; y? '.. .. ; ' 1 ' v ' JfcUsBV if 'A- 9 la. ft vol. xin THI DALLES. OREGON, MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 16. 1901. NO. Ml IBB M I Sf dsfaB aP(a(wiBnaflBBwsBfcFdB$ simflating KMattMfr ting the Sta igpaBoaeJcf J CASTORIA RESULT OF THE AUTOPSY PromoleaDigEaganJaMiM oSum.Morffctoe aor)foerL NotHaecotic. AaUfaSfv I A perfect Remedy for ConsSps Tion , Sour Stonach.Diantoea Worn .Convulsions .reverish ness and Loss OF SUSP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. The KM Yn Rave Always Beaght Beam the Signature of jut AW EXACT COPY QT MWAWPt I d uaOUF In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA PROCLAMATION OF ROOSEVELT Thursday To Be Observed as a Day of Prayer. Milbubn House, Buffalo, Sept. 14. President Roosevelt tonight issued the following proclamation : "By the president of the United States, a proclamation : A terrible bereavement hai befallen oar people. The president of the Uoited State, bee been struck down; a crime committed net only against the chief magistrate bat against vsry law abiding and liberty loving citii-n. President McKinley crowned a life of largest lore of his fellowmes, of most earnest endeavor for their welfare, by a death of Christian fortitude; and both the way in which be devoted his tile and the way in which, in the opreme hour of trial, he met bis death, 111 remain forever a precious heritage of onr people, n a mert that we, as a nation, express onr abiding love and reverence for his life, onr deep sorrow for hi untimely death. "Now, t berafoM, I Theodore Boosevelt, president of the Uoited States of America, do appoint Thursday next, Jjptember 18, the day on whteb the tody of the deed president will be laid Xl ,u "t rtbly resting place, as a day mu"iog and prayer throughout the United States. I earnestly recommend Jbat all the people aetsrople on that day their respective planes of divine "hiP, there to bow dense in sob JUsioo to the wit) of Almighty God and J Pey out of fail hearts their boasege of "d reference to the greet end good President wooes death bee anaUten eke "Hon with bitter grief. "In aitnass whereof J. haee berettnto vlul o"- tb Mel d the Calted Suustobs aalaed. ' tv.b da nf i Z. . Jf b. mmmZtUS "By the "Joae Hev, Dew aw Calbu. , s . ItoaodifajtaJiaa, the Peopl. J third time within the history of the United States it people are in mourning over the death of their president by means of an assassin's ballet. Daring en era of profound peace, when onr people are in the enjoyment of en era of unex mpled proeperity, and while ming ling freely with ail classes of the people whose interests be had labored iuopar partially to promote, the hand of the treacherous- assassin, which was ex tended in proteased friendship, com mitted one of the foulest deeds tbst will ever darken the pages of the world's history. Our beloved President, William McKinley, is deed, and in this boor of National afniotiou the grief which over spreads the entire nation is shared by the people of Oregon, with bowed beads and sorrowing hearts. "The mortal remains of President Mc Kinley will be leid to-rest at Canton, O., on Thursday, September 19, end in re r-nect to bis memory, I recommend that on that day all public and private busi ness be suspended, ea far as possible, that flag be placed at half-meat, that the people meet in their reepective places of public worship to ask for that National consolation which can only come from Almighty God, and that at the bonr of the funeral all church bells throughout the state be' tolled as an epreesion of the grief which weighs upon oar hearts as we pass through this shadow if National bereavement. By the Governor, T. T. Gaea, "F. I. Doeeaa, Secretary of Stele." If vou are coin to the Portland ear nlvel or to the State fair at Salem, take the Bailey Ga'swt, leering The Dalles at 8:80 p. an., and view the grandest scenery in the world. Music, meals end the Boost eomwjodioos boat on the river. If pies sure to ride on that boat. Pas- sengers vfcrtiag Port'and eeb, if they wiab. tec ore donning accommodations ead remain on the Bailey Gat sort over night , which would save these going im mediately te a betel on their arrival ia Portland. ltlw Kami annual ononis of fall mlMlnery at the Campbell A Wilson BHlisnery frWiosa Tuesday and Wain saner. lath aad ITib. ltodeto etywe and aU fba toteet novaiUee wUlbeshasra. Death Caeaed by Gaagreae Arwaad tae SresMch Weaed Peesiafllty ef the Ballet Havieg Beea fattened BurrAi.o, Sept. 14. The following re port ef the autopsy upon the renaeies of Preeident McKinley was issued at 5 o'clock, and wee signed by thirteen physic Is ds The bullet wbioh struck aver the ; breast hone did not paee through the skin and did little nana. The other ballet passed through both walla of the stomach near Its lower border. Both holes were found to.be perfectly closed by the stitches, bat the tissue Around each bole bad become gaagrenouei After passing through the stomach the bullet paeaed into the beck walls of the ! abdomen, bitting and tearing the upper end of the kidney. Thia portion Of the ballet's track wee also grngrenous the gangrene involving the pancreas. The ballet has not yet been found. There ! was no sign of peritonitis or disease of other organs. The heart walls were very thin. There was no evidence of any at. tempt at repair oa the pert of nature, and death revolted from tne gangrene which affected the stomach around the ballet wounds, s? well as the tissues around the further coarse of tad ballet. Death was unavoidable by any surgical or medical treatment, and was toe direct result of the ballet wound. Pelley of reesieeat eeevett. Buffalo, Sept. 14. Immediately for lowing the dispersing of the spectators after the taking of the oath of office the president asked the to confer with him. The lasted vary nearly two hours and when it was finished the preeident said New Garments Dpt4rtmait to the associated press representative : "Following the brief statement I when taking the oath, that I would sol low the administration lines laid do wi by President McKinley, I requested the members of the cabinet who were ent te remain in their positions, at least for the present. They have assured that tby will, and I may say that I have assarance also from the absent members." Inquiry was made of the preeident as to whether an extra eaesion of oongress would be called by him, and be said that there was no faodnmentel law requiring the calling of nongrses together open the succession of. a vice preeident to the presidency, end thai after consultation with the cabinet members they bad de cided that no snob extra session would be called. Ifelag. German Syrup is the special prescrip tion of Dr. A. Bosenee, a celebrated Ger man physician, end is acknowledged to be one of the most fortunate discovert s le medicine. It quickly cures Googhe, Colds and all Long troubles of the severest nature, removing, ee It deee, the cause of the affection end leasing the parts in a strong and bealtby condition. t is not an experimental madicine, bat bee stood the test of years, giving satis faction in svery caae, which Me rapidly Inereeelng tale every saaaaa confirms. Two million bottles sold annually. Basebees Gar man Syrup wee introduced la the United States la 1888. and Is now sold in svery town aad villege ia the civilised world. Three doses will relieve any ordinary enogb. Price 78 Get Green's arise almanac. Clarke A Felk'e. 1 TO (SUV A HOME- ef . lend peer An- While our stock is not yet complete in this dopartmont, in certain lines, however, we are able to make a very interesting showing especially so in Jackets. We urge all to come and see them. The new lengths 36 and 42-inch in the half-fitting and Raglan backs, are receiving many compliments. These stylish garments may be had in Kerseys and Venetians in the various popular shades of the season tane, modes, browns, oxfords, reds and blaok. The trimmings consist of stitching, cordings and stitched bands of the same material, also velvet collars and large fancy pearl buttons. Some particularly favor the yoke back. 36 and 42-inch, $12 to $30. 27-inch Coats from $ to $16 New Walking Skirts. A large and very attract ive line in the new fall Walking Skirts to select from. They come in ox fords, tans' black and brown in kerseys, mel tons, coverts and cheviots, $1.06 to $10.00 Be sure and see our Re wemible WsdKing Skirt, virtually two skirts in one...... $10.00 New TAMS in the popular woolly kind. White, grey, red end bloe;tf Special 30cl NEW HATS for Boy in the Clothing Store, pop ular pearl Golfs at $1:25 and 2.00. We have all sixes. Williams (SI Co. CMAMCC 4 bodref 48PS wwePw eWeu Jwew1 wSOa efll svwJaJw$ lww $0 flwM0 the treat It is we. thirty it l of it. The Und wastoeted eight sBUsniraes taeeoa sr i , ! 1 i 1 ii i i - . .- Oft aad talk aanwye esaalaedal Foond-d parse mlilalago swam iiixl jlJ iltlftni's rntuf rr-rTl-f ihtaiiii'awfaeali raa-Aaaerieaa Bapesitlea. Bound-trip rates vie O. B. A N. from The Dalles, fSl-90. Tickets on sale flrst and third Tuesdays during Jane, Jaly, August, September end October .good for cmtleuous peessgs going on dale of sale, fixture limn thirty days from data of sale. Stop-overs will be allowed west of Missouri river or St. Paul on return trip within limit of ticket. Arrangements nan ha made by apply, lag to agent O. B. A V. Co., The Dallas, cuereby tickets will he honored oa. lake steamers la oae or both direst leas be tween Detroit end Buffalo. tf James Isslaxd, Agent TREASURER'S FIFTH NOTICE. Statu or Oexoox, TacAsuav Darr ,1 Halem, Sept. it, 1901. j notice Is hereby giveo tbet there ere funds la the treasury with which to r deem all outstanding state warrants drawn on the state scalp bounty fund led "Presented and not pe for waet of funds" prior to Jaaoary 1, lflOl. All each warrant, properly ea dorsad, will he paid aeon preeeatetlon at this eelce. interest thereon eeeelag from aad after this date. CHA8. 8. MOOBE, 14-Sw State Treasurer. Gee. W. Lena, Peweme, Mieh., writes "Your Kodol Dyspepsia Care is the watt reesedy lor indigestion aad stem sab trouble thai I ever ased. For years I snfered frees dyspepsia, at U petUaf me te etey la bat y. I am completely by Kodol Dyspepsia Care. Ia it to friends who Ielweye edbr to pej far UHK tseta. Tkat far I have aevar Onwfce A Felk'e P. Q. rWamey. pbysteisns ere new pdrtbtef it if sea wHto egSasesaaa. lA (Lgl fkaa aagagl aFe'W' eey awr vaay wswayw ad saad eaat aMkbad and it thaaaarn aaaaa ww uWswswev awaTV ewwe vpowuw eswsswv rp wsevvupBf vp uwyKBewsT wuanraaaaw' -ki atop eresntod to Beswaf waatd dag wtfSto da f amaauuuuuwm AaWdnV aw ftMsr Hmm We operate a PliUMBINC. TJX n& WtOYOSM RXPAIK SHOP. AU orders entrusted to us will havo prompt attention. TH DALLM, ORXOOM. F. S. GUHHIHO. ''j aaapjwajFesy wswesnprweFvawsnv wvaspXfwv w w wam9 waveagp eiBeapwaapBapjvaaBj gy at 0 (br4 WK! enJayaawS aBwfvavBn AflatuW datwPOBaJBawa v JPJPtftflajw gaxusU A Ai s Baglw. Tvrtaem imi teir Wint van Bnajosm ggogengej pas igjej gnjanjsm ggf