The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 20, 1901, Image 4

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    i - - i .a, aassmv n mjr .JassVassat, mmw mm. mTBEBBSBsvam BaTaaaaw Hen mt ,m, -
Guaranteed genuine Oregon caeeimere,
strict: v all-woo! suite, made single and
double-breasted, lined with best quality
Italian cloth and serge; colon oxford
grey, brown and nary bine. Positively
the best v ne ever shown in the city for
the price.
New Stiff Hats,
New Monarch Shirts.
p. s. cuwuriG.
th. Horseshoer and Wagon-maker
Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies
Axes! for Roaa.Il Oo. Kantnss, Thresher and Saw Mills.
Telephone 157.
Lone Distance 1078
(to 8ecn.l
P. C. CLARKE. Manager.
I Night Only,
Sept. 24th
Card of Thanks
After too tire of aline so-called kidney remedies
without any benefit, use Lincoln Sexual Pills mud be
forever rid of those (toil pains In voor back. Discard
that old fogy idea of "pain in the kidneys" and have
all yoor bladder and urinary troubles cur-), and your
nights made restful by the ne of natp-o e greatest .
assistant Lincoln Sexual Pills.
Price, fl.00 per box buy ot your druggist or sent
by mail on receipt nf price, in plain wrappei.
Fort Wayne. Indiana,
M. Z. Donnell, Agent, The Dalles.
her he
Visalia Rses desires to express
irtfelt thanks to the many kind
A Raging, Flood.
I Washed down a telegraph line which j
C. E.h, of Lisbon, la., had to re-
nair uitiu1in oroiat Atom in lm aatW "
friends who in so rniny ways manifested ' wrf .. m , Md
tDWr "ymnathv toward her her :,h ,t worw H. Finally
late Fad bereavement. She feels that1-.,. . ... rK
riKMKAt aiBKTioN. f . . , , i the best doctors, Hen., Bronx
; special thanks are due the local m-sm-, Cin. mnd Qmmh Mjd j had Oonsnmption
Judge Bennett went yesterday after-! bars of the Brjtherbood of Engineers Mdeoa,dnot ... Then I began using
ana nremeu ana 01 ue Ancient wraer
noon on legal business to Astoria
H.J. Dotin and E. F. Barnes are
registered ai the Umatilla Hons, from
of United Workmen.
Saddle Horn) Kace.
Dr. King's New Discovery and was
wholly cured by six bottles."' Positively
guaranteed for Coughs, Colds and all
Throat and Lung troubles by G. C.
Blakeley, the druggist. Price 50c. 5
oerea Tear, la Bod.
Will wonders ever cease?" inquire
! the friends of Mrs. L. Pease, of Lawrence,
Kan. They knew sue had been enable
bed in
Jodge Brads ha w. District Attorney The committee on race of the district
Menetee and Attorney H. S. Wilson re- j MnolInce lhmt tbey re added to
turned home this morning from attend-1 , J ,
ing circuit court at Condon. , tbe original speed program a saddle
F.thpr MrO.he. O. B. F. C. who is ! hor8e' bH-mile dash, open to all horses.
.h.niin at Htm K -nprfii-t inp s farm on Five to enter, :hree lo start; each to s
V. f , mm U.Ia rltiiu in ttm ritv ti,t ! rjtrr not loo rh it 1 nnnnii. Pnn
made this office a pleasant call. 475. Bpt20-"wkT ' to ,eTe ner ln "eVBn rear" OB
.. . , ,j count of kidney and liver trouble,
The Dalies, now in business in Seattle,
was in io n yesterday on his way to
Wheeler count? on a visit to his parents.
Th. r.f ti. n!ii iTr v r Infanta and Children
cbnrcli. Rev. W. Skipworth. with hiel
1 f and t , -u u Atlil Utio. BrrivoH ham n
Management T. J. Colligan. Direction
cf Kusco & Holland.
Purest Liquors for Family Use
Delivered to any part of Hie City.
173 Second Street
51 Local,
858 Long Distance.
Wasei Wito H IX
Headquarters for Seed Grain ofaii kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot u kin
Headquarters for Boiled Grtfcin, ii km
Headquarters for Bran, ShoiiB, riffi'
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendl
ton Flour
This flour is
nse : everr sack is gnarantesd to save satii
Ws sell onr goods lower than any horns in am trade, new s yea don't thaati
sail and get enr prices and be connncea.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats.
For Infants and C&iidren.
Iltt Kind Yob Kate Aiwajs Bought
First 5 rows, 75c
the house, 50c
balance of
children, 25c.
Seats on sa'e at C'arke St Falk?,
Olfice r'.-.arniarv.
from Lewiston, Idaho, yesterday
Mr. and Mr3. Ei Pipher of Denver,
Colorado, and Mrs. L?onn Erick Gf
Victor, are visiting their nncle, Mr. B.
I. Yoong, of this city. Mrs. Clark, of
Boyd, a sister of Mr. Younp, is also a
visitor at -the same p:ace. ,
Beptesentative J. H. McGreer, of An
telope, spent last night io :be city on
hie war to Portland with bis little
daughter who ha? teen ill for some time
and whom Mr. McGreer desires to sub
mit to the diagnosis of the physicians at
St. incent s hospital.
Pat Walsh, a well-known Anteiorej
sheep map, is sti the Umatilla House cn
bis way home froai St. Vincent's hoe- .
pita!, where he received treatment for a '
violent attack of men mat ism. The
treatment was fairly successfal and be
is much improved. Mr. Walsh expects J
to spend the winter in California.
Bears the
Bisnatore at
i nervons prostration and general debility ;
I but, "Three bottles of Electric Bitters
enabled me to walk." she writes, "and
i in three months I felt like a new person." !
Women suffering from Headache, Back- j m
ache, Nervousness. Sleeplessness, Meiai,- Pffjf. HOfTlBf 06 MOrrtSOal
choiy, rainting ana liizzv ispens wni
,: find it a priceless blessing. Try it.
Satisfaction is guaranteed. G. C. Blake
ley, the druggist. Only 50c. 5
Icquire at ! Any person desiring privileges to seil
eli 3t j articles within the grounds of Tbe
Dalles Street Carnival will please call on
Fresh oyBters at Keiier'e.
For rent A fruit dryer.
this office.
Go to Keller's and eat a diah of pood
i T I.
resh oysters in any style. e9-lw , or write io t. J. vranaan, general euper-
r i i- - . a- i . . , intendent ot the carnival, at the iialies,
Lost A Knight Templar aa'cb j . , .. ... , ,. ... . - "
1IUD1 RUUUl ue urn incur luc icjiui
and tbe necessary information. esp7-td
Kletoard. & Prlnc;!.'. SiHtrcli.
charm. Finder will p. ease leave tbe j
same at this office. el4 3:
D.maged rustic flooring and paints ; Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on j
good cedar posts at 8k. cents each . positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn,
Gilbreth & Sons, office" at Watts & I raising of the food, distress after eating j
Baker's marb!e and eranite works. lOtf ! r nT form of dyspepsia. One little"
Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior
oaints when von can bnv James E.
Patton's son nriof Dainta for J1.50 ner When yonr hair appears dry and to
i gaiion. guaranteed for 5 years. Clark &
tTa.hlnrton street, tminu 23-30,
tablet gives immediate relief. 25
and 50 cte. Blakeley, the druggist.
have lost its vitality it wants something
" it mvf it iim nnn viimr. w iirvh vim
Do not forget tbe dy and date of , F:k, agents. mI j the hair needs when it gets in that con-
Bichards & Pringle'e mammoth minstrel : Don't wait until you become chronical-! dition. We have - the Crown of
performance at the Vogt opera bouse, I y constipated but take DeWitt's Little science rl a i r urower a a c
i . i mmnni I rmini hv nnip I npv
will cure dand esssss rnff and all'
scalp diseases. For sale at Fraser's bar
ber shop. Price 50c and 75c a bottle.
24tb. Nothing to equal j Early Bisers now and then. Tbey will
here again this season. ' seep yonr liver ana Dowels in good oraer.
Tuesday , S-pt
it will be Bden
F.Uy r. yal co:ortd minstrei entertainers
appar at every performance and fan
runs riot through the entire lengthy
program of varied actt big bits every
one of them.
Study this hat : Tbe aeria! wonder,
the gr?at SLeide ; iamee Moore, tbe
faanies: come.iian in minBtrelsy : tbe
Hou-,-y Brother, empirore oi masic;
Christian, the cycle skater
The first registered as well i the 6rst gradu
ate iMlfrim ever in for. land. The world's
c eatest Tracct: Clairvovant and Herhaiist eun
j aeeo -sn!td aally on all affairs of )lf-.
r-rof. de JUorrinon is without a doubt the most
soieiitiac Paimi t and clairvm ant in tne world
today: he locates hidden treasure, reunites the
separated, tells if there is mtuTs!, oil. or sas on
yonr land enables you to win iii alleciion of
one you desire.
Palmistry taught, mediumisiic mtsoss devel
oped Heals by the nasa of his revealed heib'l
teas: swa ehrnnie mnri h.i ."m iiumnhi.4k..
Ieae. free treatment fur the noor.
j tiend $t, date of birth and three questions: all
j letters answered at once.
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
Next door to First National Bank.
Condon Pnnne 23a.
Lone Ulat. lOSl.
ft. ftmft..ftaf .aaiarfse?kraitasastkrthl
Easy to take. Safe pills.
P. O. Pbarmacv.
Ciarke A Falk's
A never failing cure for cuts, burns,
scalds, ulcers, aonndsand sores is Der
Witt's Witch Haz-S Salva A most
soothing and bediiog remedy for all skin
affections. Accept onlr the genuine.
Clarke & Falk's P. 0. Pdarmacy.
Henry Braydon, Harris, K. C, says :
air -.- l : : fu i
h milirarr i x IUIJs ujcuiuiiiit t vtroi r iur aaiuuin,
At Tbe Dailee Employment Office ; a
place where you can procure help with-
out cost or trouble. Mail or phone
Vachex Kbllev,
a28 lmd&w Maoagar.
I . i . . ' .-i r : . . l -
'TrBlick Watch Drill"; the uul ouo uu"'c wu
Alabama quartet, it. the latest song sue ; " o.a me more gooo tnan any
cesses; Kid L,nfard and Dick Tbomas- e,9e doringth.t time. Best Cough Cure."
creative and origin.! comedians, beside , Cl"k Falk's P. O. Pharmacy,
an elaborate fi-at part, never equalled; BIDS WANTED,
in tnis style of entertainment. Notice is hereby given tbst the corn-
Watch for the big strtet psrade at n " council of Dalles City, Oregon, has .
2:30 p. m. on .be day o, tne -p.uyr SnlSS
srriva. in this city. j be received at the office of the re
corder of Dalies City up to the hour of
p. m. oi Thnrsaay, Uctooer is, lwl.
Wni'.e Collar L ne, steamer Bailey ; Plans and specifications can he seen at
All Iftds must
Team for sale at a bargain, or to let
out lo be worked until late spring fori
their feed. Inquire at this office.
Loeatnd by Visloa.
Portl4nd. Aua. 10. - ;To -he Editor!. BMssav
de Morrison, occultiii. Socated bv vision thebul s
lion stolen lrom the belby rimelting Works. In !
bebalf of occult science he imicediately com- !
muntcated by letter the facta to Mr. A. J. Rals- '
ton, owner of the eelby Uorkf. The report re-'
ceived last night prove hi sutements correct, i
"It is pleasing to be assured that tbe gold
Stolen from toe rieluj me!tinc Works was 'lo- j
eated by visiou' by a Portland occultist. This i
proves that the story of the eonfaasl n of the i
thief and that bin asalstasee was required in re- !
eovering Uie gold was a base t 'aiilomia in van-I
tiou for the purpose of deptiving uregoa uf just i
glory." Editor Portland Uregimian.i
I have re-opened this -well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cafetoe. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH Pioneer Grooer.
Pos't gib It la.
Just wet the affected part freely with
Mysterious Pain Cure, a evotcfa remedy,
and tbe pain is gone. Sold by Clarke A
3 Take them g j
9 to day and
I'ortland Carnival Eicaralas Kates
L ne, steamer Bailey - Plans and specifications
Gaiz-trt. exnraion rale: K iund-trio the office of the recorder.
excursion tickets wii! be sold on Sep-
B. W. Parsell, Kintersviiie, Pa., says ;
he suffered 25 years with piles and couid j
obtain no relief until DeWitt's Witch i
be sealed and must be accompanied bv
' ntfirtlflAH fliMlr to. tlin imnnnl ui ton nnf
tember 18:h and 2b:h, October 2nd, 9th j CTnt oi tne bidito p-feited to the city
and 16th, good going six days after date ; in case of refusal to accept the contract
of sale, making one week's limitation, ! in accordance with tbe hid.
including date of saie. The price from The council reserves the right lo reject
; wi y suu mi uiub.
Counterfeits are worthless.
Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Clarke A
Tbe Dalles lo Portland on the days these
tickets are sold will be $2.50 for round
trip, including two coupons that are
good for on- admission each to the Port
land carnival. Hood Biver and White
Salmon to Portland, round trip, $2.20,
including, two admission tickets.
16dwtf J. M. Fillqo.v, sgent.
The Vote for Ousts.
The following votes were cast op to
about 3 o'clock this afternoon :
Mies Landon 262
ditto Fisher 1W7
Mrrtit Micheil 170.
Martha Schooling 120
Vesta Bolton 40
Grace Scott 97
C are NirkelseD 149
Margaret Kioersly 25
EJitb Manns 173
Meivia Dawson 305
Boss Michell 118
Mrs Maud Mitchell 101
Mary Mclnerny
Dalles City, Or., Sept. 18. 1901.
tl8 dtd Becorder of Dailee City.
Wanted An office boy. Fair wages.
Apply at Times-Mountaineer. tlO-lw
First-class piano for saie cheap by J.
D. Girdner at Gombert'a cigar store, on
Second street. t-17-tf
For sale A quantity of household
goods, in the dwelling immediately east
of tbe Gates block on Third and Union
attests. 16 lw
Found A pair of spectacles, which
the owner can obtain at this office by
proving property and payiog for this
notice. 17
Mrs. E. Cary has received her new
fall and winter millinery and respect-
Acker's English Bemedy will atop a
cough at any time, and will euro tbe
worst cold in twelve boors, or money re
funded. 25 eta. and 50 eta, BSaksiev,
the druggist.
For Sat.
Several bead of horses, weighing about
1000 pounds apiece. Prices right. At
my place on Eight-Mile.
al2 lw M. M. Watkbkak.
Block Hoga Par Sal.
I base for aale 44 bead of stock hogs,
consisting of brood sows, ahotes and
pigs, at my place cn Eight-Mile.
t9J2-w2w H. R. BicuAuoh.
If anything ails yoor bair, go and gas
Fraser; toe's tbe headquarters for all
bair remedies. B member that be
makes a escsialtv of these goods. tf
Miss Christine Kiekelean will give in
struction in embroidery sad plain atw
ing on Wednesday and Saturday of each
2 1
Of the product of this well-knoan brewery tbe United States Health
Reports for June 28. 1900, says: "A more superior brew never entered
tbe labratory of tbe United States Health reports. It is absolutely devoid
of the slightest trace of adulteration, but on the other hand is cone posed of
the best of malt, and choicest of bops. Its tonic qualities are of the high
est and it can be used with the greatest benefit and satisfaction by old and
young. Its use can conscientiously be prescribed bv tbe physicians with
tbe cersaioty that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage eould not
possibly be found."
East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON
youll be well
Baldwins j French Periodjcsl Drops
una cure &
laWctNaBB 9
(Cold in head) a
Sg sv raws aaaaals aaa Maatcal ffc
StricUv vegetable, perfectly harml
. an re to accomoliah
TS. Greatest known -female remedy-
Beware of counterfeits and Imitattons. Tbe serial no la pal a onlr la aae-WaaSSP
tlH Willi fl...!m.U m,
wauu sr Lunar to wiUiIAJta
Forsals bv Geo. C. Blakeley. Tbs Dalies, Or.
Sold by Clarke A Kalk, The Dalles, Or.
aw and see them. 16-1 w
Wanted A place for a boy of 16 where ' Wood '. Wood ! Wood I Best grades
be can work for bis board and attend of fir, pine, oak and slabs, all well
the public school. Inouir at this ) soosd, can be bought of Jos. T. Peters A
fully asks the Sadies of The Dalles to call ! tnm 1,11 6 e,oek Wwlnesdaya
wiU be devoted to eaaita ana eetnrdey
to children. A only at bar residence on
Alveed a venae. al7-lw
17s-8t Co
slO It
A foil Uaeaf Wast man aims and eup
pttasyaat saasived beOtourke A Falk.
Sr ATi; or Oaaooa, Taaaaeav Darr ,i
baiem, Sept. 12. 1901. i
Notice is beeby given that there are
fnnds in the treasury with wbicb to re
deem all outalanding aula warrants
drawn on the state scalp bounty food
and endorsed "Presented and not paid
for want of fends" prior to January 1,
1001. All such warrants, properly en
dorsed, will be paid upon pieser.ution
at this office, interest thereon ceasing
from and after (his date.
14 tw State Treasurer.
Clark A Falk are
Don't forget tbi.
closed Sonday.
DEALERS IN g tyfttrff,
Fweral Supplies msBAiMXBS fit.
The Dalles. Or. """J'S-"
de. MomanaiuLooij
bg Qeo. a BiaAelev, Tbs Daaa, Or