The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 25, 1901, Image 3

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B1 eVAY Bi am A. A. i . t . . A jfc. iBb
I H Tailor
f 1 at.
mW -r
ft Marx
The element of Style enters
more largely every year in
the determination of the val
ue of Clothing. Without it
the best efforts of the retailer
are wasted.
PEASE ft KAYS' per-feet-fitting
clothing not only
embraces the season's ad
vanced patterns and fabrics
but the workmanship, the
merchant-tailor kind is there,
the kind that breeds oonfi
denoe and makes a man
look stylish and up-to-date.
Guaranteed all-wool suits
from $8.00 to $25.00.
New Stiff Hats,
New Monarch Shirts.
Largest Stock,
Lowest Prices,
Underwear from
$8. (JO per suit.
.00 to
Best Styles.' Umbrellas from 75c to $3.50.
Miss Autumn's Debate
Matt tUMw'lVtilir ost" It twtfcVim (7usy In-
formally with lh moat noted fashion obtainabl la Asnsrtea.
W bav had th beet atoning from the am) od Tttearsa in
Mm fathioo eatra of thl ooantry. Th prints w mat on
feebtonabl good la the talk of th town.
Stylish Suits made of fine
cheviot, in black only; jacket
handsomely made, new double-breasted
$12 to $14.
Grand Sato of Miss' and Children's Nannslstte
Underskirts ll handsomely mad, with yoke and watet ;
worth 46e any whom. Oar price (hit week 27 C
Smart Looking
is the woman who cornea down the street with a trim-fitting pair
of street boots, made on a mannish laet. Her tread la firm and
olid, beenoe the soles extend and are broad on the bottom. She
la indeed a sensible v. omen. Box calf, viol kid, all tlx to and
widths; some wii h extension soles and rope stitch, tbe typical
mannish shoes, ao stylish and sensible.
Special good valuta at $2.50, S3, $3.50 and $4.
The Dalles Daily Gtwmete.
SEPT. 25. 1901
Ice tarn
At Andrew Keller 'e.
All ITuco Gountjr wanwta reletered
prior to December 8, Men, wUl be paid
B presentation at mr offloe. Interest
dm after September IS, 1K1.
OonntT Treasurer.
Good piano for rant. Address P. O.
box 822, Oity. 25s 3t
An elegant new Una of pipe at the
American cigar atom. a26-4t
Hudson & Brownbili have aold tbe
Mrs. E. Stogadill honaa and lot on Thir
teenth street to Me. George Harvey, of
Ernest Sherar'a many friends in this
vicinity will be glad to laarn that be baa
purchased a fine ranch near Elleneborg,
Wash., and is running about 15,000
The diamond ring which tbe carnival
committee on queen will preaant to
Queen Mel via may ba eaau at the Van
Nordon jewelry atom. It goal without
Ving that It is a baaotf .
The president of the Bahekafa assem
bly of Oregon. I. O. O. F., wlH make an
official vieit to Acalea Babakab lodge
Ho. 99, 1. 0. O. F., on Thoraday evening,
Sept. 26th. Members and visiting mem
bars are requested to bo present.
Jason M. Wakefield, the eldest son of
r. and Mrs. F. H. Wejfefield of this
city, died at the family residence last
night, after a lone and painful 111mm
rom oiabetee. The funeral will take
PUce froin the residence at 2 o'olook
tomorrow afternoon.
It's v. J. T. Moore, formerly a pastor in
u statu and in Washington, but now a
"esionary in Mexico, will deliver an d
Oreas at Calvary Baptiat chord tonight.
subject will ba the condition and
Mds of the Mexican people Services
wuio at 8 o'clock. Inn public invited
Paul K. Panlann eei atw Xutki
JJt, two well-known end reepectad
"Ideots of thie nlto, were united in
marriage laat night nt tbe issjdeuoe of
D. v. Poling, turn OaaoNicta
with the mm, Meade of J
"ug coopie la -Hnhlnar then many
Ppy daye.
Ph Snay.a
ad e seel-
new dock nt VasMesno, Week., end
falling. Sney was known out in the
Kingeley neighborhood, where be worked
some time at hia trade. Later he worked
in The Dalles on tbe A. M. Williams A
(Jo.'a dry goods building..
A very pleasant and profitable time
waa bad at Monday evening's eeeaion of
Friendship Lodge, No. 9, K. of P. Grand
Chancellor W. L. Bradehaw paid tbe
lodge an official visit, after which tbe
lodge adjourned to tbe banquet room.
where a splendid lunch waa nerved to
the Knigbta and their ladies. After all
bad partaken of the good things to eat,
an informal program waa renoerea,
1 n I nn no 1 afi.
Bam NeWaome. of Prineviile. a nioneer I
resident of Wasco county when H in dad-1
ed ail tbe country from
Darling, the man who noma time ago
built the tio scow east of town and
launched it on the river with tbe inten
tion of Bailing to San Francisco. Darl
ing ia etill oraiy as a proverbial bed bag
and revea all the time for carbolic acid,
which, when he waa arrested below
town, he waa using in bie yeast mixture
to make bread. Mr; Wood also eaw
Loois Delco, of Waplnitln, who wae re
cently committed from here. He eaya
Louie ia improving physically and per
haps mentally, but recently he made an
attempt ta olean out the entire institu
tion, apd, being a big, powerful fellow,
came near doing so.
Coroner Iaqnett.
An inqueet waa held thie forenoon nt
the Caacade Ith undertaking parlora of Crandall A
mountains to tbe Yellowstone Park, and Ba,rf6t,on the of "
waa assessor of Wasco county when It
exteuded from the Columbia river to the
noitbern boundary of Lake county, waa a
paaaenger on tbis morning'a boat lor the
Valley, in company with hia two sons,
one ol whom goee to toe university at
Eugene and tbe other to the " state
medical college. '
Deputy Sheriff Wood returned laet
night from Salem, whither he took
Jamea Miler, of Moaier, who was com
mitted to tbe insane aeylum. Mr. Miler
ie a pioneer settler and prosperous farm
er of 'the Moaier neighborhood. Just be
fore bla commitment to tbe insane asy
lum Miler attempted to cut hia throat
with a pocket knife and came near end
ing hie exietenee. Tbe cause of his de
mentia is said to be a sunstroke received
during the late beated term laet August.
Mr. Miler ie 76 years of age. lie baa a
wife and grown family.
Mr. P. J. Stadelman and Mrs. May
Hix were united in marriage yesterday
evening at the reeidenc of tbe bride on
Weat Second atreet. Tbe wedding was
strictly Iprivate, only a few of tbe imme
diate relative of tbe bride and bride
groom being present. Mr. and Mr.
Stadleman lain on the morning train to
epeod a abort honeymoon at Portland.
They expect to return to Tbe Dalles
about the end of tbe week. Tbe young
couple ate vary highly esteemed by ell
who know Ihem, and tbe people of Tbe
Dalies with one content with tbem
many happy daya.
Tbe officials at tbe county clerk 'a office
sra gleaned to announce that they have
eecured n couple who have eon tented to
be the principals is a pabHe
the last day of tbe coming
Tbe namee of tbe proaoeetlee bnde and
re, tor weighty and cogent
withheld for the preaant frees
the public. It ie n sure thing.
bie application for ins honor at 7 o'ciea
last sight with Deoesr ptert
and gat bis aolame ward of
be aad hia bert girl will be os
by tbe
Deputy Sheriff Wood, while si Iks
tat gey Ism yesterday, tishss s.
auddenly at the saloon of Ben Wilson,
in tbe Eaat End, a little before break of
day thie morning. The testimony of
three witneeaea abowed that tbe mao'e
name waa William Kenna; tnat ne
waa a pensioner of the government,
drawing $16 a month; that be bad
entered Wilson's saloon tbis morning
about 3 o'clock and naked for a drink of
water, wbicn be imbibed greedily ; that
when he entered the saloon he appeared
to be in great dletrees. as if afflicted
with a violent attack of aetbma; that
tbe bar keeper of tbe ealoon, alarmed
at Kenna'a condition, telephoned for
Dr. E. E. Ferguson, who promptly te-
eponded but waa unable to give the man
relief, and that he died about half an
hour after tbe doctor'a arrival.
According to tbe testimony ol one
witness Kenoa wae employed as a waiter
in the Cosmopolitan hotel about tbe
years '81-2. Abut three months ago
be went to work on tbe "Brookbouae"
farm, where be atayed till a week ego,
when be came to Tbe Dalles and got on
n drunken spree wmen continued mi
hie death. Dr. Fergneon teotifled that
tbe cauae of death wae cardiac eetbma.
Kenne, to far a' known, wae Unmar
ried. Be appeared to be a man border
ing on 60 yeses of age. Tbe verdict in
tbe esee was ne follows :
We, the jury impaneled by W. H.
Butts, coroner of Wasco county, Oregon,
to inquire into tbe
That the seme of the deceased wae
William Kenan, whom age wae about 46
year, and that be pes s ponotoaor of
tbe United States gswaremcat, and we
formerly a grlssaS in Com pan y O. See-
iqoire into me eaat of in aeetn oi
body sow before se, after examining
body end batting th evidence pro
d.eom to tnufoHowtng conclusions:
bat the same of the deceased was
g oarnitd. Tbrt".bot tbe boor of 4 o'etoek a. m.
September Si, 1601, is tbe astoos of
Ben WlUoa, in Daitoa lty. Weesa
coantr.Orwaaa.theaaid WHiinm Kenan.
then and ttvwe being, ee'eely cam to
649 alk44ff tgY sTs! w 4l(Aflaats9 aSf9fva90
ssd that no on U to Mneas foresid
OeSad nt Daile Ctty. Wane
Oaoejgg, tbte tbs tfis day ef Ssj
A, Bvnsncxs,
F. O. Oosnwxr,
B. MtssAS,
as g. 04rgs.
OooBrecatloaal OonvonUoa.
The 63d annual meeting of tbe General
Association oi Congregational Ohurchea
and Minletere of Oregon met with tba
Congregational church in thie oity yee
torday at 2 o'clock. Organisation wae
effected by electing Prof. W. M. Ferrln,
daan of Pacific University, Foreat Grove,
moderator; Bar. J. J. Staub assistant
moderator; Dr. J. S. Bishop, Astoria,
clerk; Geo. H. Himet, Portland, preee
reporter; Rev. D. B. Gray, Portland,
Rev. R. H. Kennedy, Albany, M. E
Thorn peon, nominating committee. A
larger number than usual were prevent
at the opening eeeaion, representatives
being present from fifteen churches.
A committee on resolutions aae ap
pointed at follows : 0. L. Fay, Rev. M.
D. Dunning, Mrs. E. M. Wilson.
Topics were discussed at follows :
"What is Christian Living?" R. U.
Kennedy; "Hindrances to Christian
Living," fiav. J. J. Sttub; "The Insti
tutional Church," Rev. M. D. Dunning.
In tne evening after the praise service
Prof. W. N. ?errln presented the cltimt
of Pacific Unlveraity. and then tbe eaao
clational carman wat preached by Rev.
Mac H. Wnilaee, of Albany.
This morning the aaeoelatlon con
vened nt 9 o'clock, wben reports from
standing committees were made a fol
lows : Temperance, Christian Endeavor,
Pacific Unlveraity, Foreign Missions,
Sunday Schools, all showing encourag
ing condition.
Rev. R. A. Rowley made a brief re
port giving a view of tbe Sunday school
work of tbe atate. Rev. H. H. Wykoff,
Berkeley. Calif., field etcretary of tbe
Church BuHding Society, Bev. Welter
Freer, D. D., San Franulaco, field secre
tary of tbe American Board, made brief
report, and Rev. Edward Curran, Con
don, gavt an outline of tbe work of tbe
American Missionary Association, giv
ing a little of hi practical experience In
"Proportionate Giving" and "Giving
aa an Act of Worebip" were topic pre
rented by Rev. F. X. Dtll and Rev. E.
S. Bollinger, followed by general die-
Corresponding member were elected
as follow; Rev, S. M. Freodlend, Port
land, Rev. J. K. McLean, D. D, preei
dent PeeiS Theological Seminary, Ber
keley, Calif,, Res. 0. H. Wykoff, Raw.
Walter Frear. Rev, Samuel Greene end
Rev. W. W. Ssndder, of Seattle, espes
latondente of Sunday school work end
hoes mieeiooary wort for tbe tUte of
Adfogrssd until f p. m.
Mr. Wllesa. of the Oampb.ll A WII-
VaataaSegV 9da4janal aVatm ak attS atdi fifTAVatj
aewy BTvtWwWWg Maf WpSMjWV VHSJ
nf Mies Manptret tsegifr s
afelMlfcaPg J 9ffU9 PflflPl9LVf
flatllfsVis) efjf Pettapatli Mi t$ ttfr9P
mm MmmMA Agf eamgmA Agggj gaaMMtstmtaW tW
WPPfW MrSSypaP eT avMtT tJ ntjtejtvtttt; Sgf
P vWetaeWn SvvV Vtsw attf at9aUff94aw
Man JjAsaASMn Mmm gaWMfAl ofl aaaam LaaaaaaaaV. Aavtam ggaRS
Vv"aetvWetiP tw W Pw vsW aTW6W WmJ
OiatrTKSnSrr rttt.
uiponTrTt a1S1i,!ty, tfe
guest of lb Umatilla Hons.
Attorney . B. Iltddrstos nrrtved hers
today free Portland and It topping it
Mm Umatilla Houee.
Mr. W. R. Wlllooghby and eon are la
the city from Eugene, thegueete of Mr.
and Mr. P. H. Flynn.
Miss Anna Moore, who hue spent say
oral dave'vlti ting hr mother, returned
to Portland on tbe Gvart th la after
noon. Dr. E. E. Fergneon left thie afternoon
for Portland to attend the meeting of the
State Me Ileal Association, which con
van there tomorrow.
Dietrlct Attorney Menefee and Attor
ney M.J. Slnnott went to Waseo thie
afternoon to take part In the examina
tion of partlee who are accused of nearly
killing a Chinaman at that place night
before lest.
Wednesday, September 26th, to Mr.
end Mr. Charle Thompson, of Eight
Mile, a daughter.
For lnthuts gad Children.
Ik KM You Have Always Botgli
Bear the
fjlgsnisra of
Kalghti and Ladles of Beearlty, Motic.
I, Nellie L. Guftin, etatn organiser nf
the K. and L. of 8 , will visit The Dalles
council officially on September 17th. All
membera are requested to be present.
Kxixin L. Gustin,
20-27 Stat Orgsnlaer.
If you take the O. R. A N. for the
Portland exposition one day will be
equal to three day if you - go via nay
other line.
tin yes heard cheat the new wrfsSrss
Inthoref Thy ere very namroua, bwt
we he ill nf them that ie worth hav
ing. W have selected th nwt, thw
most fathtosabl and popular tylw fog
fall and winter wear, end have them t
stock and ready to show.
At I5.00
hlght of fashion, mad of patent vfal
kid. wlrfa aa-taneinn eat a ami nlbia
rope stitch, end th new Cuban hrel.
At $3.30 and $4
w carry a very large line of stylish lasts
in box calf, valour calf end viol kid)
upper. They are original and inclu
sive and not shown anv where in tb
city but at A. M. WliUam Co.
At $2.50 and fd
w are showing style yon cannot help
being well plewd with. W carry tbeeb
In vry alas and width, whleh makes lb
poecibl to gl v you a perls et fit, thereby
adding to the weer of tbe shoe at well as
hrnmnllns etAawhlnss Tnan snie tm tataatmnw
piwusvsiup wiiMwrst aart 1 v wwv a gg wtwsa
an teed your monty back If you weal ll
A. M. Williams tfe Co.
Undertaker and Embalmer
Cor. Third and Wnahlngton Sta.
All order attended promptly. Long
dlstanne phone 488. Local, 102.
At The Dalles Employment Office;
place where you can procure help with
out coat or trouble, atill or phone
VxcnaL KaLtxr,
aSS lmdAw Manager,
...The New York Cash Store...
138 and 142 8soond Strsst.
The BARGAIN STORE of the City.
..Boys' ami loott's SCHOOL SUITS..
We have just received our complete fall line of
Boys' and Youth's Clothing, and are offering them at
unusually low prices. Now is the time to fit out your
boy for school. Don't make your purchases without
seeing our line. We will save you money.
Don't wait until the nobbiest and neatest patterns are
sold, but come in at once. .
Every SUIT Guaranteed.
Tbe NewTork Cash Stem
New Grocery Store
We have added a Grocery Depart
ment to our store. A new fresh,
clean stock. Qive us a call. Prompt
delivery to any part of the city.
IWaiep & Benton,
HesMtquirttww for
Family Groceries,
an an . aa . . attaaasa a anw ass
UeHaltireiBtA T vaaajsn yA IlPS M ItAlLftt Msah
MUtwm aflat Steal XaaMe.
WWW www SffeifPlap afW,f tWwavWgKagWw
ie? eesastMi etwss, thkdaumo.