The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 24, 1901, Image 3

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ft Marx
The element of style enters
more largely every year in
the determination of the val
ue of Clothing. Without it
the best efforts of the retailer
are wasted.
PEASE KAYS' perfect-fitting
clothing not only
embraces the season's ad
vanced patterns and fabrics
but the workmanship, the
rnerchant-tailor kind is there,
the kind that breeds confi
dence and makes a man
look Stylish, and up-to-date.
Guaranteed all-Wool suits
from $8.00 to $86.00.
New Stiff Hats,
NewMonarch Shirts.
Largest Stock,
Lowest Prices,
Best Styles.
Underwear from $1.00 to
$8.00 per suit.
Umbrellas from 75c to $3.50.
Ha Autumn Debet.
MW 4tMB,a"tMlt0i" fewUbntad (everye-eil In
formally wtth Una Mt asM? lee-lw e-otaleahU ia Ainerlce.
We have had tbe beet acktegs ftem trie most noted WTeOTOoa in
the feeble wnw ol tbla eoootrv. The prices we make an
raonioaaoie rood is tae talk w im wwi.
Stylish Suits made ofc fine
cheviot, in black only; jacket
handsomely made, new double-breasted
$13 to $14.
Grand Sal of Misses' end Children's Flannelette
Underskirts all handsomely made, with yoke and waist ;
worth 46e anywhere. Oar price this week 27c
Smart Looking
U the woman who comet down the street with a trim-fitting, pair
of street boots, made on mannish Taeft. Her .tread is Arm and
solid, becaae the soles extend and are broad on the bottom. She
is indeed a sensible woman. Box calf, viei kid, ail a!as and
widths; some wih extension soles and tope stitch, the typical
mannish shoes, so stylish and sensible.
8 pedal good values at $2.50, $3, S3.BO and $4.
It asftftsssstkstkstaAAifti
The Dalies Daily Ctamfete.
SEPT. 24, 1901
Ice Cream B
At Andrew Keller's.
All Wasco Coontjr warrants
prior to December S, ISM, will be
as presentation at my oSSoo. Interest
-Ms after September IS, 11.
Uonnsr Treasnror.
Richards & Pringle'a minatrele
At the Vogt opera house tonijrht.
No. 1 wheat still keeps at 50 cents a
bushel in this market.
Don't forget the excursion to the Port
land carnival on Bailey Oslasrt Wednes
day, Sept. 26th. 24 It
A marriage license was issued yester
day afternoon to S. Benson and L. M .
Tostevin, of Hood Biver.
Excursion I Excursion to Portland on
Bailey Gataert, Wednesday, Sept. 25th.
Don't forget the date. Tickets good for
ixdsys. 24 It
Mr. Silas H. Boole, piano toner, will
be in The Dalles the last of the wank lor
the fail work. Leave address at Nickel
ten's music more. ' 28-1 w
M, Z. Donnell and J. T. R irick tooka
drive to Gelilo rnnfar with thV
Indiana uf that place with reference tol
letting them to participate in the Indian r
visage entertainment at the coming Lr
carniuul "
S. J. Brown, the wood saw man. had
the misfortune yesterday to have three
Sogers of uis right hand come In contact
ith the saw which cot them to the
bone, but fortunately did not li'jore
tbem permanently.
Secretary Williams, of the district
elr, reports that against this evening
'be race track and grounds will be ready
'of bus nesa, the fence arbaad the frank
n i the grand stand will be completed
"d all the last of the bnttdinge will be
edy for oocupaney.
The P ujoljgioal Soelety of AmerJea,
bigheat eetherlty an fralu In Asher-
hu ana Winter see) tp Uow
Ida a, sat a i r . .. .. .. . f
-wno ui uriHnl Mkr
Lili. m
it at the
Tbis is the
"stowed on
I 1 r . .
n. roiranee. as? ftesftjl
I Company, eapnkwse
mt to i iiiisV'gli
- cents msji
340 for steers. Tex Chbokici.k will
ingly makes the correction. However
It got its information from a Crook
county cattle man whose word it had no
reason to doubt.
Miss Christine Nickelaen will give in
struction in embroidery and plain tew
ing on Wednesday and Saturday of each
week, from 2 till 5 o'clock. Wednesdays
will be devoted to dolts and Saturday
to children. Apply at bar reaidenoe on
Alvord a venae. s24 Iw
A Prineviiie paper of last Saturday
says : "Dr. C. A. Ciine will start tomor
row for The Dallas with hie famous race
horse, Barnato. He expects to put him
in training for the races at that place.
Barnato, when in shape, can ran with
the best of tbem."
Justice Brownhiil last night, for the
first time iu hie life, had an attack of
geuoine old-faanioned goat in the joint
of the big toe of bis right foot. The
jadge has the profound sympathy of The
CHiiosiCLK. even if all his friends do
laugh at bis calamity.
Those intending, to have booths or
floats at the carnival are requested to
call on Kelly A Lawton for designs and
models ; also lor rgn painting, decora
tions, etc. J. E. Hardy will work in
connection with Kelly A Lawton daring
the carnival and give special prices an
sign painting.
A general conference of all the carni
val and fair committees was held in the
eiob rooms last night and was well at
tended. The meeting was for mutual
council and advice and the several re
porta showed that the committees were
all working like beavers for the one ob
ject of success.
The carnival committee on a coom mo
st ion aay that while a goodly number
1 citiaens haws reported that they have
rooms to spare far toe accommodation of
vieitora daring the carnival, they want
to bear of more ; want, In fact, to know
the location of every spare room in the
city. The members of the committee
are Fard Dieted, . B. Fish, J. am
Tnomey. F. W. L. Sklbbe, 8. 8. Smith,
T. BrownbUl and J. P. Lucas.
The baantifal scenic settings far tba
first part of tba big minstrel perform -nana
aft tba Vogt tonight is an enact re
prodootion of a Japanese village, with
its breeey Invariant prospective and
unique architectural cooceita. The idea
la refreshingly novel and adde a aU iking
orient! beauty as) splendor to a aeo-
all stereotyped part of the miaetrei
. finery featare af tea aertnravt
- . e e
cm way -different from any aaberaiaU'
tor orsmoisiUoa and of the terf nasi.
The Dnfar atege bad a
ssawOsTsnvwfll at Ht0 enwl
tenMaaradlf est af
back ran into Charley Sandoa wagon,
overturning tba latter, and smashing the
stage and harness to a considerable ex
tent. The horses, fortunately, were on-
Dentil or John Martin Blcnard.oa.
Coroner Botts was called last evening
to take charge of the body of John Mar
tin Richardson, who bad died In the
afternoon' at the Cosmopolitan hotel.
After iaqoiring Into the eaoses leading
op to Richardson's death, Mr. Butte
concluded that an inqnast was not nee
The deceased waa a native of Scotland,
having been born at Little Ricon, Del
beetle, Dumfriesshire, October 6, 1832.
He had been in this country for about
twenty years, part of which time be
spent herding sheep in the Antelope
country, and the last six in the employ
of Siunott A Fish at the Cosmopolitan
hotel. The cause of death waa dropsy,
from which be bad been suffering for
many months.
Mr. Richardson had $400 in cash,
which, a abort time before bis death, he
requested Jadge Bradsusw and J. P.
Lucas to dispose, of by seeing him de
cently interred, sending $26 to bis
nephew in Scotland and handing the
balance to J. 8. Fish. Mr. Fish em
phatically refuted to take a dollar of the
money, hot suggests that whatever may
remain after the funeral end after the
sum mentioned bee been tent to Rich
ardson's nephew, shall be put In a tomb
stone to mark his grave.
The deceased was a single man and bad
no relatives io this country that anyoaa
knows of. He was a strictly honest,
trustworthy and faithful man, who waa
greatly respected by all who knew him
end especially by those ia whose employ
She bad been for years.
The funeral will take place from Cran-
II A Burgett's undertaking rooms at 10
'clock tomorrow morning, end tbe in
meat will be in Odd Fellows' ceme-
else a.
Tbe ladies of committee far fancy
work for the carnival desire tbat all
parse aa having each work to enter, or
display for haanttfyiag tbe booth, era
requested to bring setae to the grounds
an aeMrdsy, Sept. itb, where It will
be eerefaliy seen to by tbe committee.
Man, Coaniao, chairman.
go aoaaad ati
AH anCOkJaT PaWnap4jWjpw ef0 QQ0Q&0&
tobeprwatntaftamaprtagteba aaaVt is
their ball toaesA. aaUm af great
tmaorteaoe will corn before tea meet-
isg. .
Mrs. WUeoe.of tba Campbell A WIV
twMAwMM affssswTOww'g amAlwl s(ssws
emlajmsBwaafaV an sjasahm sssa wbbbbbbsbbbb
wwwsasksPr wg wajwwa,ivew assVw'VarNar
, af Firtsaai
t atsLsVaWsBi aUssm AM an fJVAB
The Corning- Carnival.
The buildings and booths of tbe carni
val grounds are fast assuming form and
outline. They will occupy very mocb
more spaca than did those of last year,
tbat for tbe agricultural and horticultur
al exhibits alone being practically twios
as large. And beat of all there ia every
indication tbat every inch of apace will
be filled to tbe utmost. The committees
having charge of these exhibits assure
The Chboniclk that no exhibit Wasco
county baa ever made will come near
equaling tbat of the coming one. Theaa
exhibits will not be ranged In a long
bed as they were laat year bat in a
roomy square building all by themselves.
Alongside this building la another of
smaller proportions, for ladies' fancy
work, sad atill another for paintings
and other works of art. Tbe Vogt opera
hooae ia another large addition to tba
carnival bnildings over last year. It
will be occupied by tbe fire dancers.
Tbe band atand will occupy tba middle
of tbe square at the intersection of
Third aad Federei. The booths will ex
tend east io tbe Hanaen A Tbomaan
planing mill, and Third street, east of
tbat point to Lane Brothers' blacksmith
shop, as well ea tbe vacant space south
of Mays A Crowe's tin shop wilt be
devoted to tbe numerous attractions of
tbe Midway. The Indian village will
be la the Midway and the space occo
pled by U last year on Federal, south of
Third, will be used for tbe exhibition of
agriculture! machinery.
Ready-to-wear suit bats, just the thing
for carnival at The Leader. 21 SB
Millinery opening Sept. 20th, 27th and
28th at Tbe Leader millinery store. 25
Wanted To rent unfurnished bouia
of seven or eight rooms, by October 1st'
Addrers box 480. s21 24
Mlas Haven, of Tbe Leader millinery
store, announces bar fall opening of
French patterns aad houae-trimmed
bate Thursday, Friday and Saturday,
Sept. Setb, 77 tb and 2tb. 31-25
Loot A lady'a brown purse, contain
lag over $20 In currency. Finder will
be rewarded by bringing it to tbla
office. stS-aft
Norman Werry, bead piano toner with
Eiler's piano hoeav, la in tba city. Leave
orders (er toning at Manatee A Parkins'
maticstere, a2fcWw
A alow sanjertmset of genuine batr
swfttehai. made by Mrs. Geo. Harvey, af
teas (ft, aft Nn. Corey's millinery
Mrs, Harvey aftw makes hair chains aad
ether hair articles af a fancy nature.
Mantra. Fard Maanat. J. 1. Flab. J. M.
To gassy, F. V. L. Sklbbe, S. t. Smith,
T. aVowuetti aad J. P. Lucav, af tba
aft tbe fair
nMsBBB afathBBSBBatnTaBnft afnTnfatflsBa' ftaWafafb watt wkwawwawnwawa
MSSw SkaWwnP wSJWaj "SyarWaw aB VVVRV Spb fpBrwVeVfBV
Wfc aasWrlw Vfltaf (0 MMPt 9990 wt0
Jlffir lacanaaaisyHi sonaae Mnsrl ajgag -Hibaei
SsngsiswMiaal SSerefaes.
t The itete aSoawM of Coagregatroaal
chorebee for Oregon convened In tbla
ally today at te'efocb. It waaeapeeted
tba eeveeiy-flve datageine would be la
attendance. Amons the Congregational
lata rank tome of the ablest preachers on
the coast.
The sessions will begin at t a. m., 2 p.
m and 7 :S0 p. m. The work of the as
sociation will close at noon Thursday,
the puWIe Is aardlally lavited te be
prevent at all the ttsafone.
Dr, Wallace, who will preach the asio
oiatioa sermon this evening, ia one of
tba atroaeatt man In tba raaka af tbe
Cocgregatlonalists of Oregon. The fol
lowing it the program for today :
Tuesday ArreaKOOK.
o'clock OmaahMUon
K roawAKO ik rtttMtftAi. cmristiam uvivn.
What In ChrUllan Uvlns . Rev. K. B. Kennedy
Hlndmncca to Chrttlan Uvlng. Rev. 1. J. Htaub
Aids to vhtlktlan Uvlng . . . Kev. J. L. llerahner
(b roaWARO m roamaATa aiuoior urn.
TheImtltiUonalChnreh...RcT. M. D. Dunning
tbe Church aad the Nation Rev. J. M. Dick
Traise act vice Ie1 or Rev. U. A. Taggar
Paolftc University and the ConaranttonaT
Churches ol Oregon ... fret. F. P. Fsrrln
Association sermon Rev. Mac II. Wallace
Prises tor tba Carnival Parade,
The committee of The Dalles carnival
arranging for the parade offers the fol
lowing prliea for thoee taking part:
Best display of fruit : .$10
Best display garden vegetables 10
Best display grain In stalk 10
Rest display implements 10
Beat display civic societies 10
Best display by merchants 10
Best display by mechanic) 10
Best display single tu-nout 10
Best burlesque
First prise 7
Secsnd priss 3
Tbe hearty co-operation of all ia re
quested in order to make this opening
event of the carnival a success. All so
cieties, lodges and civic organisations
are earnestly desired to participate.
J. M. Pattkrron, Chairman.
J. 8. Landkhh, Secretary.
Have yon heard about the now wrtahraS
In ehoeef TV y are v-ry numerous, be?
we have all of them that la worth bait.
Inf. We her., select d the newest, IB!
6001 fuehtoaabla and popular styles fof
U ana) wlater wear, aad have them as
ttoek aad reedy to ahow.
At t5.00
we have a rtaagjree Vejejvaaa, tbe
height of fashion, made of patent vie!
kid. wide ettenaton edgee and yalievir
rope stitch, aad tbe aaw Cuban beet.
At $3.30 and $4
we carry a very large line of stylish lasts
in box rail, velunr calf ami viol ktdj
nppere. They are original and rxcla
five and not shown anywhere iu I be
city bot at A. M. Williams A CoV.
At $230 and $3
we are showing styles yon cannot help
being well pleased with. We carry theaa
in every eia and width, which makee ik
possible to give yon a perfect fit, thereby
adding to the wear of tbe shoe as well as
promoting comfort. Every pair Is guar
anteed your money back if you want it.
A. M. Williams A Co.
Undertaker ud Embaimer
Cor. Third and Waehlnarton Ste.
All ordera attended to promptly. Long
distance phone ftSS. Local, 102.
At The Dalles Employment Office ;n
place where yon can procure help with
out coat or trouble. Mail or phone
28 ImdAw Manager.
...The New York Cash Store...
138 and 142 Second Street.
The BARGAIN STORE of the City.
..Bogs' and loam's SGML SUITS,.
We have just received our complete fell line of
Boys' and Youth's Clothing, and are offering them at
unusually low prices. Now is the time to fit out vour
boy for school. Don't make your purchases without
seeing our line. We will save you money.
Don't wait until the nobbiest and neatest patterns are
sold, but come in at once.
Every SUIT Guaranteed.
Tbe New York Cash Store
New Grocery Store
We have added a Grocery Depart
ment to our store. A new fresh,
clean stock. Give us a call. Prompt
delivery to any part, of the city.
IVIaiep & Benton,
Headquarters for
Family Groceries.
Hardware. Tinware. Oranlteware,
rWaWUrl -Jstg jt, jwaJIPayMfS
io Orosk aaswahv a
m mM
fill 1111 saUli isWli