f. m Tbt Dalles Daily Chronicle. MONDAY SEPT. S3. 1901 BETTER PROTECTION FOR PRES- 1 DENTS. ' 'I firmly believe that before an other jear shall have passed we shall have laws, not precisely such as were the alien and sedition laws of John Adams, but which, if we had them today, would be a mighty good kind of legislation. We shall have a law that will enable the authorities of this country to take the known an archists and those who associate with them and put them on board a gov ernment ship and send them to some unoccupied island. I think tint is one reason why Got! gave us the Philippines. "Send them to one of onr unoc- cnpied islands, and give them some agricultural tools and a few barrels ; . . , ., irv oi ornaume, auu tueu ici uo sj ".. -,, . J I tickets are sold will be urciu. vu tiut J"" want; you have no government. ! Ton can Kill one another.' "If this shall be the result, if these i 1 1 ii I oI.aII lu, vAfA.mo1 infl rk IWJlt; DLHU W 1CIVIU1CU tuu WW j senerated. if out of it shall come a titur and nnblpr fimhiti in on the -o . .i . . i t .u .: part oi lue great teauuer u mc muv, - ... . 1 , ! not attempt here now to discuss, but that shall forever intimidate and hold back tbe band that would strike. tbe pen that would defame, or the ! pencil that would libel and caricature j without cause, any man selected by bis fellow men to administer the law, oar martyred president will not nave died in vain. I believe in the widest right of criticism. I believe that every pub lic man in this nation is a light set on a hill, and that be should shine there, and the nation and tbe char aster of his illumination be known of aril men. But there is that that ought not to be, and there is that which the American people have this day served notice must cot be. And if it be so, I say again that onr dear friend did not die in vain. His life, shortened though it was, will have n i crowu placed upon its conclusion, and the setting of his sun will send . rays of light and glory far into tbe zenith, ages after bis form shall have ! passed away." General W. H. I. Barnes. lxT . . .. -He who represents the civtl an- tLonty represents for the people the ordinance of God. There must be government, Ihere must be society, and society cannot keep together an less there is authority. The moment t a. f we bold up by means of disgraceful cartoons, aisgracetui lampoonings, ; disgraceful caricatures, tbe bead of the nation to ridicule we place our selves under tbe ban ot anarchy, though there are many who may not realize it. He who ridicules tbe president, ridicules the people, the civil government. He is an enemy ' of tbe land and should be despised -and held- in contempt. There are men, who from some political mo lives, or for spite, or filthy lucre. nave dragged into the gutters the leaders of our land." Archbishop , Biordan. A California pbysicisn seeks a divorce from bis wife, though all in tbe world that be seems able to allege against the woman is that she swore at him, beat bim with shoes and furniture, pulled his hair, tried to knock bis brains out with a cuspidor, took $5 out of bis pocket to ouy a pistol with which to shoot him, ate. Just suppose he bad bad a really cross woman for a wife. For tbe meeting of the grand lodge of Oregon. K. of P., at Portland Oet. 15th, O. B. N. will make a rate of one I one-third fare for tbe round trip on the osrtineate plan. Passengers paving toe punnc press; u mere snaii come Francieco Sept. 234, 24th, 25th, 0th and higher ideal as to the protection 27th, good from Portland via. Southern that ought to be thrown about tbe Pacific Sept. 24iu to 28th, $28 50. .From executive head of the nation ; if it Pwtland via O. R. & N. steamers in both .... , . , . i directions, cabin passage, meals and shall be so arranged that hereafter;. . . , Z ' . ... 6 1 berth mciuded f23.o0, dates of sailing there shall be no power that shall ; jrom portand' to be announced later ; reach him, or, if it does, that it shall final limit of tickets all rail November be disposed of in wsvs that I will 15th, via steamer from San Francisco toll fare going, and calling for receipt front eelling agent, provided fifty or mora ravin naiseneete of not leaa than 50 MDU hmTe been in attendance, all lines included, delegatea or members of delegates' families who have paid foil tare to Portland, will be returned at one third fare on presentation of certificates to our agents at Portland on or before October 18th, certificates to be signed by L. R. Stinson, secretary. Tickets told October 13th, 14th or 15th. No reduc tion will be made for the return if total attendance does not equal require- ment sl8 lm two nay at the tipMiur. BriTAio. 8ept. 22 -Oregon day, Sep tember 25th, wiil be observed at the ' Temple of Music at the Pan-American Exposition by short addresses and music. I' art I an a Cimlvnl Excursion Rates. White Collar Line, steamer Bailey Gatzert, excursion ra'ee : Rinnd-trip excursion tickets will be sold on Sep tember 19th and 25ih, October 2ad, 9th and 16th, good going e:x days after date of sale, making one week's limitation, including date of sale. The price from The Dalles to Portland on the davs these $2.50 for round trip, including two coupons that are goad for one admission each to the Port land carnival. Hood River and White Salmon to Portland, round trip, $2.20, including two admission tickets. 16dvrtf J. M. Filloox, agent. For the Episcopal church convention, """ i 2, 1301, the O. R. wiil sell round trin tickets to San announced later. slS td When yonr hair appears dry and to have lost its vitality it wants something to give it life and vigor. We have what (be hair needs when it gets in that con- science Hair tfjOTgfr Grower and Cocoanut CreamlgB' Tonic. They mil euro unuu mil uuu Bll scalp diseases. For sale at Fraxer's bar ber shop. Price 50c and 75c a bottle. TREASURER'S FIFTH NOTICE. State or Oregon, Treasury Dcpt.. Salem, Sept. 12, 1901. Notice is hereby given that there are funds in the treasury with which to re deem all outstanding state warrants drawn on the state scalp bounty fund and endorsed "Presented and not paid for want of funds" prior to January 1, 1901. All such warrants, properly en dorsed, will be paid upon presentation at this office, interest thereon ceasing from and after this date. CHAS. S. MOORE, el4-2w State Treasurer. TAKE THE Q. R. & N For the Portland carnival and exposi tion. September 19tb to October 19:h. the U R. & N. Co. will sell round-trip tickets to Poitlandand return, including tarn ttfimiaainn tirLots In f ho Arniuilinn at $4. Tickets sold only on Sept. 19th nd 25111 and October 2nd, 9th and 16th, limftfkrl In Arniiu aiv Hava aflap lain t" gaie. ela-lm NOTICE. Mraon8 knowing themselves to be ! indebted to tbe late firm of R. Gilbreth L plea9e on tnem -nd .mount due. All accounts unpaid by j September 20th will be banded over to Messrs Wilson A Huntington for col- ! ,ecUon- . sep6-tf JSoTtis SUver- Xor,b Stratford. N. H. t ! T nntithoaail a KntlU nf HnA UinntA VI.1DV4 Wa -TVJ till. Ul V,' 11 UllllUtO Ooogh Can when eaffarinR with , coagn doctors told me was incurable. One bottle relieved me, the second and third almost cured. Todav I am a well man." Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Sid Darling, 1012 Howard st. Port i Huron, Mich., writes: "I have tried manv pills and laxatives but DeWitt'e Little Early Risers are far tbe best pills I have ever used." They never gripe, C1"k Fa'k'e P- - For Stmt. Three oflieee, two large store rooms on ground floor, and three office rooms up stairs, next door to Sexton A Wal- tner'e, on Second street 10,-1 w Will Mot fair Tbem. To All Whom It May Cokcebn: I herebi refuse to be responsible for any bills contracted by my wife. Jt-Lifs J. Wiley, Suamko, Sept. 3, 1901. For Bala. Several head of horaee, weighing about 1000 pounds apiece. Prices right. At my place on Eight-Mile. sl2 lw M. M. Watzkmax. Stock Hogs For Mala. I have for sale 44 head of stock bog, consisting of brood sows, botes and pigs, at my place cn Eight-Mile. sffciS-wSw H. B. Rich a ana. Miss Julia Masqnart, at ttw Beehive restaurant, will do dressmaking of all kinds. 9 in Gilford's Fotoe Never Fade. - On Sept. 7th will be presented to my customers i Shakespeare, complete in one volume, bound in Mor rocco; I Atala in large folio volume, illustrated by Gus tav Dore. JUL T. NOLAN. Union and Second Streets. Local Phone 92. S REGULATOR LINE. Dalies, Pttiim & Astoria NAVIGATION CO. DALLES BOAT LEAVES OAK STREET DOCK, PORTLAND, at 7 A. M. and 11 P. M. ...Portland Boat... LEAVES THE DALLES 7 :00 A. M. and 3 :00 P. M. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. at STEAMER8 REGULATOR, DALLES CITY. RELIANCE. W. C. ALLAWAY, General Agent, Tbe Dalles. Oregon, For Sala. 1000 acres more or less lying on tbe Columbia river about seven miles from The Dalles. Abont 100 acres of. river bottom the rest good npland anitable for fruit and pasture. One of the best dairy or mi.k ranches in the county ; a email house ; good barn ; sonde orchard and plenty of water. Also other town and county property. Apply to Gibons & Man'en, Masonic building Third street. aog30-lm CHANCE TO BUY A HOME- A body of 4800 acres of iand near An telope will he sold io tracts of 160 acres OT more to suit purchaser. More than j half of this land is fine wheat land, rich j black ioam. It is well watered, there being some thirty at forty springs on , tbe tract and small rnnning streams i across most of it. The land is situated flop fonr to eight miles from the end of ! the railroad at Sbaniko. Any part of tbe land will be sold, i either for cash or on long time after the j first payment. Price $5 to $15 per acre. Inquire of A. S. Bennett. sl3- dAwlm Geo. W. Lane, Pewamo, Mich., writes : "Your Kodol Dyspepsia Core is tbe best remedy for indigestion and stomach trouble that I ever used. For years I snnerea irom oyepepeia, at times com- j pelling me to stay in bed and causing me untold agony. I am completely cored by Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. In i recommending it to friends who suffer from indigestion I always offer lo pay for j it if it fails. Thus far I have never : paid." Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. If you want to retain yonr hair you' have to keep your scalp clean. Soap wil! make yonr hair harsh, dry and j crispy. Now we have two of the yery beat preparations for cleansing the scalp Egg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It will leave your hair soft and glossv. Price, 26 and 50 cents a bottle, at Fraser's barber shop, Tbe Dalles. tf NOTICE. Effective this dae. A charge of (1 per ear per day will be made for delay to cars, for all time held under load, in i i ji s as a loaaing or anioaaing oy consignee or consigner, in excess of forty-eight hours from time ear is set tor loading or un loading. Jamks Ibklako, Agent O. R. & N. Co. Yoa will not base boils if yon Clarke Falk's sore care oi boils. Experience is the best Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy In any oast) of coughs, colds or croup. Should it fall to give immediate relief money refunded 26 eU. and 60 eta. Blaaoley, tbe draff A foil lias of lastaisa Alms and sop plVas just rtMBivsd by Clarke 4 Falk. White Collar Line. The Banes-Portland Borne Str. BAILEY-GATZERT, DAILY ROUND TRIPS, Except Monday, Cascade Locks, Hood River, White Salmon and The Dalles. TIME CARD Leave Portland 7 a. m. Arrive The Dalles 3 p. u. Leave " " 3:30 " Arrive Portland 10 " Meals the Very Best.. "Sunday Trips a Leading Feature. his Route has tbe Grandest Scenic Attraction? on Earth. Portland-Astoria Route Str. "TAHOMA," Daily Round Trips except Sunday. TIME CARD Leave Portland 7 a. Leave Astoria 7 p. Landiug and office Foot of Alder i Street ; both phones, M 351, Portland, j Oregou. j w (jRICHTON, Agent Portland, J. H. FILLOON, Aet. The Dalles, A. J. TAYLOR, Agent Astoria. JastWhat Yoa cuaot. New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be ; fore graced n single stock. Real imita-! tion creton effects at ordinary pri Good papers at cheap naner nrii Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our store on Third I street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VATJSE, Third St Fire Insurance. Ld IMoi I Qon lis. (o. oi lota. Founded 1826. Capital paid up g7,3OO,O0O Aiweto liO, 1 2,035 Now is the time to insure ; tomor row may be too late. Phone No. 86, beufert & Condon. Phone No. 803, Pacific States Co. ARTHUR SEUFERT, Resident Agent, The Dalles. - , JOiUl PaSliek, The Tailor Has just received 1000 samples of the latest patterns in Gent's Clothing Goods. He guaran tees prices and a good fit or no pay. John Psvahek, The Tailor. Twenty bead of horses, ranging la weight Irons 1100 to 100 pounds. All haJtav-broken, and some broken to work. Apply to Btraabe Brothers. Eodersby, Oregoo. Jly 86 lmw Tfie GQlumiiia PacKogCo., PACKERS OF poRKand beef MANUFACTUJUEK8 OF Fine Lard and Sausages Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON JR1KD BEEF. ETC. mm Best L. Y. HONG, Proprietor. FiFst-CIass in Every Hespect KAL8 AT ALL HOURS. Oysters Served in any Style. 87 Second St., The Dalles. Or nTn Rfm Received A full line of Fresh Printing and De veloping Papers direct from factory. Solio, Rex, Deko, Velox and Aristo in all sizes. Also a line of Plates in Cramer, - Crown, Seeds and Stanley. Trays, Printing Frames, j Albums, Multigrapbs, And all accessories to complete the outfit of either tbe amateur or pro fessional photographer. Our Eureka Combined Toning and Fixing Bath is a dandy. Try it. Tbe A. E. C. Developer for plates, films or developing papers has no equal. Enongh for 35c to develops 8 dozen plates or 6 dozen Yeloz 4x5. Perfect blacks and whites are guaranteed, if directions are followed. Ask for the A. E. C. De veloper, and see that yon get the genuine. We are prepared to compound any and all of yonr own formalse and guarantee satisfaction. At the old place, Tbe Dalles, Oregon. 175 Second Street, Geo. C. Blakeley. gjuuuuuuuuuuuuu spa L. Lane, GENERAL Blacksmiu II IV ..AMD. Wagon and Carriage War. Fiah Brother' Wagon. TMrt and JeCfcron. Phone 1591 FRENCH & CO, BANKERS. Transect a General Banking Business. Letters of Credit issued available in tbe Eastern States. Sight Exebange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York. Chicago. 8t. Louis, Kan Francisco, Portland Ore gon. Seattle Wash., and varioas points In Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. Administrator's Notice. All having etaiaw Ptopw vooelssraTto-ttatiSa gSSai. a Imsbs this 77th day of July, lsoi. - Administrator of the aetata of ffiutaNELw M da to estate of a of MlUis Uobart. mat Horsesnoe CM R 0G0 IE Union Rccific HHP dspart TIKI SCTOPPUM AAma ro TU DALLES. nm j& Chicago- Portland salt Lake, Daovar, ft Special. Worth, Omaha, Kan li:p.w. aa. City, Bt.lxmu, Chi 1:06 p. . ria Hunt- oago and the Rart. ington. Atlantic . 8V Pan! Walla Walla, Lewi ton. -IB Fist Hail, bpoane,Wallaoe,Pnll 9:25 p.m. roan, Mtnnaapolis, 8t S:a la. vlaSpo- i Panl.Dnlnth.Vllwra kaae. kee, Chicago and KaaL 0CEAV AID &IYE& B0HEDTJLE rroaa fMttaata. (All tailing Satea irab Jaet to change) 8:00p.m. i :p.m For San Franelaco, Ball every 6 daya. j- tTm. jTo ABWrla Md Way 4 Saturday, ! Landings. Bonder. 10:00 p. m. Dally j Willaaurtt BUvor. fiL i Oregon City, Kewberg.i "l" ; Wra, Independence, B'?2f 6:00 a. m. j aray-Landlngs. i 8W. Tuesday, j j 4:3b p.. Thursday, ' CorvalUs and Way- Monday Bataiday, Laudiugs. Wednesday 6:00 a.m. Friday. -j i Tuesdav. Wlllasnetae and ' 3:30p.ia. ThursdHT, YamMtl Ktvera. Monday, ?"'u'd Oregon City, Dayton and Wedneslay , :00 a.m. j Way -Landings. rMay. flaZtm Bnka Rlvar. i Lam Kiuaria Les-totoB 3:40a.m. Blparla to Lewlston. g:.' JCaW Parties desiring to fo to Beppntr or points on Columbia Southern via Biggs, abooat take No. 2, tearing Tbe Dalles at 12:25 p. SL making direct connections at Heppner junction and Biggs. Hemming making direct connseata ut BeppnerJuncUon and Biggs with No. Lw riving at Am Dalle at 1 :06 p. m. For further particulars, call on or address JAB. IRELAND. Agent The Dsllw, Orajoa. Complete ii?e of Dros at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. J. S. SCSUIMCK. Max a. voer. First national Bank. THB DAIXEfS - - - ORBOOH A Gonoral Banking TTae lr tranaMfal Deposits loaaivod, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Oolleotkais made and proceeds promstg remitted oa dav of ooUection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange soW as Haw Task, Baa Franeisoo and "ert laad. DlaXSCOXO- D. P. Twoarroea. Jao. 8. Scaaeoat Eo.M. WrLMAWS. Gao.A.JUiaaa. r rLLXAsrs, Bball. W- . WILSON, Bfaaagar- Firt-g5 io Ewery Resp?t. TKals at Ml tp PRIVATS PARTIES EllVsfll' Tha table always sapplled wis hsslotwe saarkat 71 Frost St., aaar Cloart.Tsw' Uftt