It MMYT, MMtfnM ft MAM Style Tailor Made Clothes The element of style enters more largely every year in the determination of the val ue of Clothing. Withont it the best efforts of the retailer are wasted. PEASE ft MAYS' perfect-fitting clothing not only embraces the season's ad vanced patterns and fabrics but the workmanship, the merchant-tailor kind is there, the kind that breeds confi dence and makes a man look stylish and up-to-date. Guaranteed all-wool suits from $8.00 to $85.00. New Stiff Hats, New Monarch Shirts. Largest Stock, Lowest Prices, Underwear from $1.00 to $8.00 per suit. Best Styles. Umbrellas from 75c to $3,50. Mils AirhwmS Debet Weavha4Ue tbe fashion mm at feshtoaabl. gees ftfM I iosV taeaWbmsi) aoMlry. Tbe i of tbe tows. (everyway) le ts AMNM, rtesareute i w esake o Ladies' Suits Stylish Suits made of fine cheviot, in black only; jacket handsomely made, new double-breasted effect $12 to $14. Grand Sato of Miasm' and Children's Flannelette Underskirts ell handsomely mads, with yoke and waltt ; worth 45c any whore. Oar price (hie week 27c Smart Looking it the woman who cornea down the ttreet with a trlic-fltting pair of street boota, made on a mannish laat. Her tread la firm and olid, beeaae the aolea extend and are broad on the bottom. She ie indeed a sensible woman. Box calf, vioi kid, all eliia and widths; aome with extension eolea and rope atitcb, the typical mannish shoes, so stylish and sensible. Special good values at $2.50, $3, $3.50 and $4. PEASE & MAYS, j The Dalles Daily Ctmtefe, THURSDAY SEPT. 26. 1901 Ice Cream and loeCraam Soda At Andrew Keller's. TREASURER'S NOTICE. All County irmaU trior to Omember S, ISM, will be .paid an presentation at mr oJBm. Xatareat taaa after eptembar IS, lBOl. JOHN r. HiKCHBiaK, Oaiatf i VAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Good piano for rent. Address P. O. box 822, City. 25a 3 1 An elegant new lino of pipes at the American cigar store. s26-4t The weather forecast for today is occa ilonal showers ; for tomorrow latr wea ther. John Doe paid fine of S In the re corder's court this morning for tarrying too long in the company of John Bprley corn last night. James Eckford, a former subject of the British monarchy, was today ad- mihail in - - i I - - " iu Auinriuau vittacuauip unurs Judge Bradsbaw. The management of tbe street fair nod carnival have seonred 80 000 admission tickets for tbe carnival alone, exotootve of those that will be needed for admit lion to the raoe track. Wanted By a strong healthy woman, situation to work by tbe day at soy kind of housework. Apply at tbe Star Lodging House, on Madison street, be tween First and Second. 28s 8t A force of men "is at woik today Ar ranging for placing twenty-two are Hfbts in the carnival grounds. These Qht to make the grounds aa light aa day, and doubtless will. Secretary Williams, of tbe district (air, says if the rain will only let np to Jay or tomorrow till altar the fair, The "alias track will prove the fastest racing "ack in the Northwest. All those intending to make exhibits at the ciming fair and carnival should apply at once for entry to CI, Bayard, at his offlee m tbe ooutb aide of the aa.n entrance to carnival gross. Si Prom the QoldendeJa Sentinel we arn that County Treasurer A. J. Ahola raesntly purchased and took passsaHnw e Central hotel of that city, which JJJJ" owoei by tee lata Moil ttJ niUliiM aWMatary ef diMrictfajr.SMesei aU oftos at a grand eairaaaa aa teat inltal Wands, wheat k u .J. i -.-l- ntoies of everyteiej plsa fa sbbbVsV oo at ae fair aed ease!, sea stock which will be entered by Secretary Williams at the fair ground west of town. Assistant Secretary oi tbe Carni val Ned H. Gates has opened an office beside that of Mr. Bayard. To make good tea and coffee tbe water should be taken at tbe first babble. Re member, continned boiling cauaee the water to part with Its gaaea and become fiat. This is the cause oi much bad tea aad coffee. October Ladies Borne Jour nal. Husband and wife are equal ; the one not inferior to tbe other ; tbe wife not a slave : not a housekeeper bat an equal, a companion. And just so far as a young man starts ont with tbat idea fixed firmly in hie mind to make a companion, a comrade, a chum of bis wife just so far does be start out right. October Ladies' Home Journal. Because some opponents of tbe repub lican party, and some in It, have seen fit to eay something good of HcEinley after he is dead, they tbink tneir past Virulent attacks on tbe president are blotted oat, God pity those whose souls ate so .dwarfed by party prejudices, or gangrened by personal animosities that tbey have no commendation for a pore and noble life until it has passed beyond the reach of all human harm or aid. Goldendale Sentinel. A dispute over . toe question whether you should say "Tomorrow will be Fri day" or "Tomorrow is Thursday is need iest, for either expression is allowable. "Tomorrow will bs Thursday" means tbat, looking forward from today as the point of view, tbe speaker thinks of to morrow aaa future time, and says of it tbat it "will be" Thursday. "Tomorrow is Thursday" means that, without any reference to today, tbe speaker thinks of a certain day as "tomorrow," and says personalities . . . . . . eau a . ajar of it tbat It is xnarsoay. jsnaaoem 8. Witney, in tbe October Ladies' Homo Journal. -"" The Wasco Warehouse Milling Com pany recently ordered from Walla Walla county Washington, a carload of a new kind of teed wheat known as Salt Lake Clob, wbieb tea Company will dispose of to tbe farmers of this county. Secre tary Yager, of the milling company, in forms Ti Obbobioi that Salt Lake Club 1s tbe eqoal of any wheat in the market for milling purposes, while its yield Is greater than Bine Sum and the equal of the beet. Tbe company sell dispose of tbe carload at about tbe coat to tberu laid dews here, wblcb will be io tbe neighborhood of 7 cents a boebel. Parties waatiag wan of it should oom mnnieata with Superintendent J, C Yager at tbe mills. J. D. Wbittaa, ef lUegalny, base aboet midnight kett akjbt aad -a- j tetetd bom fckto foresees nrtseesf sees, with him is a oaeeaed aars4egaMC Ohailie His. sees! Jobs Hi, who baa at his father's home over a year ago, Tea poor lad has suffered a hundred deaths since the unfortunate occurrence and bopee of bis restoration prevailed till a snort time ago, when necrosis of the Jaw bone set in and bis weakened condition rendered an operation imprac ticable without tbe certainty of tbe boy' death while undergoing it. The lad' physicians say tbat tbe end Is only a question of time. . His parents have the profound sympathy of all wbo know the cireain stances of tbe peculiarly sad oc currence. Richard Roe, a stranger in these parts, was thrown into tbe oity jail yesterday by Marshal Gbamplin, on the charge of having robbed the pockets of a drunken companion of tbe sum of $16. Tbe com panion also occupied a cell while be was sobering np, bat before that took place tbe robber broke his way through a wooden door into tbe marshal's office, and finding the, front door open made his escape. He has not been seen since and has, more than likely, skipped tbe town. Another prisoner who had been booked on a charge of drunkenness escaped in a precisely similar manner tbe day before. A Washington correspondent, report ing tbe laet meeting of the Daughters of the American Revolution, usee these phrases in various connections: "A harassed and excited body of woman," "the proceedings ran riot," "a vast amount of vital energy was expended," Another Sadden Death. "excited and acrimonious debate," "ex asperated tbe presiding officer almost to tears," "acrimonious and disorderly dis cussion," "a storm of Ipdigoaut feminine screams and biases," "the presiding officer chewed gam or candy constant ly," "a sbaip retort was lost in tbe up roar of the coovsottog,'' "tbe bitterest re ledalged !b," "the greatest general rllssrds prevailed, "on delegate cried is a ebriil voice to another, 'Oh, that np ; yon are talking tell tbe ties.' " Aed fat that Is not a bt iu any see's salad bat tbat lovely is Mealy still. "Soft blandish. t" was only taking a holiday. HaOMto jnan a. I serai v i boot for about two efleats af ebtJe noma parties having pictures to enter or bat wlU val possible. There ettl be ladies at the b to receive and cert for them. By order of tbe eoasiwHtee. Mas. H. Glum, Chairman. CASTOR I A Far liftair seat CMMxem. Isf sflttl Ytt Itas AsWpl IsSBM gharaaatsar? aanBassasaavftase ear aM ill II silrtrtn eiiiiiignt. Ml Yesterday afternoon between 2 and 8 o'clock a housemaid at the Bee Hive lodging bouse, on entering the room of one of the lodgers to make np tba bed, found its occupant cold In death. Tbe name of tba deceased was Norman 7. Jamas. He was a single man of about 28 years of age, and was a member of tbe local branch of the Salvation Army. lie naa come here some months ago from Australia where his family still resides, dad bad no known relatives In tba United States. Tba local officers of the Salvation Army have taken charge of the disposal of tba remains. They hsva gone to tbe expanse of telegraphing to tba man's father, George James, a banker, or re tired banker of Homecraft, North Sydney, announcing tbe fact of bis eon's death aad asking what disposition they shall make of tba remains. Should ao answer come before 10 o'clock tomorrow morning tbe funeral will take place at that time. From letters found in tbe pockets of the deceased it is learned tbat be in tended to leave this country for his old borne ia Sydney, ia about tbrae weeks, and waa only awaiting a ticket from bis father. The young man was well edu cated. His father had designed him for tba British army, but army life was re pugnant to him. He had no trade and seems to have had a hard time making a living aa be was not strong aad maooal labor came very hard to him, although be was always mora than willing to do bis best. An inquest was held on the remains this morning at tba undertaking parlors of Wiiliam Micbell, but no facta were elicited that la any way tended to weaken tbe opinion tbat tbe man came to bis death from natural causes. Dr. Geisecdorfbr bad aaamiaad tba body and, without pretending to certainty apart from a post mortem examination, testified that all tba circumstances tended to show tbat daatb was tba result of an epileptic fit. Tba jory re turned tba following verdict : We, tbe Jury impaneled by W. H. Bottr, coroner of Wasco county, state of Oregon, to inquire tato tba cause of tba death of tea body now before as, after af tba evidence wr daaih of the hodv not hsva them on the careful coamderaiion noon Saturday Tbat tba Norma V. I Wasco county, Tbat la tba Gary, in Pallas of tba deceased was , residence The Dallas, t WsTwJPflM boose of John Wasco crontr. i tba olgnt of the 2ttb day of . 1MI, tea said Norman . to oar test belief, suddenly asm to scats Sf reason or aa epileptic or assess OsJtas ouy, was i, ess tb 8bttt day or MM. A. BTTW0W, A. Kraasiae, H. Mr Psi, Nap H. Gats. M llll Ill I . MM l A slagawl IbsS0 9s9 sIssMassafsJHI 0slsstt0 tfsas4 sj ...The New 'fork Oaeh Store 188 and 148 teoond ttreet. Tato BAROAXK STORE of tha City. 'aaa t W m Twit's SGNK SOTS. I KNEE PANTS I We have just received our complete fall line of Boys' and Youth's Clothing, and are offering them at unusually low prices. Now is the time to fit out your boy for school. Qon't make your purchases without seeing our line. We will save you money. Don't wait until the nobbiest and neatest patterns are sold, but come in at once. Every SUIT Guaranteed. Tbe NewYork Cash Store New Grocery Store We have added a Grocery Depart ment to our store. A new fresh, clean stock. Give us a call. Prompt delivery to any part of the city. ...HI AITS CROWES. JAaiett 8t Benton, Headquarters for Family Groceries, :0 Hardware, Tinware Graniteware, Stoves and Steel Ranges. 107 Saoond Street, THE DALLES, OR. Tfutrt oner a nutn ntrmd Horn Who was cmughi in a terrible storm, 'But he never eU "booh " For he had on a shoe. Which of course waa " GOVERNOR," Pingrcc-made and storm-proof; the longest wearing, the most reliable and swellest shoe yet built for man. There are various style, weights and leathers of them, bet all cost silks, M . " r I i We ah tote egentt. A. M. WILLIAMS A CO. IV AlTse Ballsf lioyBsesi OOee; 4 veer roe esa seeosr saip wits ... . . a sa a - a ST. Psraall, KlelarSf tH,tFsj., Mai i asaaaaae SSST r w W raaaaaaafasta awe aaaaaieae. tmi PlllJJ2r SSttsaSssV Oterea a WM. MICHELL, Itfldtrlaisr art Embalmsr Osr. TWral eea) Washington ft. Alt erdsr tladee) to. aroias4ly , Laef 9(sa9 w 9 es SaWH iSsJsai Ssliy a tae'e f0wV0e ftlt CHVofJ's Folos Heve? ftsjhh