Men's Suits... Guaranteed genuine Oregon caw: mere, strict' v ail-woo! anile, made single and doable-breasted, lined with beat qualitv Italian cloth and serge; color oxford grey, brown and navy bloe. Positively the best vaiue ever shown in the city for the p'ice. $10.00 .Mad p. S. GUNJilflG, lith, Horaeshoer and Wagon-maker.. -DBALBB IB- IrOIl, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies Agent tor Buassll On.'s Engines, Thresher and Baw Mills. Telephone 157. Lane Distance 1078 IE TOT ni wst P. C. CLARKE, Manager. tor. 8tttii I LauttiB Sis, THE DALLES OR. I Night Only, TUESDAY. Sept. 24th J. E. FALT & CO. Proprietors fin WKm frtaWl VI - New tiff Hat, New Monarch Shirts. YOUR KIDNEYS. After too tire of osine so celled kidney remedies ' without any benefit, aae Lincoln Sexual Pills end be forever rid of those dnll pains In your bach. Discard ; that old fogy idea of "pain in the kidneys" end have j all your bladder and urinary iron hies cure 4, and yonr Bights made restfat by the nee of nate-v s greatest j assistant Lincoln Sexual Pills. Price. $1.00 per box bar nt yonrdrogeist or sent j bv mail on receipt of price, in plain wrappei. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY vX)., Fort Wayne. Indiana, j M. Z. Donnell, A cent. The Dalles. RICHARDS 4 PRINGLES BUSINESS PEASE & MAYS rKXSOKAL BIBNTIOM. Fresh oysters at Keller's. i i For rent A fruit dryer. this office. Go to Keller's and eat a dish fresh oysters in any sty'w. LOCALS. 9 li Inquire at sl4 3t of Mis? ASice Davenport, o! Master, ar rived in this city at noon. Hoc. F. P. Mays, of Portland, is in the city on a visit to his parents. w- . vr- a mm t . T". j t flap nlTuen W. an ! Gilbreth Astoria, is retftsiereu a. ie l uia.tua Good Advice. j The most miserable beintte in the' world are those suffering from Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. More than j ' ve iter cent, nf the neonle in . tha TTnilaMt KtatM are affiintMi with these Itwo diaaases and their effects: such ; Lost A Knight Templar we'eh t Boor Stomach, Sick Headache, Habitual charm. Finder will piease leave the Costiveneee, Palpitation of the Heart, 1 same at this office. el4 3t , Heart hnrn. Waterbrash. Gnawins and ! Damaged rustic flooring and paints ;; Burning Pains at the Pit ottbe Stomach, good cedar posts at 8!e cents each. Yellow 8k in, Coated Tongue and Diaa- j Management T. J. Colligan. A Jin. nftW .r VCaii. A- on-nhlp Tmt in the Month. C iniinir or- ol hnsCO A tfOIIno Baker's mrbe and granite works. lOtf ; of Food after Eating, Low Spirits, etc. Go to your druggist and get a bottle of Famous Georgia.. Minstrels Direction House. Whv oav $1.75 per salion for inferior after a visit with relatives and friends ! paints when von can buv James . I August r lower tor io cents, two aoees in Portland. j Patton'e sun priof paints for $1.60 per ''" relieve yon. Try it. Get Green's Mra. W. B. Presbv. of Goldendale. ! fralion. guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & 1 P"6 almanac. Clarke A Falk. 8 epent last night in the city the guest of j ra.k. agents. mi rh r"mti!la llnnw. I n .n , , WJIi , wan unniyouoecomecronici- Washed doa n a tetoranh line which Mr. ... sinnntt and his Dnae ar- jv constipated but take Den it: s Little rived hsre yesterday and art-"at home" RlgTi DOW and thec Thev wiil ; at sews . - i v ji i'. it u . 'in iui.u . .. v v Mrs. Lev: Clarke, of Hood River, and A Raging. Roaring Flood. Washed dew n a tele? raph line Cms. C. Ellis, of Lisbon, la., had to re- i nai HUl.nittnr irai.l rlntin in iotr tfir " ' keep vonr liver nd bowels in good order. : ' . - r , , ;ii. x- c.i.'. ' he writes. " 'nave me a terrmae cold and P. O. Pharmacy. ; cough. It grew worse daily. Finally a hAH tmm s ! the best doctors ir.'Oskl.nd. Neb., Sious sm . t- lai tiuk vui tut . , wusaaca ; i scalds. n!cere. wounds and eores is Da-' City nd Omaha said I bad Consumption . tVaa. Micbeli returned home vester- ; Wist'd Witch Hazl S've. A most nt' COD,(' not ''ve- Then I began using ! csv. n--ns speni iwo wees rii9tn.-aiuiB t ... j i I: . j Dr. K ne'e New Dscoverv and was crTa.i na A rrxinf nn 1 av tho nanninu whollv cored by six bottles." Positively U 11 VV-t JU Ji 4liV'l uui wsaw av-1 Ml w First 5 rows, 75c the house, 50c balance of children, 25c. Mrs. F. J. Clarke and sons, of this were laenninsri ou the noun train abort visit at Moro. city, ; for a flnall on sn'e nt C'arke t Faik's, Post Office Piiarinacv. Prof. Homer de Morrison Purest Liquors for Family Use Delivered to any part of the City. 173 Second Street Phones: 51 Local, 80S lying Distance Wffl Warenoose ft, Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kinds Headquarters for Feed Grain otFiikin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, aiikindt Headquarters for Bran. Shorts. enSilSt Headquarters for "Byers' Best" PendW ton Flour This Flour is manufactured nee : everv sack is rnaranteed to We sell oar goods lower than any house in the trade, and If yon don't ttodfcBj call and get car prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. at the tinss soda spring on the t-g K!ii' He feels njuch improved in; health. Clarke & Faik's P. O. Pharmacy. The Mitchell paper says: "John Henry Braydon, Harris, N. C, says : guaranteed for Concha, Colds and ali Throat and Lnng troubles by G. C. Fn:iu mrt a-ifV 'eft f(tliiHr fur Tl, "T tnrA rr.u.'lioino 9fl voara lr ohma liiakelev, the OrUgZISt. rrlCe OUC. winter. During Mr. Praties' absence ' Jos. Roberts wii! look after bis sheep The Vol for fuen. The following votes were cast up to ' tbout 3 o'clock tbis aftercooc : but one bottle of One Minute Cough ; seven Year m Bed. Cure did me more good than any thing; "Will wonders ever cease?" ;aMuirc ' else dnring that time. Beet Cough Cure. " the friends f iir. L. Pease, of Lawrence, j Clarke A Faik's P. O. Pharmacy. . Kan. They knew she had been tnaUe to leave her bed in seven years on ac count of kidney and liver trouble, S:So WANTED. Cn:.p la hArnhv oivpn that fh nm Miss Lmdon 125 iron council of Dalles City, Oreaon, has nervous prostration and general debility ; j 333-j Waahlncton street. Itmtn 23-30. PURTLAKD. (iKtnilV. t ! -e - '"' Vei , determined to build the Court street ; but. "Three Dottles of Electric Bitters ggfr-Sft1.1.-9e.w1er- Bid8. for, the canstruction thereof , enabled me to walk." she writes, "and The fiot registered at welt as the first rrdu nartna acnooiing tw will be received at tne office of the re- : ; aijjtW..- ate ladadat ever in Paniand The world's Vesta Bolton 40io,f n.n- r- ! n three months l felt like a new person. Grace Scott 67, 7 p. m. of Thursday, October 3, 1901. ; Women suffering from Headache. Back- aJtera Xickeisen 89! Plans and .necincationa can he awn at ache. Nervousness. Sleenlesaneea. Melan- tne omee 01 tne recoraer. Ail D-as most choly. Fainting and Disxv Spells find it a priceless blessing. TrV it. Satisfaction is guaranteed. G. C. Blake- Ie eeiest Trance Clainrov.nt and Herbs. ist can be eo salt--d dally on ali sffiirs of if Prof, de Harrison is without 9 doubt the roost I Mtleiltltto Wlmt t anil rrii, avit la Ihit Margaret Kinersly io the office of the recorder. All bids mnat ' aKrila F.;nHn nrf Tti. Rnali. ri)l trtdsy: he locate hidden ircs5urc, rennites flie ' - 1 KiMnini. te is 1 : iDfiT- 1. mill. "I ' n 1 nr m nn jour land enables you to wio th? .flection of one jron desire. Haiinijtry unght mediumutie persons devel oped. Heals by the uses of Ma revealed BattMl teas ; cores ctuonic aud m-, .il'.i incurable dis eae. rree treatment for the poor. Send ti. date of birth and three uesli -n?: all letters answered at cnee, dith Manns. Me!via Dawson Bose Micheii . . .113 j be sealed and must be accompanied bv -la , certified check to the amount ot ten per 00 1 cent oi the bid, to be forfeited to tne city Mrs .Maud Mitciieil 71 in rae nf refiwn: to aron- tht. mntrset ' lev. the druavist. Oniv 50c. lO ! in accordance with the bid Card of Thanks. We-the undersigned deeire to express BBtt deep and heartfelt thanks lur the ycrpathy and kindness ehown us by cor friends and neighbors in the last eickuess and death of our dear wife and -mother. Ma. G. W. f hunch, S. F. Fbencu, . I. F BENCH. K. W. Fbescii, G. R. Fbxxch 4 Wife. H-.rtlan',wpt. 18, 1901. The council reserves the right to reject ! any and all bids. Dallee City, Or., Sept. 18, 1901. J. DOHEBTT, sl6 dtd Recorder of Dallee Citr. NOTICE. Any person desiring privileges to sell ; articles within the gronnda of Tnej Dalles Street Carnival wiil please call on $ ,.,..aiaamjlai-.iisiii C. J. I k tj j 11 1.1 u ti J HI l , (j-lf STUBlilHG, WKOI.IISALX A.SD RETAIL Wines, Liquors Giprs Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Next door to First National Bank. Condon Phone 23s. Lob llas. 1081. THE DALLES, OREGON. a.awasaissriasaWassAsaaBawaas lit INKS LOtii.S. Located by Tisiow. Portlmd. Ans;. 10.-(To 'h-; Editor). Boxer de Morrisor.. oecultU:. Uu-xieii hv t-ixirtn thuhnt 0? write to C. J. Crandaii, general super- lion stolen trom the sestiy mviiinr Works. In mtendent ot the carnival, at The Dalles, : mumoted by tetter the foetx to Mr. a. j Hals 1 PIONEER BAKERY. I hare re-opened this veil-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy G-rocar es. GEORGE RUCH Pioneer Grocer. The announcement of tbe oniing of the iiic sr.:- & Pringle's magtifieent minstrel o-jthp z tiioi. to the Vogt opera iunta, September 24:h, promises patrons t Found A pair of spectacles, which d! etij syahle amusement the best min-; Wanted An office boy. Fair wages. Apply at Tims-M'juntaineer. sl0-lw First-class 'ano for saie cheap by J. 1 D. Girdner nt Gumbert's cigar store, on j Second street. s!7-tf For sab A quantity of household ! goods, in tbe dwelling immediate 'y east ' of the Uates biock on Third and Union ' atieets. 16 lw trom whom be mav receive tbe terms ! "T,1?? LZf The re,s is : cetved last night prove im slaiements eorrect. : and tbe necessary information. sep7 id lilts. BaKCIS PaBTLuvv. , : , , "It i pleasing ko be assured that the gold Acker s Dyspepsia Tablets are sotd on j sto.eit from tne eeluy omeiiins Hoiks wss -lo- . . . ! cated br vision' by a Portland oarattart This a positive guarantee. Cures heart-born, ; prove that the story of ihe eonfct"f of the raising of tbe food, distress after eatir g ( r22jSS?J2lSLSf "ssl!""?5e w required in re , , I coveting the aola wan abase sltfuruia iovcu- or any form of dvspepsia. One little r dou foi the purpose of depriving ursgon uf jost ! tablet" gives immediate relief. 28 Pt. J- '-Kd:tor PortUnd oreguniac, and 50 cte. Blakeley, tbe druggist. VayaaJa etre: hit! o: the season, eclipainK every previous effort o! (his big company. It eoffies this season greatly augmented with an array of tbe most inviting up-to-date novelties ever aeen in minstrelsy, cleverly strung together for laughing purpose only. Tbe roster includes fifty prime entertainers. Tbe street tbe owner can obtain at this efface bv j proving property and paying tor true notice. 17 4- When yonr bair appears dry and to have lost its vitality it wants something to give it life and vigor. We have what tbe hair needs when it gets in that condition- We have m the Crown of Science Hair fiM Grower and Cocoanut Cresni'l aT Tonic. Thev Wanted A place for a boy of 16 where will cure dand W ruff and al! he can work for his board and attend ' calp disease. Fur sale at Fraxer's bar the pnbitc school. Inquire at this flboD- P'iceSOcand ?Sc a bottle, office. l7a.S FOUND. At The Dalles Employment Office; a Mrs. . Cary fall and winter 17s-2t has received her new millinery and reepect- pari le, u e otg ouiaioe atiractiun, laces ,, ,ks lhe &Alt.. at Xhe r,aiv. to place at 1':) p. m. in it can be seen . .Bd ,bem two brasi bands, a number of stylish imported English dog carte, drawn by j Miss Christine NL-keisen -16-lw wii! uive in- Kentucky thoroughbred horses, all of which are carried by this organization especialiy for its magnificent street pageant. C.r.l mt Tbasik.. ! st ruction in embroidery and plain sew ' ing on Wednesday and Saturdav of each week, from 2 till 5 o'clock. Wednesdays , will be devoted to adults and Saturday . to children. A pply at her residence on ' Ai vord avenue. 17-1 w piace where you can procure help with' out cost or trouble. Alail or phone Vachel Kblley. a28 lmdtfcw Manager. FOR SALE Team for sale at a bargain, or to let out to be worksd until late spring for their feed. Inquire at this office. 'dawlw The family of the lateTnomas Ha la in deeire to express their grateful thanks for tbe kindiy sympathy manifested to them on the occasion of their late sad bereavement. For Hal. Several bead of horses, weighing a boat 1000 pounds apiece. Prices riht. At my place on Eight-Mile. 12-lw M. M. Watbumax. We offer for a limited period tbe twice -a-wees Chbomcle, price $1.60, and the Weakly Oregon tan, price S 1.50, both paper for $2 a year. Sobscr iptiona i onder that offer must be paid in ad vance. f l.r.oB.l A respectable gentleman oi 40, Btranger, desire to meat a middle age. Objsct societ Wood ! Wood ! Wood ! Beet araties au oi 40, a;o'fi. P". labs, all well ! MJ .th TREASURER'S FIFTH NOTICE. ..ogle lady of j ooed, can bo bought of Jos. T. Pater. A j "J 2T Mby CM 4 ! " Obbook. Tbba.D.v Drrr A y and enter. Co. 10 lm ; palk. baleni. Sept. 12. 1901. f bsw't atah It la. wet the affected part freely 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Take them today and you'll be well U-morrow: Baldwins Cold Cure Tablet NBB l cow in head) 4ga lvOireNteySc 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 THE CELEBRATED .. .COIiUlHBlA BHEWEKY.. AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of this well-known brewery the Doited States Health Reports for June 2S, 1900, says: "A more so peiior brew never entered the labratory of tbe United States Health report. It u absolutely devoid of the slightest trace of adulteration, but on the other band is composed of the beet of malt and choicest of hops. It tonic qualities are of tbe high est and it can be used with the greatest benefit and satisfaction by old and young. Its use can conscientiously be prescribed by tbe physicians with tbe cersainty that a better, pnrer or more wholesome beverage ooold not possibly be found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. i: i um French Periodical Drops illtIve?etab,e'Perfect,y harmleaa, anre to accomplish DESIRED RESULTS. Greatest known female remedy. ftklTTWIR Beware of counterfeiu and imitations. Tt.Mnln.nt an ml la aasW-boant . Sand far Circular to WILLIAMS fetVu. CO.. Bole Aasuu. Clsv.iaad. Okie. j ' ForaU bv Geo. C. Blakeley. The Dalle. Or. 6ld by Clarke & Falk, Tbe Dalles, Or. tain men t. Dilka. Address A. Wright, The tl6-2t I hare for sale TAKE THE O. R. 4V N For the Portland carnival end exposi- pits, at my place i n Eight- Mile. Um. rieMember lth to October 1 9th, j.flj2-wS H. R. Richsbu. the O. R. A N. Co. will sell round-trip ! tickets to Phi Hand and return, including ' If anything ail yonr hair, go and aaa two admission ticket to the ezpoaition, Praaer ha'a tha headanartora for all mr . . . i . i t . Btaek Bsss wr .ate. I i siusicw i. uwnrvv Civeo mat wave are m n imp ntuiiu n . rn. t . - - , . , , " """ nays , .uhub iu iu. tinmirj Wliu wmcil IO r h Head oi stock bog. . mulfimrmA m -iii, ium aim m.i.1 1 deem all outstanding state warrants consisting ol brood sows, shots nd Mll . . rwari,.-. wah ! 9 "P bounty food alp j and ndoteed "Presented and uot paid Basel Salve offeeted a permnent core, j t, of fong.. to jmnntryl i Counterfeit are worth lea. Clark A Falk' P. O. Pharmacy- . Aa 1 L...a Hi 1. f m V- mei tuiu uui; uu ocpt. if . ti i aaa &sK anrl BtwVBhr all Olh mmtA lAtk BBvbs" ev'u eaaawa vvwi sssns avss tlaattasl in .isiis aisr daa. aftar data of BMBaa a arccialtV of lK-im QUtord'B Foioe Never Fade. remedie. Remember that ha if A f nil line of laataaan film and ap plkMjaat received by CUrk A Falk. acker's English cough at aay Una, wont cold ia twelve rill will ear tbe druggist. a the ro ot, Blakeley, 1901. All such warrants, nronerlv en dorsad, will he paid upon pfeetrntation at this office, interact thereon oaaalng from and after this data. CHAB. S. MOORE, Stat Treasurer. Clark A Falk ate iBBBtl DEALERS IN fill kinds of FofieFal Sappliesl Crandaii & Borget The Dallee, Or, wmmii Rsbts, Boriil Shrook EtaM They are -1 of josrareniedj ori For Ml by 0o. C. Blabrlay, Tbe Or.