The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 17, 1901, Image 3

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    New Arrivals
jot ine wrau
This week we trill r itm greater values than last soocrs
only spores on to greater effort. Tbe general poblic it rapidly
learning that oar bargain cannot be equalled in any city ; that onr
qnmiitief are of the hlyhest and onr telling price lower. Last week
has brought new arrival in' every department.
Extraordinary Values in
at Almost Half Price.
New Fall Rainy-day
and Walking Skirts' m m
All Carefully Tailored and made in
the Newest Fashion.
See our window display of Ladies' Flannelette
Robes the handsomest line ever shown.
Our Fall sfasMoriS are having their-innings
the new arrivals bring in a flood of new
ideas to see them is to admire them.
Our Prices are Business Winners
is the man who must have
good shoes. His work re
quires him to cover his feet
with well-made, comfortable
shoes. We cater to the wants
of the working-man and have
taken great care in the select
ing and building of his shoes.
Mr. Workingman, we want
your shoe trade. Shoes to
please you at $2, $2.50, $3,
$3.50 and $4.
She shoe window for the
best on earth.
rbe Dalles Daily Ctafvefe.
8EPT. 17. 1901
Ice Cream
and I
loeCraam I
Soda 1
At Andrew Keller's,
All Hum County wnSa
prior tm DMtnbtr 3. IBM, will b SMkM
m presentation at my . Intrat
i after Beptearker IS, I I.
joan w. HaatpatiiRK.
County TrtMirtr.
'East Lynne," tomorrow night at tbe
Voft opera house.
Wanted An office boy. Fair wage.
Apply at Times-Mountaineer. slO-W
For sale Two good, fresh eowa. Ap
ply to M. H. Miller, of Five Mile. 16 2t
First-class piano for sale cheap by J.
D. Girdner at Gumbert's cigar store, oo
Second street. 17-tf
For sale A quantity of hooeebold
ris, in tbe dwelling immediately eaat
of tbe Gates block on Third and Union
sheets. 16elw
Found A pair of spectacles, wbicb
tbe owner can obtain at tbi office by
proving property and paying for tbi
notice. ,17-4t
Wanted A place for a boy of It where
he can work for hi board and attend
the public school. Inquire at tad
office. 17,.2t
Mrs. E. Cary ha received bat new
fell and wipter millinery and reepect
fally asks tbe ladle of Tbe Dalle to call
nd see tbem. tl6 lw
Pease A May have received tbi
owning their line of children's auto
mobile coat. Tbey are tbe proper
Mag for tbe winter' wear. '
Teams commenced work this morning
baling and placing on tbe grounds tbe
W.000 feet of lumber needed for tbe
Moths and fencing for tbe street fair.
Pease A May are receivinc no manv
and interesting article of merehau
that it is bard to knap track of
wiea' fashion and fanow tbi aaaaon.
Miss Cbri In Klcfcelsaa vtil giv la
Miction in embro4ary ad plain arw
ioton, and natnsday ofaaeb
, from S till 6 e'ates. Tsjsisjiis
be devoted to mAmU
to children. Apply at sapr
'oraavaoM. mtf m
Will Scott, a
weal barber
Js by Qi
ef a
wife. This allegation tbe wife stoutly
denies. The case will be tried in Jos
tle Brownhiir court at 7 o'clock tbi
Tbe Christian Adventists will bold
their sassi -annual conference and camp
meeting on tbe old fair grounds, com
mencing on tbe evening of Friday, 20th
instant, t 7 :30 o'clock. A number of
able minister will be in attendance and
n cordial welcome will be extended to
Mr. Gnmbert, of tbe Leading Cigar
Store, is keeping track of tbe vote east
at bis plane for tbe queen of the carnival
and offer a box of good cigar to the
gentleman who will cast tbe largest
number of vote for any candidate. Get
ia your work, ye patron of tbe weed,
and earn that baa of cigar.
Dad Butts yesterday sold to M. Dicbten
muller and wite tbe Billy Spencer place
on Tenth street, consisting of three lota
with a smsll dwelling, barn and chicken
bouse, for tbe sum of $450. This is un
doubtedly a great bargain, for tbe lot
alone are worth tbe money ; bnt Spencer
wanted to get lid of tbe property, a be
baa for a good many year made hi
home ia Albina.
. T. Anderson, late in the employ of
C. J. Stnbliog of tbi city, write Dr.
Siddall from Cape Nome, Alaska, to the
effect that report from Gold Ran are
bad and that Teller City ia "a dead one,"
and at present Nome I not doing any
business to speak of. Mr. Anderson in
tended wintering in, but had
changed bis mind because, a be puts it,
be is "not stack on becoming s sour
dagh." Notwithstanding this gloomy
outlook Mr. Anderson says "everyone
expects to make some money this fall."
Tbe laat fleet of boat of tbe season bad
left and taken out s lot of people.
Frank Gab), of tbe Oak Grove Sheep
Company returned from Sacramento tbe
other day with eighty-one bead of back
wbicb be purchased of Glide, the well
kaown sbeep-raiser and importer of
that place. Forty of tbem are tbor
oogbbred French merinos, and experts
say tier are tne nnest lot oi onexs mat
came into Wasco county. Tbe
are thoroughbred yearling Sbrop
hire save one, a five-months old lamb
that Mr, Gabal believe will Up tbe
beam at 100 pounds. Tbe animals at
in Ward A Robertson's corral, where
tbe older back are being divested of
tbelr fleeces that weigh from twenty-five
to thirty- van pounds each.
According to the annonnetment wbicb
ia Tax Chbonjcui aince
ota there will be a meetiag
ef the com men conncil at o'clock to
night, specially convened for
within the UrrHonai district of
Ceart street sewer will
yon have a kirk coming for goodness
sake attend tbe council meeting tonight
and register your kink, or bave tbe
ourtesy to forever hold your peace.
Wiley J. Harris was fined $25 In
Justice Brownhill's court this morning
for an assault committed on tbe person
of F. O. Creveling. Both men are
Klickitaters. They were, formerly
brothers-in-law, Herri having married
Orevellng's slater, from whom he was
subeeqnentlv divorced. The unfortunate
outcome of tbe alliance ia supposed to
have been nt the root of the trouble.
Tbe assault was committed yesterday in
Payette' feed yard, end from tbe testi
mony of a number of witnesses would
appear to have been altogether un
provoked. At any rate this is the view
the justice took of it. A an aggrava
tion of the assault it is claimed that
Creveling was practically a cripple and
disabled from rheumatism. In default
of the payment of his fine Harris is now
confined in the county jail.
The proclamation of Mayor Farley ap
pear in another place in this issue re
contending that next Thursday be set
apart as a day of public worship and of
special service in memory of the late
President McKinley. The mayor is of
tbe same opinion as tbe Chbonicle that
tbe day could not be more fittingly
observed than by a public memoiial
service, either in tbe open all or in tbe
Vogt opwa bouse, ip wbicb all tb clergy
of the city, without respect to sect or
denomination, shall be asked to partici
pate, and at which addresses ot five or
tea minutes duration, preferably by the
clergy, bnt if not wholly by tbem, then
by layman, shall be made. The mayor
authorises tb Chxvkici x to say that b
will do all in bis power, between this
time and tomorrow, to make arrange
ment to carry out such a program. Full
particulars will be given of tbe arret ge
ment in tomorrow evening's Ch son ici.e.
- Rapid progress is being mad on tb
improvement of tb new race track
and ground. In a few days tbe entire
groonds will be enclosed by a substan
tial fence. The frame work and roof of
tee grand stand far completed end noth
ing remains ef this work not tbe erec-
ltionoftbe seats, and these eill be In
place before tbe week If oat. Tb big
stock stable bas been completed, a well
as tbe horse stable, tbe latter with a
capacity for forty-five bead. Andy Alleo
WIm :', jtjfgWMff jaf sjhg. ' gfcfk-ajf. gntmnawMi ' aeM Iga
wM VMffJwYpV wrw WM9 flwkVV fMWaWwl Ml Mnf
wnpfcEMWae. eWimaWawaAian. ansa fte. atati mat aSaemdl aW
WSFwkWsaJJ twM WVwvfl y wJ ejej SH WweVW WMVe, wl
a. la fw gsawme - - mta nam m Siwlasai
fW II ! aire VUsWM Wf99 9ltSjesj
wMnis wMltljT fWMTt, Wt Kl MM
MiMM Will. U wWit eXfffCUtlM t
MM.? iMia A omntotfoi. jtttt
McvtWal from AvtalepQ ay that town
wl "1 he re pi Heated at the coming district
fait by two flea raanere- Phillip Fair,
owned by Jla SHvertoota, aad the mare
Oaasjia, owned by tbe Glisaas from the
Oregon stable.
Henry York, of Boyd, was fined $
ia Justice Brownhill's court Saturday
afternoon for an assault committed on
the person ef William Hasttats, also of
the Boyd neighborhood, The trouble
a row over a trifling dispute as to' the
price York wst obtaining for potatoes
that ha was delivering to one of oar mer
chant lie firms, York challenging Has
tiest to cover a bet ot $10 that hs was
getting a dollar a sack and Hastings In
sisting that h was getting only 85 cents.
Hastings finally covered the bet and the
money was placed In tbe hands ot Syl
vester Mason. The dsy following this
Incident the men met a second time la
this city and York told Mason that he
wanted back bis $10. Mason refused to
give up tb money till tbe subject mat
ter ot the bet was settled. York insist
ed he would have the money or take It
out ot Heating's hide. Hot words ftf
lowed aad York reached out his right
fist and struck (Hastings in the face,
leaving the mark of his blow. Witnen
e swore that York palled oat a knife
and threatened to disem bowel Heating
If tbe latter attempted to lay a hand on
him. York' version of tb affair dir.
fared materially from that of the com
plaiuing aitnvts, bnt three witnesses
supported Hasting' testimony and the
justice gave credence to tbe latter and
decided accordingly. It ia an unfortu
nate hSTair as both men are respected
citizens of the same neighborhood.
The New York Cash Store
IS8 And 142 Second Street.
Tit bargain stork of the city.
The Dalles Ha a Brood of Voaag An.
a rebut a at Bom.
Mk. Editor : Those who had the priv
ilege of listening to Mr. Poling 8unday
evening or of reading tb admirable re
sume of hi discourse In your issue of
Monday, may well resolve that each In
dividual vanxioua for tbe welfare of oar
beloved country eball devoutly and
faithfully lake all tbe steps nearest to
them to crush out the anarchy that ia
nearest to them. One thing Is vary
plain these tall days tb little boys
who ride ponies tb rough the street are
a holly unobservant of any regulation
concerning the speed. Is there a law oa
tbi subject? A ledy was nearly raa
down by a galloping pony yesterday
under circumstance that a little child
would almost sorely have been struck.
Will yon, Mr. Chronicle, please pub
lish- the ordinance that oo oae need
aay, as a little boy did tbi morning, "I
did not know." Then you will bave
done yonr doty. If tbe city marshal
will do his, and the recorder bis, and
parents and teacher their' respective
ly, one step will have been taken tow
ard unking good citixsns out of wbat
now bid fair to become anarchists in a
degree those who obey law or not at
their own sweet will. M.
Tbe following I the ordinance asked
for by tb correspondent :
Mo person shall rid or drive any
horse ot horses, mule or mules, or any
beast of burden, within tb corporate
limit of Dalles City, at a greater speed
then four mile per boor, and any per
son or persons who sbsll violate tbe pro
visions of this section sbsll be deemed
guilty ot a misdemeanor, and anon con
viction thereof before tb recorder's
court shall be punished by a fine of not
leer than $5 nor more than $25,
In accordance with tbe proclamation
of tb president of tbe United 8stes and
of tb governor of tb state of Oregon,
designating Thursday, the 19;h day of
September, 1MH, as a day of public wor
ship and of special services in memory
of tbe late president of tb United Bute,
I, O. J. Farley, mayor of Dalles City, do
hereby publicly request the c'.tlsen of
Dalles City to observe such proclama
tions : to dose their piece of business
on that day, abstain from tbir usual
vocation and ensemble in tbelr accus
tomed place of worship for public
prayer and anab other rite a may be
appropriate as a memorial of tb life aad
services of onr late president, William
McKinley. O. J. FaaLsv, Mayor.
On saUj Daily Hsgabjr Bound-trip TUaets,
..Hps' asd MI'S SGIHL HITS..
We have just received our complete fall lino of
Boys' and Youth's Clothing, and are offering them at
unusually low prices. Now is the time to lit out your
boy for school. Don't make your purchases without
seeing our line. We Will 8ft VO you money.
Don't wait until the nobbiest and neatest patterns are
sold, but come in at once.
Every SUIT Guaranteed.
The New York Cash Store
New Grocery Store
We have added a Grocery Depart
ment to our store. A new fresh,
clean stock. Give us a call. Prompt
delivery to any part of the city.
JVlaieft & Benton,
Headquarters for
Family Groceries,
Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware,
Stoves and Steel Ranges.
167 Second Street, THE DALLES. OR.
A. M. Williams & Co.,
wish to announce the arrival of the
SveHest line ot Lades' fite Sloes
they have ever shown. New toes, new heels, new trim
mings, in fact all the frills and finishes which make
Filagree) 9 hoes at the bead of a long procession of
stylet. The most skeptical cannot but admire tbe work
manship. We have Valour Calf for fill street wear, wide ex
tension end in the new Cleo toe; Box Calf in the pop
1st rope-stitehed extension sole; I steed or Patent HleJ
Lin the colored stitched sole and mat-kid top, and s host
oi others.
Ws invite you to look over the line whether yon per
I linn www I iiUi.
ey the sewer f a tin
i Irvia Julian,
he nsaaaan rapsrtJsnately.
A. M. Williams &
That if ftft aa
la tea
ef baa flat gig
to do ts ftwty in the jftresniata. New M