iChrmncle. VOL. XIII THE DALLES, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18. 1901. NO. 188 - m m simfiating teftrtmlBitfiiw- I tegaeSlD aBMdDwwbflf J loaWaWTl TTM-l PronwtesDtgpgfaaJChawfttf- neas and Heat jCoafahw nrWw 0um3ldifkine norlfoeraL ot Narcotic. I A pcrfecl Remedy forCocaripn- I Ron , Sour Stosach.Dianfnea I Worn.ConvuisaQnsJeweristr- HISS CUIU w fmiiir. BM FacSinafe Sigimrure of H exact copy or wrapper. mm For Iidknta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of ii Use For Over Thirty Yeers CASTORIA ON THE VERGE OF COLLAPSE Mrs. MeKinley, Apparently, Is Breaking Down Friends Seriously Alarmed Weaker Than At Buffalo. Washisgton, Sept. 17. The friends of Mm. MeKinley are seriouriy alarmed aboot her. They apeak with grave ap prehension of the days that are toon to come, when ehe will be borne up no longer by her sense of doty and the sustaining force of her desire to perform her loll part in the ceremonies that the National character and tregic end of her dittiogaished husband madeappropriate. They dread the approaching days in the qoiee of her home at Canton, where ber beloved "Maj r" will not be near to comfort her in the reaction that will follow inevitably after the present ehosk. Itie believed that she will be able to go through ibe services at Canton with out too great difficulty, Jmt, ultimately, collapse is greatly feared. At present ber condition justifies the hope that there will he no breakdown, at least ontil the final offices hare been paid to the dead. This evening, Hers. MeKinley is con siderably weaker lb an when at Buffalo, bat contiooes to bear np with great forti tude. This afternoon she gave vent to lw grief more freely than at any time ince the trsgedy . She sobbed and cried for a long time, and tbeae paroxysms of rief sapped her strength to quite a degree. Dr Bior was with his patient mal times daring the day and spent quite a little while with her late in the afternoon. Artec his la call be saiJ he fsirly confident of Mew. MeKinley 'a ability to take pert in the services at Union. She baa had a long and severe nock, however, in cedar that sbe may " gradually accustomed to the ? wrtbt inner life by the aad h of tb. president. It fa probable Secretary Cortelypa and Dr. B'xey " remain la Canton lor tome time to ob sad eamfnrt the widow is the grief ed uor thM anoat oe one.. In ber iXgf' sially realises to Ma "rt to lite bee vtahon away. fan ate going to the Portland ear- nival or to the state fair at Salem, take the Bailey Oart, leaving Tbe Dalles at S :30 p. tn., and view the grandest scenery in the world. Mnsie, meals and tbe most commodious boat on the river. Its n pleasure to ride on this boat. Pas sengers visiting Portland can, if they wish, secure sleeping accommodations and remain on the Bailey Gatxert over night, which would save them going im mediately to a hotel on their arrival is Portland. 13s-lw Tomwater foJk loUlrweat. Oi.ympia, Wash., 6ept. 18. Tbe peo ple of Tumwater are indignant over an incident tbst occurred in the tittle burg laat Buidty. Tbe town beta onion Sunday school, and several women act aa teacher?. One of tbe women baa strong views on economic eubjete, that evidently border on anarchy, judging by what is al!eed against her at tbe laet session or the Sondsy school. Referring to the assart! aation of President Me Kinley, she excused tbe part Emma Goldman ts supposed to have taken in tbe affair, and vent into that feature of tbe esse to a considerable degree, always holding up tbe Goldman end of the matter. Tbe result baa been tbat several parents haye taken their children out of tbe Sunday school snd tbat the particular teacher ill probably be dis placed. Tbe affair bss caused consider able comment snd no little eiitictsm. rraear Oat off Beajr. H UNTI KGT0M , Iod., Sfpt. 17. JOStpb A. Wildman, a United Brethien minis ter, was tarred and featnered by a crowd of 100 last night because, on Sunday nigbt.be rose in a prayer meeting to one of tbe city churches and said : "I suppose there have been more lies told from tbe pulpit and ssered desk to day than were ever known here. While 1 want to give sll honor that is doe Mr MeKinley, still, wbsn he was living be was nothing but a political demagogue." Wildman baa no regular cbsige. Semi annual opening of fell millinery t tbe Campbell Wilson Millinery Parlors Tuesday and Wednesday, Bent. IGtb and 17th. Up-to-date styles and ail the latest novelties will ha shown. A general invitation is extended. If Ctork and Fejk hevejoet received a toll Una- of froth Velcx papers and de velopers, the seme as used by Mr. Lev loh la bis resent demonstration at our store. RESTORE THE VIGILANTES Boy vented boors workaday; at this If It Haw Joba W. Mackay Weald Deal With the Anarchists. Nsw Yobk, Sept. 16. "Anarchists should be dealt with severely," said Joba W. Mackay to an interview laat night. "We never ha) to good a govern ment in San Francisco and Virginia City aa during thoea years when the vigilance committee were In control. Every of fender was tried by a jary of twelve good men, and if found guilty executed on the spot. Bad characters left tbe country instantly on receiving warning from tbe committee. It did not have to be re peated. "I hope the newe papers -ad -public officiftJe-iriii Urge immediate action. This shooting down of good men like Presi dent MeKinley is a serious matter. It makes no difference how brave a man may be some cowardly assassin may shoot bim from a root at some unexpected moment. Guards amount to nothing. Men have been assassinated in the mid?t of their soldiers. Summary justice properly executed will do the work. Drive tbe anarchists out of America. Hang every one of them caught in these Crimea without delay. Let the move ment begin with vigorous action on the part of tbe community end they will disappear when they find we mean business. Every anarchist arriving to this country should be sent bsck by tbe next steamer. Tbe European police will attend to them. They are shadowed everywhere and they should be kept over there hunted down and promptly exterminated. "The time has come for business men to take bold of this matter arid settle it in good shape. There should be no half way measures. Let the papers help the movement along, force congress to make a proper law at tbe earliest momemt and have officials see tbat it is executed. Public sentiment will do tbe rest. Tbe country will sustain such a movement an i make anarchism a thing of tbe past." BenelMe Word, or Bogllah Judge. Nsw Yonx. 8ept. 17. After forty- eight hours' discussion of tbe Buffalo tragedy, public opinion in England asks tbe question whether America will tolerate another Goiteao scandal when McKiuley's murderer is brought op for trial, says tbe London correspondent of the Herald. Lynch law, as applicable to this wretch, waa never so nearly popular in England, all classes agreeing tbat short tbift la tbe only fitting justice. From one of His Majesty's judges your correspondent is able to give tbe sub stance of the highest legal opinion tere as to wbst tbe Buffalo courts ought to do. "This ought to give America tbe chance to shake off tbe incubus of too much legalism." said tbe judge, "and by legalism I mean straining tbe law to defeat its own purpose. In criminal trials it seems to be the msin objaet of tbe American courts to discover a jary who will liberate the prisoner not carry oat tbe law. Absurd questions are aaked whether tbe veniremen or jurymen have read aboot the case; whether such read ing bas led to tbe formation of opinion on the merits of lbs case so ss to prejo- dies tbe verdict ; whether tbay are ac quainted with tbe prisoner or victim. Tbe absurd straining for loopholes, which tbe courts appear to encourage, is, in my opinion, the first step toward anarchy." In this eoaneotioa it ts reported that a famous criminal lawyer of Hew 'York, who left London on a sodden coll Satur day, bss been summoned to Buffalo to defend Osoigoss. This dose not indicate that tbe murderer Is absolutely friend less, bet on the. eontmry , that be to merely tbe tool of so orgeaisauoo whs funds behind it. Mofci Tee pesiiively ache, indigestion and constipation, n delightful herb drink. Reteoves nil erntstlons of the skto. prodaatof a portent complexion, s nuney refunded. Vote snd Mete. Wesley, the dragjgtot. New Garments In the Ladies Department While our stock is not yet complete in this department, in certain lines, however, we are able to make a very interesting showing especially so in Jackets. We urge all to come and see them. The new lengths 36 and 42-inch in the half-fitting and Raglan backs, are receiving many compliments. These stylish garments may be had in Kerseys and Venetians in the various popular shades of the season tans, modes, browns, oxfords, reds and black. The trimmings consist of stitching, cordings and stitched bands of the same material, also velvet oollars and large fancy pearl buttons. Some particularly favor the yoke back. 36 and 42-inch, $12 to $30. 27-inch Coats from $5 to $18 New Walking Skirts. A large and very attract ive line in the new fall Walking Skirts to select from. Thty come in ox fords, tans, black and brown in kerseys, mel tons, coverts and cheviots, $1.95 to $16.00 Be sure and see our Re versible Walking Skirts virtually two skirts in one $10.00 New TAMS in the popular woolly kind. White, gray, red and blue ; Special 50C r a -na. wjr r i an an NEW HATS for Boys in the Clothing Store, pop ular pearl Golfs at $1:25 and $2.00. We have all sixes. A. M. Williams Co. Betas to Pan-American Ez poll Moo, Bound-trip rates via O. B. A N. from Tbe Dalles, S81.90. Tickets on sale Brit and third Toasdays during June, July, AugUkt, September and October .good for continuous passage going on date of sale. Return limit thirty daya from date of sale. Stop-overs will be allowed west of Missouri river or St. Paul on return trip witbln limit of ticket. Arrangements cad be made by apply ing to agent O. B. & N. Co., Tbe Dalles, ttuereby tickets will be honored on lake itoamsrs to one or both directions be tween Detroit and Buffalo. tf , James Ibklano, Agent Go. W. Lane, Pewenio, Mich., writes : "Your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is tbe best remedy for indigestion and stomach trouble tbat I ever used. For years I suffered from dyspepsia, at times com pelling me to stay in bad and causing me untold agony. I am completely cored by Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Ia recommending it to frteods who suffer from indigestion I always offer to pay for It If it falls. Thus far I have never paid." Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. gear Peso bows the state of your feelings and the state of your health as well. Impure Mood makes itself apparent to a pale and sallow complexion, Pimples tod Skin Eruptions. If yon are foaling wank and worn out and do not have a healthy appearance yon should try Acker's Blood Elixir. It cores all Wood disss sat where cheap Seres peril lea and so coiled purifiers fall ; knowing this we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Btohctoj,fnndruggisl Meay pbystoisos are now presrribiag Kodol Pjspspsto Cora regularly having found that it Is the hast prsanription they sen write beet as H lathe one a?w)f$0 $(M$teswt$wv wW$ $sr$ow$$St$ to dinatt not only some blade of fonfi but all kind and Uttiereforesaras ftSMBaBBwBwBwatlfnwBl SMmam a4VvMAwawawLwa fSfS gMffavftsvawtT aV ewaPuErany si VaSBB4tawa-A BMEaTSEf) fsmlsnissaan an ffMull SwWaeer"nSE fjTWwawnv sssnsj-ipsjtnBggigj aw wswnwwny m toft ebaashav war af Faees d Mara. Tha wnnar $eMw btaWal w-W kjT PP$Vls$J pw$JtjWf $$Bsl Si Wei jkJEvm jk.nxsrvm for We operate a PLUMBING, TUT sad BXOTCL9 REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will hswe prompt attention. SEXTON sft THB DALLBS, - - OXXOOM. RCOULATOR LINE. PORTLAND CARNIVAL Cxhoaltlon On tela. Balls ffaanlai BonnaVtato Tlakota. unMm- uvsjBwnw'n ewuwey wwaaweww vewwf war pwwwr vayamew' aajsaaMa le$sj a$$- WwWopaooi am in ii i tnnnfaannnwnuwnwao Sataoribo tor The Ohroniola.