Leon F. Czolgoez." "How old are you?" "Twenty-eight years." "Where were yon born?" "Detroit." "Where were yon living when rr rested?" "Cleveland." "What is your occupation?" "Ironworker." "Are yon married or aingla?" "Single." IIIUl x a m ' uai degree of education have jou Koeived?" No reply. "What schools have you attecded?" "Public and church schools." "Are you temperate or intemperate?" "Temperate." "Have you ever before been convicted of any crime?" "No." "Are your father and mother alive?" y father is alive. My mother ia ussd." Oiolgosz' replies were ao .low thai he 0jjld ot be heard five feet away. "Have you any legal excuse why entence should not be pronounced gainst you?" Czolgoez could not or RMtM h- oold Uot hear tbe question put by the " repeated to him twice, o then be said aomethiog in an inaudible tone. The judge intervened and explained "het was meant by tbe question. "Eirst, on may oUim ,0 M ,0MM Tb t is, have you good cause to offer W'Mt aenrti r-i: l. )m no: i.7 M the V"" W bate t sentence being pronounced. TUosMbadtJtthe prisoner be ""elow beoould scares!, be v. jodg. Tltna w tbiigg,) "ait minKi i . - " aVtki.i , . Gaolgoai to his counsel. Judge Titui I think he ought to be permitted to make a statement la excul pation of his family. Turning to bis prisoner again Judge Titus held a brief conference. Turning to the court, counsel for the defendant said: "He says no other person had anything to do with it; tbat no other person knew of his com mission but himself. Hie father or mother or no one else knew anything about it." The prisoner cloeed bis lips, stored straight ahead of him, and awaited the court's pronouncement of bis doom. The sentence was brief. "Czolgosz," aaid tbe court, "you have committed a grave crime against the state and our Union in the assassination of our beloved president. After learning all tbe facts and circumstances in tbe case, twelve good men have pronounced you guilty of murder in the first degree. You say that no other person abetted you in tbe commission of this terrible act. Tbe penalty is fixed by statute, and it becomes my dnty to impose sentence upon vou. The sentence of this court is tbat in tbe week beginning October 28th, at the place designated, and in the manner prescribed by law, yon euffer tbe punishment of death." CzolgoFZ stood erect, looking straight at the judge. He did not tremble; not muecie quivered. As soon aa tbe death sentenced was finished he took his seat in tbe same Indifferent manner that baa characterized him throughout the trial. He was brought to bis feet quickly by tfie officers at 2:20. They shackled him and led him away to the jail, while the crowd surged after him, and tbe officers had to f-irce a passage or the assassin from the courtroom. Though emotion and satisfaction was written on every face in court, there waa no applause and no demonstration of any kind on tbe part oi the spectators. InDDtl Cndrr the Sea. London, Sept. 26. The Earl of Rose- faery reoently delivered a speech at Stranaer, Wigtownshire, Scotland, at tbe presentation to him of tbe freedom of tbe town. Commenting on the possi bility of a tunnel between Ireland and the mainland of the United Kingdom, witn a terminus at Btranaer, uord Koee bery quoted Beaconsfield's saying tbat the curse oi Ireland was that it possessed a damp climate and waa surrounded by a melanoboly ocean. The epeaker eatd be was inclined to think that there might one day be a government bold enough to face the problem and consider whether 8,000,000 might not be well need tp tbe construction of soefa a tunnel Anyhow, the amount spent In Coll way, would not equal the cost In two months of the melancholy war still dragging in South Africa. Mom red Their FMioim. Washington, 8ept. M.-rMail from the j Philippines received at tbe war depart ment recites the trial Of four natives on a charge of murdering American pris oners'. They were a part of the insur gent gnard of two American prisoners, George B. Sullivan and Private James L. Husket, Twenty-ninth Volunteer In fantry. Their oammanding officer, a lieutenant of insurgents, issued an order that when tbe corporal of the guard, who was marching in front of the prisoners, should lift his hat, the insurgents be hind tbe Americans should 'take it as a signal Tor the bayoneting of the prisoners. The brutal programme waa carried out to the letter. General Chaffee eet aside their sentences of death and set them at liberty, on the ground that they were compelled to obey orders. The insur gent lientenant who ordered tbe Ameri cans put to death la now awaiting tbe execution of the sentence of death. Roosevelt Ban Changed . Clxv bland, Sept. 26. "President Roosevelt is a different man than be was a few weeks ago," said Senator Henna to a reporter. "He has always been honest in purpose, strong in action and trio to his own and to republican principles. Tbe neW and great responsi bilities that have been so suddenly thrust upon bis shoulders nave given htm equipoise and conservatism. These responsibilities have rounded out bis character. I believe tbat be will live up to tbe expectations of his dearest friends." What's Year Face WortbT Sometimes a fortune, but never, if yon bave a sallow complexion, a jaundiced look, moth patches and blotches on the skin.-all signs of Livtr Trouble. But Dr. King's New Life Pills give Clear Skin, Rosy Cbeeks, Rich Complexion. Only 25 cents at G. C. Blakeley'e Drug Store. 6 JUST RECEIVED.... Ladies' jackets The very latest in medium long, half and full htting in back. Our prices are right; they are from $3.50, $4.50, $5 $6.50, $8 and $10. Doat fajl to see them. Plush mm 4 Capes at all prices. Extra good values at $1.75, f 2, 20, , $5, up to $8.60. Remember you can tivaye get btrgtia at THt fAlW" Mothers will take particular interest in the following announcement flew i Dresses for (Wren and a grander, bigger line of stylish garments never found room in this store before. NoveJjftt AboundfrNeat Sailor Suits, Eaton Suits, Russian plonse Suits, and the new french long-waisted effects. Materials are Henriettas, Serges, Cheviots, Sackings, Vene tians, etc., in the new shades as well as the popular staples. The subjects of these illustrations are: Sailor suit of plain serge, trimmed with white hercules braid, front with orna ment to match; in navy blue; lined throughout ptj) Infant's dress of all wool cashmere, yoke and straps trimmed with silk soutache and fancy but tons. Lined throughout. Various shades. Price npiSej SIesb 1 to 5 year. $2 JULSL Z r NEW SWEATERS tor tHw email Sizas 4 to 14 years, a)3 There's a good deal of comfort in a sweater that opens on top of shoulders to neck. That's the way this one is made and all the boys admire them. , The above picture shows one crochet of fine wool, in two colors, at $1.50 And we have an other in one color with fancy striped ends, at sf 1.25 Come and see them. A. M. Williams & Co. BU8INE83 LOCAL8. A fresh supply of Lowney's chocolates just received at O. C. Blakeley's phar macy. Mr. Silas H. Soule, piano tuner, will be in The Dalles the last of the week for the fail work. Leave address at Nickel sen's music store. 28-1 w Lost A ladv'a brown puree, contain ingover $80 in currency. Finder will be rewarded by bringing it to this office. ttt 4t Norman Werry, bead piano tuner witb Eiler's piano houae, is in tbe city. Leave orders tor tuning at Menelee A Parkins' music store. s23-lw A nine assortment of genuine bair switches, made by Mrs. Geo. Harvey, of this city, at Mrs. Carey's millinery store. Mre, Hsrvey also makes hair chains and other bair article of a fancy nature. 8S-lwd Miss Christine NickeUen will give in atruction in embroidery and plain sew log on Wednesday and Saturday of each week, from 2 till 6 o'clock. Wednesdays will he devoted to adults and Saturday to children. Apply at her residence on Alvord avenue. i24 Iw ff MM Mm ?r4 V-Hew. Great consternation was fait by tbe friends of M. A. Hogarty of Lexington, ivy,, when they saw be wae turning yel low. Hie skin slowly changed color, also bis eyes, and be suffered terribly, Hie malady was VelJow Jaundice. He was treated by tbe beat doctors, but without benefit. Then be waa advised to try Electric Bitter, the woodeifal Stomach end liver rented , and he write : "After taking two bottle I wan whlly eejrng." ewTaJ Ip4 0M9pn)ap($ BJa$eT$ 900 lw Liver and (Kidney troebie. Sold by G. C. Blakeiey, tbe !' ate at la. fNMKaV pmw So4e? tJJeiaT Imp 4k Only St eVugginL I .W m WWWWW l ' a the law, 'If We operate a PLUMBING, TIN and BICY0L9 REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will have prompt attention. SEXTON S WALTHEB, THE DALLES, - OREQON. p. S. GUfifilfiG, Blaokamltb, Horseehoer and Waj-majwr. . IW, 0tet 1. Wbeele, Axlee, Springe aa4 Biaeluniifth Supplieje agent terWeawll Oe's Wagrsss, Taiatssn ant tew win. W' far tmi I liaaTMii Hi TUT Till TITff ill eeeaaaawmeeewaawsasaew VOUR KIDNE1 ,1 i ' eaarn 2.su ; T ' J M J a I ' iseaweaajawsaweajSBweaw ejsfff VOU II KIDNEYS, IBB Hhtftmfifs M- -1ftJ!?'atf sawai BBwai aw wBWMawe.awr ma sawsnm bksbbbbi awaBBflaai e. eamBBV .wa T UsbbHJUbWS aVaVBUVSaaSTaBB-BBaiX faaMaW ' bear. THE DALLBS. OREGON. ar'fevyiJ nothing bljmd Ayevt'wferCawn.