The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 26, 1901, Image 1

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NO. 180
Details Related By Members of the
Party She Was With.
Boston, Sept. 25. Details of the re
cent capture of Miss 8tone, the American
missionary, and one of ber helpers by
brigands in Turkey, are given in a letter
jail received here by toe Americas
Board of Com'mlseloners for Foreign
Missions. Tbe facts became known to
one of the missionaries of the board at
Samokoo, European Turkey, "by members
of the party with whom Miss Stone and
her assistant, Mrs. Tsilka, were travel
ing when the capture. was made, and
who fled on being released by tbe out
There were fifteen to eighteen in Miss
Stone's pirty. The bandits confronted
tnem in a ' narrow valley, surrounded
them and cam pulled them lo wade a
river and ascend a wooded mountain
side for about an hour. There appeared
to be about forty brigands dressed like
Turks, but speaking Bulgarian. At
length a stopping place was react ed
The next morning Miss Stone and Mrs.
Tsilka were missed, and it was ap
parent that tbe main body of tbe out
laws had disappeared, leaving only a
guard. Lver this gunrd compelled the
captives to give up their watches, money
and jewelry, after which they disap
peared up the monntain, leaving tbe
miesionai jee free
It is f bought the brigands may have
entered Bulgaria, and the army has been
given special instructions to guard tbe
border closely and follow op any traces
of the marauders which they may find.
Will Pay the Banaom.
Washington, Sept. 25. In reply to
the inquiry from tbe state department
si to whether tbey would pay the ran
som asked by the Bulgarian brigands
who kidnaped Miss Stone, tbe American
Board of Missions has stated that it has
charged ite representative in Constant!'
nople with the ransoming of the woman,
leaving tbe price to be arranged by him.
Family at tne Prlaun.
Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 25, Paul, Wal-
deck and Victoria Czilgos, father,
brother and sister of Leon Csolgosz, tbe
assassin, were granted an interview with
tbe prisoner in Erie county jail today.
Assistant District Attorney Haller and
Assistant Superintendent of Police Cu-
sick were present under instructions)
from District Attorney Psnney, through
out the interview. No other person
will be allowed to see tbe prisoner until
the sentence of deatb is imposed tomorrow.
Tbe interview between tbe family
lasted thirty-five minutes, but no infor
mation leading to tbe implication of any
one else in an anarchistic plot to kill tbe
president was given by tbe prison
"We learned nothing that we .did not
know before," said Haller, at the close
of the interview . "He talked more than
be had at any previous time, but even
to tbe fatally be was not vary communi
cative." The family returned to Cleveland im
mediately alter the interview.
Taking la Ireland.
Nsw Yobk, Sept. 25. -The Trltone's
Loaaoa correspondent in a dispatch,
gives the latest development in Great
Britain so far as tbe tobacco syndicates
are concerned. The disnatah nn :
"It is stated that tbe American To-
Wcco CompHuy, not content with pnr
chasing tbe Ondena' nroeariv at Ltvar-
Pool, is about to start operations In the'
north of Ireland. A large flour mill has
en acquired at (Belfast, and 1) Is said
to te the intension of the company to
WW it into a tobacco factory. , There is ,
wneat grinding in Belfast nowa
ys, moit of tbe floor required for bak
Wg being imptrted."
Sociau.t. Stair aM Xa
N Whatcom, Waab., Bpt M.-lt la
Tu u me eooiaUats employed io
the canneriaa of h. d..i... a.
..vmv wi. wp fc
f75CoBjiior at Fakaan are
aiscnerged, M . reeaUui the action
"vrai of tbe more arsojleeol af
'"attaching their nasaas to
Joptad by tbe local btatiab
published la the local press. These reso
lutions held the present system of
government responsible for t he assassin's
act. The secretary of the local lodge of
socialists is the manager of the com
missary department of tbe big salmon
trust. Another emplove has thrice been
a candidate on the socialist ticket for
mayor of tbe city. Both are said to be
slated to go.
Dark Day af China..
San Fbakcisoo, Sept. 25. Tbe Cbron:-
cle says that tbe Chinese are now seek
tng to evade tbe restiiction act bv taklne
advantage of the transit privilege. They
come to San Francisco, it is asserted,
and at ones depart for Mexico or other
foreign ports, only to cross tbe border
back into this country at the first on
portunity. Since July 1st. 758 Chinese
nave arrived in this city en route to
foreign countries. Of this nnmber 259
were ostensibly bound for Gnaymas.
A Serioa, Charge.
Salkm, Sept. 25 Lemuel Gassowsv is
under arrest in this city, charred with a
crime against hie own 10-year-old daugh
ter. The crime is said to have been
committed while tbe family, composed
of tbe man, hie wife and daughter, were
encamped in a hop field near this city.
The case will be heard in tbe justice
court this afternoon. The evidence
agsinet the defendant is very strong.
Sid Darling, 1012 Howard st. Port
flornn, Mich., writes: '4 have tried
many pills and laxatives but DeWitt's
Little Early Risers are far tbe best pills
I have ever-ned." They never gripe.
Clarke & Talk's P. O. Pharmacy.
War of AataMe brtgta.
Doeango, Colo., Sept. SS. Leopold
Bares, a scientist representing the gov
ernment of Mexico, Is In Datango on
his way to Mexico from a visit to the
Cliff-dwellers' rains of the Man cos
Canyon. Sen or Batres has folly satisfied
himself that the inhabitants of the cliffs
wore of Asiatic origin, as ha found many
baskets and other trinkets of Astatic and
Japaaeaa design, bat how many
thousands of years ago tbey came to this
country be is unable to even make a
He thinks tbe mound-builders and the
cliff-dwellers two distinct races. Tbe
cliff-dwellers, after leaving this section,
migrated to Mexico, going through
Arisona, where indications of their
stoppage en roote era found. In Mexico
they comprised tbe original Toltecs and
built cities. That this is so is verified
by legends and inscriptions Senor Batres
found on the walls of some of the rooms.
Senor Batres says the United States
government should take steps to preserve
the ruins and save them from vandals
and tourists, as tbey form a wonderful
link to a prehistoric race. The mine are
being destroyed by visitor, and no
time should be lost In taking steps to
preserve tbem.
What's Tour Face Worth?
Sometimes a fortune, but never, if yon
have a sallow complexion, a jaundiced
look, moth patches and blotches on the
skin.-all signs of Livtr Trouble. But
Dr. King's New Life Pills give Clear
Skin, Rosy Cheeks, Rich Complexion
Only 25 cents at G. C. Blakeley's Drug
Store. 8
Mothers will take particular interest in the
following announcement n
llev Ml Dresses (or
New Boods at THE FAIR
-A fine line of-
relies and Scarfs
at extremely Low Prices.
Prices from $1.25, 1.50, 1.75,
2.00, 2.25, 2.50, 3.00, 4.00,
5.00, up to 8.50.
and a grander, bigger line of stylish garments
never found room in this store before.
Novelties Abound Neat Sailor Suits, Eaton Suits,
Russian Blouse Suits, and the new french long-waisted effects.
Materials are Henriettas, Serges, Cheviots, Sackings, Vene
tians, etc., in the new shades as well as the popular staples.
The subjects of these illustrations are:
Sailor suit of plain serge, trimmed with
white hercules braid, front with orna
ment to match; in navy blue; a am
lined throughout njltPa
Infant's dress of all
wool cashmere, j'oke and
straps trimmed with silk
soutache and fancy but
tons.. Lined throughout.
Various shades, a am
Price pme
Sizjs 1 to5 year. S
Saf 1 nl iasM
Sizes 4 to 14 years, S3
tor the ams.ll
There's a good deal
of comfort in a
sweater that opens
on top of shoulders
to neck. That's the
way this one is
made and all the
boys admire them.
The above picture
shows one crochet of
fine wool, in two
colors, at $15 O
And we have an
other in one color
with fancy striped
ends, at $195
Come and see them.
A. M. Williams & Co.
We also have the Famous Victoria
Skirts, the very latest in fabric and
styles, at prices within the reach of all,
from 75c, $1, $1.25, $1.48, $1.75, $2.00,
$2.25, and up to $3.35.
Children's and
Misses' Dresses
You cannot afford to buy the
cloth and spend your time try
ing to make them when we can
sell them to you much cheaper.
Prices, 48c, 60c, $1.00 and
up to $1.75.
Named by New York Republicans and
Citizens' Union.
Remember you can alwaya eave money by
buying your goods st
Where Prieee are Alwaya the Lowest.
Navr Yobk, Sept. 25. Setb Low was
named last night by tbe republican con
vention for mayor of New York on a
strong anti-Tammany platform. Mr.
Low was nominated also by the Oitlssas'
A movement for a third city ticket
with Colonel Edward M. Km x as tbe
nominee for mayor has been launched by
tbe executive committee of tbe city
democracy. The committee of eighteen
is charged with having broken faith with
tbe independent deaiocrats in naming
Beth Low for mayor. Every assembly
district id M nbattan and tbe Bronx
was represented, aod tber was a large
delegation from Brooklyn. It was con
ceded by several influential members
after tbe meeting tost the organisation,
wbile desiring tbe withdrawal of -Mr.
Low, and wbile standing ready to sop
port aoy Independent democratic for
mayor, may possibly support Mr. Coier,
If be is named by Tammany in opposition
to Setb Low.
Setb Low, who was last night nomi
nated by tbe republican and Citlssns'
Union onventtons, is quoted in tbe
Tribune as saying t
"A. soon as I receive official notice of
their c botes, t aball gladly accept."
"What ara your plans for tbe futorcT"
"I can't speak of tbem now," said Mr,
Low, "The fntnrn will take aara of
Mr. Low said that ha rai appointed
John i. Clarke as his campaign secretary.
Mr. Otarse was secretary of the 01 tisane
Onsen four yeara ago.
Hen's Mo Is to
as wet the affected pari freely with
ei PntSSl s9s9 faV firf04t eSflLttfcglVn
SSd sti Njsisi 0 jpoejp 0ol4 Ibjt JlfcJwJwT1 S
sans4sssarl sk eW(i4E At AstV9osME
We operate a PLUMBING, TIN end BICYCLE
REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will have
prompt attention.
F. S. GU WlflC
. Blacksmith. Horseshoer and Wagon-maker..
Iron, Steal. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blaoksntfth Supplies
Aaaa t far Basset! a Go.'t Baataaa. Tajaahaei aaC Beat MUla.
We" W rmw m ay m f W WSCf1 1 1 W "i awBapw OTSBSf, WSWP W SWSSJIsaaaW
.atlJsla,T8111tUB a
Long Olstaace 1071
f tar van Use of
wit bout any baaeSt
nwevar rte af
wWaiww Wsr wWBm ajOBPfS 9
all aane Marinar aJ
ssawtantii T mnaff
rtian. 11.00 aer
ariaery troabtoetass, andyawa
ana aaaa
Msssisi SsLii airilli
m U SvaVgelsV HftMSkj ftex
Sf SMttwi
mooting of
ak yaav r war lor tees.
M. S, Donaell, Aatal. Tht