New Arrival for Hie week. This week we will offer even greater valoes than last success only spurns as on to sweater effort, geaeral pontic u rapilly learning that oar bargains cannot be equalled in any city ; that oar qualities are of the highest And oar selling prices lower. Last week Ins brought new arrivals in every department. Extraordinary Values, in SATEEN UNDERSKIRTS at Almost Half Price. New Fall Rainy-day and Walking Skirts' l- AU Carefully Tailored and made in the Newest Fashion. See our window display of Ladies' Flannelette Robes the handsomest line ever shown. Our fH FafttlkMia are having their innings the new arrivals bring in a flood of new ideas to see them is to admire them. Our Prices are Business Winners The Working Man... is the man who must have good shoes. His work re quires him to cover his feet with well-made, comfortable shoes. We cater to the wants of the working-man and have taken great care in the select ing and building of his shoes. Mr. Workingman, we want your shoe trade. Shoes to please you at $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50 and $4. She shoe window for the best on earth. PERSE 5t MKYS. The Dalles Daily If NDAY SEPT. 16. 1901 Ice Cream and I oe Cream At Andrew Keller's. TREASURER'S NOTICE. all Wmco County warrant! ailar to December S, ISM, will a presentation at nay offloa. Iatereet lam after September IS, 1MI. JODN F. I&BFUIU, Oontr Treaenrer. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Wanted In office boy. Fair wages. Apply at Ti mee-Mountaineer . alO-lw For sale Two good, freeb cowa. Ap ply to M. H. Miller, of Five Mile. 16 St Arty one desiring a view of tbe rail road wreck can procure one at Wilder'e art and curio atndio. Tbe committee announces that voting (or queen of tbe carnival will eloee at 9 P. a. Saturday, Sept. 21at. Free concert by Frtediand Brothers, tbe greatest musical comedians on the (. tonipht at tbe Germsnls saloon. for sale A quantity of honeehold oda. in the dwelling Immediately east of tbe Gates block on Tbird and Union beets. 16s-lw Members of the carnival committee on sports and amusements are requested to meet at the elnb rooms tonight at 8:30 o'clock. Mrs. . Gary baa received bar naw Wl and winter millinery and seepeet 17 asks the ladies of Tbe Dalle to call d ese them. slSlw Tbe Antelope Herald saj Pawae A Melntosi., the Antelope bokAere, last Pad $22 a head to T. 8. Hamilton fifteen hsad of yearling cattle. Married, yesterday evening, at the je of Bee. W. B. OUfton, Mr. Clifton ofBciating, Henry C. Fraaeis to wo A'ida Hermans, both of Moro, eesroian county. ,LThr wi" 01 PWty given to Rev. and M. U. ff. Hawk la , ehnrob par loss -a. wpi. totn, to view of lor Collaa, Was Mil saaank. . m . a " wn i ifg az Society, with qatsted to be mottlwoc omesltne neett goad one and foil of life he la the eager to see tbe paper when it comes out. The Chboxiclc ia authorized to say that all Tbe Dalles public warehouses will be closed ail day next Thursday ont of respect for tbe dead president. It ia practically certain at this writing that tbe business houses will eloea on that day and that some arrangement will be made for holding public memorial ear VlC0Be Thjc Cbboniolb office is indebted to tbe courtesy of Mrs. J. M. Huntington for a rare and beautiful bouquet of straw berry vines, with tbe fruit in every stage of growth from tbe unopened blos som to the big red, ripe, luscious fruit. Mrs. Huntington expects to have ripe strawberries to exhibit at the coming carnival. Tbe Dufur Dispatch says: "Our friend, Mike Callagban, found his way into this office this week with a broad emile on bis countenance. Inquiry soon elicited tbe reason for tbe smile. He had lust finished threshing a crop that yields him an average of forty-five bosh els par acre. From thirty-five acres the yield was fifty-four bushels per acre." In order that tbe local employes of the O. R. A N. Company might have an opportunity of attending the funeral of Engineers HasJasT and Reese, every kind of work that could possibly be avoided was suspended yesterday. Even on tbe wreck operations were suspended and regular trains passed over a tem porary track built around it. This thoughtful and kindly action on the part of tbe company is greatly appreci ated by tbe employes. Mr. Markiliie, id tbe Hub clothing house, succeeded yesterday afternoon in finding all tbe good that be missed after the late robbery, counting what he found Saturday morning in tbe i. T. Peters lumber yard. Tbe goods foond yecterpey consist of thirteen pair of pantaloons, three vests, three costs and four soils of underclothing. They were found staffed ia several places in the wood piles on tbe beach, at tbe foot ofi Washington street. Tbe thieves have not been found, or are they likely to be. Governor Gear has issued a proclama tion which will be found in aaseker column, recommending that "on Thurs day, September ltb, and in respect of tbe memory of President MeKialey, all public end private heel eats he suspended ae feres posviWe, that lags as pleas at meat, that tbe people meet la their seanootlvo pisses of aoulie wotenip It 9nmm' eaaamA.!a.!!? ft a fiadlag leak uSi Ae :. """V::".". ..V" ll Jofc aether hit! fefl ,m tmm' wooa-saw wnicn was in operation near Union street Lodging House and getting beyond the control of tbe driver turned round and dashed in an easterly direction at a gallop. As the crazy beasts neared Washington street one of the wheel horses fell on tbe tongue and snapped it like a pipe-stem. In tbe tangle that followed tbe animals were gotten under control with no other damage than a number of scratches on tbe legs. Isn't it time that something were done to pot a stop to accidents like tbe above. It this case tbe lead team had nearly passed tbe saw before it turned. Had tbe driver of tbe saw had tbe courtesy to stop sawing for only balf a minute the accident would not have happened and the riek of the loss of life and property would have been avoided. The council should see to it that tbe men running steam-saws on tbe public streets should respect tbe rights of others. Ail parties intending to make an ex hibit at tbe coming district fair of any article in tbe class known as "Domestic Process." are requested to notify Mr. C. L. Schmidt, chairman oi tbe commit tee of Uiie department, at their earliest convenience. Mrs. Schmidt's com m it toe has jurisdiction over lbs following exhibits : Salt rising bread;, potato or bop-rising bread, baking powder biscuit, steam brown bread, asked beans, layer cake, loaf cake, fruit cake, display of domestic bread, cakes and table luxu ries, assortment of cakes, (not less than five), assortment of catsup and meat sauces, assortment of fruit jellies (eight or more), assortment of preserves (eight or more), assortment of Jams (five or more), assortment of sour pickles (five or more), assortment of sweet pickets (five or more), collection of domestic canned fruits, display of wines '.not less than four varieties), largest and bast ex hibit of machine-dried fruits and vege tables (not lees than five specimens, five poands each), assortment of hand-dried fruits. For each oae of tbssa elaases there ia a prise, tbe particulars of which may be found in tba premium list, copies ot which saa be bad at Ibis office. Tea Vete far Qaaea. Tbe following votes ware east opto about 3 o'clock this afternoon : Mies Landon Edith Fisher Myrtle Micbell Martha ScbooUag VfMkVsS JsWI IO0 a Clara Niekeleea 78 ff 57 36 40 20 Vetaejr. "'AsMMHasaieat assess! 1' What efnoav4; whet nffsettssesf ts diabolism tfcnraeelvve ts the mind and seal at the astre pronnasietlea of tbeee two wet del Crime of crimes the assassination of America's executive head, here at borne. aa American soil, by a so called 'Amrr taa!' H These were tba opening words of the address gisea in the Congregational church of this city Mat night by tbe pas lor, D. V. Poling, who took as the foun dation of his remarks these words, "Know ye not that there is a prince and a great man fallen this day in Israel r' Toe speaker denominated thte crime as an ancient one. " The operations of this crime are easily tractable from early times up to the present. In the case of toe last assassination the Mow was strnck not against Win, McKloley, ol Ohio, bat against Win. McKinley, presi dent of the Catted States ol America; It was a blow against rale and authority as such. It simply shows the weakness and viciousness of the doctrine taught by teachers of law ideals and superfi cial thinking that it makes but little difference what a man believes so long as be is sincere. Cargoes believed with all his heart in his creed. It was a Godless, Ch rtMless creed. Here it is as given by Bakannlue, who was the found er of tbe anarchist movement: 'Breth ren, I come to announce to you a new gospel. This gospel admits no balf measures nor hesitations. The old world must be destroyed and replaced by a new one. The lie must be stamped out and give way to Truth. The first lie is God; the second lie is Right. Might invented the fiction of Right to insure and strengthen her reign. Might should be in the hands of the nine-tenths of the human race whose immense power has been rendered subservient to the remaining tenth by meane of that lying fiction of Right before which yon ate accustomed to bow your beads and drop your arms. When yon have freed your mlnos from the fear of tiod and from that childish respect for the fiction of Right, then all tbe remaining chains that bind yon, and which are called civilization- property, marriage, morality and justice, will snap asunder like threads. Let your 'own happiness be your only law. But In order to get this law recogn'zMl yon most destroy every thing as it now exists, tbe good with tbe bad, for If bat one atom of this old world remains, tbe naw will never be created.' "This is the creed of the anarchist tba assassin. Believing In It be has, daring the past, attack down a exsr of Russia, an emperor of Austria, a presi dent of France, three presidents of the United States. It follows, then, that one belief tsa'f es good as another, and sometimes n little better.' A man's creed ts a vital thing, it Is a part of n i ea sel f, and largely eootrols tbe movements of bis life, either for good or evil. There are thoaseads of anarchists in America who are not so avowedly. "Standing amid tbe stirring events ol tbe recent past, good citizens do not ds spair. Tbe currents of human history are largely ebanged by these unusual circumstances. What a oneneei of na tional sentiment tonight. Bitter polit leal foes stand by tbe bier of our re nowns' dead and mingle tbeir tears in a common grief. The foundations of the nation rest secure In tbe lategrity and loyalty of Its eitlzans, evinced in our universal spontaneous grief. "Tbe eablime spectacle enacted before tbe office of a Chicago newspaper, fol lowin; closely upoo tbe announcement of the de-itb of tba president, is un matched in tbe annals of history. How In striking contrast does it stand to that of tbe excited throng on Mew York's Broadway, gathered after tbe assassina tion of Abraham Lincoln. Then it was a time of war, of national strife ; section arrayed against section ; brother against brother. On last Saturday all alike bowed ia grief and want for him whom tbe whole nation aoorosd. Witness them as tbey stand in oae solid mass, American ciUsens ; the bead of a bask robbing clothes with tba laborer covered with tba dust of work ; tbe old and de crepit mingling with tbe robust snd tbe beaitbilr active, while with uncovered heads sad breaking hearts tbey sing that bsart saaiwaief hymn "Hearer My God to Thee." Surely aaagbt but the death af a prises is Israel saa sail forth stab . PwMfceJr tf ttjtsTe fas ebercb was well filled wHb sates was listsasd vita The New York Oath Store tat Aft 144 Seoond Street. Tfcft BARGAIN BTORJJ of the City. ea I gesjajgasJssw end brace, fefieses tefsssat ts Msn asvaaat sjsjsV pa estates address. Agaiast Iks wall be ; Afeavaf issf Pflfcf lfisPW Vlf W sfal ft0 SNtst epes9aaB4stoTMsaffssVAst QpllPfJavf Msf M M Train's SGML m.. KNEE PANTS We have just received our complete fall line of Boys' and Youth's Clothing, and are offering them at unusually low prices. Now is tho time to lit out your boy for school. Don't make your purchases without seeing our line. We will save you money. Don't wait until the nobbiest and neatest patterns are sold, but come in at once. Every SUIT Guaranteed. The New York Cash Store New Grocery Store We have added a Grocery Depart ment to our store. A new fresh, clean stock. Give us a call. Prompt delivery to any part of the city. ana HATS CROWE SB JKaiep & Benton, Headquirters for Family Groceries, Hardware, Tinware. Graniteware, stoves ana steel itanges. 167 Second Street, THE DALLES. OR. si kV pjaaajjaBBSM BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsV BBBBB A. M. Williams & Co., wish to announce the arrival of tbe West m ol M Hk Shoes they have ever shown. New toes, new heels, new trim mings, in fact all the frills and finishes whieh make Plngree tfhoee at tbe bead of a long procession of styles. The most skeptical eannot bul admire the work" manship, We have Valotsr Calf for faU tmt mm, wide ex tension and in tbe new Cleo toe; BwCejf Itt the popu lar rope-stltobed extension sole; idmmA o INstemt eft in tbe colored stltebod sola and ittoMsifJ top, and a boat of other. We invito you to look over tba Hne whether yoi pur chase or not. A. M. William & a