vol. xni THE DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 20. 1901. NO. 184 -- - .J T Slat liniBl BSBlw I annual II i - p,,, ii Promotes nessandl Omunkfarpiww : OT NARCOTIC . A perfect non.Sour Worms .Convulsions .Fcverish- nessand I EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. Bad MarrAw Kansas City, Sept. 19. A. special to the Star from Oklahoma City, O. T., 'save: Oce man was dragged through the street here today by an angry crowd for maligning hi country and President McKinley, and narrowly escaped lynch iag and another man who spoke ill of the police was compelled to flee for hie Hie. K. M. Bradehaw, a contractor who had declared that he was an anarchist and would neither respect President McKinley nor the American flag, was stripped of his coat and hat and dragged to the public square. He had refuted to march in a memorial parade, and American flags ware plaoed in his hands and he was forced to head a procession of several hundred men and boys through the streets. He refused to cheer for America, and under threats of death be was tbrnst on hia knees in the mud and made not only to cheer for his country bat to kiss the flag;. The mob then sited him with stooee and threatened to Ur and feather him if he did not leave the city at once. Bradahew broke and ran, bat was recaptured, and men with ropes and revolvers were prepared to tring him up and riddle bis body with ballets wheo the police forced him into warehouse and barred the doors. Professor Doreey, a seal aetata mn, war made the statement (bat the poHcx bonld be strung up fjr not protecting Bradahaw. This etartod toe mob afresh, sad D jrsev was only saved from violence j being hurried to the county jail. Bradahaw is still in hiding. nd Wit. WoaaaWe Haadk'rchler Chicago, Sept. 19.-lncked op in a M!y barred vault in Captain Porter's Private offlca in the quarters ocewtried by we United States boeret Harriot Bureau, e-wding to Detective .Gallabar, is tbe oderchief in which anajtehiat Ceolgosa um repetpar wbwa fir tbe but kilted PvisjAmt WoKtotoy. rlr'gic "He. aagg tbe Cbronleto. was bt to Ohinejn from FtoftW by Mb oftheBenmiirtWg. It will be H'a I'tsr on to the trial of two aasssila J Buffalo, to be need, together with tbe "algo- revolver, aa n Usees before tbe Jyrhlebtrle. tbe case. A study af -Pt by " new ton to who "-ry tbwt it l ZTm " rwnrg ) warned by the "by the okl, 11m jflmfMiiruT Loss or Sleep. FacSmwa Srgnntnre of XSW YOB Tin Kid Yen Km fUffajo DUIglll AA Bears the A In Use for Over Thirty Years offise baa retained the handkerchief when all of the other articles in evidence have been surrendered to tbe Buffalo poMc-, is a mystery which Captain Porter and Detective Gallabar refuse to explain. It fa thought tbe handker chief has been brought be re to serve aa tome sort of dew. Botha Captwrea Krlttah forea. London, Sept. 19. A dispatch from Lord Kitchener, from Pretoria, dated September 18th, announces that tbe Boers, September 17th. ambnshed three companies of mounted infantry with three gurs, commanded by Major Gongh, in tbe vicinity of Scheeper's Nek. After severe fighting the British were over powered and lost their gnns, tbe sights and trench blocks were first destroyed. Two officers and fourteen men were killed and live officers and twenty-five men were wounded. Five officers and 150 men were made prisoners. Major Gouffh, who escaped during tbe night, reports that the Boers numbered 1000 men, and they were commanded by General Botha. General French reports that Com mandant Smote, in order to break through a cordon, rushed on a squadron of the Seventh Lancers at Elands River poort, -killing three officers and twenty men and wounding one offiaer and thirty men. Too Boers, who were dreened in khaki and who ware mistaken for British troops, lost besvily. If yon are going to the Portland ear nival or to tbe state fair at Salem, take .tbe Bailey Gstsert, leaving Tbe Dallea at 8 :30 p. an., and view the grandee scenery in tbe world. Music, meals and ibe moat commodious boat on the river. Its a plea sure to ride on this boat. Pas sengers visiting Portland nan, if they wish, secure sleeping accommodations and remriu on tbe Bailey Gataert over ntgbf . n blob would save them going Im- mediately to n bote! on their arrival to Portland. lu"19 Semi annual often inc of fall millinery at the Caapbail ft Wileee Millinery Parlors Iwesdaf gad Wednesday, baa. Mtfa and 17tb. Up-toduie styles and Ii the latest noveJtUe grill be shown. A general Invitation is eg tended ll Clerk and sVtk bawo ym lecetoad a lull Una ofiroab Veto poafrsaod e aa weed wfMr . oantan waK Jgn$ au$e(nwe to t bangs' workaday; MICTMM w uno I umn wub onvNM wMVwawMrwsuV tMtst wjeeat, oftvwv akt H HOTBED OF ANARCHISM Nest f Vipers Sis Beta Cnomrtd Tnrenty Mfks Fmsa Tncasag. Tacoma, Waab., Sept. IB. A thriving colony of anarchists, which goes by tbe name of tbe "Hoaae Orasa," baa been unearthed nt Mintor, twenty miles from Tacoma. There are twenty-twodwellings, with outbuildings, located on a tract oi Sll acres of land. An investigation of the practices of tbe colony show n surprising state nt affaire. The most of the members of the group champion and practice tbe doctrine of free love, and in addition are I spiritualists. All of them vehemently denounce tbe right of nan man to rum over another. They advocate the utter extirpation of the present laws binding humanity together in governments, and also abrogate tbe custom and usages employed between man and man. Like the communists of Paria they delcare the present conditions of social order are entirely erratic, with nothing whatever in their favor, wave the blind adherence tbe race manifests for following in the trodden paths. Instead of tbe present framework of order and government. they advocate tbe substitution of inde pendent thought acd action with every man a iaw to himself. Humanity, they declare, despite hereditary custom and tradition, in certainly tending to this point. A paper called Discontent is printed by the colony, tbe columns of which reek with inflammatory and incendiary utterances. Among tbe lenders are A. J. Pope, n notorious anarchist and former aasodate of tbe Isaaks, of Chicago ; James F. Morton, wbo at one- time was editor of tbe paper now published by tbe Isaaks, nt Chicago, and O. A. Verily, who, a few years ago, lest a valuable farm through tbe disintegration of n communist colony whieh be organised n few milea from Tacoma. Pope professes to be a Pantarcbian, and is an extremist in tbe matter of nonresistance. declaring that if a man would knock him down be wonld get up and offer himself to be knocked down again, and that if all bis wealth were stolen be wonld not try to recover it. Tbe Grand Army posts of Tacoma have token the matter up and organised tbe Loyal League, tbe avowed purpose of which is tbe stamping oat of anarchy. Legal means will at first be resorted to, and if these fail resources will be bad to otber and more effective methods, and it is openly announced that a visitation of Whitecaps or a Ku-Klux clan will baa feature in tbe vicinity of tbe colony In the not distant future. Street-corner agitators will also be summarily dealt wltb. Good Jmb tmw BUseg. Camtom, Sept. 19. President Roosevelt has informed Mrs. McKinley. throngb Secretary Cortelyou, that, in pursuance of tbe intention of tbe late President McKinley and in laeognltion of devoted services as well as because of eminent fitness, Medical Instructor P. M. Bixey will be a operated Burgeon-General of the Envy upon tbe expiration of tbe term of Surgeon-General Van Key pen. Tbe oeeretary of the Navy baa been notified by tbe president to instruct Dr. Bixey to make ancfa arrangements aa will enable bias to continue, if needed, b earn for Mrs. MeElntey between now and tbe time of bie appointment to bis WaataO tm BXIU Cslcea. Chicago, Sept. W. While talking with two frtonde about aba death af President McKinley and lamenting be eon Id net gat at taa assassin to do bias barm, E. H. Paraegorw, of Stat ladfoaa avenue, esddssly draw a levoivee and Ired a ballet into bat own braia. He died while being taken to ibe beepttaJ. Parasnore was formarly a deputy United States marabaL Mcl Tee poeiUvoiy eawwsealaaj, er fluff aifl l FotOSJ MeawT Fade. New GcurmentSn stitched New Walking A large and very attract ive line in the new fall Walking Skirts to select from. They come in ox fords, tans, black and brown in kerseys, mel tons, coverts and cheviots, $1.95 to $16.00 I Be sure and see our Re versible Walking SHirt, virtually two skirts in one $10.00 A. M. ftetes tm Pn-AB.rtna Cxpautlon. Bound-trip rates via O. B. 4 N. from The DUler, ?S1.90. Tickets on sale first and third Tuesdays during Jone, July, Attguat, September aod October .good for continuous passage going on date of sale. Return limit thirty days from date of sale. Stop-ivers will be allowed west of Missouri river or St. Paul on return trip within limit of ticket. Arrangements can be made by apply lag to agent O. B. ft N. Co., Tbe Dalles, Wuvrety tickets will be honored on Isks learners In one or both directions be tween Detroit and Buffalo. tf , Jambs IbxlaiA), Agent Geo. W. Lane, Pewamo, Mich., writes : "Your Kodoi Dyspepsia Cure is tbe best remedy for Indigestion and stomscb trouble that I ever need. For years I suffered from dyspepsia, at times com pelling me to stay In bed sad causing aw oatold agony. I am completely eared by Kodoi Dyspepsia Core. In recommending it to friends who suffer from indigestion I always offer to pay for it If it falls. Thus far I have never paid." Clarke A Park's P. O. Pharmacy. gear Pan Snows tbe state of your feelings end the state of your baaltb as wall. Impure Wood makes itself apparent in a pale and as) tow complexion, Pimples and Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling weekend worn out and doootbavea healthy appearance you should try Aakar'a Blood Ellgir. It cures all blood where cheap Sersa parities and an nailed purifieVs fail ; knowing tbls wa sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Moaatoy.tb druggist. Many physicians are aaw prescribing Kodoi Pyspepsis Cam regnlarly bating found that it Is tbe best prescription tbey nan write tonaase it is (fee one pssawaatJea) wbieb aaateias tbe etomaals aeaaasary to digest sot eaiy eases kinds offend bet all klaftaad it therefore seres uZSJT aSti'S' fett'a P. o. eg. J mti. Ua wave it by aswrlag prepartf . saafi ft While our stock is not yet complete lines, however, we are able to make especially so in Jackets. We urge all The new lengths 30 and 42-inch in the half-fitting and Raglan backs, are receiving many compliments. These stylish garments may be had in Kerseys and Venetiansin the various popular shades of the season tans, modes, browns, oxfords, reds and black. The trimmings consist of stitching, cordings .and bands of the same material, fancy pearl buttons. Some particularly favor the yoke 36 and 42-inch, $12 to $30. 27 - New TANSf in the popular woolly kind. White, gray, Skirts. red and blue; Special 50C Williams We operate a PLUMBING, TIN and BXOTOUB REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will have prompt attention. TBI DALLES, REOUL4TOR LINE. PORTLAND CARNIVAL ExfMalf ion WM.CVMMIOM MAW. On sale. Daily Ragular Uouad'trip Tiaketo, unliav 'ts iMfMI'liMM'I CM tt Tto'l&wwftoVn'l aaaMaaaaamaweVaaa enaawa vvlaWa In the Lr&dies' Department in this department, in certain a very interesting showing to come and see them. also velvet collars and large J back. inch Coats from $5 to $16 NEW HATS for Boys in the Clothing Store, pop ular pearl Golfs at $1:25 and $2.00. We have all sizes. & Co. ORBOON. W. C. AlVkWiWAV. atnja- avwaMaeMeiftje.xa at tats