8 )t Hnllefi lip Opttticle VOL. XIII THE DALLES. OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24. 1901. NO. 187 A&dahfe Preearahoafrr As simDating teftodawdMefc lingtheSloaw aiiinmiwiof Promotes ness and Rest CoatoJos neHher Opium.MoniBe Hot Narcotic. Aoerfecl Remedy forCoitstina- fion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions Jeverish- ncss and LOSS OF Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. CXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. AnarcbLta Ret Praa. Chicago, 6ept. 23. The sice an uehistB who have been under arrest here since the assassination of President McKinley were today given their freedom, Judge Chei'ain bo ordering after the prosecution had answered that there wae no legal evidence paiot them. Emma Goldman was not a party to the proceedings. Her ease is set for hearing tomorrow before Magistrate Prindeville, where she, as well as the nine men freed today, are charged with conspiracy to morder President McKinley. The eases iu the lower court with refereoee to the men is, of course, nullified by the action of Judge Cbetlain today. Miss Goldman will also be set at liberty, os Justice Prindeville has agreed to take inch action in her case as the upper court took in the cases of the men. At torney Brown said be would try to have Miu Goldman freed today. When the court ordered the liberation of toe prisouere there Was not a trace of jabilation in tbair faees. They were ant back to jail, where they collected their belongings, chiefly magazines and newspapers, and tben came down stairs, here they met friends and members of their families. For the first time they bowed evidence of pleasure. The party then departed in various directions, re fusing police protection to their homes. Emma Goldman received the news of the liberation of her friends with a laugh. "I guess they 'II have to let me go now," he said. "It has been shown ibat the en named as conspirators citb mo did ot conspire; and I fancy they would have trouble trying to show I conspired II by myself." Valuable Bastte Obtala.d. Naw York, Sept. 28 The work of the yal commission on history, with mane ipt in Scotland and Ireland, ia mak tet steady progfaej, net eenao reports of weptional inter to student way wortly be looked for, say the Trlhnoe's jAodon corrwaponownt. Among the wrthcomiog calenders of oollactioM to ud two wbtcb will receive nfcularly hearty wrtnome. Om of to volumes will be, la , supple- to a report Uauad eixty year ego. T th wohivot of the town efOal way. oonditiooa oimitoOoJway wore -3! ,', ,"- gUg Ha "Vapbieal poaiUaa, the ItolRlln of the rTLT-zTTr CASTORIA Tot latkntt md Chlldrn. The Knd Yon Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years ASTHMA records show in detail the arrangements by which the Galway antboritiee legis lated for tbe civic oommnnity within tbeir walls and regulated transactions with the occasionally hottile people of adjacent districts as well as with traders from England and tbe continent. An- i other Irish collection in regard to which further information is promised is that preserved at the Dublin Uollege ot tbe Irish Franciscans. This collection in eludes papers of rare value on the labors of establishments founded by Irish missionaries in England and on the continent. Nebraska laaaa. Asylum Buraed. NoBjror.k, Neb., Sept. 28. Tbe asylum for tbe insane of this city was almost completely destroyed by fire today. It is believed that three inmates were burned to death. Tbe fire originated from some unknown cause in the west wing of the institution. Loss on build Inge and contents will probably reach $300,000. Owing to the early hour and the un preparedness ot the fire depart' ment, little could be done in tbe effort to save the institution. There were 600 nmatea in the main building and tbe efforts to rescue them were difficult in the extreme. Shrieks and yells of some of them filled tbe air and many foagbt against tbe attempts of the rereurers. Others werw completely cowed, and attendants bad no difficulty in loading tbem out of the burning building. Three of tbe in iratea are funnd to be missing. There were eleven buildings in all on tbe grounds, end bat throe of tbem were caved. Bov'i ThUl We offer one hundred dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cored by Hall'a Catarrh Core. F. J. CtUMCV A Co. Props. , Toledo. O. Wo, tbe undersigned, have known F. i. Cheney for the met 15 years, and be lieve htm perfectly honorable la nil beei neee transaction end fiaanotoJIy nbfo to carry out any obligations made by their Aran. West A Truax. Wholesale Draggi To ledo, O., Welding, Kinnen A Marvin, Wholesale Drofgiatt . Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Core W taken intor aeliy, acting dUeotiy epoa the Wood end sowaeweawrieees of the eyeteea. f. J. Caumar A Cow. Props., TatoaoO old by aiiegajhti, price We. HeiPe FegnByPUlgnretPe bant. IS OUrhe A Folk bar on aatoefeillto Mr THE MURDERER OF THE PRESIDENT Pieced en Trial Before a Jury ef Twelve Hen ia Buffalo Yesterday. BcrrALo, N. Y , Sept. 23. Leon F. Csoigon was placed on trial this mora ing, charged with tbe murder of William McKinley, president of tbe United Stares. He entered n plea of "guilty," which was subsequently changed to "not guilty" by the direction of tbe court. All events of the day indicated that the trial will be short. Court convened at 10 o'clock, and within two boors eight jurors bad boon secured. Technicalities were not raised by the examining counsel, bat it waa significant that every man who said he had formed an opinion of tbe case was excused by tbe district attorney. Those who acknowledged they bad formed an opinion or stated that they were prejudiced, but admitted that their opinion could In changed by evidence, were accepted by each side. Before the day was over tbe 'entire panel bad been sworn. Justice Thar man C. White was on the bench. The presentation of tbe government's case begao shortly before 3 o'clock, when Assistant District Attorney Halter began to address tbe jury. He spoke briefly : "We shall show?' said be, "that for some days prior to the shooting the defendant had premeditated the shoot ing of tbe president. He knew that on the 6ib of September the president would receiy-i tbe populace in the Temple of Music; that on that day be went to tbe exposition, got into line with the people and approached tbe president; that be had a weapon concealed in bis hand, and. as the president extended his band in kindly greeting, bo fired tbe fatal shot." The first witness, Samuel J. Fields, chief engineer at the Pan-American Exposition, described tbe ground floor plan of the Temple of Music, and waa followed by Perry A. Blias, tbe pho tographer, who presented views of the interior of tbe building. The remainder of tbe afternoon was taken up with tbe testimony of three physicians, two of whom bad- attended tbe president during his last days, while tbe other performed tbe autopsy. Tbe latter. Dr. Harvey B. Gaylord, described tbe location of the wounds of the stomach and the direction of the ballet. Tbe cause of death was attributed to a gun shot wound, bet funds mentally, it was iue to tbe changes back of tbe stomach, in the pancreas, caught by tbe breaking down of tbe material of tbe paneraas as tbe result of the passage of tbe bullet. Dr. Heimann Mynter followed and bis testimony brought out tba tbe fact that the reason why tbe fatal bullet had not been located by tbe autopsy, wae because of the cnwillingnes of the presi dent's relatives to have tbe body further mutilated by instruments. Caolgotz, dorlng tbe morning, evinced no interest whatever in the proceedings. hot ae tbe testimony was introduced he paid more attention, and looked at tbe various witnesses closely. The probable duration of the trial, it la believed, can be placed at two full days. When District Attorney Penney wee asked by Jostles White, at noon, aa to the time ho would take In the presentation of tbe ease, be declared ha .would conclude by Tuesday noon. Judge Titus, for the defense, was non committal, however, and merely replied : "That depends epoa tbe torn things take." It Is not probable that any defense will be pot la, owing to tbe character of the prieoaer aad bia rof anal to help bia attorneys in any way to praoare evi. which they would aee la hie. favor. The idea ef ae attempt to eater a naaatloa of hU eaaity la net thought of, la view of tbe reports of two eileaiete who have recently as amines thecals around tor toe bait trial aritTae eeaeiaded with the of bat eao day awe. J- - - - 1 For oak A qeeotfty of opsvsgw9g olsft &swe9 eJ pvJuwaiaipf sl4lgflwROpe9S' eeseyVw of the Oatos bleak aa Tbird aad Vote awWsWawf. JjrweVjtJT a ltojfc gMttgnai V ffcf LaflVaMV'el fVjsaJfA sw wBmowwW tPsT aVfnW epnw ay RrWsngpWenwRRsF at O. a BUketoy'e L-V GRANITE CHEVIOT PRTJNILLA MELROSE SATIN MARVELIETJ Special New Waistings. Satin stripe Nuns Veiling, Silk-corded Albatros, Three-toned embroidered striped Serges, Crepe Batiste, black and pastel shades. A. M. Good Advlc. The most miserable beings' in tbe world are tbose suffering from Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. More than seventy-five per cent, of the people in the United States are afflicted with these two disease and tbeir effects: such Sour Stomecb, Sick Headache, Habitual Costive ness, Palpitation of the Heart, Heart-burn, Waterbrash, Gnawing' and Burning Pjuna at the Pit of the Stomach, Yellow Skio, Coated Tongue and Disa greeable Taste in the Mouth, Coming op of Food after Eating, Low Spirits, etc. Go to your druggist and get a bottle of August Flower for 75 cents. Two doses will relieve you. Try It. Get Green's prise almanac. Clarke A Folk. 2 Many pbysiciana are now prescribing Kodol Dyspepsia Cure regularly having found that it ia tbe best prescription they can write bessuse It is the on preparation which contains the elements necessary to digest dot only some kinds of food but all kind and St therefore cores indigestion and dyepepeia no matter what its cause. Clsrke A Folk's P. O. Pharmacy. B. W. Porseli, Kintersvilie, Pa., says be suffered 25 years with plies and could obtain no relief until DeWltt's Witch Basel 6alve effected a permanent core. Counterfeits are worthless. Clarke A Folk's P. O. Pharmacy. FOR 6ALE Team for aele et e bargain, or to let eat to be worked until lata spring for tbeir feed, Iaeulre at thle office. 'dewiw Clark and Falk have jest received e foil Hon of freak Valos papers aad da veiepwre, tbe asms as need by Mr. Lovlek la bia reeeat dam oaat retina at our store. a OJLTY ELflLOE eke J. F. Aaeevaon bee oetabllehod aeab Uaeia TboDoUce, giving botbanighl om day aarvieo. Msaojawe to any part of the aity, CrJS((al aV tWjPlaT ovwle9sF HafMJAaeBfem m aavaaaanagjvwanpw sww' wr sa asm Al MsaoRrBt Mlaht ptaet l.aatl He, match", Dress Goods And we say matchless with a double meaning matchless in beauty as well as in price. We cannot claim a patent on beautiful dress materials the markets of the world are open to all nor can we alone quote low prices; but considering styles, qualities and prioea as a unit, we doubt if the equal of our new stock can be found anywhere. BLACK and COLORED GOODS. ARMTJRES SERGES VENETIANS COVERTS Value 64-inoh gray and brown Oxford SKlrting Matarial, per yard Williams We operate a PITJMBING, TIN find BICYCLE REPAIR SHOP. Ail orders entrusted to us will hare prompt attention. SEXTON cfi ran DALLBs. RCOULATOR LINE. PORTLAND CARNIVAL CxOwitfcm RXCUIUIOPf IATU. Oa aula. DaUv Baaalar RoundVtrin Ttokato. nallav w Jw wWcy wuyyw "y wvawwwrj wssweasr Or sale """ "' ' 11 1 ', Subocribe for fh Chronicle. ejgewBwwMwijWI 4am wfcMJ' IMPORTED VENETIANS CHEVIOT SERGES PEBBLE SERGES PEBBLE CHEVIOTS 5Qc) Good Linings are necessary when a dress is expected to give satisfactory wear. It is well to re member that we make a specialty of dress linings and findings. & Co. - - - oanooN. aS . JpF"JbW affl RL : snajS sa5aa H"V.TJ l afl HllsVsa wwnnfrRnH MP 1 in 1 1 to i pw5i2i mtim t la DaWla. endnrtiet's