at f.:.. fwcu Thi Dalles Paily Chroinele. ; SATURDAY . SEPT. 21. IWl FREEDOM OF SPEECH. The Chicago Inter-Ocean is not far wrong when it lays a certain amount of the Mane for the assasai mMm f r tnZlnfv nnnn the shoulders of some of the men who in . , the last political campaign and in recent months have characterized the chief executive as "emperor," "tvrani " "despot" and ''butcher." Men did say these things which they knew at the time were false state- meets, and they use J them in the hope of inflaming the people against the president and thus defeat him in the election. These words flawed freely from the mouths of such men as Carl Sobura, Edwin Atkinson. . .. j Henry w acie Kogera, s-waassw- - of d;eJraUS- tmmmm wno bave p,id fols many more of their class. They j Un t0 portiand, will be returned at one were "an. i-imperialists," and tbey third fare on presentation of certificates were probata? entitled to hold their to our agents at Portland on or before opinions, bnt to express them open- ;0cto 18th' bf by ' L. R. Sunson, secretary. Tickets sold V or- October 13th, 14th or 15;h. No redoc- Too much freedom of speech is tion mmde for the return if total allowed in this country. A man , may stand before an audience and abuse and libel the executive heads of the nation to their heart's content. It is wronc. S'o one has objections to arguments, but abuse and argn- . . ments are two very different matters. The campaign of roanv anti-im-, penaiisis was waaeu not aiung Hu- : meDUtive line?, but on abuse and vilification. Then, too, we have per mitted anarchists to meet, drink beer and rave against rulers and to ! promulgate doctrines of murder and j assassination. We permitted men to go about the country accusing our j army of murdering Filipinos. We : all know these are facts, and what is . .. . rp. i the use of concealing tbem. There . is no disposition to return to the old Puritan days, but limitations should j be placed upon public utterances on , public questions in public places. The Times-Mountaineer prints a abort editorial on socialism from The CenoxicxE and compares it with a eulogy on the dead president ' from Bryan's Commoner, m order, as our contemporary says, to "let the reader judge which of the two writers expresses true American i t sentiment." When the Times- j Muuntaineer engaged in the patriotic .... . . Outj or illustrating true Amencan- ism it should have made selections that are better correlated. Against ass. l aawiiiw sm""" our contemporary should have j printed one of Bryan's virulent at i tacks on 4-McKinleyisn," or "im-! perialisir," or one of a thousand of j . . ... . , ! bis speeches that were, of set pui-, 1 r. pose, spoken to cteate disaffection and discontent and fire and enrage : the minds of the poor against tbe : rich. But this is neither here nor ' there. There is one thing, thank - .... .... . ... God, that will alwavs distinguish the' " editor of this paper from William Jennings Brysn and all bis followers; ; the editor of Tin Cubokkle didn't ,. , r. . . . lie about McEinley when be was, living and deify him when he was . , , ... . .... dead; he didn t have to wait till, ' : McKinley was struck down by an aassasin to find out that he was a ; good man. ! New Yorkers showed what tbey i think of tbe Hearst papers the other day by banging W. R. Hearst in effigy, where it remained in plain view for a considerable time. Tbey would have burned tbe effigy at tbe stake but the police interfered. Tbe bitter and umelenting attacks of;.lz lw M. M. Watekmax. these papers on the late president Hck umm, , mmim. are, in the opinion of thousands, re- , bm lor ,e u hmi J. bot,, sponsible in some degree for the consisting of brood sows, abotas and tragedy of September 13th. i pit, at my place en Eight-Mile. -5-5-- s0J2-wSw H. K. Richabm. A justice of the peace who baa; Mi Julia Maaquart, at tbe Beehive reepect for tbe lav lives in Bay City, j restaurant, will do dressmaking of all Mich. He administered a terrible kinds. i9 lot fcnatlng to one Dr. Stewart because j A fan Una gj eUataaaa time and Bap tise latter bad east a reflection on tbe ; late presideaL Then be fined him - j sir to and Mid tbe fine, with tbe remark that perhaps tbe fine was too I M as u aBB l A Bmaii ; or u worm more man so to whlp a mu who dMerred The ''Appeal to BeMon," a paper published in a Kansas town, and which has several readers about New- berg, is not correctly named. It should be "An Appeal to Ignorance." Newberg Graphic. ""T?? w.u u . . i of anarcbiaU has been spent before bars. Hereafter it should be spent behind them, suggests the Spokesman Review. For the meeting of the grand lodge of Oregon. K. of P., at Portland Oct. loth, the 0. R. A S. will make a rate of one n1 nna.thtrfl fata iiir tia mri n "1 Irin nn Vmtmgnn paring , fmre ?oln? nd ctltiing for receipt from selling agent, provided fifty or more paving passeogeis of not less than j 50 nXe have beer, in attendance, all lines included, delegates or members ; attendance does not equal require al8 lm ment. rsitlud Carnival Kaearsioa Bate White Collar Line, steamer Bailey Gatzert, excursion ra'es: Round-trip c""im" "e" " " I tember 19 h iind 25in, October 2nd, 9tb mnd mb Ko5ng Bik day6 aher ' of ea)ef mkog one week'e limitation , mwhv :ate 01 saie. me price trom The Dalles to Portland on tbe days these ticket? sre sold wi!l be 42.50 for round trip, including two coupons that are lnd carniral. Boc.l River and White Salmon to Portland, round trip, 12.20, 'ncioaing two aamieian ucseu J. M. Fill -ox, agent. For the Episcopal church convention, Francisco, Oct. 2, 1301, the 0. R. N. Co. a-iil sell round trip tickets to San . . p. . , Francisco Sept. 23d., 24th, 2oth, 6th and 27ln fron Portland Pacific Sept. 24th to 28th, 128.50. From Portland via O. R. & K. steamers in both directions, cabin passage, meals and j berth included 123.50, dates of sailing from Portland to be announced later ; final limit of tickets all rail November loth, via steamer from Ban Francisco announced later. elS-td TAKE THE O. R. & N- For tbe Portland carnival and exposi tion. September 19:b to October 19th, the O. R. & N. Co. will sell round-trip tickets to Poitland and return, including two admission tickets to the exposition, at SA Ticket. .,!! nnlr nn Rant 10th I and 25th and October 2nd. 9th and 16th. : limited to expire six days after date of sale. si&-lm NOTICE. All persons knowing themselves to be ' 1 IUUCU1CU &v tuc mvc UIUI Ul Ah. IJIIUICIII i.. ...I . r.i xr n:iki. & Bom wiii please call on them and pay amount due. All accounts unpaid by September 20th will be banded over Messrs Wilson & Huntington for col- lBCtion- li Korris Silver, North Stratford, X. H. : , . , , ' . ' 'I purchased a bottle of One Minute Cnre when eofferiDg with . doctors told me was incurable. One bottle relieved mo, tbe second and third 11n,rt J?:, od7DI m wel! m,n " Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Sid Darling, 1012 Howard st. Port u ... , . . Huron, Mich., writes: "I have tried m.ny , and .uvts but DeWitt't Little Early Risers are far tbe beet pills I have ever used." They never gripe. Clarke A Falk's P. 0. Pharmacy, For Three officee, two large store rooms . a . on ground floor, and three office rooms np ,uif next door to BeXton 4 Wal. titer's, on Second street. 16lw win wot iay acan. lo All Whom It May Cokcbbx : I hereby refuse to be responsible for any bills contracted by my wife. Jtlics J., Shaniko, Sept. 3, 1901. Far Bala. Several bead of borces, weighing about 1000 pounds apiece. Prices right. At mv nlaee nn Eivlit-Mtie. puss jast received by Clarke A Falk. Clark A Falk are tWtfotas this. SoUeribe for Tsi CnaaaicLg, On Sept. 7th will be presented to my customers i Shakespeare, complete in one volume, bound in Mor rocco; i Atala in large folio volume, illustrated by Gus tav Dore. BE. T. STOXaAJN. Union and Second Streets. Local Phone 92. REGULATOR LINE. Dalles, POTtlanf & istnii NAVIGATION GO. DALLES BOAT LEAVES OAK STREET DOCK, PORTLAND, at 7 A. M. and 1! P. H. ...Portland Boat... LEAVES THE DALLES at :00 A. M. and 3:00 P. M. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. STEAMERS REGULATOR, DALLES CITY. RELIANCE. w. c. ALLAWAY, General Agent, The Dallea. Oregon. For sale. 1000 acres more or less lying on tbe Columbia river about seven miles from Tbe Dailee. About 100 acres of river bottom tbe rest good upland suitable for fruit and pasture. One of the beet dairy or mi.k ranches in the county ; a small house ; good barn ; some orchard and plenty of water. Aieo other town and county property. Apply to Gibons ' k Manen, Masonic building Third street. ang30-lm CHANCE TO BUY A HOME A body of 4800 acres of land near An telope will be sold in tracts of 160 acres or more to suit purchaser. More than haif of this land is fine wheat land, rich black loam. It is weil watered, there, being some thirty . r forty springs on j tbe tract and small running streams ; across moot of it. Tbe land is situated . from four lo eight miles from tbe end of tbe railroad at Shaniko. Anv part of the land will be sold, ! either for cash or on long time after tbe firat payment. Price $5 to $15 per acre. Inquire of A. S. Bennett. el3- dawlm Geo. W. Lane, Pewamo, Micb., writes : .... . , ' . ' . ' . . "lour Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is tbe beat remedy for indigestion and stomach trouble that I ever need. For years I suffered from dyspepsia, at times com - pel ling ute to stay in bed and causing . me untold agony. I am completely j cured by Kodol Dyspepsia Tjure. In ' recommending it to friends who suffer from indigestion I always offer 4o pay for it if it fails. Thus far I have never paid." Clarke Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. If yon want to retain your hair you have to keep your scalp clean. Soap will make your hair harsh, dry and! crispy. Now we have two of tbe very beat preparations for cleansing the scalp Egg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It ' will leave your hair soft and glosav. Price, & and 50 cents a bottle, at Fraaer'a barber shop, Tbe Dalles. ti Jk f star ISIUIaavalr. Lately starved in London because be could not digest his food. Early use of Dr. King's Hew Life Pills would have saved nim. They strengthen tbe stomach, aid digestion, promote assimilation, im prove appetite. Bold by G. C. Blakeley, the druggist. 6 NOTICE. Effective this date. A of si par ear par day will he for delay to for all time nets ia r an leading by la bbi mi of forty-eight is sat for loading O. B.AK.Ca. Tea will act if 4 Folk's ha White Collar Line. The Paiies-Portiam mte Str. BAILEY-G-ATZERT, DAILY ROUND TRIPS, Except Monday, Cascade Locks, Hood River,; White Salmon and The Dalles. TIME CARD Leave Portland . i A. M. Arrive The Dalles. 3 r. ! Leave " 3:30 ' Arrive Portiand 10 ' Meals the Very Best. Sunday Trips a Leading Feature. This Route has the Grandest Sceuic Attractions on Earth. Portland-Astoria Route Str. "TAHOMA," Daiiy Round Trips except Sunday. time card Leave Portland 7 a. h. Leave Astoria "p.m. Landing and omce root ot Alder Street ; both phones, m Ml Portland, Oregon. W. CRICHTON, Agent Portland, J. M. FILLOOX, Act. The Dalles, A. J. TAYLOR, Agent Astoria. Jast What You caant. Net idsaa in Wall Paper here. Suefa wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single stork. Real imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. feSlJ-C-J .!f JT1 priWt i Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours or a mmi pricej 4t onr on Tnird ' street. Also a full line of honse paints. j D VATJSE, Third St. 1 Tire Insurance. In Urn I (ran ss. (o. of Ink Founded 1KB. Capital paid up Aaarta BT.500,000 20,120,035 Now is tbe time to insure ; tomor row may be too late. Phone No. 86, Seufert & Condon. Phone No. 803, Pacific Stat Co. ARTHUR 6EI FERT, Resident Agent, Tbe Dalles. John Paahek, The Tailor, Has just received 1000 samples of tbe latest patterns in Gent's Clothing Goods. Ha guaran tees prices aad a good fit or no pay. John Paahek, The Tailor. aw of ia AU 1100 to 1080 pounds. to k. Apply to Btraabs Brothers. jJ TH6 CoiosiDia PacHiig Co., PACKERS OF pork and SUlNTFACTT KK KB OF Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON .)RIFD BEEF. ETC. BM Restaurant L. Y. HONG, Proprietor. FiFstrCIass in Every Respect E1LS AT ALE. HOIKS. Oysters Served in any Style. S7 Second BL, Tbe Dalles. Or Just Received A full line of Fresh Printing and De veloping Papers direct from factory. I jSolio, Rex, Deko, Velox j and AristO in all sizes. Also a line of Plates in Cramer, Crown, Seeds and Stanley. ; Trays, Printing Frames, Albums, Multigraphs, And all accessories to complete tbe outfit of either the amateur or pro fessional photographer. Oar Eureka Combined Toning and Fixing Bath is a dandy. Try it. Tbe A. . C. Developer for plates, j films or developing papers has no equal. ; Enough for 35c to develope 0 dozen plates or 6 dozen Velox 4x5. Perfect blacks i and whites are guaranteed, if directions i are followed. Ask for tbe A. E. C. De j veloper, and see that yon get tbe genuine. We are prepared to compound any and all of your own formal? and guarantee satisfaction. At tbe old place, Tbe Dalles, Oregon. 175 Second Street, Geo. G. Blakeley. "P"?r"""W-aj"--aBaBBaaa L. Lane, GENERAL BiacKiiK -.AND. Horsoshoer Wagon anal Fieh sit. T-iri sis JeffcQfl. rmelSi FRENCH So CO, BANKERS. Transact a General Basking Business. Letters of Credit tbe Eastern States. issued available la bight Nmw York ru.l 8t-1". BaaFraaeiseo, Portland Ore goo. Seattle Waah., sad various points in Oregon and Waabiogtoa. orSi!T!rt:. Umteiialw Cor. Third and WaaataVragftavt at 411 'StSLmJttit mTTSSfm. union Pacific dstamt TJMK SCHKDTJUts aaarva W TUKALLBS. vaaa Chicago- I'orlUod salt Lake, Mma,n. SparlaL Worth, Omaha, Can 12 :SS p. m . saa CI ty, St. Uails, Chi- 1 p. m. rla duut eago and the Katt. InRton. bm 8 1-hDe.ver -t. Jg j oatoaad the Sait. Ht. Paul : Walla Walla, Lawtatoa. "m Fast Mall, tqokane,WaUanB.Pnll- 9:p. m. man, MtnnaapnHs, 8L 3 : m. vtaRpo- Pm.Oalath, Wlwan-1 kane. kee, Chicago aud Kaatj 0CSAI AID BITER BOHEDULE From fartl a. (All Bailing dates rah-! j jeet to change ) 8:O0n.m. . p.m For San Fran ehno. Bail every dava iiy I i 10:00 p. m. I Dally WUUawtt lUvar. J Oregon City, Newberg, i:30l Sunday, aSem, Independeuee 6:00 a.m. aaaaHSS? 8nn- ! Tuesday. ! 4:S)n.aL ' ThaiKlay, CorvallU and Way- Aionday MttartUy, IjimUngn. Wednoahy j 6:00 a.m. FrlOay. Tuesday, Wlllaaaatae aad 3: 30 n. at Thnraday, Tamhtll Hrrera. Monday, Satuidav, Oregon Oty, Dayton and wf?"?W .:00 am. ! Way Landings. rnaey. jagy. Balks KlTtr. rJfH Riparia Lesistoa iMi.m. I SlrtlatoLcwiston. i CaV Parties 3 tall lug to po to Bepvner at ImudIs on Culambta Southern rla Rlggs. sboakl take No. 2, leavlag The Dallea at 12:25 p. a. making direct wwinaetSwa at Heppner jnDctka and Biggs. Returning making direct otmnasoaa at Heppuer iuncUon and Biggs aith 'o. L ar riving at The Dalles at 1:416 p. as. For further call on JAB. IRELAND, Agent, The Dalles, Oreaaa. Complete of at M. Z. DON NELL, THE DRUGGIST. J.8. Max a. voat. First national Bafift. THE DALLCS A Kew York, Baa iaaiThiBS and raxaoii. rrt-gj5 id Every Respwt PRIVATE OR8O0P -S DsstersasivatL eabteot to tugu OtsA eg Cheek. CtdlaeMossS aaade aad psweesds prostifir remittad oa dar of oolieetioa. . D. P. Tnaanoaa Jwo. 8. ScaaK Ee. M. WujxaJte, Geo. A. Libbb H.M. Bbalu PARTIES le0. Ha aSaaW ! aVjafdlei with R AlEfMsasA. TI isajsjt fit., Basar Oewrt, twNP