IVIen's Suits.. .Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker. -DBALXB ra- Gnaranteed genuine Oregon caesimere, trierr all-woo! suits, made eiDgle and : doable-breasted, lined with beet quality : Italian cloth and serae; colore oxford. rev. brown and nary blue. Positively the best value ever ebown in the city for tbe price. $10.00 New Stiff Hats, New Monarch Shirts. Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies aaeot for Raaa.ll Co.'s Engines, Tarcahen and Saw MID. Off. Secaii I LaiiUiB StL, THE DALLES OR. Telephone 157. Loner Distance 1073 1JE ntT tfBI HUE. F. C. CLARKE, Manager. I Night Only, TUESDAY, Sept. 24th YOUR KIDNEYS. After von tire of using so called kidney remedies without any benefit, one Lincoln Sexual Pills and be forever rid of those doll pains In yonr back. Discard that old fogy idea of "pain in be kidneys" and have all ynnr bladder and urinary troubles cure -1, and your nights made restful by the use of natt? -s s greatest assistant Lincoln Sexual Pills. Price, t 1.60 per box buy ot your druggist or sent by mail on receipt of price, in plain wrappet. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY OO., Fort Wayne, Indiana M . Z. Donnell, Agent, The Dalles. Vliil Carter Stole. Chicago, Sept. 20. Through tbe re- . ' coyery of 1200,000 in cash and securities ! " Hj rK n sKi Cfc ItI A X O ,n Huntington, W. Va.. the government MMSsa ' authorities now have possession of about 380,000 of the funds em bexxied by Oter- ; ! tin M. Carter, ex-caoUin of the United Mr. and Mrs. George A. Y .tiDg snd jj'Mte- Engineer Corps at Savannah, Gh. PIKSOSAL aiNTHiS, ; Rat, to Iaa-America Sspo.it Ion. Round-trip rates via O. R. A N. from The Dtllee, 81.90. Tickets on sale first and third Tuesdays during June, July, August, September and October .good for continuous passage going on date of sale. Return limit thirty daya from date of sale. Stop-overs will be allowed west of M?e oang spent last night in th city, - , , . 1 Missouri river or St. Paul on return trip . . , XT-u, Tbe announcement was made today by i the guests of the Umatilla House. . - .; within limit of ticket. OSliuu ciririu, npruiai awswii tm . - Bal French left the city this morning . of tne Unlted Sut, who I nr an irt t i Irr tin f ir nnc in lhi sheen 1 - ' business as a member of the Oak Grove ! now ln Chicago. Mr. Erwin has been Sheep Company. Hie many Dalles j working for tbe attorney-general for friends wish him the best of good luck. . some time in tbe litigation instituted bv burs. j the govemmeut to recover tbe funds a!- Last night, September 20:h, to Mr. bave been fraudulently con and Mis. Alexander, of this citv, a verted from tbe rivar and haruor iui- daughter. Arrangements can be made by apply- i ing to agent O. R. A N. Co., The Dallea, : v: hereby tickeu will be honored on lake neauiers in one or both directions be tween Detroit and Buffalo, tf Jakes Ireland, Agent If you are going to the Portland car nival or to tbe state fair at Salem, take You'll Bare to Hurry. to The Dalles street Too are coming fair and eat nival, are yon not? Ot cours- you sre, and you are going to have one of the beat times in yonr life, Deem; no piins have been spared to maae the fair and carnival the bee: thing of its kind ever he'd in a city the size of The D ".-. Thousands of dollars are being epent for this purpose, and you may rest assured that you will not be disappointed this rear. Then you know RICHARDS I PRWGLES Famous V Georgia Minstrels Management T. J. Cnlllgan. Direction of Rusco & Holland. J Proprtor. aiphe Owl provements in the Savannah district. He the Bailey Gaz-rt, leaving Tbe Dalles ! will remain in Chicago for some time to j al 3 :3Q p. m., and view the grandest I push i he proceedings on tbe bill recently ecenery in the world. Music, meals and , filed in the United States Circuit Court j the most commodious boat on the river, i against ex-Captain Carter, bis uncle, j i!8 m veart! to ride on this boa. Pae- : Lorenso D. Carter, and his brother, I. ; gengera visiting Port'and can, if they j 'Stanton Carter. "Large amounts of wish, secure sleeping accommodations! securities representing government j ad remain on the Bailey Gatzart over ; l funds, so it is cnarged, have betn traced : night, which would save them going iui- j ; to th? latter two defendants, and as vet i mediately to a hotel on their arrival in ; they have failed to account for them. i Portland. 139-1 w First 5 rows, 75c; balance of the house, 50c; children, 25c. Seats on ea'e at Clarke iV Falk's, Post Office Pharmm-v. Prof. Homer de Morrison Our farmers west of town, says the Goldendale Sentinel, are hauling tbeir ! Heron Vear. ln Bed. 'Will wonders ever cease?" inquire v.. (.:. j. r u-o t u... .1 i you can combine business with pleasure, : wheat to The Dalies these days. Andar- , ' ' ... . , . . ... r,. - . .. . , . . . i Kan. Thev knew she had been unable and if von have a farm vou would like ; son Abearer informs us that last week he . .... ,, , , ' i . ... . . . , .. I to leave her bed in seven veara on wc- to eel!, cail around and see Hndson & , received oo cente per bushel for bis Brownhill or Dad Buus atwut it ; or U wheat at The Dalles, while if he bad j COODt of kldnfy an,d ja55 ... .. . l i i i u u . , . . nervous prostration end general debiiitv ; you are thinking of mov:ng to ti e city hauled to Columbus, he womd onlv have , ZTT , , , " . - ' , , j j,- .uin.' l''t. "Three bottles of Electric Bitters and want to purchase or rent a good received 4 cents per bushel. He also ' . ..... ., . . . . . . . . , ., . ., ; enabled me to walk, ahe writes, "and home, cali at tbe office of tbe above gen-: received free ferriage, as be sold to the ... ti tli rai n mAniha I folf I Br aa aa naa " . a i ai tuiGv uiuuuia a iiaiaiii;w irisvu mills there. i . . . pa omen suuering irom neaoacne, oaca- tlemen on Washington street, opposite Che land office, where they will be ulad to show you what they have, and you may rest assured tbey have toine real bargains. advertised l.c Following is the lint of letters remain ing in tbe post office at The Dalles un called for September 20. 1901. Persons calling for the same will give date on vr hieh they were advertised : Alexander, Sam Foiier, Lanra Armstrone. Hattie Giitham, Emma BrSlMCSS LOCALS. 3331. ache, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Melan choly, Fainting and Disxy Spells will I find it a price lees blessing. Try it TCasfalBcton street. Room. 23-30, I'OKTL.t.ND, IIBMOK. Ben'in, W I Brown, S A Cramer, R M CAlderwood. Jas Cant:: a. y. Marv A Davenport, K E Frantz. E-iw C Faron, Ed Franta, George Jeaks, Jack . Graham, George Hunt, C Harris, N L Jones, J H Long, Mel. in H Matbew, Mattie Perry, Lawrence Rathery, E J Thomas, John Weston. J E Wisk-r. Joseph i2 .T. M. PATTaaaox, P M. notice. Mrs. E. Cary fail and winter fully asks the ladies of The Dalles to call and see them. tl6 Iw WooJ! Wood! Wood! Best grades of fir, pine, oak and slabs, all well sea soned, can be bought of Jos. T. Peters & Co. tlD lm Damaged rustic flooring and paints; good cedar posts at 8?L, cents each. Gilbretb & Sons, office at Watts A Baker'e marble and granite works. lOtf Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when yon can buy James E. Prton'. .nn nrml naiuts for XI Sli mr - i - . i i . i r w - n-ving lormaM a panne.am.. m lue g,Hon guaranteed lor 5 years. CUrk A tei estate business, we respectfnlly call FJk. agents. ml lection to the fact tbat we are better j Dou.t w.u umil yfM Become chronica!, qu.pped to dispose of your P"PWy iv TOn8t.paU;J DDt uke DeWiu.. Little ouirkiy than any other firm in the city, j Ear,y R,r8 now 8od lfeen They miu We are rapidly disposing of city and Keep your liver and bowels in good order, fan: prnperty, and bave numerous calls ; Easy to take. Safe pllic. Clarke & Falk's for more. Ii you have property to sell, O. Pharmacy. or if yon wish to buy city or farm prop- ; A never failing cure for cuts, burns, ttv, you cannot do better than to call scalds, ulcers, wounds and sores is De acd ere us. We propose to be prompt j Witt's Wl'.cb Hazel Salve. A most and give strict attention to any business . soothing and healing remedy for all ekic First-class niano for sale cheap bv J D. Girdner at Gumbert'e chrar store, on ! find H priceless blessing. Second street. el7-tf j Satisfaction is guaranteed. G.C.Blake- r. . . , . . . . , lev, tbe druggist. Onlv 50c. 5 Found A pair of spectacles, which " : tbe owner can obtain at this office by j a Baxtaa. Soaring Flood. proving property and paying for this j Washed down a telegraph line which ; Cbas. C. E.lie, of Lisbon, la., had to re- sl74t has received her new millinery and respect- 1 Tiiieu a I'artnerIUp. : pair. "Standing waist deep in icy water," be writes, "gave me a terrible cold and - cough. It grew worse daily. Finally the best doctors in. Oakland. Neb., Sioux City and Omaha said I bad Consumption : and could not live. Then I began using Dr. King's New Discovery and . wholly cured by six bottles." Positively ' guaranteed for Coughs, Colds and all j Throat and Lung troubles by G. C. Blakelev, the druggist. Price 60c. 5 The first realatcred aa well . tho rt ratn. ate piciat ever in fortlaud. The world', e eaicit Trance Clairvoyant and Herba lst can j be en laaltm a.ilj on all affaira oi ill-. Prof, de Morrison Is without a doubt the moat ! MMi'-itiric Palrai-tand Clalrro- ant ia the world una?: nt it t.ne n taaen trafurv. reunite, the actwrated. tells If there is min-ral. o 1. or gas on your land enable, you to win ths anec'lon of oue you deal re. faimistrr taught, medicnilsiic neraons devel oped Heals by tbe use. of bis revealed neib.l teas: cures chronic antl so-called incurable duv eat. Free treatment for the poor. Send 91, date of birth and three quest! ma: all lettuni answered at cnee. left in our care. T. A. Hi it os, TlMOTHV Bbowxbill, W. H. Bttts. CASTOR I A For infants and Cnildren. Vm Kind You hate Aivajft Bonglrt affections. Accept onlv the genuine. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pberoiacv. Bears the Signature ai Wanted To reut, by ex-State Printer F. C. Baker, an eight or nine room resi dence of modern appointments. For I farther particulars apply at drain's cigar store. tlBtf Girl wanted to do general housework. It.uiie at Dr. H. Logan's on Fourth tveet. sl8 Iw BOARD OF EQUALIZATION. Notiee is hereby civeu that the Board of Eqnalizttion fur Wasco county, Or egon, will attend at the office of the county clerk in The Dalles, Oregon, on i Monday. October 7, 1931, and publicly examine the aasesment roll for 1991. and ; correct all errors in valuation, descrip . tion or qualities of lands, lots or other t property, and tracsact any other bus -J ness tbat may legally come before said : board. j Dated Tbe Dalle, Or., Sept. 13, '01. C. L. Schmidt, , el4-3tw Assessor Wasco Co., Or. We offer for a limned period the j ! twiee-e-wees. Cuaomcux, price $1.60. and the Weakly Oregon ian, price 1.50, j both papers for $2 a year. Subscriptions ' A fresh supply of Lowney'a chocolates juit received at G C. Blakelev 'a phar macy. - Or. H. M. Walker, the celebrated palmist, has returned to tbe city and ia lanalsrl ia wot at tbe corner in rear of Mays Crewe's store. it A Falk's favoring under thia offer mast be paid van oe. If you take the O. R. AN. Portland exposition one day equal to three days if you go other line. - in ad NOTICE. Any person desiring privileges to sell i articles within the grounds of Tne ; Dalles Street Carnival will pleate cail on or write to C. J. Crandall, general super intendent ot the carnival, at Tbe Dalles, trom whom he may receive the term? I and tbe necessary information. sep7 td j Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on i a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn, I raising of tbe food, distress after eating i or any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet gives immediate relief. 25 cte and 60 cts. Blakelev, the druggist. When your hair appears dry end to bave lost Us vitality it wants something to give it life and vigor. We have what tne hair needs when it gets In tbat con dition. We have sj . the Crown of Science Hair Ck Ba Grower and Cocoannt Cream Wr Tonic. They will cure dand wssssW ruff and ali scalp diseases. For sale at Eraser's bar ber shop. Price 60c and 75c a bottle. TREASURER'S FIFTH NOTICE. State or Ok egos, Tobasdrv Deft ,) bal em, Sept. 12, 1901. Notice ia hereby given that there are funds in tbe treasury with which to re deem all outstanding stale warrants drawn on the state scalp bounty fond and endorsed "Presented and not paid for want of funds" prior to January 1, 1901. All such warrants, properly en dorsed, will be paid noon prosecution at this office, interest thereon ceasing from and after this date. CHA8. 6. MOORE, Loeatod by Tialoa. Portland, Aug. 10. -(To ihe Editor). Hotter de Morrison, occuliNt. located by vision tbebul i lion Mo.-u iron me aeiny smelting- Works. In jbehilf of occult science he imrrediatalr com- was i m ""lea tea by letter the facta to Mr. A. J. Kel tuu.uwm ui mc remy wosaa. Tne reports re cefved last night prove hi statements correct. mks. rxaHcn paktluw. "It U pleasing to be a .tuned that tie sold sto.en from tne tseiby amelttns; Works was causa ny vision by a Portland oscultisr. This proves that me story of the confession of the tnief and that hi assistance was required in re cover1!; the gold was a bare California inveu Uon for the purpose of depriving Oregon of just glory. "--(Kditor Portland Oreg.mianT 9 Take them 2 to-day and 9 9 9 9 S 3 9 9 3 14 Stats Treasurer. 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 3 9 Soldby Clarke et Falk, The Dalles, Or. you'll be well U-morrow. aid wins Cold Cure lablet NaBB (Odd in head ) IvsOireNfloySc SaaS far Trt am.l m4 SUsice! aaM.w rraaciaca for the j will he via any Clarke A Falk nave on saue a fall line of paint end artist's brushes Gilford' Fotoa Nerer Fad. Sabscribe for Tax C If anything aila your hair, go aad see Freaer; he's the headquarters for all hair remedies. Remember that he make a arccialtv of these goods. ti Miss Christine Hiekelaen wiU givs in struction in embroidery end plain sew ing on Wednesday and hatordsy of each was, from Still will ho sweated as adal Aoehlidrssi. Apply at BIOS WANTED. Notice is hereby given that tha nun council of Dalles Citv. Ormmn hu determined to baiid the Court street sewer. Bids for the construction thereof will be received at the office of tbe re corder of Dalles City up to tbe hoar of 7 p. m. of Thursday, October 8. 180J. Plans end apeeifieatiuns can be seen at lbs office of the recorder. All bids most be sealed and moat ha accompanied bv cartiosd cheek to toe amount of ten per cent of tbe bid. to he forfeited to the citv 0 2L2f r-MB' the contract in assorrlanea with the bid. Tbe ceo noil reserves tbe right lo reject an v and all bids. Dalles City. Or., Sept. 18. 1801. ale did -BaoiDSlwfS 1 Purest Liquors f6r Family Use Delivered to aoy part of the City. 173 Second Street Phones: 51 Local, 858 Long Distance Headquarters for Seed Grain Headquarters for Feed Qraw Headquarters for Rolled wai Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, Headquarters for "Byers' wawi Plnne This Hoor wn 3 a.vraaa of all kinds otUkia tl.Bvakiax and ail of hilx Fend T for faaafla use ; everv aacK ta ruaranteed to aive satiafarfaaS W? sail our roods lower than any ho nee in the trade, wad 11 Yea don't thimtZ call and get our prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wfcest, Barley and Oats J'l . J v U laaysaayajsaysp C. J. STUBLIflG, WHOLKBALK AND BKTAIL Wines, liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt Mention. Next door to First National Bank. Condon 1'honr 23a. Lvag latat. IOl. THE DALLES, OREGON. " f "' " ifl P iiti 7i " Ti ifnf " twaiiiilsaasaa..! PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH Pioneer Grocer. MOTT'S PENHYBOYaL PIUS Chew overcome Week nsaa. irreirnlarity aad omissions, increase vig rw mrtA h..iah "mhy or menstruation. " They are "LIFE HA VEXES to girls at womanhood, aiding development of organs mad body. Sf known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harm-Mi becomes a pleasure. fl.OO PER BOX BY MAIL. Seli by drtias&tB. DE. MOTT'S CHEMICAL CO.. Cleveland, Olao For aale by Geo. C. Blskeley , The Dallea, Or. THE CELEBRATED .. GOItUjHBlfl BREWEfcY .. AUGUST BTJCHIiER, Ptop. Of the product of this well-known brewery tbe United BUtes Health Reports for June 28 1900, says: "A more so potior brevr never entered the labratory of the United States Health reports. It w absolutely devoid of tbe slightest trace of adulteration, botoo the other hood la aoeaposed of the beat of malt and choicest of hops. Its tonic offal'tiei are of tha high est and it can be used with the greatest benefit and satisfaction by old and young. Its use can oonseientioosly be prsaonhad by tbe aliyaloians witu "'J a better, purer or more wholesome baeerage could not possibly be found." East Second Street, TIJE DALLES, OREGON eaaASAwaavsva DEALERS IK All kinds of rflawtl Sopplissj 21 Cra target I Eobs& ' gsw. bh sm asBswaa ana a- ja aajsamv wfil LYOTS a Subscribe for Tax Alvord aeaooe. s!7 Iw For sale by Geo. 0. Blakaiay. Tbe Dalit Or