HAL Ed Claoton, a merchant of Birkleton. Klickitat county, is in the city. The Earl of Taffe, who la known in the society circles of Cetilo aa the doke of that ilk, was in town today shaking handi with bis numerous friend". I. 8. Grant, of Dallas. Polk county, brother of B H. Grant, of this city, and eerretarr of the Angora Goat Association of Oregon. Washington, Idaho and Cali fornia, is in the city oa an inspection visit to the angora goat band of H. C. Martin, of this coontr, the only fl-tck of . these animals in the county. Mr. Van Anda and wife returned home last night from spending the Ram am in Gran; county ; Mr. Van Anda on : a cruising trip for the Eastern Oregon Lind Company, and Mrs. Van Anda at . the Hot Springs. They were seven dys on the road between Prairie City and '. The Dalle, and are naturally delighted to get bac t to God's conntry. ). H. Hadier, a pioneer resident of the Boyd neighborhood who has resided at Gienaood, Eiir-kitat connty. for tome fifteen years past, has sold ont bis ranch and stock at Ghnwood and returned with his familv to Wafco conntr with the intention of buying a home in The Dalies and making hit permanent resi dence here. Mr. Hadier is a good citi- j vn and his numeroo former Wasco county friends glad! v welcome bim back. ' YOUR KIDNEYS. After too tire of oalng no called kMaj without any heaeflt, bob Linoon Oaaual Pills and be forever rid of those dull pains la roar back. Discard that old fogy Idea of "pala ia the kidneys" aad hare all soar bladder aad urinary troubles car 4, aad roar nights made restful by the nee of naive greatest assistant Lincoln Sexual Pills. Price, 1.00 per boa bay ol your draft 1st or sent by mail on receipt of price, in plain wrappei . LINCOLN PROPRIETARY .X.. Fort Wayne, Indiana M. Z. Donnell, Agent, Tbe Dalles. n mr use. F. C. CLARKE, Manager. lyon's French Periodical Drops I Night Only, Wednesday. Sept. 18th J. E. FAIT CO, Proprietor. TbO OwL" Strictly vegetable, perfectly harmless, aure to accomplish DESIRED RESULTS. Greatest known female remedy. Ho "a re o counterfeits and Itnitatkjaa. The rename is tn: up onlr la tnn wi:h fae-!iniie imaiurf on sine or tar aoiiie. ma,: Beudlor Circular to WIIOJAMS lilt, CO Soie AeiiU Cleveland. Ohio. For sale by Geo. C. Blakeley. Tbe Diliea, Or. hoortt Car subject uperrcost in hit heart, as well aa ! SEWER NOTICE. that of his hearers tbe parting.- Tbe ..... I ...... , . . . . . Notice ia hereby giren ttst the Com- remainder of the even.ng was spent at mon of rjiiCitr. by ordinance refreshments and in soc-al converse, regularly enacted on tbe 4th day of Sep each regretfully bidding Mr. and Mrs. tember, 1B01, has determined to con- Haerk rr.inrf-l.vp at a late hnrlr. . Struct Wbal II Known SS IM UoUtt Street Tbe Great Emotional Drama, "Hew fol Lyne A Story of a Woman's Wrongs. Without question tbe Greatest Emotion al Drama of tbe Present Generation. Purest Liquors for Family Use delivered to any part of the City. 173 Second Street Phones 51 Local, 868 Iing Distance. The Tote War Oiwi. the Paw-Amertean. inori&i service of the president Thursday. Fagae ; See tomorrow's issue of The Clironicie for particulars. By order of A. Everding, W. V. Pres., Acting President. BUSINESS Under date of September 9.b . L. Brooks, of this city, writes Chronicle that two days previously he and Mrs. Brooks had arrived in Buffalo and had just then returned to tbeir hotel from a riait to Niagara Falls and vicinity. He says- "We hare had a delightfni trip. One cannot cotuprr iiend tbe magnitude of excellence of the Pan-American exposition. The illumin ation of nights le the most beautiful eight I ever witnessed. Just -think a 436,000 electric iigbts ail ehininc at ore La era Thompson tune. Tru.r it is like a fairy land. 1 can mt write yon mnch now, bnt shall later on. We are very weli and our trip from start to finish has been one of con tinuous pleasure. We expect to go over to Toronto Saturday. 1 mCt B. ana lanm? last evening, tie le very, very loyal to Oregon. By the wav, Ore gee's exhibit ia very One. DjscIi de serves more credit than Oregonians wilt give biin. He is tbe 'Boss of the Road' in the exposition. Oregon is at! right. Tbe East is a unit for the immediate an nihilation of tbe wb'le body of 'Reds' down to Herr Most and Emma Gold mac. who was arrested today. Tbe uni versal sentiment is 'No Quarter.' " To his nephew, Mr. E. J. Collins, Mr. Brooke writes : "If yon were here to take in the differ ; Mtj (unburn nt departments of the exposition rou j & Falk. wouid agree with me that the Oregon j l et A eanvoitts an rignt. mere is nothing cb(rm. Finder will lacking in our display of minerals, ! Mme Bt th;B 0fiw. timber and lumber and agricultural products, bet in fruits oar people at home are not exerting themselves in that particular. The exhibit is very faulty, oaring to the lack of receipts of fresh stock to keep np the interest with tbe visitors. Wby don't tbey send more and better fruits, potatoes, egg plant, etc. There is nothing fresh ; almost ever thing is more or less wilted an i nnat'.ractive. Tell Gouriay and Da u: hit to stir up our people to the im .porta nee of keeping fresh goods before sewer, and to proceed with tbe con function thereof at onee. ' Tbe territorial district to be drained up to j aad sewered oy said sewer (object to ; tbe exemption therefrom of snr portions 104 ; thereof, which, upon the hearing here- inaltar mnnMnnail nt at v rata ahnrn nr (lax. luatitci uibuuvubM! nai aaass azuv aw mm - i w 92 The following votes were cast jr. i about 3 o'ciock this afternoon : The Miss Landon . ' F.rlith Fiarwr Myrtle Michel 1 84 :-trmioed not to be benefited by said Martha Schooling! . ...V. ...... ...V. 56 : '; bas been, preliminarily, deter m- Vesta Bolton 40 j ned n declared by said ordinance to Grace Scott ....................... 47 M follows, to-wit : All lots and Clara Nickelsen 59 blocks included witbin tbe territory Margaret Kinerel v ........ 16 I bounded by Main or First street, Wash Edith Manns '".."! .106 ngon street . Seventh street aad Court Me! via Dawson .... 91 ' street in said Dalles City ; also tbe east Bose Michel! 53 ; D"" ' ' 'ote mn" Mocks included with- M rs Maud Mitchell V. ....... ... . 41 ! in tne territory bounded by Second ' Mary Mclne-ny to ,feett Court street. Seventh street and Irene Adams '. . . 30l-u,on "treel ; also block 4, in Dalles 5 Uity p'oper, an.! tNOCa A, in I revttt s addition to Dalles Citv, a-:d lot 1 in. Caeiea, Kotie: block 6, Bigeioe's addition to Dalles i City. The Dalles Aeeie Xo. 156. F. O. E. Eagles bi prepared to attend the me- Blanche : Stoddard as "LADY ISA BELLE." W a to&ak Seats on sale at Clarke A Falk's, Office Pharmacy. Post OREGON STATE FAIR Headquarters for Seed Grain ofaii kiatu. Headquarters for Feed Groin ot -u kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, n kin Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, cTatTL1 Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendto. ton Flour This Floor is maaafactaied saaaaaajij fa hK oss ; everv sack is guaranssad to arve satisfaiAaT We sell our goods lower than any toonse in tbe trad, aad if yon don't thrakaj call aad get car prices aad be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. SALEM September 23-28, 1901 , For the purpose of determinioe what ; property witbin said territorial district ' ! will be benefited by said sewer end the ; proportionate cost thereof to be assessed . against the different properties bene Btad thereby, a meeting of the Common j I Council of Dalies City will be held at the council chambers on Tuesday, the, , .7th day of September, 1901, at tbe hour of 8 o'ciock p. m., wnich meeting will 1 i be continued and adi inrned from time to time until all interested parties sbail hare hnen fn!iv hearH in nam matters which said meeting all interested parties nd aii owners of real estate within said f in W mIImt'. anH pat m rliah nf nnvl lu rllnriui ifiatpint .Lt manlinnuil mvu ! A&a.w. t wuu WW u.u. W. avw I ..IB, W.W.I PI WW U1VUIWEU V 9-1 m i hereby required to appear for tbe par- IXUtJu Fresh oysters at Keller's. For rent A fruit dryer, ibis office. LOCALS. 9 lw Icquire at ' Great Agricultural and Industrial Fair. SI! BIG LIVE STOCK SHOW tl4 3t fresh oysters in any style. A fall line of Eastman films and pose of being beard in relation to the BaP ; settlement and determination of tbe plies just received by Clarke at Falk. ! matters hereinbefore mentioned. Floral lotinr. will cure wmd eh.nnine '"" oeptemoer Manufactured by C'artu Euigbt Templar aa'ch please iaare the s!4 3t Damaged rustic fl wring and paints ; good cedar posts at 8:.. cents each. 'Giibreth & Sons, office at Watts & ' Baker's marble and granite workr. lOtf ; Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James E. Patton's sun proof paints for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & ' i Falk, agents. ml Don't wait nntit ynu become chronical- - m ly constipated bnt take DeWitt's Little ! Early Risers now and then. Tbey will 1901. j sep5-14t 4. J. DOHKRTY, Recorder, Dalles City. NOTICE. Any person desiring privileges to sell ! articles witbin tbe grounds of Tne Dalles Street Carnival will please call on ; or write to C. J. Crandali, general aopar . intendent ol tbe carnival, at The Dalles, Irom whom be may receive tbe terms and tbe necessary information. sep7-td If you want to retain your batr you ; have to keep your scalp clean. Soap will make your hair harsh, dry aad RACING in Afternoons. the Latest Attrsctions ia Se w Auditorium Building Every Evening, with Good Music. Beautiful Camp Gronnds Free. Special Rates on Campers' Tickets. Come and Biing Your Families. SPECIAL RATES on all RAILROADS C. J. STUBIilfJG, WHOLESALE AKD KMT A' L Wines, Liquors Giprs Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Next door to First National Bank. THE DALLES, OREGON. a,.gjgldr...aTiMwTl.Mi.MT (T C ' ft ff Ammmm4k M r f ' fl . CondaK thon S3. Lon( lllst. 1091. For farther particulars, address H. D. WISDOM, Sec., lauglm Purtland, Oregon. kei roar tisr and howela in enod order. the visitors who come here from ail j Easy to take. Safe pills. Ctarke A Falk's .parts of the k. I talked myself P. O. Pharmacy. tioarse yesterday at the booth of our' a never failing cure for cuts, burns, great resources. It is sca'.de. ulcers. ounde and sores is De- Witt's Witch IJasel Stive. A most : soothing and healing remedy for all skin ; aflVctiouf. Accept only tbe genuine. ; Clarke A Faik's P. O. Pharmacy. Henry Braydon, Harris, N. C, says : ' "I took medicine 20 years for asthma, but one bottle of One Minute Cuugb I Cure did me more good tbaa any thing else during that time. Beet Cough Cure." Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. crispy. Kow we have two of tbe yery best preparations for cleansing tbe! scalp Egg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It Pfflf HfliTlfir dfi MflrTkfll. will laasa voor hair soft and glossv. riUi "UHIOI UC IHUIIIOUII Price, , and 50 cents a bottle, at Fraaer's i barber chop. The Dalles. tf ! PIONEER BAKERY. I hare re-opened this well- and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groear es. GEORGE RUCH Pioneer Grocer. tcoustry and its wor;.'erftsl trie interest manifested in tbe far NVrst, and e?ptcially in the state of O -k'-c. 1 the whole, Oregon is O. E. Ojr delegation ti.ink the state wilt get the a;oii medal fur general esbibite. If he doesn't she will come in a close second." Farewell to &. aad Mr. Uawk. Doa't Kntj It le. Just wet tbe affected part freely with Mysterious Pain Care, a Scotch remedy, and the pain is gone. Sold toy Clarke A Falk. Tne basement of the Methodist church t-.-oked very inviting In its pretty cozy ( decorations last night as a large uumber ol tueuiOers and friends of tbe church gathered to give tbeir pastor and bis! wile a farewell party previous to tbeir J departure tor ash. Alter a ehort program. Dr. Eshelman, in behalf i cf the members of the cboir, read a trib ute to Mr. Hawk, expressing their grat itude for the interest and sympathy which be has manifested in tbeir work. N . Wbealdon next spoke in behalf of tbe members and friends of tbe cborcb. 11 m remarks were well chosen and sin cere as he assured Mr. Hawk of the ap- B. W. Puree!!, Eintersville, Pa., says . be suffered 23 yes.rs with piles and could obtain no relief until DeWitt's Witch Hazl Salve effected a permanent core. Counterfeits are worthless. Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Moki Tea positively cures Sick Head ache, indigestion aad constipation. A i j n 11 II m am m m 3S32 WaalUactaB I real. Knuu 23 SO, romtiNu, iiKtuu.v . For Sale. 1000 acres more or less Win on the delightful herb drink. Removes Colombia river abont seven miles from "options of tbe skin, producing a perfect The Dalles. About 100 seres of river complexion, or money refunded. 26 cts bottom the rest good upland suitable 60 ciM Blakeler, tbe druggist. ! for fruit and pastors- One of the best dairy or mi.k ranches in tbe county ; a ' small boose ; good barn ; some orchard and plenty of water. Also other town and county property. Apply to Gibons 4 Man'en, Masonic building Third street. augSO-lm NOTICE. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on ; a positive guarantee. Cares heart-burn, raising of the fond, distress after eating or any farm of dyspepsia. Oaa little tablet gives immediate relief. 25 cts and 50 els. Blakeley, tbe druggist. Acker's Eagiish Bemedy will stop a cough at any time, aad will core tbe worst cold ia twelve boors, or money re funded 25 eta. aad 50 cts, Blakeley, I Tbe nrst legurtered as well ai tbe Aral rradn- aie palatial ever in Portland. Tbe world g emett Trance Clairvoyant arut Herba in can be co laullod daily on all attaint of 111-. Prof, da Montana ia without a doubt tbe roost aeicritirle Falml-t and Clairvoi ant iu toe world today: be locale hidden treaaurc, reunites the separated. telU tf there ia ednrral, o 1. or g on yonr land enable you to win tbe aOecrioti of one you deain- ealmlstry tangbt medium iatie neraon deiel neruBDTiac dm ot tin revealed he: i. I cure ebiouie and o-ca)'ed incurable dls fee irealmen: for the imn Bend ft. date of birth and three ..:.; uu .it j letiers anaweied at e nee. All per (Mine knowing themselves to be preciation which all feel for the work : indebted to tbe late firm of B. Giibreth which bas been done during his pis to- A Sons will please call on them and pay i & druggist. rate ia Tbe Dalies. Among other things amount das. All accounts unpaid by f We offer for a limited period tbe be designated the raiting of tbe cborcb j September 20th trill be han led over j twiee-e-week Cuaoaicus, price $160, debt, for which be labored so arduously, j to Messrs Wilson A Huntington for col- and tbe Weakly Qiaaoaiaa. price $1 50 teuon. both papers for 2a year. Sabaeriptroas a For siiiiiaaaira j onoer tula ooer mast as paio ia aa Lately starred in London her a use he roaa. 1 Mr. Wbealdon also ass n red tbem of the deep regrtst which this church feels at -their removal. At the close of the re marks he asked Mr. Hawk to accept tbe first inatallmeot of a debt of gratitude which some of his brothers ia and frieads of the eborcb ware inclined to cancel, at aid digestion, promote assimilation, im the asms lima bandiag bim an envelope ; prove appetite. Sold by Q. C. Blakeley, ontaining $36. To Mrs. Hawk he also tbe druggist. 5 rjrreaented a gift of money from bar aav FOR SALE- i ol tbe Good loteet horiely , of wbicb Team lor ssie at a is president. Mr. Htsl tbaa ra- mi to be worked aotil in s very pleasiag manner, thtil lmd Iaaairs at ibis tacifaally avoiding undue alloiion to tbe LecaVnd bj Viloa. Hortl.nd. Auk 10. -To 'I.-Editor,. -Homer de Morrison, OeenrUit. located by rUion Uiebu! Uou aurien irom tbe eelby hmelllog W or k In behalf ol oeeult asienee be imrredUtely com mnBleatad by tatter the faeu to Mr. A J Rate ton, owner of tbe delby Work. Tbe report rt--esivtd last nigbt prove aii abatements correct MKo. i RaXCIb PAKTl-OW. "It te plsaslng to be aaaured that tbe gold to.eo from toe Hal by aaaelUnc Work, waa -kv eatadby vlatoa by a Portland oocultiat ThU ' UHefand UMt tate aaabrtaae was required In re epverlag Uwaold was a bass California loreu uen lor trteaawaaaaef swrivlne trrarroa ol iuai sd OreguniaD , ss s' S a rrarFarl THE CELEBRATED COItUlHfilA BREWEKY AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of this well-known brewery the United States Health Beports for Jone 28. 1900, says: "A more eu potior brew never entered tbe labratory of the United States Health reports, it it abeolotely devoid of the slightest trace of adulteration, bat on the other hand is composed of tbe best of mslt and choicest of bops. Iu tonic qualities are of the high est and it can be need with tbe greatest benefit aad aatisfactioo by old and young. Iu use can conscientiously be prescribed bv tbe physicians with tne caraaiaty that a better, purer or more wholesome Irniaga amid not possibly be found." L. East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON ItrwwfMtrfrSy Portland this offer mast be paid in could uot digest his loud. Early use of ' Marek atega Fr ante. Dr. King's Sew Life Pills woald have : I bars for sale 44 bead of stock hogs, saved bim. They strengthen the stomach, j consisting of brood sows, abates aad bargain, or to sat i pigs, at my pleas cat Eight-Mile. k9J2-ww H. B. BicuABue. If aaytbhag ails soar batr. bare s-dealw NoriC FOR PUBLIC ATIOK. LapOstob atVu Dauaa, or., i Nouee to bareby airen UraT'uV' fouLin. asttler baa tied waste of ate intention aaaaennai aroor la aepwoH d Ma claim fore the tm. ana ihal aatd proof will be mad be :rter; rnZj OiCord' Fotoe Merer Fade. ungos "! ; r?w irT mttlf.. ft tf W. vTbaslsa. wan or tws araiwri. mil for tne aa W. M- e,. ralteraadLb. Da sgea, ana Via. FaUw JAY r. LtCaa, CrMdwl Borget 1 c DEALERS IB - tt- miiatoa TJNDERTAKBB6 BOrHI SbfOO Funeral Sopplies embalmers Etc. The Dalles, Or. UOTTU CUKMU Alfltk faarroland. Usde For gala by Oa. c. aWlay, Tag) JfctftaMfe Subscribe for The CSuxmkte.