The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 23, 1901, Image 4

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    ,. . 1 , aaneeaaafflatt ' i i aaaaaaaaaneneaaa
Rm stoat Arraigned.
NbwTobk, Sept. JO. Johann Moat,
editor of Fraiheit, who was arretted lut
weak on a a charge of having published
a aeditionB article in hie papei, was ar
raigned for pleading today in the court
of epecial sessions, v hen eeaea oy
Justice Holbrook if he nad a lawyer,
Moat replied he had not and believed he
did not need one.
"lean defend myeeif," he said. "I j
wish to plead not guilty."
"We will have no spectacular work j
bre," said Justice Holbrook. "Your j
case will go over, and when il ie called
von will appear with a counsellor lo
appear in your defense."
Most attempted to speak further, but
Waa instantly silenced and removed from
the courtroom. He is at liberty on 1 1000 '
BonarveU Cnmlug.
Washisgtox. Sent. 21. Commissioner
Hermann arrived in Washington today, j
and railed on President Roeeevelt. In j
the course of his conversation, the j
nreeident told the commissioner he in- i D.
tended to visit Oregon and Washington
p. S. GUJtfllftGi
.Blacksmith, Horseshoer and WagoiHDaicer
1IE INT frBt ME. ,
-dbalkb in-
Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies
agent for Russell Co. 's Engines, Threshers and Saw Mills.
Telephone 157.
Long Distance 1078
Cor. Seconi ft LaBtHlin 8H, THE DALLES OR.
After yon tire of oalng so-called kidney remedies
without any benefit, nee Lincoln Sexual Pills and be
forever rid of those doll peine in your back. Discard
that old fogy idea of "pain in the kidneys" and have
all your bladder and nrinary troubles cur t, and yonr
nights made restful by the nee of natvnt b greatest
assistant Lincoln Sexual Pills.
Price, $1.00 per box hay ot yon' druggist or sent
bv mail on receipt of price, in plain wrappei.
Fort Wayne, Indiana.
M. Z. Donnell, Agent. The Dalles.
Rates to Pan American Exposition.
Bound-trip rates via O. . & N. from
First-class piano for sale cheap by J. , Xhe Dtlles, $81.90. Tickets on sale first
Girdner at Gumbert's cigar store, on . third Tuesdays during June, July,
Second street. el-tf I August, September and October .good for
next spring, in order to become better
acquainted with' the people of
section. Roosevelt desired to visit the
Pacific Jiorthwe't during the last cam-1
psign, but his services as a epeaker were
desired elsewhere.
Commissioner Hermann attended the
Hi-Kinley memorial services at Cbicano
the day of the funeral of the president.
Mrs. E. Cary has received her new
fall and winter millinery and respect
fully asks the ladies of Tbe Dallee to call
and see them. f-10-1 w
Wood! Wood! Wood! Best grades
of fir, pine, oak and slabs, all well eea-
j soned, can be bought of Jos. T. Peters &
; Co. slO lm
Damaged rustic flooring and paints ;
conuaei For csoigns. j good cedar posts at 6 cents each.
Buffalo, Sept. 21 Former Justices Gilbreth A Sons, office at Watts A
Loran L Lewis and Robert C. Titus, cf ; Baker'e marble and granite works. lOtf
the supreme court, today accepted their ! r,-h 75 f inferior
you can buy
I continuous passage going on date of sale.
' Rdturn limit thirty days from date of
sale. Stop-overs will be allowed west of
j Missouri river or St Panl on return trip
! within limit of ticket.
Arrangements can be made by apply
ing to agent O. B. A N. Co., The Dalies,
! cuerelry tickets will be honored on lake
j iteamers in one or both directions be
I tween Detroit and Buffalo.
tf Jahkb Ireland, Agent
assignment as counsel to defend Leon F.
Cz ilgoez, indicted for murder in the
first degree for killing President Mc
Kinley. They at present know of no
reason why thev will not be ready for
trial next Monday, when District Attor
ney Penny inove6 the case for trial in
the supreme court, whence it was trans
ferred today by order of Judge Emery,
If you are going to the Portland car
nival or to the state fair at Salem, take
tbe Bailey Ga zirt, leaving The Dalles
paints when you can buy James E. ; at d:AUp. m., and view the grandest
Patton's sunproof paints for $1.60 per j scenery in the world. Music, meals and
; gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark A ! the most commodious boat on the river.
: Falk, agents. ml Its pleasure to ride on this baas, Pas-
! Don't wait until you become chronical-, sengera visiting Portland can, if they
in the county court, who also appointed j Pharmacy.
Iv constipated but take DeWitt's
Early Risers now and then. They will
keep your liver and bowels in good order.
Easy to take. Safe pills. Clarke A Falk'e
Carleton E. Ladd, law partner of Judge
Titus, to assist in the defense,
Formed a Partnership.
Having formed a partneiship in the
real estate business, we respectfully call
attention to the fact that we are better
equipped to dispose of your property
quickly than any other firm in the city.
We are rapidly disposing of city and
farm property, and have numerous calls
lot more. I( you have property to sell,
or if you wish to buy city or farm prop
erty, you cannot do better than to call j
anil bm na W f nrnmiM to Ha nrnmnt
f r-
and gtve strict attention to any basinets
left in our care.
T. A. HrmoK,
W. H. Bl'TTS.
saves Two Fiolu Death.
"Our little daughter had an almost fa
tal attack of whooping cough and bron
chitis," writes Mrs. W
Arutosk, N. Y., "but,
A never failing cure for cuts, burns,
scalds, ulcers, wounds and sores is De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve A most
soothing and healing remedy for all skin
affections. Accept onlv the genuine.
Clarke A Falk'a P. O. Pharmacy.
Flayed Out.
Dull Headache, Pains in various parts
of the body, Sinking at the pit of the
stomach, Loss of appetite, Feveriabneas,
Pimples or Sores are all positive eviden
ces of impure blood. No matter how it
became so it must be purified in ordej
to obtain good health. Acker's Blood
Elexir has never failed toenre Scrofulous
or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood
diseases. It is certainly a wonderful
remedy and we sell every bottle on a
positive guarantee. Blakeley, the drug
gist. '
Job Have Stood It.
If he'd had Itching Piles. Thev 're
terribly annoying; but BocHen'n Arnica j
K. Haviland, of" Salve will cure the worst case of piles on ;
..-1 r... nil tua '. MPlL T t l.aQ DflMll t 1 1 1 I, a-. Tl (1 fi F,,r Ttl. '
HUCU nil U L MCI i ... ... ..u i. ......; . " ' "
Little j wish, secure sleeping accommodations
and rem -in on tbe Bailey Gatzert over
i night, which would save them going im
: mediately to a hotel on their arrival in
Portland. 13i-lw
Any person desiring privileges to eell
articles within the grounds of Tbe
Dallee Street Carnival will please call on
or write to C. J. Crandall, general super
intendent oi the carnival, at Tbe Dalles,
trom whom be may receive the terms
and the necessary information. sep7-td
If anything ails your hair, go and see
Frazer; he's tbe headquarters for all
hair remedies. Remember that he
j makes a etccialtv of these goods. ti
Miss Christine Nickel sen will give in
struction in embroidery and plain sew
ing on Wednesday and Saturday of each
week, from 2 till 5 o'clock. Wednesdays
will be devoted to adults and Saturday
to children. Apply at her residence on
Alvord avenue. s!7 Iw
f. C. CLARKE, Manager.
1 Night Only,
Sept 24th
Management T. J. Cnlligan. Direction
of Ru9co & Holland.
First 5 rows, 75c; balance of
the bouse, 50c: children, 25c.
J. E. FALT & CO,
Purest LiquorefoTpaitiily Use
Delivered to any part of the City.
173 Second Street
m Phones: 61 Local,
-1 868 Long Distance.
Wio MoosLlll ft,
Headquarters for Seed Gi-aiH of ill kinru
Headquarters for Feed Gimta o Fn kin
Headquarters for Roiled flrtaia, ia kin
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, TmSU
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendta
ton Flour
This Hour is manufactured expressly for
nm : everv sank ia fro ran teed to etse nti.
Wa aell onr eoods lower than any honse In the trade; and if yen don't think
call and get cur prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats
Seats on sale at Clarke ft Falk's, Post
Office Pharmacy.
Prof. Homer de Morrison
Clark A Falk are never closed Sunday.
Don't forget this.
remedies failed, we eaved her life with
Dr. King's New Discovery. Our niece,
win. had Consumption in an advanced
stage, aido U3ed this wonderful medicine
and to day ehe is perfectly well." Des
perate throat and lung diseasss yield lo
Dr. King's Nea- Discovery as to no other
medicine on earth. Infallible foi-Cougha
and Coldc. oOc and $1.00 bottles guar
anteed by G. C. Blakeley, the druggist.
Trial bottles free. 6
bit Man Tamed Yellow.
Great consternation was felt by tbe
friends of M. A. Hugany of Lexington,
Kr., a hen they saw he was turning yel
low. II is skin slowly changed color, also
bis e yes, anH he suffered terribly. His
uiaUtly was Yellow Jaundice. He was
treated by the best doctors, but without
benefit. Theu he was advised to try
Electric Bitters, the wonderful Stomach
and L:ver remedy, and he writes : "After
Caking two bottles I was wholly cured. "
A trial proves its matchless merit for all
Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles.
Only 25c. Sold by G. C. Blakeley, the
druggist. 6
What's Voir Face Worth?
Sometimes a fortune, but never, if you
have a sallow complexion, a jaundiced
look, moth patches and blotches on the
ekin,-all signs of Livtr Trouble. But
Dr. King' New Life Pills give Clear
Skin, Rosy Cheeks, Rich Complexion.
juries, Pains or Bodily Eruptions it's
the best salve iu tbe world. Price 25c
a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by G, C.
Blakeley, tbe druggist. 6
Subscribe for The Chbokicle.
C. B. Land Office, Vancouver, Wash., t
May 28. 1901.
Notice i hereby given that in compliance
witt the proriMons of the act of Congress of
June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the ale of Urn
br lands in the states of Calif, .raid. Oregon.
Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended
to all the public land states by act of Autiun.
Frank Btewait, of Lone Rock, county of
(iiiliam, State of Oregon, bat thisday flled iu
this office hid sworn statement No 2S1, for tbe
purchase of He NW U of see 15 in Tp No IK, K
32a1, Washington street. Booms 23-30,
Tbe first registered as well as the first gradu
ate palmist ever in Portland. Tbe world's
g eatest Trance Clairvoyant and Herbs 1st can
tie co isulifd dally on all affairs of IU-.
Prof, de Morrison is without s doubt the roost
scientific Paimiaand Clairvo ant in toe world
today: he locates hidden treasure, reunites the
separaica. lens n mere is mineral, o 1. or gas on
yonr land enables you lo win th? affection of
one you desire.
Palmistry taught, mediumlstic persons' devel
oped. Heals by tbe uses of his revealed heib .1
teas: cure chronic and totalled incurable dis
eases. Free treatment far the poor.
Send tl, dale of birth and three .U0itt?ns : all
letters answered at once.
13 K, W M., and will offer ptoof torfchtm
Notice is hereby given that the Board
of Equalization for Wasco county, Or- ;
egon.'will attend at the office of the
county cierk in The Dalles, Oregon, on ,
Mondav. October 7, 1WU1. and unhilciy i that the land sotutht is more valuable for its
examine the asaesment roll for 1801. and ! ""J0" OT ''"Pt't" for.iaicuiiurai purposes,
correct all errors in valuation, descrip- S'" m.
iion or qualities oi lanus , tots or outer
property, and transact any other bus;
nesa that may legally come before said
Dated The Dalies, Or., Sept. 13, '01.
C. L. Schmidt,
sl4-3tw Assessor Wasco Co., Or.
Only 25 cents at
G. C. Blakeley s
Sick Headache absolutely and permit :
nently cored by using Moki Tea. A j
pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation
and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep
and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or '
money back. 25 cts. andoOcts. Blakeley,
lb, druggist.
Dyspepsia can be cured by using
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little!
Tablet will give immediate relief or
1 money refunded. Sold in handsome tin
boxes at 25 cts. Blakeley the druggist.'
Henry Braydon, Harris, N. C, says: j
j "I took medicine 20 years for asthma,
hut one bottle of One Minute Cough ;
! Cure did me more good than any thing '
convex. Wash., on Wednesday, the Mth day of
August, 1901.
He names as witnesses: Homer V. Wood
worth, (iodfrey 1. Srjith. K. F. Robertson and
Uarty M. Barrett, all of Portland, Or.
Any and ail persons claiming adverselr tbe
above-described lands are requested to file their
claims in this office on or before said tub day
of Aucnst, 1901.
junl lot V. B. ni NBAR. Register.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that by an order of
tbe county court of the stale of Oiegon, for
Wasco county, made and entered on the 3rd day
of September, ltttl, tbe undersigned was ap
pointed administrator ot the estate of John
Dalrymple, deceased. All persons having claims
against said estate are notified to present them,
with tbe proper vouchers, to me at the office oi
Huntington Wilson, Tbe paltc. Otegon
wltbin six tr ontbs from the date of this nolise.
Dated September i. 1901.
sept Aaministrator
Sheriff's Sale.
I.ueatca by Vlaion.
1'ortlmd. Ainr. 10,-rTo i, - Fitimn .. n...
de Morrison, occuliiit. incated by vision the but
son sioten irom me seiDy Smelting Works. In
behtlf of occult science he immediately com-
u.uutvwu uj ii-ia-r me lacis lo Jar. A. J. Kals
tun. owner of tbe Selby Work.-. The reports re
ceived last night prove his statements correct
"It is pleasing to be assured that tbe gold
sto;en from tue Belby Bmelting Works wss lo
cated by vision' by a Portland occultist. This
proves that the story of the confession of the
thief and that his assistance was required in re
covering the gold was a base California inven
tion for the purpose of depriving Oregon of just
glory." (Kditor Portland OregoniaitT
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt Mention.
Next door to First National Bank.
Condon Pboasi M.
Lona; Dlst. 1001.
I hare re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH Pioneer Grocer.
Take them
to day and
ymiU be well
Cold Cure
for iutanta and Children.
ttf KM Ym Han Always Bought
Bears tha
Wauled To rent, by ex-8tate Printer
F. C. Baser, an eight or nine room resi
dence of modern appointment. For
farther particulars apply at Grant's
cigar atom. slatf
GirJ wanted to do general honse work.
Inquire at -Dr. H. Locan on Foartb
else during that time. Best Cough Core."
Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
We offer for a limited period the
twioe-a-week Chronic lk, price $1.60,
Notice is l.eteby given that nuaer and by
; virtue of aa execution and order of sale issued
out 01 me t ircutt court or ins Slat of Oregon,
for Wasco County, upon a judgment iu favor of
' Jokepn A. Johnson and ajptinat o. U. Taylor, for
the sum of $1815.71. dated the 3M day of October,
l(i Mid execution and order of sale belne to '
, me directed and commanding me to sell the
property nemeaiier oescrtlted, the same tiavii.a
I bean attaohad in said cause on the eth dav of
October, MM, I will on
Muj, Sbm Met day off Oetwfcer, ISO 1 ,
Nnlin la -
IV. Wsan (.'num.- .. 7 VC 'wwis
both papers for $2 a year, buhscripiions 'son, to tbe highest bidder for cash iu haud. i T.u LT " 01 City, Oraaoa. baa
and the Weeklv Oreeonian. nnee 1 SO - . ? V- .." pnhuc aucUon. at the
, ,
be paid in ad
eeae far ft Swassls aas Masical
fTB. sUaesI saMow Asa rtsacissa
Sold by Clarke & Falk, The Dalles, Or.
Tablet NsBB
(cold in head)
as:saiia " 1 or au
overcome Weak
ness, Imgnlarity aal
omimrlfansi increase jf
as strwf KatiisVi " naim
of menstruation." They are " 1AFK 8AVS9C8 to girls ti
womanhood, aiding derelopment of organs and body. M
known remedy for women eqnaJa them. Cannot do harm Ilk
bocoiin-s opleaaore. 1.00 PER BOX BY MAIL. Soil
by druggiat. DB. MOTT'8 CHEMICAL CO.. Cleveland, Ohio
For sale by Geo. C.
Blakeley, Tbe Bailee, Or
under this offer most
If yon take tbe O. B. A N
Portland exposition one day
eqnal to three days if you go via any
other line.
Floral lotion will ansa wind cba
and sonbnrn.
Clarke A Falk bare on aaie a fall Una
of paint and artist's brashes.
all tbe right, tHle and Interest which the s id determined to build the Conn itnM
ZZJl? 'n -"er: Bid. fur, he cooatraetioo thereof
. i and free from the claims of all persons whose . 99 ,r'Ta l the office of the ie-
lor the 1 claims are subsequent to said date or subse- , o'der of Dalles City np to I be hoar of
- - 1 AiiAfttlu anaaaaaaaagatMW IkA jl .r . . ulJ . 1 . . I m aSSVu
til f , ..u-f K:rZ2rJZ.r" l'' D, ' m rnnraoay, Uetober 3. 1901.
; rr- ... I'- - ikkmi awvc I'lana attt .u.,aii... I .
snannisnen. -r"iMi cava in seen at
I&J!J52vm,.abow?,l'?ma " "Dd c 01 tb 'eeorder. All bids most
which will be sold aa aforesaid la daattribMi m . bjataUl nH k . .
follow.: I " .7-" "TTT -WMlwustoiOB or
Lot. 1.2, 3,4. ft, 6, 7 and 6. and tbe south half
by Cars
Gilford's Fotos Nrrer Fade.
.asst. la. iss.
lourr kkli.v
ahsrUTel WaaeOonnty, Oregon.
certified cheek to the amooot of lea per
cent of the hid, to be forfeited to the cftr
o case of refaeai to eeoep the contract
itb the bid
feaerree tha rtwKt i mIi
any aad all bide.
Ballet City, Off., Sept. lg, lL
Wdtd lieeoederof&oSry.
Of the product of this well-knona brewery tbe Doited Sutes Health
Report, for Jane 28, 1909, says: "A, more an potior brew never entered
the labratory of tbe United States Health reports. It u absolutely devoid
of the slightest trace of adulteration, bat on tbe other band it composed of
the best of malt and choicest of bops. lie tonic qnalHiet are of the high
est and it can be need with the greatest benefit and lallBtatltna by old and
young. Im nse can conscientiously be prescribed by tha nbjraictans with
tbe certainty that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not
possibly be found."
East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON.
111 kinds of
Funeral Supplies ekb
Crandall 4 Bwget
The OsUltMhOr.
I VasIsM BBaVassaaafealaBaaLk jSLM
, SMawaa 3 sT9etsalsBae
Mil ShfoOat 1
For tale by Geo. 0. Blafcalay.