The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 25, 1901, Image 1

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    mtyt D n II cg mp 1) r an i c I c.
vol. xnl
NO; m
Harder in
the Pint ticfreejarr Ar
rives at Verdict Jn llity-ffcJ
Minutes Indie White 111 Hat
Pass Senteace Today.
Courthouse, Buffalo, 8pt. 24. The
cue wae given to the Jury at 8 :ftl.
Cocrthoobe, BUFFALO, Sept. 24. The
inrv. Ht 4 :26. found OsblgOfl entity Of
murder in t be first degree. J udgrWMto
uid previously tbat he would not pan
sentence today. The Uw allows him
to dayB to do so.
'. :
At 2:44 tbis afternoon, Distr'ct At
torney Penney abruptly announced tbat
the case of the prosecution was endod.
Judge Lewis, addressing the court, said
tbat the sadden closing, "f be cae
against Czolgof s was a surprise to him
and his colleague'. They bad no witness
to call for the defense. He naked the
court tbat be be allowed to address the
jury at once. The court atsented and
' tbe venerable jastice began an address
that will long be remembered by thoee
who heard it. Judge Lewis eaid :
"Gentlemen of the jerry : A calamity
has fallen unon this Nation, through tbe
act of this man, hat thf question
whether his am waetne act of n insane
man. II an insaue man, it is t ot murder,
and he m.onM be acquitted. Toe de
fendant, no matter bow serious tbe
crime be has committed, is entitled
under our lews to tbe benefit of a trial
"You listened to the defendant.' plan
of guilty, when he wes arraigned at tbe
opening of tbis term, bat tbe lew of onr
states will not permit him to plead frailty
to such a crime as this. The lew is so
careful of the rights of cltieens that it
will not permit e man to tbe crime of
"There are in our country individuals
who tm ijk, in a case like tbis, or even
in charges of much less degree, it ia
entirely proper tbat the case should be
disposed ot by lynch or mob law. It hi
not long since I read in a paper tbat e
colored man in the South had bis life
taken because he had insulted a white
man. I suggest, gentlemen, tbat dr.
wuo are crying oat met a man wbo is
charged with the crime tbat this de
fendant is, sbou'd not be permitted to
have a trial before a court of justice, are
a more dangerous class toe community
than the anarchists about whom we
read so much.
it ia the duty of every American
citizen to stand firmly by tbe lew and
pat his voice against eny idee that a
man should be punished lor any crime
until he is prover guilty. Here this
defendant, without having eny animosity
gainst the president, without any
personal motive so far es we can
committed an act wbicb be knew, if be
sane, must cause his deetb. Sow
n a man with a saoe mind perform
umanaci r it you find he wee not
"wponstbie you eould eld in lifting e
great cloud from the mindeoMbc people
minis country. J you find the tbe
president met hie fate through the apt of
insane man it is just the game m if
ha r. I . L. . . . - . "i
n. uy acctueut. l batf toe jwo-
roundest respeat for President fctcKiuley.
e was one of the noblest men Ood ever
-. ni. aeatb was the saddest blow
toroe lh has occurred ipgaany yeara."
uuge Lewi M orylug when be
unished and the eyes of many of those
w the court room were filled with tears.
. Alter giving the flberee to the inn.
J.eWhltoepUwgd the meaning of
"tM.n,.l.l. J 4.. ..."-- J-"-". -
uegree." asm
retire and MSm
:86 when tbesgk
Jry again filed lata
7" arttVHtht
down. Addreetmn
ite said :
"We have."
Bsre was a
T- murmur
owd. It
dejrag." '-
i t-t. veBvawBi irfevwei
MOW from the Una of
audefi than. These tree
no bandniapping ; no cheers. Tbe court
ut once adjourned.
Ilayot .Oat.
Dull fleidache, Pains in various parts
of tbe body, Sinking at the pit of the
stomach, Loss of appetites Fsveriebaess,
Pimples or Bores are all positive evidea
loss of impure brood. Wo matter hew It
became so it must be purified in ord
to obtain eod health. Acker's Blood
Elerir baa never failed tocure Scrofulous
or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood
diseases. It Is certainly a wonderful
remedy and we sell every bottle oa-a
positive guarantee. Blakeley, the drng-
II Antt-AMrekUt.'
Seattle, Sept. 24. "Any foreigner or
alien applying to my court for citlsen
hip papers, wbo in any way acknowl
edges that be favors anarchism, is friend
ly to anarchists or has any leaning to
wards anarchistic beliefs, will be denied
citizenship by me."
Judge Boyd J. Tollman, of King county
superior court, yesterday made tbe fore
aping statement explanatory of the new
attitude be hire assumed toward for
eigners applying for cltisenship papers
through hie court. Three foreigners
were being examined on application for
citisenship, Judge Tall man rigidly
questioned them as to their attitude to
wards anarchists.
Bid Darling, 1012 Howard at. Port
Huron, Mich., writes: "I have tried
many puis and laxatives but DeWitt's
Little Early Risers are far tbe beet pills
I have evpr need." They never gripe.
Clarke A fan's P. O. Pharmacy.
Caeisjees PernUs-.
Cleveland, Sept. 24. Paul Ctoigora,
father of the eeeavsln, accompanied by
his son, Weldeck. and his unmarried
daughter, Victoria, left this city early to
day fet Buffalo. Detective Jacob Moats
almaucasaraomd thl party at the re.
quest of the elder CcoUoea. who li la
constant fear that an attempt will I
made span hie the result of hta
eon s crime, wmre no memeer es tae
family has been summoned es a witness
at the trial ot Lena Cheffjesa, bath the
they would offer to testify, hut express
the hope that the assassin would receive
fuU punishment for bis eat.
Immediately upon his arrival at
Buffalo tbe father will seek permission
from tbe authorities for ah interview
with tbe assassin. Tbe old man declared
this morning that be would make every
effort to get a confession of any possible
plot from bis eon. He mid be firmly
believed that some one influenced Leon
to commit the deed.
What's Tout Paoo Worth?
Sometimes a fortune, but never, if you
have a sallow complexion, a jaundiced
look, moth patches and blotches oa tbe
skin, -all signs of Livtr Trouble. But
Dr. King's New Life Pills give Clear
Skin, Busy Cheeks, Bich Complexion.
Only 25 cents at G. C. Blakeley's Drug
Store. 6
noa't sib it t.
Just wet tbe affected part freely with
Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy,
end tbe pain hi gone. Sold by Clarke A
MAtcMisa Dress Goods
And we say matchless with a double meaning
matchless in beauty as well as in price.
We cannot claim a patent on beautiful dregs materialt-
the markets of the world are open to all nor can we alone
quote low prices; but considering styles, qualities and prices
as urnti, we doubt if the equal of our new stock can be found
n JsmV' 1 MM .
iammmW, 9 M 1 ,
New Goods at THE FAIR
-A fine line of-
late' (Ms aid tots
at extremely Low Prices.
Prices from $1.25, 1.50,
2.00, 2.25, 2.50, 3.00,
5.00, up to 8.50.
We also have the Famous Victoria
8kirtBt the very latest in fabric and
styles, at prices within tbe reach of all,
from 75c, $1, $1.25, $1.48, $1.75, $2.00,
$2.25, and up to $3.35.
You cannot afford to buy the
cloth and spend your time try
ing to make them when we can
sell them to you much cheaper.
Prices, 48c, 60c, $1.00 and
up to $Lf$r
Special Value saH
Satin stripe Nuns Veiling,
Silk-corded Albatros,
Three-toned embroidered striped Serges,
Crepe Batiste, black and pastel shades.
Good Linings
are necessary when a dress is expected to
give satisfactory wear. It is well to re
member that we make a specialty of
dress linings and findings.
Al. ml
us (St Co.
Remember you can alwijs avr money by
Wm t TiilM lii 1 1 1
WW MsaWW sbf aw sarasnssBv bPsbj wW psmmpjs snr wBaV.
Ting DAULBS, -
AaarehlM Paper to U Mappressed
New Yobk, Sept. 24. Pedro Estere,
the editor of tbe Peterson, N. J., en
arcblst paper, Ls Qaestlone Socials, has
met bir first erloos obstacle in getting
out bis paper, and It looks as though its
publication might be stooped altogether.
For nearly a year the paper was printed
in Passaic by Frederick Ckugb, a Job
printer. Chief of Police Hendry, of Pas-
isle, beard of the paper being printed
there, and sent word to Cloogb tbat tbe
peper could no longer be printed in Pes
sale. Clotigh said that be had signed a
a contract to print the paper, and tbat
be eootd not back oat of it, Chief
Hendry replied that contract or no eon
tract, tbe paper could not be printed in
Passaic. After consulting hie lawyer
Cloogb printed the papers end delivered
them in Peterson. Chief Hendry de
clares that this will not be allowed again.
He says be will hare a policeman watch
the printing office and tbat be will take
tbe responsibility of breaking a contract
for such work.
Whit Mm rra Yellow.
Great consternation was felt by the
friends of H. JL Hogarty of Lexington,
Ky., when they saw be we turning yet
low. His skin slowly changed color, also
bis eyes, and be suffered terribly. Hip
malady wae Yellow Jenadlec. He wea
treated by the beat doctors, but without
Benefit. Then be wae advised to try
Electric Bitten, the wonderful Stomach
and Liver remedy, end ha writes t " After
taking two battles I wea wholly eorea."
A trial proves 1U gsetghlaas mcit for all
fttasaaah, Uver end Kidney troubles.
brio. 0. iiakefey , the
' m smtfamim--JPe fWtff 9
tsmssve fmsavasejai
We operate a PLUMBING-, TIN sad BICYOUR
REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will have
prompt attention.
aWndepJ BopAitri LfvJP
.,1. .. - - ., JmmmmBmBmmSsBBu'
AdTertiee in the