The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 16, 1901, Image 4

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    The Btary ax "IMI I.yowa."
"Eui Lynne" comes to the Vow
opera bonse on Wednesday, September
18tb, for one night. The story of the
play en interesting one and one that
teaches e morel not found in any other
known drama. The etorv of the drama :
Sir Francis l.evison. a man of fashion.
jiuuts a morner, lor which an mno
it man, Richard Hare, is snspeeted
Md arrested. Richard retains as conn
sal Archibald Carlyie, a rising young
lawyer. Mr. Carlyie baa jest married
Lady Isabel, the daughter of an earl who
ie in impoverished cirenmstancee. After j
the marriage Lid Isabel's jealousy is
wronght npon by the clandestine inter-'
vi - between Barbara Hr Richard's ;
sister, and ber hnsband, Archibald ;
Carlyie. The interviews are mereiy ;
concerning the defense of Richard in the
murder trial, bnt Lady Isabel, in ignor
nee of thi. misconstrues their purpose,
and being goaded on by her lover, Sir :
Francis Levison. consents to an elope-j
ment with the latter.
A few years pass, and Archibald Car- j
lyie hae secured a divorce from hie wife j
and marries Barbara Hare. In the
meantime Lady Isabel, being badly
treated by Sir Francis, leaves bim ne
having neglected to keep his pronMse !
and make her his wife). She learns ofj
the serions illness of her little eon, who j
ie at the home of bis father, Archibald 1
Carlyie, and the letter's new wife, and
determine? to apply for the position of
nurse that has been advertised for the
little one so she can be by the bedside
of ber boy in bis last moments. Die
(raising herself as Madam Vine she
scared the position, bat overcome bv
the deathbed scene of ber boy she
throws off her disguise and reveals her
self to liim as bis mother. She is dis
covered by Joyce, a former I ad v maid of
tier's, bu- Joyce consents to keep her
secret. It leaks ont, however. Miss
Corney, the quaint spinster sister of
Archibald Carlyie, gets to know it and,
through her instrumentality, although
add and escsntric, bnt having an excel
lent heart, a reconciliation is brought
boat at the deathbed of Lady I-gabe1.
The plot also shows how Sir Francis
lasvisan meets his deserts by being
After too tire of oaf nc so called kidney unto
without say bandit, owe Lincoln Banal Alls sad bo
forever rid of those doll peine la voar bask. Discard
tbat old fogy idea of "pais in lbs kidney" sad bars
all your bladder and urinary trouble en rr-t, aad your
nights mads restful by lbs use of natvu greatest
assistant Lincoln Sexual Fills.
Pries, $1.00 per box bay ot your druggist or son t
by mail on receipt of pries, in plain wrapper .
Fort Wayne, Indiana.
M. Z. Donnell, Agent, The Dalies.
lyon's French Periodical Drops
Strictly vegretable, perfectly harmless, sure to accomplish
DESIRED RESULTS. Greatest known female remedy.
Beware of counterfeit and Imitations. The genuine to put ap only In paste-board Car
ton with r.ic-lmi Ms-nature on sine or trie Dome, mus:
iar to WIlXlAMs MFU. CO.. Sole Agent. Cleveland, Ohio.
Fur sale by Geo. C. Blaketey. The Dalles, Or.
Freeh oysters at Keller's.
For rent A fruit dryer,
this office.
Go to Keiler'e and eat a dish
fresh oysters in any style.
9 lw
Nnti ia harahv aicpn fat tha Rnm.
Inquire at ' mon Council of Dalles City, by ordinance
el4 3t regularly enacted on the 4tb day of Sep
1 l. inni s. i i .
gooo 8trnct wtukt B KIlown M tne Court street
t-l w j aewer, and to proceed with the eon-
Clarke A. Falk's Bavnnng extracts are! atruction thereof at once.
WniHIIUI UIIIIH.I w uv umiiicu
and sewered by said sewer (subject to
tbe best. Ask your e w for them
A full line of Eastman films and sup
plies just received by Clarke 4 Falk.
; tbe exemption therefrom of anv portions
: thereof, which, upon tbe hearing here-
! inaftsnr tnanftmtiMt mnv tw ihnvn nr Ho.
Floral lotion Will cure Wind chapping ! ter mined not to he benefited hv aaid
and sunburn. Manufactured by Carte MWmr. has been, preliminarily, determ
& Falk. jnetj ao( declared by said ordinance to
A Knight Templar wa'ch be as follows, to-wit : All Iota and
Finder will please leave the wivimt 2- m'T
r hnnnrifar he Main nr hi rat airoat Wach
same at th e office. sl4 3t j ingtOD ueet. Seventh street and Court
Damaged rustic flooring and paints ; ' street in said Dalles City ; also the east
good cedar posts at 8'., cents each. I ha, , lot 'nd b,ock included wilh
. . . l m the territory bounded by Second
i Gilbreth & Sons, office at Wat's A : tUwti Coart BUeett Seventh street and
Baker's marble and granite work?. lOlf ; Union street; also block 4, in Dalles
Why pav 1.75 per gallon for inferior .P'oper.aad block A. in Trevitte
I , . ... , . addition to Dalies Cnv, and lot 1 in
paints woen yon can bay James E. ; block 6f ijjgelow'a adjiliuD to Dfa
Patton'e sun proof paints for $1.50 per ; City.
1 gallon, guaranteed fur 5 years. Clark For the purpose of determining what
1 Falk, agents. ml ! property within said territorial district
. ... . i ! will be benefited by said sewer and the
Don t wait until you income chronical- j proportionilte Coet thereof to be assessed
ly constipated but take DeWitt'e Little , against the different properties bene
Early Risers now and then. They will fited thereby, a meeting of the Common
keep your liver and bowels in good order, i Council of Dalles City will be held at
Easy to take. Safe pills. Clarke Falk's the council chambers on Tuesday, the
P. O. Pharmacy. , i7th day of September, 1001, at tbe hour
, , .,. a . of 8 o'clock p. m., wnicb meeting will
A never fai line cure for cuts, burns. ' , . j
brought to justice as the real murderer, gcaida alcere, wounds and tores is stKH3
thus securing tbe acquittal of Richard j Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. A most J have been fully heard in said matters, at
Hare. Tue part of Lady Isabel abounds j .nothing and healing remedv for all skin ! which said meeting all interested parties
in strong dramatic passage and affectioxsa. Accept only the mmnmAl ?iWm.mSa
ing scenes, and the late Lucile Western, , Clarke ft Fa.k's P. O. !
one of the very beet actresses America Henry Braydon, Harris, N. C, says : ' pose of being heard in relation to the
ever produced, made it the strongest j tooK medicine 20 years for asthma, settlement and determination of tbe
part in her repertoire. Sir Francis Levi- bnl one bott5e of 0ne Minnte Conf h mn.?heIA0,reBta h a
son and Archibald Carl vie are also r. jj j .u .u- Dalies City, Oregon, September 4,
woo uuu ArL'iiuaiu vanyie are aiso Cure did me more good than any thing igoi.
strong parts, while Miss Corney Cariyle, I elie doringtbat time. Best Cough Cure." j J. Doiiuety,
ia the bands of a capable actress, will i ciaike & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. 8ep5-14t Recorder, Dalles City.
aeep an audience convutsea with laugh
1 (,Will
1010 sprM more nr 1ps ivintf on the
- : L. l. r u t n r
Columbia river about seven miles from j " -' """
. , hin. iney Knew sue nau neon nnaoie
bottom the rest good upland suitable i - -
count oi kidney and liver trouble,
F. 0. CLARKE, Manager.
1 Night Only,
Sept. 18th
The Great Emotional Drama,
J. E. FALT & CO.
Proprietors sipjj WLW
to tasl Ipe
A Story of a Woman's Wrongs.
Without question tbe Greatest Emotion
al Drama of the Present Generation.
Blanche : Stoddard
tad a nrit jftotli? (Mp
Heats on sale at Clarke A Falk'e,
Office Pharmacy.
ter at her eccentricities.
How' Tbi:
We offer one hundred dollar reward
for any case of Catarrh tbat can not be
cared by Hall's Catarrh Cure
T,J.Chknev&Co. Prone., Toledo, O.
Sevra l ean la Bad.
wonders ever cease?"
About 100 ceres of river
for fruit and pasture. One of the best
i dairy or miik ranches in tbe county : a j
nervous prostration and general debility ;
but, "Three bottles of Electric Bitters
; enabled me to walk," she writes, "and
Good RACING in
Latest Attractions in New Auditorium
Building Every Evening, with
Good Music.
Beautiful Camp Grounds Free. Special
Rates nn Campers' Tickets. Come
and Bring Your Families.
the undersigned, have known F. small bouse ; good barn ; some orchard
a . CheiitMr far the last 15 vearp. ami hn i and nlantv of water. Alan nthar town
Kevehim prfectlv honorable in all busi- and countv propertv. Apply to Gibone j J tUrw mnth"1 Mt leansw person."
B.;nr .Wo I t. m m..;, h;i-i,n Thi.rf ! Women suffering from Headache. Back-
carry out any obligations made by their
West & Trusx, Wholesale Druggists, To
ledo, O., Walding, Kinnan A Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, Ohio.
"Hall's Catarrh Cure ie taken inter-
augSO lm
aally, acting directly upon the blood and j mount dne
mueous surfaces of tbe system.
JF. J. GeUursT & Co., Props., Toiedo O
-ld by drruggiate, price 75c.
Ih'.t'e Family Pills are tbe beet. 12
ache. Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Melan
choly, Fainting and Dizzy Spells will
; find it a priceless blessing. Try it.
Satisfaction is guaranteed. G. C. Blake
ley, tbe druggist. Only 50c. 5
Your Saoa
Shows the state of your feelings and tbe
state of your health ad well. Impure
biood makes itself apparent in a pale
and sailow complexion, Pimples anc
B. W. Pnrsell, Ktntersvilie. Pa., savs 8kin Eruptions. If you are feeling
he suffered 25 years with piles and could I eak mad orn oot ,nd do not
relief until DeWitt's Witch ! TT"? ""?"""' ,uu,u lry
Acaer mooa Biixir. it cures all blood
All persons knowing themselves to be
j indebted to the late firm of R. Gilbreth
lec Sons will piease call on them and pay
All accounts unpaid by
September 20th will be banded over
to Messrs Wilson & Huntington for col
lection. sei6 tf
Caad Ad ice.
The most oiiesrable beinzs in the!o0U,D no
or!d are tf.Oje suffering Irom lISpepia u",,c "' a awa a di -hare phean Karaanarillaa anrf
Jonnterleits are worthless. Olarne , sa 771. . 77:.
aui 1,'ver comptaini. more man r; " , ' " " : so called purifiers fail ; knowing this we
seventy-five per cent, o' the people in ' Puarmacy. sell every bottle on a positive guarantee.
Ulaaele; f ne druggist.
itie fnitd States are afflicted with these j Moki Tea positively cures Sick Head
two d.seasea and their effects: such ! ache, indigestion and constipation. A
fiour Stomach, Sick Heidache, Habitual ! delightful herb drink. Removes all
sjostiveness, Palpitation of tbe Heart, i eruptions of the skin, producing a perfect
H ran born, Water brash, Gnawing and j complexion, or money refunded. 25 cts
Burning Paine at the Pit ot tbe Stomach, , aud 50 cte. Blakelt-y, tbe dmggiat.
Yellow Skin, Coated Tongue and Disa
greeable Taste in the Mouth, Coming up
of Food after Eating, Low Spirits, etc.
Go to your druggist and get a bottle of
Aoitust Flower for 75 ceots. Two doses
il! relieve yon. Try it. Get Green's
gwjM almanac. Clarke A Falk. 2
', Notice is hereby given that tbe Board
: of Equalization far Wasco county, Or
egon, will attend at the office of tbe
county clerk in The Dalles, Oregon, on
i Monday. October 7, 1001, and publicly
Acker's Dyspepsia Ublets are sold on " M"ent roll for 1001. and
. ; correct sll errors in valuation, deennp
a positive guarantee. Cures heart burn, ( tjon m qumiitlee of laudr, lota or other
raising of the food, distress after eatiug I property, and transact any other busi
er any form of dyspepsia. One littie ness tbat may legally come before said
Ublet gives immediate relief. 25 els . .. 0 , .,
Lratfju J.uv uiiwr, ur., oepi. 10, Ul.
C. L. Schmidt,
For further particulars, address
M. D. WISDOM, Sec.,
lauglm Portland, Oregon.
Prof. Homer de Morrison
BwavtSi' BS
333' Washington atraat.
Knom 23 30,
and 50 cts. Blakeley, tbe druggist.
Bteppad Into Lira Cuala.
I Acker's English Remedy will stop a
cnnirh at anv time, and will cure the
When a child I burned my foot fright-, worl, cold , lwe,,. hQan Qr moMy re.
lolly," writes W. H. Eads, of Jonssville. : fondad. 25 cte. and 50 cts, Blakelev,
V., "which caused horrible leg sores for tQe jfQ-wiat.
as years, oui psoases e Arnica naive
e!4 3iw
Assessor Wasco Co. , Or.
holly cured me after everything else
failed." Infallible for Burns, Scalds,
Cuts, Sores, Bruises and Piles. Sold by
i. C. Blakeley, tbe druggist. 25v. 5
a Poor Itilltoaalra
Lately starved in Loudon because be
mid not digest bis food. Early use of
Dr. Kind's New Life Pills would have
saved bim. They strengthen tbs stomach,
aid digestion, promote assimilation, im
ffwose appetite, bold b G. C. Blakeley,
as draggist. B
We offer for a limited period the
twice-a-week Cuaoxicut, price
snd tbs Weekly Oregonian, price $1.50,
both papers for $2 a year. Subscriptions
under this offer most be psid in ad
vance. ' i
Stack Maaa fur Sale.
I have far sale 44 band of stock hag,
consisting of brood sows, holes and
pigs, at my place en Eight-Mile.
t0J2-wzw H. R. Riuuabm.
Any persou desiring privileges to tell
articles witbin the grounds of The
Dalles Street Carnival will please call on
or write to C. J. Crandall, general super
ai.uw, i v-....... ... m,.mm, p,,,,., tDa 0e atorj ot the -ofelin ol tbe
uiier ai
Tessa lor sals at a bargain, or to 1st
at to be worked until late apriag for
SAoiefsed. -Inaoirs at this office.
If anything ail your bair, go aad ass
Fraser ; he's tbs headquarters for all
remedies. Remember tbat as
a sr?cialtv of tbess goods. gf
from whom be may receive tbs terms
j and tbs necessary information. sep7-td
If you want to retain your bsir yon
have to kssp yoar scalp clean. Soap
l will make your bsir harsh, dry sad!
i crispy. Now ws have two of tbs
best preparations for cleansing
asalp g aad Pine Tar Shampoo.
will leave yoar bsir soft snd al
Pries, K aad 50 onto a bottle, at Fraasr's
barber coop. Tbs Pallas. tf
s Ats It As,
and I rial bU ataUUocv waa nnulnd In .
eovcrlnc tbe sold waa a base California toveo
lion for the Darocae of atentlvln iMm. ,.l in.t
glorr -iadltor tMrtlaad OrsjaoUa i
Tos will aot bats boils If
Clarke Falk's sure cats Ha boils.
lawumw at iss Dauvaa, Or.,
7. IWI1. I
I followina
bU laienueo
kUfaon m
Ratt-tcr as
Uiagoa. on aalardajr, Oetobrr IS
Artkar st
arw 1 Notlaa U barvbr 1n UMU lb.
(mated artUer saw lias none of
i. niaeiaiaa. ana isai asw proof will I
11 foratae RtH trr and Baetivar at
The Dallas.
1M1, vta:
Jsst tret tbs affected part frssly witb
Mysterious Paia Oars, a Booteb recasdy.
sad tbs pais Is gpsa. Bold by Gwarks
ntlfor IIm)
fwliffijTlr? u rim!
Purest Liquors for Family Use
Delivered to any part of the City.
Phone.: jug Diiw 173 Secaiid Street
September 23-28. 1901
Great Agricultural
Industrial Fair.
Wasco Manse Big
Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kin.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot tu un
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, a
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, TuVXt&
Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendfe
rnT TTl nii a This flour is mannfactnrsd expressly for susnv
XOn r lO UT QBe . everv nrk jB eaanurtssd to grve Mtistasssi.
We eel! our goods lower tban an j bonss in tbs trsds, aad 9 you don't Unakej
sail and gat cor prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat Barley and Oats.
The Oral rrgtatered as well m the Brat gradu
ate palmlat ever in iMrttand. Tbe aorld'a
g ealeat Trance Clairvoyant and BSrSB it can
be eo ullml daily on all affair of lit'.
Prof, da Morri.on U without a doubt the most
wHanuttc Palaii' t and Clairvo ant in tbe world
today: be locate hidden treasure, mm ilea the
eraraled. tells if there ia minrral, oil. or on
your land, enablwi you to win the affection of
oee you deaiir.
Palmiauy taut lit mcdiumUtic naraona devel
oped. Heal by the uw of hi revealed be.-bl
teat; eurea chronic aul ao-called incurable dta
catar. rree treatawnt for tbe poor.
Head tl, data of btrtb and three queali na ; all
letter anawenat at toes.
Locatad by V talon.
Pottlmd, Aog. 10. -(To he Editor). -Homer
de Morrison, occuliMt. located by viiin thebul
lion stolen I mat tbe aelby ameltinff Work. In
behalf of oecull science be imn ediately cont-
uuumnu uy lenur ine lacu to air. A. J. Hala- !
ton. owner of the eelbr Wofk The nnu n. i
eeived last night prove hit statement rorreet
"It in pleaains to be a Mured tbat the sold
stolen from tbe aslby Smelting Worka was 'hv
Portland oaeultiat. Thla
awwygwrs. ssasss i av a av s ysiyiasystgaaaaai
n kT QXTltilTsTMn 1
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
Next door to First National Bank.
it if ri nitn "i TkiikrrfsBssfiiHi 1 n - - i
Condon Phone S3.
Long 1H St. lOSl.
I have re-opened this weU-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH Pioneer Grocer.
Of the product of this well-know n brewery tbs United States Health
Reports for Jane 28. 1900. savs : "A more annaiinr braw newer entered
the labratory of the United States Health reports. It is absolutely devoid 1
oi ine eiiRDtest trace ot adulteration, but on the other band ia composed of a
the beat of malt and choicest of hope. Its tonic quslitiss ars of the high- i
eat and it can be used with the greatest benefit and aetiaf action by old and 2
yoong. Its use can conscientiously be prescribed bv tbs physicians witb a
tbe cereainty tbat a bettor, purer or more wholesome beverage could not i
nnaaihlv ha fnnnri " S7
East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON
All kinds of
Funeral Supplied
Crandall & Borget
The Dalles, Or.
Bofitl Shwt
X damlaaaasaa af aassaas aad
womanhood, aiding
bnowB remedy far i
for sate by Geo. C. Rlaaeiey, Tbs Oailsa. Or
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