tm f New Arrivals for the This week we will offer eten only eporoe ne on to greater effort. learning that oar berfaiae cannot analitiee are of the htibeel and oor 1: brought new arrival in every Extraordinary Values in SATEEN UNDERSKIRTS at Almost Half Price. New Fall Rainy-day and Walking Skirts' ; All Carefully Tailored and made in the Newest Fashion. Sec our window display of Ladies' Flannelette Robes the handsomest line ever shown. Our faH ffaaMon are having their innings the new arrivals bring in a flood of new ideas to see them ie to admire them. Our Prices are Business Winners PERSE 5t MMYS. The Dalles daily Chattel. BATCH DAY - - 8EPT. 21. 1901 Ice Cream and toe Cream Soda At Andrew Keller's. TREASURER'S NOTICE. All ITimo Comity prior to DmwUr S,.H mm presentation at mj III! after September IS, leei. john w. aaatPBHiaa. -OaoatT TmMrar WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Vote for queen tonight. Don't forget Profeeeor Sandvig's dance tonight at the Baldwin. Ready-to-wear eoit bate, joet the tbinf l for carnival at The Leader. 21-25 Millinery opening Sept. 26tb, 27 lb end 28th at The Leader millinery stare. 25 Miee Ida Ward wae taken to St. Via cent's hospital, Portland, tbie afternoon. The yellow journals hare changed tbeir hue a little daring the laet two Make. Don't forget the exenreion to tbe Port lend earnival on Bailey Gataert Tuee day, Sept. 24th. 21 St Wanted To rent nuforniebed boaee of seven or eight rooms, by October let' Addrera box 430. t21 24 Leave orders for piano toning at Nick sleao'e etore A firet-claea taner will be here all of next week. 21-23 The CalvaniaUe doctrine of total de pravity a ill never be an exploded .booty H long at there la an anarchiet alive. The new paetor of the Metbodiet church, Ray. W. Skip worth, will oecapy hit pulpit tomorrow, morning and even iai. Excursion ! Excursion to Portland on ey Gataert, Toesday, Sept. 24th. Don't forget tbe date. Tickets good for days. 21'2t text Monday is tbe anniversary ci b Jewish feaet of atoaement and the Great Northern fnmttare atom of this ay ill, in consaqaeeos, ws dosed all ay. Jndxe Mays, who has suffered for tbe tost week from a sever aAtoak of aea was somewhat awearar at aaa to dsy.and it is boned ig oa tbe road to "eorery. Havea, of Tto tor fall aieawta ree-" a. will be paM ian. "ore, nanasrae tor fall taialas ef aa- " sassa saveee watsBas sear J5 oiadaf . Frieav aad atorday, P.- Mlh, 27cfo sets tftot. St ff Tbe Hood Blear (aatggar safe: Br- week. greater valaea than ) eocren The general pnblie it rapidly be t qnalled in any city ; that oar selling erieee lower. Laet week department. best A A A A A A A intend to exhibit fruit should see him. Mr. Jensen is an artist in tbe line of decorating, and in this instance be will give hie services gratia." F. C. Fiedler and Mary Stroote, both from Utah, wore united in marriage yes terday by Bev. W. B. Clifton. After tbeir marriage tbe couple continued their journey to Portland. Pease A Maya received this morning the material from which the qaeea's drees is to be made. The gown will be handsome, aad its worth one's time to go aad see the material before its turned over to tbe dressmaker. Voting for queen of the earnival will close promptly at 9 o'clock tonight. All rotes will be east at Blakeley'e drag store. Each balf boor from 7 o'clock until 9 tbe result of tbe vote will be placed on a blackboard in tb. window. Mr. Wilson, of tbe Campbell A Wil son Millinery Parlors, bas engaged tbe services of Miss Margaret Torgler, a first-class trimmer, a former employee of Hellers, of Portland, and is there fore prepared to meet tbe demands of tbe beet trade, as well as tbe medium. Oor styles are equal to the beet, aad our prioes are as low as the lowest. 2 Is Mine days more aad tbe fair aad ear nival will be on at aad everything indi cates tbat .the attendance will be tbe largest tbat ever met la Tbe Dalles for any similar purpose. There Is no mis taking tbe indications tbat tbe attrac tions will also exceed anything ever at tempted here. This reminds as that it wonldn't hart if we spruced op a little, and try to have our surrounding as neat and clean as poaeible bare tbe town comb its hair and brush tbe dust off it self, as it were, so as to look our prettiest when the visitors arrive. A Five Mil. rancher, who was today complaining that tbe coyotes bad got away with from 100 to 200 of bis chickens this year, was asked by The Caaoaicia If tbe operation of the scalp bounty law was having no effect on tbe varmints. Tbe farmer's answer was: "There Is ait one coyote now where there was fifty before tbe bounty was paid. The good reeuU of tbe scalp bounty law la very marked, aad I am quite certain if tbe law is eon tinned, as It oagbt to be, tbat la tbe coarse of a very few years more coyotes UI be practically ex terminated." The farmers of Center Bidge have been visited by something like aa epl- aerate among tbeir yoaog bogr, says tto Baser tWsaatch. U Harass has teat aboat eigbty head, aad others fbte losses la a teaser It is. aelf el to ef tea aad am i to aitot ttoei tot Mr. J. I st to aWiahateday The I Working Man... is the man who must have good shoes. His work re quires him to cover his feet with well-made, comfortable shoes. We cater to the wants of the working-man and have taken great care in the select ing and building of his shoes. Mr. Workingman, we want your shoe trade. Shoes to please you at $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50 and $4. on earth. $ AX A A A, A A A , kept in droves or large numbers upon the dry uplands where water is scarce. He ears that in 1694 he suffered similar losses among bis hoes, and their symp toms were the same aa those of tbe ani mals oa Center Bidge this year. There is a refreshing absence of any thing offensive and an abundance of wholesome fan in tbe performance of Bicbards A Pringle'e mammotb minstrel organisation tbat is to be at the Vogt opera boase Sept. 24tb. This big at traction caters to tbe most refined patronage and furnishes hours of solid enjoyment witbont a suggestive utter ance during tbe whole performance. Its fifty performers are selected from tbe best in the colored minstrel Hoe, and every act presented is bright, brisk and original and sure to please the most critical. Be aura and see tbe magnifi cent street parade at 2:30 p. m. Mrs. A. J. Brookhouse, of Ten Mile, who is 70 years of age, bad tbe uia fortune yesterday to fall from a plank walk at ber residence aad break ber left leg about three inches below, the knee. Tbe accident is all tbe more unfortunate aa following another accident five jears ago wbea tbe old lady bioke ber right leg and hip aad has ever since been un able to get around tbe boose without tbe use of crotches. Dr. E. E. Fergu son, wbo is in attendance, reports tbat tbe afflicted lady is doing eg well aa could be expected, but for a long time she will be practically helpless. A gentleman of this city makes tbe following complaint to Jostles Brown bill: "This morning -I found, back of tbe O. D. Taylor aburcb, three boys wbo bad a pigeon tied by a string to a rock. Tbe boys were standing at a distance of ten yards or so aad firing stones at tbe poor bud to see who could bt it. Fail lag to hit it two dogs were 'sicked' on it and one of them caught it in big month. I remonstrated with tbe boys threatened to have tbem arrested, bora 'seated' back sad dared me to s I pleaaed. I bad no sooner token poor bird from tbe month of tto than the boys started for tbe abed hy and got another, which tbey to treat la a manner similar to the fret, noma ladies wbo aaw tbe outrage remonstrated with tbe boys bat to no effect. I weal these yoaog aa erebtots punished aad I am will lag to swear to a complaint." Tbe matter waa referred to tea district attorney. We under stood that Hedaaa A Bases bill and W. B. (better keewa aa Dad) Batta, of thte city, been farmed a aa partnership la the read estate h Slaee Mr Hudson 'e abseace Mr, bill has found tbat be eooid not do the estate baciaess jeeUes. his time be lag wholly tokaa up with tto doable la tbe oases, imo onus- Bsnease lie tto lass few to was very stash la af ease aa to de hteasV to ansa a U-A fcw "aeegaerss" as him, to vary vfasty Browablll, We are sjtai to sas saoh at Hawses made. Dad iBatts la well aad tejvotoeio kaown, Is a realist aad has hetscd to belM aa Tto Dalle. In ho la sanetdrvabfe way, while the firm af Radaon 4 htowahlll, In estetone only a little aver a fear sett have dons mors enitasBS than Is asaally given to oaa Arm. Basnets to them, A kindly Christian farmer of the Bight Mile neighborhood has been ex perl men ting with The Dalles train rs with results that, ap to date, are not at satisfactory aa they ' might be. The weeke ago, or tbareaboats, b. took ens of them oat to tbe ranch sad filled blm np with good, honest country grab. At bed time tb rancher showed tbe tramp to a nice, comfortable room, but lbs tramp asked, as a special favor, that as tbs nights were warm be be given a pair of blankets and permitted to sleep In the barn. The request waa granted, of course, and that was tbe last seen of either the tramp or the blanket. Not discouraged, the same rancher took out with him last Saturday another tramp, filled blm op with grtib sad put h(m in bis little bed ; took him with him in tbe family carriage to church Sunday and treated blm altogether as a man aad brother. Everything went lovely til) Monday morning, after breakfast, mind you, when tbs tramp suddenly com plained of a violent beldacbe and ex - co ted himself from work while he visited The Dalles and consulted a physician. The tramp Is still consult ing tbe physician, so far as onr philan thropic farmsr is concerned. OUR CHURCHES St. Paul's Episcopal church Bev. 0. H. Lake, rector. Morning service at 11 a. m. Evening service at 7 :30. Sun day school, 12:15. All are Invited. Calvary Baptist church Bev. W. B. Clifton, pastor. Begular service at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m., in the new church on Union street.. Sunday school at 10 a. m. ; B. Y. P. U. at 7 p. m. Zion Lutheran church, Ssventh and Union streets W. Brenner, pastor. Services as usual : Morning ssrvtos at 1 1 ; evening, 7 :S0 ; Sunday school, 12:15 ; Lutheran League at 6:30 p. m. Christian church, Ninth and Court streets, Bev. J. M. Alexander minister Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school 10 a. m. ; Christian En deavor 6 :30 p. m.. Prayer masting 7 :30 o'clock Thnrsday evening. Methodlat Episcopal church Corner Fifth and Washington, Bev. W. Skip worth pastor Morning service at 11 o'clock; evening 7:30; Sunday school 10 a. m.; class meeting 18:80; Epwortb League 6:30. All are cordially Invited to these services. St. Peter's ehurcb, corner Third and Lincoln High mass will be celebrated by the pastor, Bev. A. Bronsgeest, at 10:30. Mrs. Borden will sing tbs Bene dictue, with full ohorus. At tbs offer tory James J. Flynn will sing "Calvary." Mamie Helen Flynn organist. Congregational church corner Fifth and Court streets. Bev. D. V. Poling, pastor. Services both morning and evening st 11 s. m. and 7 :30 p. m. Tbs mornina subject will be "An Anarch istic Statement, or Should One Die for tbe Many?" Evening, "A Word Touch ing the Matter of Personal Liberty." At tbe morning service tbs annual col lection will be taken op for tbs Church Building Society. Aa Ssteastve Shes Ileal. James T. Cooper retornsd last Bator day from Tbe Dalles, where bs, in partnership with D. M. French A Co., Seofert Bros, and J. S. Fish, orgsnixed a joint stock company for investment in tbe sbeep business. Each of tbe parties concerned will have a fourth intsrstt in ths company, Which expects to hsvs s $30,000 or $40,000 sbeep holiness. Mr. Cooper will bats entire charge of tbs sheep. Tbla la quite so extoneive deal, and from tbe returns secured at present from aheap, the protestors should realise a haadsoms profit oa their investment. Daring the summer Mr. Cooper bss been fa tbe mountains northeast of Mt. Hood with bis hand of I860 young abaep. Hs will ratere later in tbs season to Sherman county, where he will pet bis float oa the a Inter raogs. Mr. Cooper aaya with good management there ia money in ebeep. A ews, with bar slip of wool, produces aa Income of $3.50 a year, Hood Elver Glacier. wae Tee. Far fjaeea. Tbe follow lag votes vara cast opto atfcOwjJav Cs)BJ w'Ba'ij Sws'swPSa' Miss , , Alt I see tew ITP law ISO 8 Mary Melaerey SO aaWas flaWaW VfiamaM ataaaAaVsalA BaSst aMeftsafsBBwaf as sBsstaw fseawsr wswwasr a a esBBjsavsi sew ejewees aVV sVtostaa. Vatfaf efasss at 81 dash. (Hfferds FttOfl MeW Fade. aJeEtaWWew WafwQOsf Bdilb mY Myrtle Michel Olaie Haaheloaa . Martha tafrerrlag Mis Mama Mltobatl eeeesBi aseaasBs awevwse-ewe The New York Cash Store a 138 end 142 Second Street. Ths BARGAIN STORE of ths City. ..Dogs' anil TOOtH'S SCHOOL sons.. KNEE Wo have just received our complete fall line of Boys' and Youth's Clothing, and aro offering them at unusually low prices. Now is the time to fit out your boy for school. Don't make your purchases without seeing oUr line. We Will BAV6 JTOU money. Don't wait until the nobbiest and neatest patterns are sold, but come in at once. Every SUIT The New York Cash Store Mew Grocery Store We have added a Grocery Depart ment to our store. A new fresh, clean stock. Give us a cali. Prompt delivery to any part of the city. MAYS ass JVIaier & Headquarter for Family Groceries, :0O Hardware, Tinware, Granite ware. Stoves and Steel Ranges. 167 Second Street. THE DALLES. OR. rgBB A. M. Williams & Co., wish to announce the arrival of the Svellest line of Ladks' riBe Shoes tbey have ever shown. New toes, new heels, new trim mings, in fact all tfie frills and finishes which make Pings)) tfHo)) at ths head of a long procession of styles. The most skeptical cannot but admire the work manship. We have Valour CaJf for fall street wear, wide ex tension and in the new Cleo toe; Boat CsUf in the popu lar rope-stitched extension sole; IsfoSal or Pmtemi Kief in the colored stitched sole end mat-kid top, and a host oi others. We invite you to look over the line whether veja pat chase or not. A. M. Williams & tee PANTS Guaranteed. CROWE. aa Benton. Wavi : s