The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 20, 1901, Image 3

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    jNew Arrival
for the week.
This Mk we will offer iw (ratter nlM tbu las' tocmra
oolr spares os on to greater effort. The general public ia rapilly
learning that oar bargains cannot he equalled ia any city ; that oar
qualities are of too ntyheet and oar oalliag pHcaa lower. Last weak
has brought now arrivals ia ovary department.
Extraordinary Values in
at Almost Half Price.
New Fall Rainy-day
and Walking Skirts'
All Carefully Tailored and made in
the Newest Fashion.
See our window display of Ladies' Flannelette
Robes the handsomest line ever shown.
Our FN fashions are having their innings
the new arrivals bring in a flood of new
ideas to see them is to admire them.
Our Prices are Business Winners
is the man who must have
good shoes. His work re
quires him to cover his feet
with well-made, comfortable
shoes. We cater to the wants
of the working-man and have
taken great care in the select
ing and building of his shoes.
Mr. Workingnian, we want
your shoe trade. Shoes to
please you at $2, $2.50, $3,
$3.50 and $4.
She shoe window for the
best on earth.
The Dalles Daily Ctmfefe.
. - SEPT. 20. 1901
Ice Cream
too Croavm
At Andrew Keller's.
All Weeco Coaaty wlimll
trior (a December S. lOOS, will be
Ml presentation St mr
hum after September IS. INI.
jobs v. nwrsHiBB.
Coaaty Treaaarer
Btire yon aoen those boaotifol dip
belte at The Racket Store?
Professor Sandvig will give a social
dance at the Baldwin Ba tarda? night.
Wben yon are looking aroond for
bargains, don't forget The Racket Store.
A fresh supply of Lowoey's chocolate
just received at G. C Blakeley's phar
macy. We regret to learn that Judge Maya
baa been suffering for the pact few days
with a severe attack of neuralgia.
Dr. H. M. Walker boa rota rood to the
city and ia located in teat at too corner
in rear of Mays & Crowe's atore. 2t
The warehouses ore paring 60 cents
for No. 1 wheat today. This is about
3S cents below the Portland price.
Let it not be forgotten that tbe vote
for the queen of tbe carnival will close
promptly at 9 o'clock tomorrow aigbt.
The Racket Store Is getting ia new
foods and a thousand and oae now
articles almost weekly. Bo when you
don't see what you want, ask for it.
Wanted To rent, by ex-State Printer
C. Baker, aa eight or aiao room real
denes of modem appointment. For
further particulars apply at Great's
f r store. sl8tf
Mrs. Visalta Boss, relict of the late C.
& Bees, has been appointed admiaietra
hii of her husband estate. The estate
eon-ie s of real aad personal property
valued at $900.
Secretary 0. P.
tbat there will ha a
Might ia tbe K.of P. boH ie
Hoo with wbicb there will be a (seat of
and veaiaoa.
T. A. Hudsoa writes from Portland to
' that ha will be ia The -Dalles aezt
Monday to remala two deft ami ha will
"Pleased t mas aay of
bo dOsix to eae aim.
he market baa
7 ar lay
there are at present at the
track west of town about twenty
five bead of horses in training and that
from tbe best information available at
this time, he is of oploioa that fifty to
sixty head will be on the groaads daring
tbe races. The stable accommodations
at the track are large enough for sixty
Members of Friendship Lodge, No. 9,
K. of P., are requested to most at their
castle ball aext Monday evening, Sept.
Sod, as tbe grand chancellor, Hon. W.
L. Bradshaw, will make his official visit
at that time. A large attendance is de
sired. Complaint la m do of a number of
yoaag hoodlums who dietarbed tbe
prayer meeting at tbe M. . church last
aigbt by tapping on tbe windows while
the meeting was in progress. If these
pranks are repeated these young anarch
ists will get a dose of tbe punishment
they richly deserve.
L. B. Seely, president of tbe White
Collar line of steamers, was bare Wednes
day in company with Contractor Joe
Paqnet, looking over the grounds at tbe
Oatsert landing with the view of build
ing a wharf to accommodate the handling
of wheat. It is said the company will,
in the aear future, pat a couple of freight
boats oa The Dalles-Portland route to
ran during tbe fall aad winter.
The store of Griffin A Butler, of Boyd,
was robbed last night of jewelry valued
at $100, a number of pocket kofvee, a
rubber-lined coat and a pair of panta
loons. Tim thieves left behind them a
white teacup aad a diamond glass cutter.
There is no trace of tbe robbers other
than tbe tracks of two men that were
traced going sooth. Immediately oa
tbe receipt of the news of the robbery
Sheriff Kelly sent a deputy to Boyd to
inveeticate tbe matter and if possible
arrest tbe robbers.
The day of President MeKloley's
funeral was tbe thirty-seventh anniver
airv of the battle of Winchester. Three
days after this battle, was fought that of
Fisher's Hill, aad op tbe 19th of October
following was fought tbe battle of Cedar
Creek. William MeKialey, tbea a
captain, fought in each of these engage
ments and for dietiaguiehed braver? ia
-them was brevetted major with tbe
name of each battle mentioned ip tbe
commission. Mr. W. 8. Myers of this
dty also toogbt ia those battles as a
private ia a Vermont regiment.
fiat to 24tb, inclusive, are
aha Aalvatioa Army of The
Dallas are pnpmmg to celebrate their
annual harvest festival. Soma doea
aiMaa been alreed beco received. All
others who are in tats si sd ia alleviating
of the worth r boot are re
to asad articles of verioa kleae
on hill
El "
baaassmUedalmwMaa4 they eaa he eleeaase of. aemei
weans with free - 1 ' will be bead ae fealewet aat-
e what a asm a bag.U., ftsmUy .hsrteg; p. m., harvest
social. Tuesday, sale of goods. Tbs ad
mission is free to all tbeee meetings, aad
everyone it invited to attend.
Ia addition to the public memorial
services held here yesterday afternoon a
special service was held at 8:30 a. m. in
St. Peter's Catholic church, at which
Father Bronsgeeet preached a very
patriotic and appropriate discourse. In
tbe evening a special service was held
In St. Paul's Episcopal church, when
Bev. Clarence Lake paid a glowing and
tender tribute to tbe Christian character
of tbe late chief executive. Members of
tbe local lodge of Knights of Pythias
attended tbe Tatter service in a body.
Both services were largely attended.
Tbe three remarks of the late presi
dent just after be wae shot will go down
lo history as characteristic of the man,
says tbe Portland Telegram. They are
reported as follows: "Cortelyou, my
wife! Beearefol about her. Don't let
her know !" Next the president noticed
that tbe assassin waa faring badly at tbe
bands of an indignant and excited crowd,
and be said : "Let no ooe burl him."
Tben, still with a philanthropic thought
of others not of himself, he said to Mr.
Milbarn : "I am sorry to have been the
cauae of trouble to the exposition." In
tbeee sentences appear tbe Chriit-like
character of the man.
Raymond, left on tbe 9:10 train last
aigbt for Mr. Hewksnewj&ajgaat Col
fax. Wash. 4 If further proof than bad
already bseo given was necessary t j as
sure tbe departing pastor of tbe esteem
in which be was .held by the church
here and their regret at hie departure,
surely tbe large number (about thirty)
that gathered at the depot to say tbe
parting words, sufficed. As tbe train
drew op to tbe depot they' were heard
singing "Wben the Rill is Called Up
Yonder I'll Be There," and as it pulled
oat all joined in tbe hymn "God Be
With Yoo Till We Meet Again."
The case agaiaet Will Scott is Jostles
Brownbili's court was dismissed this
morning oa motion of Dietriot Attorney
Monetae. Scott is a colored bootblack
who works ia eae of the local barber
shop. Irvin Julian swore oat a com
plaint charging Scott with having beet
en bis wife. Three witnesses were ready
to swear that they saw Scott strike his
spouse each a blew as k socked her off
the chair oa which she was sitting oa
the bach poreb aad that tbe womaa
"bawled," ae they pat It, aad tbea weat
late tbe boose with Soots following her,
where she "bawled" setae more. Mrs.
Scott, while admitting that her heeband
had "teamed'' her oa the ebeeh aad
that aba "bawled," said she aad her
bashaad were just baring a little fee
aad that tbe striking aad hewiieg were
both la sentence only. Seeing i bat Mrs.
goats weald aet testify against her bas
bead, Mr. Monetae, who nee la Oeadea
the complaint wee made eat.
Vaster date of September 19th the
sUoa emiamoadaat of the PorUaad
Twlosvem hat this to say at the earning
air aad carnival, which opens here oa
moved thet the ease be dUmlmed, aad It
VsM sJO fgVtaWMsv eWMs? IwSV JaaWHwjW BN Ajfg
aniseed the snwther aefteTbe so vert
he ateved wise nis stub
fa the latere.
"A large force ef area are at work ah
the attests, aad week has began in the
eeaatracttoa at the booths aad ether
halrdlaga. One thousand feet of booths
will ha erected for the exhibits of the
merchants. A large building will be
erected for the fruit exhibit, which of
itself will he a fruit fair, and will no
doubt he the largest aad beat frail ex-
htMt ever displayed In Oregon. Tbe
cereal exhibit aad the raining display
will both be vary large. Quite a large
tract has been reserved for the machin
ery exhibit. Tbe Indian village will bo
located immediately InehJe tbe Midway
entrance, and will consist of the teats of
the Indians which they were living In
whoa tbsv moved to the Midway.
"Two large buildings will be erected
to accommodate the big pn j otoscope
aad the attraction called Tbe L'lenette.
The hsiaaoa of the Midway shows will
ha given In large tents.
"The Vogt opera house, which Is situ
ated ct Third a ratt, aad only a few feet
from the fence of the street carnival.
will have Its entrance from tbe Inside of
the carnival enclosure, nad will be con
nected by a covered passage-way. In
this opera house will be exhibited tbe
fire dance, several exhibitions of which
will be given each day.
It being only ten days more until
tbe street carnival and district fair be
gin, the 136 persons who compose the
officers and committees, besides tbe
army of laborers who are employed In
the erection of the buildings and fances,
are busy all tbe day long in perfecting
all tbe arrangements and details of tbe
two big fairs. Nearly all the booth
space has been tsken, and there will not
be an empty place in tbe whole carnival
when it is opened, The city already
presents a very lively appearance, and
there ia no doubt but that thousands
will visit tbe fair and street carnival
from the neighboring towns nod cities."
Memorial Rervlesa.
The memorial services held hare yes
terday were attended by one of the
largest crowds that ever assembled at
one time on any occasion In Tbe Dalies.
Practically tbo whole town was present
when Mayor Farley stepped to the rail
log of the stand and announced, in a
few well-chosen words, tbe object of the
gathering. The program occupied over
two hoars, aad during all that time tbe
vast mam of people, nearly all of whom
were without seats, stood- patiently and
intently listening to the speakers and
joining earnestly In the prayers aad
music. Tbe vast throng and Its marked
Interest and patience were a fine testi
mony to the patriotism of the people of
The Dalles aad tbe surrounding neigh
borhood. Many n tear trickled down
the cheeks of tbe listeners as tbe kindly,
homely virtues of the deed president
were recounted by tbe speakers. Tbe
gathering was representative of tbe
whole wraple. Tbe words spoken as
tribute to tbe deceased president were
fall of pathetic feeling, and tbeir utter
ance might be taken as tbe votes of 'tie
whole people of Tbe Dalles lamenting
a great national catastrophe and ex
pressing encomiums oa the character
and achievements of one of the best
ypes of men this or any other country
as ever produced.
Bights aad Ladles of Severity, Xettee.
I, Nellie L. Oustin, state organiser ef
tbe K. and L. of S , will visit Tbe Dallas
council officially on September 17th. All
members are requested to be present.
NiLLir, L. Gustik,
20-27 State Organiser.
Effective this date. A ebarge of $1
per ear par day will be made for delay to
cars, for all time bold under load, in
loading or unloading by consignee or
consigner, la sxesee of forty-eight boors
from time ear ia est for loading or un
loading. Jambs Ibslano,
Agent O. B. A N. Co.
For tbe meeting of tbe graad lodge of
Oregon, K. of P., at Portland Oct. lfttb,
tbe O. B. A N. will make a rate of one
aad one-third fare for the round trip on
tbe certificate plan. Passengers paying
foil fare going, and celling for receipt
from selling agent, provided fifty or
more pay lag pesseageis of not less than
0 orate easts bate been ia attendance,
all lines ladaeetf, delegates or members
ef delegates' femlltos who beve paid fail
fare to Portland, will be rotor aad at oae
third fare oa presse tattoo of emUaeatee
to nay agents at Portland oa or before
S0faWBavVw ST WWsW S Jwp' gel atSvMBa9 W) ef wBv'oj frT
L. B. StJasoa, secretary. Tickets sold
October iStb, lath or lfttb. Me redo,
ttoe will be saade far the return if total
IS leg
.The New York Gash Store
138 and 144 Second Street.
The BARGAIN STORE of the City.
..Bogs' am Mi's SUITS..
Wo have just received our complete fall line of
Boys' and Youth's Clothing, and are offering them at
unusually low prices. Now is the time to fit out your
boy for school. Don't make your purchases without
seeing our line. We will save you money.
Don't wait until the nobbiest and neatest patterns are
sold, but come in at once.
Every SUIT Guaranteed.
The New York Cash Store
alew'B 4fSetf Ie jpseetrwaal bsaPsr'Gf
theatre at Dr. H. Lagan oa "earth
Oiflbrd'a yets Merer Fade.
New Grocery Store
We have added It Grocery Depart
ment to our store. A new fresh,
clean stock. Give us a call. Prompt
delivery to any part of the city.
IVIaier & Benton,
Headquarter for
Family Groceries,
Hardware, Tinware. Graniteware,
Stores and Steel Ranges.
107 Second Street, THE DALLES. OR.
rfJ Bf
A. M. Williams & Co.,
wish to announce the arrival of the
Svellest Liiie of Udies' Hue Shoes
they have ever shown. New toes, new heels, new trim
mings, in fact all the frills and finishes which make
Pingre fKoee at the head of a long procession of
styles. The most skeptical cannot but admire the work
We have Valour Calf for fall street wear, wide ex
tension and in the new Cleo toe; Boat Calf in the rap,
lar rope-stitched extension sole; !4eal or Patent Mi4
in the colored stitched sole and mat-kid top, and a host
of others.
We invite you to look over the line whether you put
chase or not.
A. .M. Williams-Sc
WUhasas, of the