The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 23, 1901, Image 1

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    Millie jflfc ttmitte.
vol. xin
NO. 186
mi i it i mm
Promotes DifWlofttaeiM- I
nfss and Rest jCoatatendfcBr
Opium.Morphiac aorHaeraL
Not Narcotic.
Est I I
A perfect Remedy farCansfipft- I
Ron, Sour Stowach.Diatritoea
Worms ,ConwdsicsJverish-
aess and LOSS Of SUMP.
Mum " " "', -
Fwlnftntiaad Children.
The KM Yoa Have
Always Bought
Bears the .
Far Ofar
Thirty Years
Exaalaatica of the Ballets la CtolftM'
RetttVcr Tee TffHt WtH Befit
Campaign Begun By the Marquette
Club, of Chicago.
Chicago, Sept. 21. The Marquette
Clnb, wnich adopted resolution! for the.
extirpation of anarchism at ita memorial
services !n the auditorium Thursday
night, does not in teed to let tba matter
drop with the passage of tba resolutions.
Tbe pian is to work as bard aa possible
to bring tbe subject before congress
ben i t sssc m bias. W. L. Bush , presi
dent of the clob, said the move Is not to
be s polities! one, as it Is desired that
svery iiberty-loving citiseb of the re
public shall help to ara congress and
be etate legislature to pass, at Ha
earliest possible moment, laws against
Uwe against anarchism as stringent
site had at joyed a good sleep, and that
aba felt better then at any time since tbe
fstefoi sight in Buffalo, when her
husband was snot. Te Dr. Rixey aba
exeressed a wisb to take another drive
"Mrs. McKiuley la Improving rapidly,
said the doctor. "This matter of driving
ont is a eolation of the problem, 1 think.
She needs little or. no medicine, bat
exercise and good, healthy mental oc
cupation will work a great change.
feel e bigb degree of confidence ia bar
ultimate recovery and am almost certain
that the dreaded collapse will not come.
"Mrs. McKinley's grief is intense. She
is doing aa wejl as could be expected,
however. Too orach encouragement
should not be taken at thie early day
regarding her."
ra-u4 Djrtas; on tfco Track.
Vakcocveb, Wash., Kept. 22. Aa un
known man was found in a dying con
dition by some laborers aa the Portland,
Vancouver dc Yakima Railroad at Dub
lin Church, near Battle Oround, fifteen
mires from iters, this morning. When
fouad tbe maa waa n neon scions and
died to a few second. Tt a body was
A. B.
i. a
nnnatiifiSUat 111 - -J 1 I
v uvmiukiuu win DBrmii ua iiodi .a - . a . ' a a .
tbe li,a liii rnernea " a reP
...Ka,uwu Uj Wf mtMT lMWW
Clsb were talked of by a party of
national lawmakers returning yeetar
? from President MefUoley'e faaeral.
wnstors Allison and Dolliver, of Iowa.
wwwiark.of Moatoaa;
so. of the boose of
governor Otero, of Mess Masks)
veromini, republican
oor of Iowa
WIDg, of Wiseoaaln-
'mei Hamiltoa Lewis, of
"a s number of other
. made up a party that (raveled on
IDA BUlnn a ! m mm
v.u,vj vrua lfO0 iftltfra il
es.on of anarehiMs and taw dan
" teachings it devoteeasd oil
JBngjj, r TrPjI&r SaSSSB'- SBBjgS
practiaaiiy of ana mind am the
Mueauon (few sjifisSalti of
v" measures
"on rtetip, to
-'ul 'wand, to smsasHlim f
persons who
Pablican form of
an attack on ism ssaisl
wuaois by
otgasted ranged frees
broagbt to the coroner. Tbe man
a stranger here, bat from a day-book
fouad on tba body bis name is believed
to be Beach am. Be appeared to be
about 60 years old.
1 I I !
We offer one hundred dollars reward
for ear case of Catarrh that can not be
cared by Ball's Catarrh Cora.
F. I. Cheney A Co. Props. , Toledo, O.
We, tba undersigned, have known V,
J. Cheney for tba last 15 years, and be
lieve bias perieetly honorable in allbost
ness tnnaaettoos and fiosncially able te
carry ont any obligations made by their
- BcrrALO, Sept. 22. The most Im
portent development te the Csolgoss
case today Was the annoudearnant that
ao poison bad been foe ad on the bullets
or the revolver with which tba anarchist
assassinated President McKlnley. Chem
ical and bacteriological examinations
ware made.
Another examination to determine
the actual mental condition of tba
prisoner waa made this afternoon by Dr.
C. F. McDonald, the alienist, who was
brought here for the defense of ths Brie
County Bar Association, and Dr. Arthur
W. Hard, superintendent of the Buffalo
state hospital. Tbe alienists both de
clined to discuss tbe rasa after tbe ex
District Attorney Penney and his
entire staff spent all of Sunday at the
city ball preparing for the trial of
Cargoes, whieh will begin before Justice
White in part III of the supreme court
tomorrow morning. .
Immediately after the death of tbe
president, one of tbe staff of physicians
la attendance on the president el pressed
the opinion that tba ballets may base
been poisoned. District Attorney Pen
ney ordered careful aad thorough ex
amination made by Dr. Herbert Hill,
lite city chemist, who made a chemical
examination of tba ballets and . the
chambers and barrel of tba revolver,
aad Dr. Herman O. Matainger, oae of
tbe surgeons who performed the autopsy
noon tbe president's body, waa ordered
to make a bacteriological examination
This afternoon. Dr. Bill reported to the
district attorney that tola work showed
that no poison bed been need. He alto
presented a written report, bo tit will not
bs asad on the;trial, as that question is
now eliminated from the esse. DrH
Matainger baa finished his bacterio
logical examination and his work also
revealed tbe absence of any poison. Tbe
district attorney has been informed to
that effect, although the formal report
has not been submitted. Authorities oh
this question state that tbe two examina
tions form a complete teat and that the
slightest trace of poison woald have been
Dra. McDonald aad Hard, tbe alienists,
after an interview with District attorney
Penney this afternoon', were escorted to
Csolgoee' cell aad locked op with the
prisoner for half an boor. Tbsv re
tained to tba city ball aad bald another
conference with tbe district attorney,
Fifteen mioates later Dr. James W. Pat
earn, a local alienist appeared and j deed
tbe conference.
MATcrims Dress Goods
And we say matchless with a double meaning
matchless in beauty as well as in price.
We cannot claim a patent on beautiful dress materials
the markets of the world are open to all nor can we alone
quote low prices; but considering styles, qualities and prices
as a unit, we doubt if the equal of our new stock can be found
Special Value
64-inch tray and brown
Oxford SKirtituf
Matejriml, per yard
of Vtoh Drews OST.
AsTOBiA, Sept. 21. Tba run of fish la
tba river bee dropped off considerably
in tba past forty .eight boors. The traps,
however, can easily supply all demands.
Tba freeb fish dealers pay cent per
poena, end tbe remainder are sold to
Battler's cannery at fire cents each. Tba
at Sva cents par pound.
A ee4 This-.
QermSB Syrap Is tbe special prescrip
tion of Dr. ArB lentil I, a celebrated Oar.
man physician, and ia acknowledged to
be one of the most fortunate discoveries
la medicine. It qalckly cares Coogbr,
Colds sail all La eg troables of the
nature, removing, aa It dose, the
of tbe affection and leaving tbe
parts la a strong and healthy condition
ItisBOtan oagaevBi sals, madietae, bat
hss stood tbe teat of years, givlag setts-
Feet 4 Traax.Wholeeals Ptnggteta, To-1 faction in every sens, wblefa its rapidly
teao.e., Welding, Kiaewn d Marvie, llacreaeing sale every seeeoa eoairaM.
Toledo. Ohio. I Two mBrian aaatiee sold aaaealiy.
Hall's Catarrh Core is token Isdasw i aaahaafa Qarasnn St ran vraa iBsradaaad
nelly, acting directly anon the Weed and In tba United States la ISM, and Isaew
New Waistings.
Satin stripe Nuns Veiling,
Silk-corded Albatros,
Three-toned embroidered striped Serges,
Crepe Batiste, black and pastel shades.
Good Linings
are necessary when a dress is expected to
give satisfactory wear. It is well to re
member that we make a specialty of
dress linings and findings.
A. M.
ams & Co;
Oood Ad vlee.
The most miserable beings in the
world are those suffering from Dyspepsia
and' Liver Complaint. More tban
seventy-five per cent, of the people in
tbe United States arc afflicted with these
two diseases and their effects: such
Soar Stomach, Sick Headache, Habitual
Costivcoess, Palpitation of tba Heart,
Heart-burn, Waterbrasb, Gnawing aad
Burning Pains at tba Pit of tbe Stomach,
Yellow Skio, Coated Tongue aad Disa
greeable Tests ia tbe Mouth, Coming up
of Food after Eating, Low Spirits, stc.
Oo to yoar druggist and get a bottle of
August Flower for 75 cents. Two doses
will relieve you. Try it. Get Green's
prise almanac Clarke A Falk. 2
rf 44M trJWtsMB e
SoU by
of the Gates
-SanSsvoF neaMsniatd
JPJPpeMfW Iffi ; .eWsvyilnwnvBjBgf
snsivad ad O. O. Makciey's abeV-
eoM in every towa and village la tba
dvlliaad world. Three doass wlftreljaee
sny saalBasy eeajgb. Fries 7$ aaato
wraaa s anas wmansc vwrac
2&ttfEr ISFTcSLTi
Many pfayslefsns are now prescribing
Kodol Dyspepsia Cora regularly having
found that it Is ths best prsscriptloo
they can write be?aute it is the one
preparation which contains ths element!
necessary to digest not only sons kinds
of feed bat all kiad and it therefore cores
indigestion and dyspepsia no matter
wbet its cause. Clarke A Falk's P. O.
B. W. Parssll, Kintsteville, Ps safe
be suffered 26 years wltb piles aad could
obtain ao relief an til De Witt's Witeb
Bass) Salve effected a permanent cure.
Counterfeits era worthless. Clarke A
Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Team far sale at a bargain, or to let
oat to be worked aetll Into spring for
their load. Inquire at this office.
CJark and Falk base Jest received a
fafUlac y Vt,jy"4nTffh'
in M reeatgt ofrssenetrettoe at oar store.
t k
snenklnshad n anb
toady part of tbaeity, fjj
bWbSM ' ' '' OpanAf Ojbbbt'
rffftlTaVT ssi-Vvu
gtMmmmw wT anwwasw avayvp ssjBsaaasjp eavvnwsssBwsjwjwjw
apatta fwMng) fdatwf eOsssrw
We operate a PLUMBING, TIN aad BICYCLE
REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will have
prompt attention.
' ' " "
Ok sato. Dally Enjcdar RoaadHrlp ItatnnS
wen ,(, w
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agrr aTSfsnn
SnWi) le leslaal
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ant an s a
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