The Dalles Daily Chf oniele. UR8DAY - - - 8EPT. 26. 1901 The newspapers of the country, without respect to party affiliation, and yellow journals included, are warm in their praise of the position taken by the new president. If this as kept np much longer the millen iam will come, sure. The Globe-Democrat notes that no English ruler has been assassinated in a thousand years, while three re publican presidents of the United States have fallen by the hand of assassins within thirty-seven years. Anarchists delight in slaying the representatives of a free people. Socialist organizations have made strenuous efforts to prove that they are in no wise in sympathy with anarchists. This is well. Theie is sorely a great deal of difference between them, theoretically. The unfortunate thing is that it should take so much explanation to prove (bis difference. The grand army veterans, for instance, never bad to explain anything. Owing to a shortage of potatoes in tbe middle West, agents of the Northern Pacific and Great Northern are contracting for shipments of this vegetable from points in tbe far West. Indeed, it looks as if there might be something like a potato famine and high prices are pretty certain to rule. Something over twenty years ago, because of a short age, prices were even higher than they are today, and it was necessary to import many cargoes from Ger many, Scotland and Ireland. Tbe following resolution adopted by tbe New York board of fire un der writers is to the point: "We believe President McKinley's mur derer was incited to bis evil deed by the teachings of Journals wbicb, by holding him np to ridicule and mis representation, have led a vicious class to think that he was the enemy of tbe poor, instead of being, as be was, tbe faithful representative of all classes." At last tbe people un derstand that tbe yellow papers are tbe most active agents of anarchism. "Let us hope," said W. J. Bryan at tbe memorial services held at Lincoln, Nebraska, "that tbis national affliction, which unites all factions in a common sorrow, will result in a broader charity and a more liberal spirit among those who, by different policies and through different parties, aeek to promote tbe welfare and in crease tbe glory of our common country." Gracious words these, and wise and patriotic as gracious. May Mr. Bryan's future illustrate this "broader charity" and "more liberal spirit " "We first endure, then pity, then embrace" socialism and anarchy ! says the Cowletz Valley Journal. What snail we do with them? Do tbey stind in tbe same position to us? Tbe socialist tells us that be stands for all that is high minded for uni versal brotherhood and the love of man for man. We picture tbe an archist as tbe red-banded, fire-eating murderer. And yet we believe tbat socialism is tbe first step toward anaccby, aud tbat tbe anarchist and socialist are traveling tbe same road. Both are fighting capital and tbe capitalist as sucb, and both are advo cating tbe overthrow of tbe present system of government. Tbe rem edies pointed out by tbe two are but slightly different. Bellamy, who Is tbe text book author of socialism, pictures out an ideal socialistic com munity, and yet the anarchist could find but few corrections to make to have it be an ideal anarchistic com munity. Socialism is but tbe refine ment of anarchy. Both systems array the laboring man against bis employer, and make him believe that he to being robbed if the capitalist bigger wages than be does, and, in fact, that be mast have bean robbed or the capitalist would not have had any more capital than has be. Portland Cnralvel Excursion KitM. While Collar Line, steamer Bailey Gatzert, excursion rates: Round-trip excursion tickets will be sold on Sep tember 19th and 26lh, October 2nd, Otb and 18th, good going six days after date of sale, making one week's limitation, including date of sale. Tbe price from The Dalles to Portland on the days these tickets are sold will be $2.50 for round trip, including two coupons that are good tor one admission each to the Port land carnival. Hood Biver and White Salmon to Portland, round trip, $2.20, including two admission tickets. 16J.twtf J. M. Filloon, agent. For the Episcopal church convention, San Francisco, Oct. 2, 1901, the O. R. A N. Co. will tell round trip tickets to San Francisco Sept. 23d, 24th, Xdth, 20th and 27th, good from Portland via. Southern Pacific Sept. 24th to 28th, $28 .60. From Portland via O. R. & N. steamers in both directions, cabin passage, meals and berth included (23.50, dates of sailing from Portland to be announced later ; final limit of tickets all rail November loth, via steamer from San Francisco announced later. el8 id TREASURER'S FIFTH NOTICE. State or Oregon, Treasury Dept.,) Salem, Sept. 12, 1901. ) Notice is hereby given tbat there are funds in tbe treasury with which to re deem all outstanding state warrants drawn on the state scalp bounty fond and endorsed "Presented and not paid for want of funds" prior to January 1, 1901. All such warrants, properly en dorsed, will be paid upon presentation at this office, interest thereon ceasing from and after this date. CHA8. S. MOORE, el4-2w State Treasurer. TAKE THE O. R. & N- For tbe Portland carnival and exposi tion. SftDiember 19th to October 19th, the O. R. & N. Co. will sell round-trip tickets to Poitland Hud return, including two admission ticktis to tbe exposition, at $4. Tickets sold only on Sept. 19th and 25th and October 2nd, 9th and 18th, limited to expire six days after date of sale. sl8-lm NOTICE. All persons knowing themselves to be indebted to the late firm of R. Gilbreth & Sons will please call on them and pay amount due. All accounts unpaid by September zutb will be banded over to Messrs Wilson & Huntington for col lection. sepG-tf Norris Silver, North 8tratford, N. H "I purchased a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure when suffering with a cough doctors told me was incurable. One bottle relieved me, the second and third almost cured. Today lama well man." Clarke A. Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. If you want to retain your bair you have to keep your scalp clean. Soap will make your bair harsh, dry and crispy. Now we have two of the very best preparations for cleansing tbe scalp Egg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It will leave your hair soft and gloesv. Priee, 26 and 60 cento a bottle, at Frater's barber chop, Tbe Dalles. tf Job Couldn't Rave Stood It. If he'd bad Itching Piles. They're terribly annoying; but Buck len's Arnica Salve will core tbe worst case of piles on earth. It has cured thousands. For In juries, Jains or Bodily Eruptions it's the best solve in tbe world. Price 26c a box. Core guaranteed. SoldbyG.C. Biakeley, tbe druggist. 6 I'layect iOat. Dull Headache, Pains in various parts of tbe body, Sinking at tbe pit of the stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverisbness, Pimples or Sores are all positive eviden ces of impure blood. No matter bow it became so it must be purified in order to obtain good health. Aoker's Blood Elexir has never failed tocore Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly a wonderfol remedy and we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Biakeley, the drug gist. Mrs. Wilson, of the Campbell & Wil son Millinery Parlors, bas engaged tbe services of Miss Margaret Torgler, a first-class trimmer, a former employee of Hellers, of Portland, and is there fore prepared to meet the demands of the best trade, as well as the medium. Our styles are equal to the best, and our prices are as low as the lowest. 21s If you take tbe O. R. & N. for the Portland exposition one day will be equal to three days If you go via any other line. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION. Notice is herebv given tbat the Board of Equalisation for Wasco county, Or egon, will attend at tbe office of the county elsrk in Tbe Dalles, Oregon, on Monday. October 7, 1001, end publicly examine tbe assssment roil for 1901. and correct all errors in valuation , descrip tion or qualities of leads, lots or other property, and transact any other bask boss tbat may legally come before said beard. Dated Tbe Dalles, Or., Sept. 13, Wt. C. L. BOBMIOT, Hi 3tw Asssssor Waseo Co. , Or. On Sept 7th will be presented to my customers i Shakespeare, complete in one volume, bound in Mor roccq; i Atala in large folio volume, illustrated by Gus tav Dore. ML T. NOXmANT. Union and Second Streets. Local Phone 92. REGULATOR LINE. Dalles, mM & istoria NAVIGATION CO. DALLES BOAT LKAVKS OAK STREET DOCK, PORTLAND, at 7 A. M. and 11 P. M. ...Portland Boat... LEAVES ' THE DALLES at 7:00 A. M. and 3:00 P. M. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. STEAMERS REGULATOR, DALLES CITY. RELIANCE. W. C. ALLAWAT, General Agent, Tbe Dalles, Oregon. For Sal. 1000 acres more or less lying on the Colombia river about seven miles from Tbe Dalles. About 100 acres of river bottom the rest good upland suitable for fruit and pasture. One of tbe best dairy or milk ranches in the county ; a small house ; good barn ; some orchard and plenty of water. Also other town and county property. Apply to Glbons & Man en, Masonic building Tbird street. aog30-lm CHANCE TO BUY A HOME A body of 4800 acres of land near An teiope will be sold in tracts of 160 acres or more to suit purchaser. More than half of tbis land is fine wheat land, rich black loam. It is well watered, there being some thirty ;i forty springs on tbe tract and small running streams across most of it. The land Is situated from four to eight miles from the end of tbe railroad at Bbaniko. Any part of tbe land will bo sold, either for cash or on long time after the first payment. Price $5 to $15 per acre. Inqoire of A. S. Bennett. sl3- dawlm Geo. W. Lane, Pewamo, Mich., writes : "Your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is tbe best remedy for indigestion and stomach trouble tbat I ever used. For years I suffered from dyspepsia, at times com pelling me to stay in bed and causing me untold agony. I am completely cored by Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. In recommending it to friends who suffer from indigestion I always offer to pay for it if it falls. Thus far I have never paid." Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. NOTICE. Effective this date. A charge of $1 per car per day will be made for delay to cars, for all time held under load, in loading or unloading- by consignee or consigner, in excess of forty-eight hours from time oar is set for loading or on loading. Jamkh Ikkland, Agent O. R. A N. Co. When your hair appears dry and to have lost its vitality it wants something to give it Ufa and vigor. We bate what the hair needs when it gate In tbat con dition. Wo have a; the Crown of Science H a ir O Grower and Cocoanut Creaml Mr Tonic. Tbey will ears (tend MMm ruff and all scalp disss sas. For sale at Fraser's bar ber shop. Priee Mo and 76c a bottle. Miss Julia Masquart, at the Beehive restaurant, will do dressmaking of all kinds. lO lm Experience is tbe best Teacher. Use Aoker's English Remedy in any case of oaaehs. colds or croup. Should it fail to give Immediate relief money refunded tf ete. sad SO sis. Biakeley, the drat White Collar Line.lTDB eoiomiiia PacSlDDGB TUB DailBS-PorUanf Boole Str. BAILEY-GATZERT, DAILY ROUND TR1P8, Except Monday, Cascade Locks, Hood River, White Salmon and The Dalles. TIME CARD Leave Portland 7 a. m, Arrive The Dalles 3 p. n. Leave M " 3:30 " Arrive Portland 10 " Meals the Very Best. "Sunday Tripe a Leading Feature. This Route has the Grandest Scenic Attractions on Earth. Portland-Astoria Route Str. "TAHOMA," Daily Round Trips except Sunday. TIME CARD Leave Portland "a.m. Leave Astoria 7 p. v. Landing and office Foot of Alder Street; both phones, M 351, Portland, Oregon. E. W. ORIGHTON, Agent Portland, J. M. FILLOON, Ast. The Dalles, A. J. TAYLOR, Agent Astoria. Just What Yoa tuant. New ideas in Wall Paper here. Sucb wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single stock. Real imita tion ere ton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a amall price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VATJBE, Third St. Fire Insurance. Ui (kin I aom kis.lo. of (Mta. Founded 182J. Capital paid np 97,000,000 Aeoeta gUO, 126,035 Now is the time to insure ; tomor row may be too late. Phone No. 88, Seufert & Condon. Phone No. 80S, Pacific States Co. ARTHUR 8EI FERT, Resident Agent, The Dalles. John Pashek, The Tailor, Has just received 1000 sa of the latest patterns inTf ties Clothing Goods. He guaran tee prices and a good fit or no pay. John Pashek, The Tailor. Rear Bale. Twenty bead of horses, ranging in weight from 1100 to 1400 pounds. All halter.broken,aadsoso broken to work. Apply to Straube Brothers. Endersby, Oregon. Jlylmw PACKERS OP PORKand BEEF M ANUFACTC lKR8 Of Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON )R1F.D BEEF. ETC. BS Mmt L. Y. HONG, Proprietor. first-Class in Every Hespect MEALS AT ALL HOURS. Oysters Served in any Style 87 Second Bt, The Dalles, Or Just Received A full line of Fresh Printing and De veloping Papers direct from factory. Solio, Rex, Deko, Velox and Aristo in all sizes. Also a line of Plates in Cramer, Crown, Seeds and Stanley. Trays, Printing Frames, Albums, Multigraphe, And all accessories to complete the outfit of either the amateur or pro fessional photographer. Oar Eureka Combined Toning and rising ttatn is a dandy. Try it. The A. E. C. Developer for plates, films or develonina nanus baa no euoal. Euongh for 36c to develops 6 dozen plates or 6 dosen Velox 4x6. Perfect blacks and whites are guaranteed, if directions are followed. Ask for tbe A. E. C. De veloper, and see tbat you get the genuine. We are prepared to compound an v and all of your own formalse and guarantee satisfaction. At the old nlace. 176 Second Street. Tbe Dalles, Oregon. Geo. C. Biakeley. L. Lane, GENERAL BiacMU ...AND. Honesioer Wagon and Carriage Work. b Flah Brother' Wagon. Third and Jeffcnn. Hue 159 , rTl - - tf. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. Transact a General Banking Business. Letters of Credit issned available in tbe Eastern States. 8ight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago. ot. Louie. Han Frannlaen rv.. rrf r Wash., and variou. nnlnt. in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. Administrator's Notice. Notion, hereby stem tbat tl Hoiajt, oeesaaaS. present tiJZ!wt& .iin..i i ii..: - lBsSsinc Union Pacific rarAwr roa TIRE 80RKDUUC8 Ml DALLES. nsa Chteage Portland Special. 12-25 p.m. via Hunt ington. Worth. mmm uiHiBI. MO eagoanatnej ! P. SA Atlantic Express, la :50 a m. via Hunt ington. rYorth bmahir k an sen City, Bt.LouU, Chi i 15 a. . St Pan) Walla Walla, Lewtaton Fast Hall, bpofcan,Wal laea, P u 1 1 9:26 p. m. via ttpo- Hani. DnhrUVRIlvau so.. ee, umoagoana East. 0CEAH AID HvTEl SCHEDULE (AU seiUog dates tub jcoi loenanga ) Tor Ban Francisco, Ball every 5 daya 8:00 p. EB. 1:00 p. Dally except Sunday, 8:00 p. TO. Saturday, 10:00 p. m. Columbia River. 1:00 p. m. Bleep) Sunday. TO Astoria and Way- immune. Dally except Bandar, 6:00 a. m. Willamette River. Oregon City, New berg, Batcm, Independence, ana way-iannings. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 6:00 a. JB. 4:30 p. a. Uonasy, Wednesday Friday. Corvallla and Way Landlngs. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 7:00 a m. Willamette and 1 3:30p.a, Yamhill Rivera. : Monday, Oregon City, Dayton and ' Wed,n8Rr Way-Landings. ; rtday. Leave Kiparla daily, 3:40 a.m. Snake River. Blparla to Lewis ton. Leavt Lewtttn 8:39 a. at ataW Parties desiring to go to Heppner w points on Colombia Southern via Biggs, sbosM take No. 2, leaving The Dalles at 12:25 p. a. making direct connections at Heppner junction nd Biggs. Returning maalng direct connscttoa at Heppner lunoUon and Biggs with kMo. 1, ar riving at The Dalles at l :05 p.m. For further particulars, call on or address . JAB. IRELAND, Agent, The Dalles, Oregon. ii?e of at M. Z. DON NELL, THE DBUOQI8T. J. b. sosuwoa, RAX A. VOSf. First national Bank. THE DALLBS ... ORBOO" A General PwnMng Boaineee traunsW Deposits received, subject to Sight MmliM am su rJ Anllaotli Sight and TetejriaahJo Bsebange sold Few York, San Iraneleco anc -wv D. P. Taojoao. Jan. 8. Sol In. If. WiujARa. One. A. Lias U.m. BBAtL. TteMtMKtTfl W- W. WXaVSUM, Manas"- FirsKfaas 19 Every Respr PJttVATK FAJtriES 91 fc r .1- w: 1:90 p. a, except Sunday. Complete Dm6 Ts areas at., Rear neon,