The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 26, 1901, Image 4

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(Dalles and
i Lylo.
On sale, Daily Regnlar Round-trip Tickets, unlimited
From From
Blngn, ; Canon,
Hood Rlv. Bterenpon,
W h. Sal in n Cascade La
On sale Sept. 19. 25, Oct. 2, 9, 16, 8pecial Round
trip Tickets, limited to 6 day from date of sale
$2.30 $$ I. M
urn tM
Mr. T. Clay Neeee, of Sherman county,
is in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. French were pas
sengers on this morning's boat for St.
Martin's Springs.
Lord Panncefote's negotiations and tbe
precise changes which have been sug
gested in Mr. Hay's previous canal treaty,
' but the prospects of a satisfactory ad
justment of the points raised by tbe
senate are brighter than ever before.
Lord Pauneefote has been resting in the QnfVaVAr finil Ipff On tlllfi
.nn,r.Sr..'a kMi n fir. asm snrvevine in! country, and has not been actively at
UIVI 1 ua W " ' ' " " tr
the Hood River country.
Will H. See and wife and Miss Jeesie
Grant are registered at tbe Umatilla
House from Warm Springs.
Rev. J. T. Moore, a returned mission
ary from Mexico, spent last night in the
citv and left on this morning's boat for
Mrs. William Floyd,
i ineil her husband at
work in influencing ministers before
sailing for America in October. Hie
labors ended before the ministers took
their holidays and were scattered over
the country, and he was satisfied with
the result. There is a general expecta
tion in diplomatic circles that the new
: tradtp mill ha mhtnlMMl tn t hot Mnfttfl
of Seattle hasj, "J " , " " ... .
the European In December, and that It will be ratified."
rione and will remain here till after the
E. Chandler, a prominent
Charles E. Chandler, a
Hood River frnit man, spent last night
in the city and left for home on this
morning's boat.
Jack Donahoe, the veteran restau
rateur, has come back to The Dalles
after a sojourn oi about half a year in
California and will probably remain
Char lev Elki
vilie merchant
morniric'e boat
spent a number of weeks already visit
ing his brother of that place
I Readv-to-wear suit bats, just the thing
I for carnival at The Leader. 21 26
Millinery opening Sept. 26th, 27th and
28th at The Leader millinery store. 25
I A fresh supply of Lowney's chocolates
just received at G. C. Blakeley's pharmacy.
Mr. Silas H. Soule, piano tuner, will
German Syrup la tbe special prescrip
tion of Dr. A. Bosebee, a celebrated Ger
man physician, and is acknowledges! to
be one of the most fortunate d recoveries
in medicine. It quickly cure Coughs,
Colds and all Long troubles of tbe
severest nature, removing, aa it does, toe
cause of tbe affection and leaving the
parts in a strong and healtby condition.
It la not an experimental medicine, bat
has stood tbe test of years, giving satis
faction in every case, which its rapidly
increasing sale every season confirms.
Two million bottles sold annually.
Boschee's German Syrup was introduced
in tbe United States in 1868, and Is now
sold in every town and village in tbe
civilized world. Three doeee will relieve
any ordinary cough. Price 76 cents
Get Green's prise almanac. Clarke &
Falk'e. 1
Gond Advice.
The most miserable beings in the
world are those suffering from Dyspepsia
and Liver Complaint. More than
seventy-five per cent, of the people in
tbe United States are afflicted with these
two diseases and their effects: each
Sour Stomach, Sick Headache, Habitual
Costiveneas, Palpitation of tbe Heart,
Heart-burn, Waterbrash, Gnawing and
Burning Pains at the Pit of the Stomach,
Yellow Skin, Coated Tongue and Disa
greeable Taste in the Month, Coming up
of Food after Eating, Low Spirits, etc
Go to your druggist and get a bottle of
August Flower for 75 cents. Two doses
will relieve you. Try It. Get Green's
piise almanac. Clarke & Falk. 2
ConEregatioual CooTention.
j Sept. 26:h, 27th and 28tb.
The Congregational association con
vened at 2 p. in. yesterday. Rev. C. E
Philbrook leading the devotions. . Lost A ladv'a brown purse, contain
The annual meeting of the Oregon ing over $20 in currency. Finder will
Home Missionary Society was then held, I be rewarded by bringing
For tbe meeting of the grand lodge of
at Portland Oct. 15th,
make a rate of one
for tbe round trip on
the certificate plan. Passengers paying
Miss Haven, of The Leader millinery (uU fare goJnf anJ ca),ing for receipt
c t nun i- nnnriADB Haas f-i ;1 nnoninrr rkf I . . .
DiU.r, uuuu.,vc ..... '-a from eeliine agent, provided Blty or
trench patterns auu nouse-inmmea
hats Thursday, Friday and Saturday,
tins, a prominent Prine-J be in The Dulles the last of the week for i 0r?Kn, K' of P .t
, was a passenger on this , the fa;1 work address at Nickel- j tn" ' K' , ' ,
it for Lvle, where he has , 00 . I and one-third fare fr
u' ! sen's music store. 23-lw i . .. . .
C. L Fay presiding. From Superin
tendent Clapn's report it was learned
21 25
to this
e23 4t
Norman Werry, head piano tuner with
that twenty-five ministers bad been em- i Eiler's piano house, is in tbe city. Leave
ployed by the society during the year in
supplying forty-eight churches. Two
new church buildings were erected, 107
new members were received by confes
sion and 101 by letter. Rev. W. W.
Scudder, tbe new superintend-u? ofj
home missions tor Washington anc gave j otner aair article8 0f a fancy nature.
greetings from his society.
A place was then given for the "Wo
man's Hour," and the annual meetings
orders for tuning at Menetee & Parkins'
music store. s23-lw
A nice assortment of genuine hair
switches, made by Mrs. Geo. Harvey, of
this city, at Mrs. Carey's millinery store.
Mrs, Harvey also makes hair chains and
Miss Christine Nickelsen will give in
struction in embroidery and plain sew-
of the Oregon branch of the Womau's j ing on Wednesday and Saturday of each
Board of the Pacific and the Oregon Wo- ; week from 2 till 5 o'clock. Wednesdays
man's Home Missionary Union were I wjll D3 devoted to adults and Saturday
held, the programs in each case being of j to children. Apply at her residence on
absorbing interest. Receipts: Oregon Alvord avenue. s24 Iw
branch, (313 42, eighteen churches con
tributing; Home Missionary Union,
$632.27, twenty three crunches contrib-
! more paving passengeis of not less than
50 cents each have been in attendance,
all lines included, delegates or members
! of delegate?' families who have paid full
j fare to Portland, will be returned at one-
1 third fare on presentation of certificates
! to our asents at Portland on or before
October 18th, certificates to be signed by
L. R. Stinson, secretary. Tickets sold
October 13th, 14th or 15th. No reduc
tion will be made for the return if total
attendance does not eqnal require
ment. sl8 lm
Kates to l'aa-American Exposition,
Round-trip rates via O. R. & N. from
The D.iliee, f81.90. Tickets on sale first
and third Tuesdays during June, July,
August, September and October jrood for
continuous passage going on date of eale.
Return limit thirty days from date of
sale. Stop-overs will be allowed west of
Missouri river or St. Paul on return trip
within limit of ticket.
Arrangements can be made by apply-
I'rliu for the Carnival Parade,
i ing to aaent O. R. & N. Co., Tbe Dalles,
. , t,. r. ,, , v: hereby tickets will be honored on lake
The committee of The Dalles carnival j Jteamery8 in one 0T th directions be-
uting. j arranging for the parade offers the fol-; (ween Detroit and Buffalo.
The association resumed its work, and j lowing prizes for those taking part : tf James Ireland, Agent
Rev. Daniel Staver gave his annual re- "est display ot lruit ?iu
, . Anna v- - i nesi utspiav kktuvij vrauutuies iu
port, showing receipts of 1326.1 , and a ; Begt -y Vn .Q fc g
balance of $42 SB after paying all bills. Be3t display implements 10
Reference was made to tbe faciuc Best display civic societies
Coa-t Congregational Council, and it Best display by merchants
wt- the senee of the asociation that it
Best display by mechanics 10
Rat riianlAi' flintIt. til nonf ll)
should be held in Seattle in May, 1902, j Be8t double turnout 10
and a committee was appointed to nom-: Boat burlesque
inate delegates.
Greetings were received from Rev. H.
E. Jewett on behalf of tbe California
First prize.
Secsnd prize
The hearty co-operation
of all is re-
and Revs. H. H. Wykoff ! Jue8teJ in or,,er t0 make this opening
an i J. E. McLean were instructed to i
' event of the carnival a success. All so-
carry bick the greetings of Oregon.
R-v. C. F. Ciapp and S. C. Pier were
e!ectrd delegates to the Washington as
OcralioAi which meets in North Yakima
October 7-10.
In the evening platform addresses
were given by Rv. C. F
iiitendeut of Congregational home mis
sions for Oregon, Rev. Charles W. Shel
ton, li.'lil secretary of the pirent society
in New York, and Rev. Dr. McLean, of
Berkeley Calif.
This morning's session was opened
with a devotiousl service, followed by a
brief address on the work of Pacific
Theological Seminary by Rev. Dr. Mc-L-.-an,
president, and he was followed by
Rv. D. B. Grav in a paper on "Cbiua
and Our Opportunity."
Resolutions of sympathy for Mrs. Mr
If you are going to the Portland car
nival or to the state fair at Salem, take
tbe Bailey Ga'z ri, leaving The Dalles
at 3 :30 p. m., and view tbe grandest
scenery in the world. Music, meals and
the most commodious boat on the river.
Its a pleasure to ride on this brut. Pas
sengers visiting Portland can, if they
wish, secure sleepinz accommodations
and remain on the Bailey Gatzrt over
night, which would save them goh tm-
i mediately to a hotel on their arrival in
' Portland. 13s-lw
i Many physicians are now prescribing
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure regn'ariy having
found that it is the best prescription
they can write because it is the oik
preparation which contains the elements
necessary to digest not only some kinds
of food but all kind and it therefore cures
Ky., when they saw he was lathing yel-: indigestion and dyspepsia no matter
low. His skin slowly changed color, also j what its cause. Clarke . Falk'e P. 0.
bis eyes, and he suffered terribly. His j Pharmacy.
malady was Yellow Jaundice. He was ; 8ick Headache absolutely and pern a
treated by the beet doctors, but without ; nently cured by using Moki Tea. A
benefit. Then he was advised to try pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation
Electric Bitters, the wooderfij! stomach j aRd indigestion, makes you eat, sleep
and L-ver remedy, and he write? : "After j 8Dd happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or
cietiee. lodces and civic organizations
! are earnestly desired tc participate.
J. M. Pattebson, Chairman.
J. S. Landebs, Secretary.
Whit Man Turned Yellow.
Great consternation was felt t y tbe
Obtpp, super- friends oi M. A. Hogarty of Lexington,
taking two bottles I was wholly cured. "
A trial proves its matchless merit for all
Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles.
Only 25c. Sold by G. C. Blakeley, the
druggist. 6
Klliley.of the ueceseity for restricting ; Knight and Ladle at Security, Notice.
immigration and of rigorous enforcement i
of law touching anarchists, of thanks for
I I, Nellie L. Gustin, state organiser of
tbe K. and L. of S , will visit The Dalits
thn Mimrmia linsniralitv nf The Dalles
people, and to the M E. Church for tbe j caunc" offici-Uy on - A"
rise of their church oarlora for the noon-
-day lunch, ware uuaoioioaly paessd.
money back. 25cts. andoOcts. Blakeley,
tbe druggist.
Clark and Falk have just received a
full line of fresh Velox papers and de
velopers, the same as used by Mr. Lovick
in bis recent demonstration at our store.
Flora) lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by Carte
& Falk.
Nellie L. Gustin,
State Organiser.
The association then adjourned sine
Ait iMvlnif tha ealpftlmn nf tha nitvl !
meeting in the bands of a committee.
After tbe luoch numerous toasts were
uivMii. Kv. C. K. Olann act in i,' as toaat
.... ...i vi i m.i ,kJ J. F. Anderson has established a cab
- i line iii The Dalles, giving both a night
State Congregational Association came I aud day service,
to a close after a very pleasant and
profitable meeting.
win Be Beaar
New Yobk, Sept.
IB UeccniJier.
25 Commenting
upon tbe canal treaty, the Tri out's
London correspondent says :
There is no information respecting
HavcKa to any part of the city, 85c
Headquarters r.t Grant's Cigar Store
and at Al Nelson's.
Day phone Local til, Long Distance
Night phone Local 834, Long Dist
ance 1161.
i Wood ! Wood ! Wood ! Beet grades
i of fir, pine, oak and slabs, all well sea
I soned, can be bought of Joe. T. Peters A
Co. slO lm
j Damaged rustic flooring and paints ;
.good eedar posts at 8!g cents each.
Gilbreth Bone, office at Wat's A
Baker's marble and granite works. lOtf
Don 't wait until you become ch ronical
ly constipated but take De Witt's Little
Early Risers now and then. They will
keep your liver and bowels in good order.
Easy to Uke. Safe pills. Clarke A Falk'e
P. O. Pharmacy.
Gifford's Fotoe Never Fade.
We offer on hundred dollars reward
for any ease of Catarrh that can not be
cared by Hall's Catarrh Care.
F. J. Cbbmsjv 4 Co. Props., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 18 yean, and be
lieve bim perfectly honorable In all busi
ness transactions and financially able to
carry out any obligations made by their
West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, To
ledo, O., Walding, Kinnan eV Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Care is taken inter
nally, acting directly upon tbe blood and
mucous surfaces of the system.
F. J. Chkney A Co., Props., Toledo 0.
Sold by drrnggiets, price 75c.
HU's Family Pills are the best. 12
Notice Is hereby aiven that tbe coin
iron council of Dalles City, Oregon, has
determined to bnild the Court street
sewer. Bids for the construction thereof
will be received at the office of the re
corder of Dalies City up to the hour of
7 p. m. of Thnrsdsy, October 3, 1901.
Plans and specifications can be seen at
the office of tbe recorder. All bide must
be sealed and must be accompanied bv
certified check to tbe amount of ten per
cent of tbe bid, to be forfeited to tbe city
in case of refusal to accep: the contract
in accordance with the bid.
Tbe council reserves the right to reject
anv and all bids.
Dalles City, Or., Sept. 18, 1901.
slS dtd Recorder of Dalles City.
Saves Two Pi am Death.
"Our little daughter had an almost fa
tal attack of whooping cough and bron
chitis," writes Mrs. W. K. Haviland, of
Armonk, N. Y., "but, when all other
remedies failed, we saved her life with
Dr. King's New Discovery. Our niece,
who had Consumption in an advanced
stage, also used this wonderful medicine
and to day she is perfectly well." Des
perate throat and lung i1iseae?e yield to
Dr. King's Nesr Discovery as to no other
medicine on earth. Infallible foi Coughs
and Colds. 50c and $1 .00 bottles guar
anteed bv G. C. Blakeley, the druggist.
Trial bottles free. 6
A never failing cure for cuts, bums,
scalds, ulcers, rounds and sores is De
Witt's Witch Haztl Salve. A most
soothing and healing remedy for all skin
affections. Accept onlv the genuine.
Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Dyspepsia can be cured by using
Acker's Dyepepsia Tablets. One little
Tablet will give immediate relief or
money refunded. Sold in handsome tin
boxes at 25 eta. Blakeley the druggist.
Henry Braydon, Harris, N. C, says :
"I took medicine 20 years for asthma,
but one bottle of One Minute Cough
Cure did me more good than any thing
else during that time. Best Cough Cure."
Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
We offer for a limited period the
twice -week Ciiboniclx, price $1.60,
and tbe Weekly Oregouian, price $1.50,
both papers for $2 a year. Subscriptions
under this offer must be paid in ad
vance. 1
Any person desiring privileges to sell
articles within the grounds of Tbe
Dalles Street Carnival will please call on
or write to C. J. Crandali, general super
intendent ot the carnival, at The Dalles,
from whom he may receive the terms
and the necessary information. eep7 td
Clarke & Falk have on sate a full line
of paint snd artist's brush?.
You will not
Clarke A Fa!lr
mils if vou
ir. -oi boils.
Subscribe for The Chuomcle.
Prof. Homer de Morrison
323); Washington afreet. Itnomi 23 30.
The flrt regUtered a well ai tbe Brit gradu
ate ptlmfat ever in Portland. The world
KeeUttt 1'rauce Clairvoyant and UertMt.Ut can
to raiaulU-d daily on all attain of Iff
f de Morriaou U without a doubt tbe moat
scientific PalatPtand C)aiivoant iu tac world
tooay: be lot-ate bidden treasure, reunites ihe
.... ib mineral, o i. or gas on
yonrianu enables vou to win it, .
one yoo desire. "
HiluiUlry uugbt. inediumlstki i-eraon devel
oped HealK by tbe use oi hi. revealed heib.l
tatu; cures chronic and so-caCed tueurabledU
ean hree treatment Itt the poor.
Send tl, date of birth and three quest! -iu; all
letters answered at t nee.
Located by Vision.
l' Auk 10. (To iheKditor). -Homer
de Morrison, otculiiu. located by vi.inn ihebul
Urm stolen irom the aelby Smelting Works. In
behOI of occult science he immediately oosa
munieated bv letter the feels to Mr. A. J Kals
ton, owner of the eelby Works. The repoiu re
eeived last night prove hi. statement Xreef
It Is pleasing lo be assured tbat tbe sold from tne Selby SmelUua Wmks was "llv
ratad by vision by s Hurt land uCcullUt ThU
J. E. FALT & CO,
Proprietor 4A TllO OtsfL
Purest Liquors for Family Use
Delivei-ed tt any part of the City.
173 Second Street
Phones: 51 Local,
868 Long Distance
Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kind
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot rii kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, kindf
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, TVXtZ
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendto
fnn 171 rill 1 This Hour mannfactared expressly for famDt
LUU JC iUUi nse: evorv sank is guaranteed to fhre satisfsetiaa,
Wa sell onr goods lower than any bonse In the trade, and if yon don't think tj
call and get cur prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Whsat. Barley and Oats
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention. 1
Next door to First National Bank.
Uondon rhone 23.
Long Ulst. 1O01.
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH Pioneer Grocer.
They overcome Weak
ness, irregularity and
omissions, increase vig
or and banish "nabii
of menstruation." They are "LIFE SAVERS" to girls si
womanhood, aiding development of organs and body. Ho
known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harm life
becomes a pleasure. ftl.OO PER BOX BY MAIL. SoM
by druggists. Dli. MOTT'S CHEMICAL CO.. Cleveland, Ohio
For sale bv Geo. C. BlakW. The Dallas. Or .
Of the product of this well-known brewery tbe United States Healtb
Reports for Jnne 28, 1900, says: "A more enpeiior brew never entered
tbe labratory of tbe United States Health reports. It is absolutely devoid
of the slightest trace of adulteration, but on the other band is composed of
the best of malt and choicest of hops. Its tonic qualities are of the high
est and it can be used with the greateet benefit and satisfaction by old and
young. Iu use can conscientiously be prescribed by tbe physicians with
the cersainty tbat a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not
possibly be found."
East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON.
All kinds of
Funeral Supplied
Crandali & Borget
The DsllscOf.
Burial Shrot
lyoh's French Periodical Drop
SsiXef2l55,.5'JE?r,ect,y hsaalaaa, amre to moaom
DESMIBO kEMJLTiL Greatest known female remedy.
for sale by Qso. 0. Blakaiey, Thai Dsllsa. Or.