The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 17, 1901, Image 1

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    $iy Dulles mxmkk.
MO. 182
aaaaawanwawaah wanjaawaaawnaaa . laami
mss and Best.
Opium .McMphine florMtacusL
Aperfecl Remedy f orConstipa
non , Sour Stonach.Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions ,feMerish
ness and LOSS OF SUEBP.
Facsimile Signeture of
Remains of the President Taken From
Buffalo Large Crowds Along the
Wasiiingtox, Sept. 18. Through a
living lane of bareheaded people ftretch
lag from Buffalo up over the Alleghaniee
Own into the broad valleve of tba Sus
quehanna and the city 00 the baoke of
tbe shinin Potomac, the Nation's mar
tyred president today made his last jour
ney to the seat of the government over
which he presided for four years and a
half. The whole country seemed to
bare draine i its population at toe sides
of the tck over which the (unerol train
PeM'd. The tbia llnea through the
mountains and the sparsely settled
districts tircsened as the little hamlets
suddenly Kiev to the proportions of
tMpictkble cities, and ware coojtregated
late vast multitudes in the largest cities.
Work wai) in field en i mine
deity. The scbo4s were dismissed.
Everywhere appeared the trappings and
okoneofwoe. Mlliiooa of Aagat haW
sstdo ted billaldea and vel-y. and
thicket of color over the eUiea.
d from almost every banner etreamed
Wt of . m pe. The autioas were heavy
h the black symbol of mourning. At
) the irr towns and cities, after the
7n ll into Pennsylyanla. mlttllemen
Jen up at "present arms kept back
snormoos crowds. The silence with
Won the countless tbooeandf viewed
remains of their bate JMtd martyr
Mm opptaaaivp and proiROmd.
Oslythe rombllngofibanwi, wheels,
" 'c9a and the dolaial telling f the
balls, broke upon 4nvaig. At
vvMllaaagaart. Herrlabarg
Ba tlmore, the ebieees frieyod
ael Newman's oppmgiyow. Take
ptor, the jueraaw emsae area the
uiarkbl A --- adaml-
r" iMMontl as
to his grave.
2bad an opnertsjeaty ap
The Kind Yea Haw
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Aileg Aaerefel.t ta Jail.
Pbilaublpiiia. Bant. 16. Five men
were arrested in Fairmcnnt Park last
night charged with conspiring against
the laws of the country by attempting to
bold an alleged anarchist meeting. At
first 1 bey denied tbat there was to be
any meeting, bot when they were con
fronted by a postal card, signed by one
of them, calling for a meeting in tbs
park, they claimed tbat the gathering
was not to be of an anarchistic nature.
The call waa issued by toe Northwestern
branch of tbe 1 ocialist party. They were
bold in 6C0 bail each for a further
bearing. The men arrested are C F.
Scbeide, Arthur Shaw, Conrad Warner,
John Erring and Fred Miller.
Clothing Ceagat aire.
lKDEPSD8Nca. Or., fcept. 16. The
dress of Miss Florence Winnifred, of
King's VeHev. caught fire at tbe Burton
hopyard, two miles cortb of this city,
late Saturday evening, and burned net
tn a terrible manner. She was im
mediately brought to this city, where
medical aid con Id be secured, and there
is a proueMe chance of ber recovering.
She ts about elgbteej ysre of age, and
owing to br parents being in meager
circumstances, a purse of $76 was made
op io tbe hopyard and turned over to
them. " .
If von are going to tbe Portland car
nival or to the state fair at Salem, take
tbe Bailey Or a art, leaving The HeUee
at 6:30 p. m., and view the grandest
scenery in tbe world. Manic, meals and
tbe moat commodious boat on the river.
lis pleasure to ride on this boat. Psa
erngers visiting Port'and can, II tney
wlsb, secure sleeping accommodations
and ramsln on the BaUey Getxert over
nlafet. which would save" them going Im
mediately to a hotel on their arrival in
Portland. .
Semi annual opening of fall millinery
.t CawmbeU A Wilson Millinery
Parlors rueeder and Wednesday, Bapt.
I6tb sad ifrh. fTp-to-date etylee and
a. a ill 1
afi tbe latest neveHiee wui wa .
A general legation to esteadod. tf
Clark and Fa be Jest received
iesi Una effraeh Veten topers sd do-
in W i isiat ismasrema eteeeatepa.
mww ii i -
TUasce. SmlSLtSSi
Can JpBsafWsaV Safcjmf f aamml IKt&QQt
i kit
Developed by Presideet McKlalty
Will Be Cleaely Fetlawed by Mr.
BcfTALO, Sept. 16 President Roose
velt has outlined, in soma detail, the
policy be will follow daring his incum
bency of office. When be took (he oath
of effiee be stated witb much definite-
ee: "It shall be my aim to continue
absolutely unbroken tbe policy of Presi
dent MeKinley for tbe peace (and be
emphasised that word), prosperity snd
honor of the country."
Yesterday tbe president gathered to
gether some personal friends in Buffalo
and l bote members of tbe cabinet who
were here, and gave to tbem such ideas
as be bad already formulated for tba
conduct of public affaire and bis own
policy. In no sense were they divergent
from what has been understood as Mr.
MeKinley 'e policy . A mong tbe feat ores
of this policy as outlined to tbe presi
dent's friends are
. A more liberal and extensive reci
procity in the purchase and tale of com
modities, so tbat the over production of
tbia country can bs disposed of by fair
and equitable arrangements with foreign
The abolition entirely of commercial
war witb other coootriee and. tbe adop
tion of reciprocity treaties.
Tbe abolition of sacb tariff on foreign
goods as are no longer needed for revenue,
tf such abolition can be hsd without
barm to oer industries end labor.
Tbe establishment of direct com
mercial tinea between the eastern coast
of tbe United 8tates and the porta in
Booth America, and the Pacific Coast
norm of Mexico, Central America and
South America.
The encouragement of tbe merchant
marine and tbe building of abipa which
shall carry tbe American flag and be
owned and controlled bv Americans snd
American capital.
Tbe building and completion as soon
aa possible of tbe Isthmian canal, so as
to give direct water communication to
the coasts of Central America, South
America and Mexico.
Tbe construction of a cable owned by
the government, connecting oar main
land witb our foreign possessions, notably
Hawaii and tbe Philippines.
Tbe use of conciliatory methods of
arbitration In all disputes with foreign
nations, so as to avoid armed strife.
Tbe protection of tbe ssviags of tbe
people la banks and in other forms of
investments, by tbe preservation of tbe
commercial prosperity of the country
and the placing is positions of trust of
men of only the highest Integrity.
CBelSTses arrestee aix Yeere eg a.
Haw Yoxx, Sept. 16- Leon Caelgoas
was arrested six years ego at Daryea,
Pa. charged witb aa attempt to blow op
tbe bones of a Polish Catholic priest, ac
cording to a special from Scran ton, Pa.,
to the World. Many sticks of dynamite
with cape and wirss vrre found In bis
trunk. Tbs same spaniel says :
Whan the news of President Mc
Kuslev't death eras reported the
anarchists held a big ratification.
rsaaeCJass tm Oteee.
WAsatnarov, Sept. 16.-Acting Post
maeter.Qeaeral Bballeaberg, today Is
sued tbe foilewiag order :
"Oat of r septet to tbe memory of oer
lata oraotdent. ail neotasacsc will be
Closed Thursday. September 19th. after
16 o'clock e. ay."
k nodv of 4K acres
ill bo Mag
to test p
being seme thirty . r forty Seweoga aa
tho treat end smelt reeelsi adeems
ffeafamaaBBBl Saaaaamm 00 SeaVT' peVmg W wWaamfcsw
"pwraa - - aa m al A M
New Garments
New Walking
A large and very attract
ive line in the new fall
Walking Skirts to select,
from. They come in ox
fords, tans, black 'and
brown in kerseys, mel
tons, coverts and cheviots,
$1.95 to $16.00
Be sure and see our Re
versible Walking
Skirt, virtually two
skirts in one $10.00
A. M.
Bates ta Paa-aaaarlean Bxpeeitla.
Bound-trip rates via O. B. A N. from
The Dliee, $81.90. Tickets on sate first
and third Tuesdsys during June, July,
August, September and October jeood for
continuous paasage going on date of sale.
Bstoro limit thirty days from data of
sale.- Stop-overs will be allowed wast of
Missouri river or St. Paul oa return trip
within ii'uitof ticket.
Arrangements ean be made by apply
ing to agent O. B. A S. Co., The Dalles,
cuereby tickets will be honored on lass
steamers la one or both directions be
tween Detroit and Buffalo.
tf . J a mt IacLAan, Agent
Statu or Obxoon, Tbuascby Dipt J
Salem, Sept. 12. 1901. f
Notice Is hereby given tbet there -ere
funds in tbe treasury witb which to re
deem all outstanding state warrants
drawn on the state scalp bounty fend
and endorsed "Presented and not paid
for waat af fends" prior to January 1,
1661. All such warrant, properly en
dorsed, paid upon presettetlon
st this office. Interest thereon erasing
from aad after this date.
CliAM. 8. MOORE,
tle-w State Treasurer.
Geo. W. Lena, Pewamd, Mich., writes :
"Your Kedot Dyspepsia Care Is the best
remedy for Indigestion and stomach
trouble tbat I aver need. For years I
suffered from dyspepsia, at timet com
polling me to stay In had aad causing
mo untold agony. I am completely
cored be Kegel Dyspepsia Care. Io
ll t$ r4fw$$$ JglO $$sVsW
I always efsW to pey fa?
it if It false. Thee far I have flavor
Cififjpy A Wa P. 0. Fhermooy.
Hear efttew are eo presrrlaiag
CsM Dyspepsia Core regularly bavlag
fptttiw ttfc ffc to pw$sg$lpk)io
they coa write newsm ft lathe ogs
saatl gaMejjt da wagm MaT
While our stock U not yet complete in 'this department, in certain
lines, however, we are able to make a very interesting showing
especially so in Jackets. We urge all to come and gee them.
The new lengths 36 and 42-inch in the half-fitting and
Raglan backs, are receiving many compliments. These stylish
garments may be had in Kerseys and Venetians in the various
popular shades of the season tans, modes, browns, oxfords, reds
and black. The trimmings consist of stitching, cord in ga and
stitched bands of the same material, also velvet collars and large
fancy pearl buttons.
Some particularly favor the yoke back.
36 and 42-inch, $12 to $30. 27-inch Coats from $5 to $16
in the popular
woolly kind.
White, gray,
red and blue ;
Special 50c
Ws operate a PLUMBING, TIN and BIOYOLB
SHOP. All orders entrusted io us will have
prompt attention.
F. S. GUiHHIflO.
Uackimith. Honetboer and Wagon-maker
pea, Slert. WaHla, aalea, Sartefi aad ateoawaltti Snmths
timmymM . n' miii.1itM mt mt wv
m$&m aiggiieaia,msiuii.
In tKe h- w
Ladles Department
for Boys
in the Clothing Store, pop
ular pearl Golfs at $1:26
and 2.00.
We have all sizes.
(SI Co.
8abacrlba fbr The Obyoaide.
ZJ" the observation ear MM
J "tea traia. sww wa asm
Wtf HrKaal va Wjjf I