ppstisb HI V'i. f New Arrival lne ' feywiffltsal Mh-i- I for Ihe week. Tht week v wW caWe greater valoto feea lul toecets opIt spnrnt ns oa tog i cater clbrt. Tbe general pSbHe it rapidly learning that (Mr beraalae mass be vooaUcd ia any ettv ; tint oar n,iitiw are of tho hlfc-ncet ana oar oaum prices lower. Lest liM brought no ttfitealt ia . Extraordinary Values in SATEEN UNDERSKIRTS at Almost Half Price. New Fall Rainy-day and Walking Skirts' " - Ail Carefully Tailored and made in the Newest Fashion. See oar window display of Ladies' Flannelette Robes the handsomest line ever shown. Our Fall Fa&hfotlS are having their innings the new arrivals bring in a flood of new ideas to see them is to admire them. Our Prices are Business Winners Man... is the man who must have good shoes; His work re quires him to cover his feet with well-made, comfortable shoes. We cater to the wants of the working-man and have taken great care in the select ing and building of his shoes. Mr. Working man, we want your shoe trade. Shoes to please you at $2, $2.60, $3, $3.50 and $4. She shoe window for the best on earth. PEMSE 5l MMYS. S fee Dalles Daily Cbmfete. WEDNESDAY . SEPT. 18. 1901 Ice Cream & At Andrew Kailwr'e. TREASURER'S NOTICE. All Vino County wtim Ss reafsCatw pilar to Dwmktr S. ISM. wiU a pal m presentation at wmj !. feres si mum after teplMMn It. INI. JOBS W. liWWIM, Cnnntv TiMwitt. WAYSIDE GLCANIMG8. "East Lynne." At the Vogt tonight. Senator John H. Mitchell sailed from Lmdon for New York oa Saturday . Take the 0. R. 4 N. for fast time and low rites to the Portland exposition. Girl wanted to do general booaework Inquire at Dr. H. Logan's on Foortb net. al8-lw A (reh supply of Lowney's chocolates jort received at G. C. Blakeley's phar cy. There will fte a called meeting of tho w R. C , next Friday, at their boll at S o'clock p. m. Your time will' be epent at tho Port ed exposition instead of on the road it res take the 0. R. A W. An army of carpenters commenced ork this morning an the booth and facing of the carnival grounds. If yon take the O. R. A N. for too Portland exposition on day iU bo tqnal to three day if yoo go via any her line. Waated-To rant, by ex -State Printer f-C. baker, an eight or nine room reat feftee of modern appointment. For 7lr particulars apply at Great's tar store. slM The poitomce will bo doeed tomorrow W a. m. for the remainder of too day. (root door wHI bo opaaod at p. at. "that the public may bene an eppor to depoait mail in too letter boa. Ji" Winn, whose family rootd ia tho r neighborbaoi, was brought to ---waiies hospital "saan county, Wiaahai harreet fields. X. A leox i so X. Adooa A On to. and thehasW fatoroia the llrleter. thcleto-csl4cattt 0V" wuo toa v aha alt. -m yartarday in far aoaaab ae next thirty days. This ia done by offi cial order of the. district deputy grand exalted rnler of tho state of Oregcc. - For the Oregon state fair, Sept. 2Sd to 88th, tbe O. R. A R. Co. will sell through tickets Dalles to Salem via Portland and tbe Southern Pacific Railway for 8ft St tor tbe round trip. Tickets sold Sept. 19th limited until Sept. 24th; tickets sold Sept. 26th and limited to expire Oct. 1. 11. A Portland paper aays: "It know reported that tbe necessary 10,000 tab- eeribere hnve been seoared for tbe new Portland daily and that tbe tea type- a, boo pram, etc, have ordered. 1e 8. F. Examiner em phatioally denies tbe report that W. R. Hearst ia backiag the" enterprise. Tbe Sbaniko Leader says: "C. C. Cooper baa sold cut his entire interest in the harness and saddlery business at Shaniko to iienry L. Kuck, of Tbe Dalles. Mr, Kuck will continue busi ness at tbe old stand, and will keep con stantly oa band a fall line of harness, saddles, eh a pa, aad everything pertain ing to tbe line. If r. Cooper wilt work for Mr. Kock oa foreman of bit shop at Tbe Dalles." Ths Chboviclx office ia indebted to Mr. i. M. Banana of Five Mile for e basket of probably tbe largest peaches that came to Tbe Dalles this year. At any rate there wane doses of tbem and they averaged ia weight 11 ounces and averaged in circumference 11 inches. Three of tbem measured twelve inches In circumference and weighed twelve ounces each. A bos of tbe same kind, equally large, can aow be aeon at tbe grocery department of Mays A Crowe. It is intended, if possible, to keep tbem for exhibition at tbe coming fair. They are of tbe variety known as Soqoehannabs aad were introduced on Five Mile about twenty yean ago by Robert Thompson. They are of delicious flavor sod if any one in Oregon can beat them for tins we weald like to hear from bim. Tax Cjibokicls notes with that the militia boys have speat a liberal earn of money for tbe im pro reman t of the acoustics of the Vogt opera This really Ana bail, amply large for Tbe Dalles far all ordinary par was sadly in need of the improvem that have beta mads. U was impossible to enjoy s play or a tenere in it, for the voice of the speaker wet loot ia tbe of tbe lofty ceiling- ell bean graeefally dad off, while the walls aad coiling r r-lts kl "TPT royTtt is belCvedj the male object the mUJUa boys bad in of the ft AftsaJgYA tag eteajt ia a patrons of this hall In the future and sincerely hope that the expenditure of the militia boys in this moeh-needed lmprovec? mjjr be amply rewarded. Fgraaa r MaeaweleJ fast els. Following is tbe program of the public services to he held in the Court street school yard at 2 p. m. Thursday fa mem ory of the late President Mcinfey : BslseW.B BanS Csll to Order Mayor O. i. Farley Invesation Ser. C. Uke "J lax Without a SOUS" .... Vale Quartet er. D. V. Polls Ber. D. F. Hawk B. 8. HuneoftOD Rev. i. at. Alexander Address p. W. Wilson AsSrssi See. W. B. Clifton Add rata John Mtehell MsnteNearer My God to Thee.Comhined Choir Address A. 8. Bennett Address Bar. Harter Address Congressman U. A. Moody Address Hugh Oonrlsy tinging-SatJonal Hymn, "America" Prayer Ber. Was. Brenner All addresses of Ave minutes each. nstness Will am Bnspeadsd. Mr. F. A. French made tbe round of tit the business houses and work shops of the city today aad found that tho proprietors aad managers of ell of thorn aicst gladly aad willingly signed en agreement to suspend business tomor row during the boars of tbe public cervixes In memory of President Mc Kin ley. The banks, warehouses, boat aers booses and shops will close all dsy. and tbe saloons and cigar etorea will close from JO to 4 o'clock. This spon taneous aad general totpentioo of ell boaiaess that can be suspended it highly creditable to the people of Tbe Delict. tsOttee to the stagers mt toe Cisy. Ail who sing are urge J to be present at fie memorial service to he held to morrow afternoon in Court street school yard st 2 p. m. sad form a combined choir to lead ia the singing of the hymns. fsiSlaeC Carnival Bsenrsten Bates. at the Of SAM, While Collar Una steamer Bailey tort, excursion rates: Round-trip lenucaatt wui bo aoio on nep- tsmber 10th aad SHb, October Sad, Otb sad lfth, goad aofag tlx days after date of sale, making one week's limitation, iededing date of tale. The prise from Tbe Dalles to Portland oa tbe dsys these tickets are told sill bp at JO far round trip, including two eoapoat that are Igoed for oae admfesJea cash to the Pert' saaavt ttMaji wsl a flsaa9s9s( amWVff etftK w('ewjr Hal moo to Pertlaad, reaad trip, 82.20, iacJndieg two admlatstm flahsta ledsatf J. M. Fiuoos, NOTICE. Iflaotive tbfe das. A eharga of $ par ear per day will be saade for delay to p far all JjrtitU la )mm' Aaeal'oTi' AlT'oo. that the vesBctl M reedy t a mmm mm iJal Am nkM Wk by aa? asjrsoa whose property m by the neoatsta sawer. So eb t Jectot epoeejriat, the eeeaeil ptrrosvdvd to the rvgalar order of beainees. Oa motion of OoeacUmmn Freaoh the mayor wee awthorlfd to appoint seem- mitteeof three disinterested persons to J determine whet property will be bene, filed by the Court street seww , and to eotimero the proportionate cost to the owners of tbe property to be to bene ted. The mayor appointed 0. J. Oran dall, C. W. Dtotasl sad 0. K. Height. The mayor reed a oommonleatlcn from Hob. M. A. Moody calling atten tion to the dangers of running steam wood saws on the public streets, calling pert tenia r attsatioa tetbs clrstt instances connected with the runaway from this cause that occurred here lest Moaday end urging the pnwags of an ordinance prohibiting these machines from operat ing oa the public streets. Oonneilman Kelly wee ia favor of some restriction, ee be knew from experience with hit own teem tbe difficulty of preventing ee cfdente that might at any time prove serious. Councilman Toomey, on the other uand, insisted that the steam wood saws were n necessary evil. "We mutt have them, just at we most have many other things that ere not in all respects what we might desire." He was in favor of leaving the matter for latere consideration, meanwhile admonishing the wood-saw men to ate more care in the future. Mr. Brown, who was run ning the wood taw to which Mr. Moody 'a communication especially referred, ad dressed the council end said that the runaway complained of occurred, in no sense, through any fault of bit. Tbe driver of an eight-horse teem, with trail wagon, ceiae trotting through tbe nar row pest near the foot of Second street, between Second and Third. There wet no time for Mr. Brown to atop bit taw till tho leaders were alongsiud cf !, The driver of tbe teem could tee the tew 160 feat ahead and had all that time to alow down. Mr. Brown would do anything to atop accidents of tbia kind. He claimed be bad always exercised the at most ears ia the pest aad would continue to do w la tbe f autre. With the sugg tioa that the wood saws shall la the fntore keep to toe alleys at much aa possible, tbe matter dropped without farther action. The marshal was instructed to procure a flag pole for tbe display of tbe Ameri can flag nt half mast oa Thursday snd for future aw, the pole to be placed oa tbe oily recorder's office. Tbe offer of tbe Condon Telephone Company to have tbe numbers of the fire alarms printed on tbe last page of their telephone directory at tbe cost to tbe city of tbe extra expense of prloting, was accepted. Tbe finance committee wet authorised to purchase, oat of the reserve fend, n Wheeler ooaaty warrant now owned by e gentleman of tbit city, at one per cent premium. Tbe warrant bears six per cent interest aad wee leaned for tbe erec tion of the Wheeler county court honea for tbe tarn of $1500. The committee oa streets aad public property reported that tbe Fourth etreet bridge wee not in aeed of painting, snd that the county court claimed it bad no authority to spend any money oa it. Attention. U. V. O. B.I at ids' m ton's ml am I KNEE PANTS I We have just received our complete fall line of Boys' and Youth's Clothing, and are offering them at unusually low prices. Now is the time to fit out your boy for school. Don't make your purchases without seeing our line. We will save you money. Don't wait until the nobbiest and neatest patterns are sold, but come in at once. Every SUIT Guaranteed. The NewTork Cash Store All members of Oearade Lodge, No. 80S, B. P. 0. 8., end sojourning broth, ore are ordered to meet in tbe lodge room at 1 p. m. tomorow to attend In a body tbe memorial ceremonies in cob. junction with tbe faeeral servient of tbeir late brother. William McKlnley, late preeldeai of the United States, to be held ia Caotoa, Obis, st that time. Babbt p. Lisas, Exalted Holer. Attest : Jobs M icbbll, Secy, Atteattoe, All members of the Improved Order of Red men are ordered to meet ia their wigwam at 1 o'clock p. m. tomorrow to Mead in a body the memorial eerem ales ia eoejanotion with tbe faaeral ser vices to be held in One toe, Ohio, of the late president, William afsKlelsy. Br oedor of Jicx fltAOBB, fleshem. Ved.rnr stogtat. The topajptrt of Tba DaJlee Aerie, Me. Ill, f retoraal Order of Eafiet, ire re oaaatod to taeat at the K. at h. hall at gP sSwIJpi lOlfca ttflf wlMp MB sa'kwMPj 4gj Jpsstka BwwM0V4sw NPHWbsIbI v New Grocery Store We have added a Grocery Depart ment to our store. A new fresh, clean stock. Give us a call. Prompt delivery to any part of the city. BBS MAYS CROWE. BB jVLaieft & Benton, Headquarters for Family Groceries, OORD WOOD: Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware, Stoves and Steal Ranges. 107 Second Stramt. THE DALLES. OR. anm A. M. Williams & Co., wish to announce tbe arrival of the Sveitest Lioe of Ladies' rne Shoes they have ever shown. New toes, new heels, new trim mings, in fact all the frills and finishes which make PlngrM Jhoets at the bead of a long procession of styles. The most skeptical cannot but admire tbe work manship. We have Vavlotar Cavli for fall street wear, wide ex tension and is the new Cleo toe; bbM 5?llitf in the popu Jar rope-stitebed extension iole, Idmwd or PmUmnt IU io the colored stitched sole and mat-kid top, and a heel of others. We invite you to look over the lists whether ym puix chase or not. At M Willia; is & C ma Bf order of the worthy amides t. $ti Jkt KBUUSSr VT BBjfii at tn . -w w. erapaaHa ajuiajaa fcr amf vysjgatjsj? .Wt9 .M