MM The Dalles Daily Chronicle. BATtJ RDAY SEPT. 14. 1W1 DEATH Of PRESIDENT M KIXLBY President MeKlnley li dead. The assassin'.- bollat lias triompbtd over the bos'. meJii.-a! skill of the nation, and not alone Ibl people of the United v.ates but those of every civilized country on the globe mourn the loss of one whose marked charac teristics were an amiability aud Gentleness ItMl should bava been his shield and protection. Mi-Km ley has followed in the tragic path of Lincoln and Garfield, and in the opinion of many it i the most dreadful and pathetic consum mation in all the country's history, As the Washington Post (aid of Mc Kinley the day after he wis shot: None of our chief magistrates ever potMMed so generally and so cordially the personal affection of his fellow-citizens. None so thorough ly leveled party barriers nn;l erased partisan prejudices in all things rela tive to hi? immediate Individuality. He created for himself an atmosphere of love and confluence ; he touched the sympathies of every thinking man. He taught us all to feel that be understood us: shared our sor rows and our joys, anil would help us or be glad with us if he could. Almost every English-speaking citi zen of this republic had a sense of nearness to Mr. McKinlej a tense of possessing in him a faithful and a kindly friend. That this awful calamity should have befallen us tLrough an agency so infamous is enough to set the whole nation in a fury of grief and ange-. Whatever the assassin may be in tbe matter of origin he is without doubt a representative of tbe brotherhood of assassins tor whose reception we have too long llunc wide our ernes, and to whose false tales of martyrdom we have listeued with innocent credulity. He is the fruit of our indiscriminate encourniremeut of "refugees;" of our coiifusiou of liberty with license: of the almost criminal negligence through which we put the baliot into the hand; of aliens iu barely speak our language, who an incapable of understanding our institutions, social and political, and whose citizen ship' God save tbe mark. puts a premium upon every form of de grading demagogy and corruption. Tbe president is dead, aud while our hearts bleed in unspeakable anguish our one consolation is that by the help of a righteous God we shall one day soon have a house c leaning that will avenge McKiniev's martyred blond, and. so far as human effort may be. prevent a like occur rence :r ibe future. 1 layeit Out. Dull Hssidsoht. Pains in various parts of the bod--, Sinking at ttie pit of the Btoma.'L, Lots ol appetite. Feverijnness, or - .res are all positive eviden cee of imnure bioo-.i. Ko matter how it became so it must be pu.-irird in orier to obtain good health. AcEer's Biood Eiesir :ta? ne .-m failed tC eare Setofoloas or Syphilitic poisons or any uther blood diseases. It is atfftainl a jnderfu. reme iy and we se!. evey or. a poeitive guarantee. L.asney. tne drug gist. When your bail appears dry and to have lost its vitality it want? something to give it .lie and vig jr. We have the hair needs when it gets In tnat con dition. Vr :..-.'. e ; the Crown o'. ( ' XJQ -y i Xnej m ll 3a? - . bl scalp diaaasae. E n sa.r a' Fraser s bar her shop. Price BOc an i TBc a uottie. Xorris Silver. Norlh Btrtlfwd, K. H.. "I porahaaad a bonis ol One Minute Cough C ure wnen suffering w lib a cough doetre toid me was incurauie. One ixittie rr.ievec tue. the second ami third almost cii'ed. Today I an. a well man.' Ciarke & Falk 's F. . Pharooaoy. Sid Darling, 1012 Howard at. I'ort Huron. Mich., writes T nave tried many pilis and laxatives but DeWitt s Littie Ear.y Rise- arc fur tue beet pi..s I have ever uaed.' Ti e-, never gripe. Clarke A Falk's P. U. Pnariuacy. Miss Julia Mas.juart, at Ibt Beehive restanraut, wiii do dressmaking of a!! a.. ode. sfi im 1 linn's Thin: We otYer one hundred dollar? reward for any Mje of Catarrh that can not be i-ured by Ball's Catarrh Cure Y. J. Cheney A Co. Props.. Toledo, O. Wo. the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the la't 16 years, and be lieve bin perfectly honorable In all busi ness transactions and financially aide to' carry out any obligations made by their Bros. West k TrotX, Wholtta Drtugists, To ledo, i i.. Waiding. Kinnaii .Marvin. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the biood and mucous surfaces of the system. F. J, Cheney A Co.. Props., Toiedo O. Sold by drrugeists. price 7ftc. Rail's Family Fil;s are tbe bt. 12 llv Rapt llli ! Twelve years ago J. w. Sullivan, of Hartford! Conn., scratched his lest with ' a rusty wire. Inflammation and biood poisoning 101 in. For two years he suf fered Intensely. Then the bes' doctors urge.l amputation, ''but.'- be writes. "I used one bottie of Electric Bitters and 1 1-2 boxes of Buck ten's Arnica Salve ana n y .eg was sound ami well as ever." For Eruptions, Ectema, Tetter, Salt Rhentn, Sores and all blood disorders Electric Bitter- has no rival on earth. Trv them. G. C. Blakeley fill guarantee satisfaction or refund money. Only 5 cants. 4 PI Sal. Several head of norses. weichinB about 100"' round? apiece. P.-iees rubt. At my place on Eight-Mile. Sl2 In - M. M. Watuchax. Cia-k A Fall, arv never closed unday. TDon't forget this. I )ne-seventy-five isn t very much to pay for a pair of Mioses' Shoes, and when you can get a real ebony calf for that price, it ia down right cheap. They don't scuff and they do fit. Small size, ftl.50. A. M. Williams & Co. 3 9 Take them to day and youll he well to-morrow. Baldwins Cold Cure Tablet !So2iB (Cold in head j NoCureNoPdVa?x i(v: lr f'tt atm;n and ItaSUl .. .. 6a;j,n btn PrMtiteS 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 ? 2 3 3 9 - ,.d by ke i i .1k . Ti.e I a it 50 V LARS' EXPERIENCE I RAf-C WIARftS JESICNS Copyrights A';. a,nyana wnttaa a .atr. and flsor,o'. r. u.& aa tfXAil , ' ur ,,,T. Inw v L.utt,r. ia pr')r,jr r.iient.iMe mmiitii '.. i ainetln conadamtui. Il.u. :. ur. I'aicnu - fraa. aeaairy (or w.:urniv ivunu, I' :..-;.! takao IbMuirn Mum. a Co. riKir ffYr-uj: rwi;, wch,Ut curve, ic tae Sciennfic American. I m u-yr illiiaf raih1 we'. Ivsrvoic cir itiiattiun ut an iei)tiaV j'HiriLi. Tsrrniai. $. $ fsisar (. ur nit ittoj, L tHisai by all new MUNN 1Co.m,Mm New fori On Sept. 7th will be presented to my customers i Shakespeare, complete in one volume, bound in Mor rocco; i Atala in large folio volume, illustrated by Gus tav Dore. IKK. T. NOLAN. Union and Second Streets. Local Phone 92. REGULATOR LINE. Danes. Peruana & Astoria NAVIGATION CO. DALLES BOAT OAK STREET DOCK. PORTLAND, at T A. M. and II P. M. ...Portland Boat... L K A V E : THE DALLES at " tOO A. M. acd 3 :00 P. M. DAILY EXCEPT Sl'NDAY. STEAMERs REGULATOR, DALLES CITY RELIANCE C. ALLAWAY, Genera'. Agent. The Dalles. Oregon. John Pashek. The Tailor lias just received 1000 sampiee of the latest patterns in Gent's Clothing Goods. He guaran tees pri .-es and a good rit or no pay. : : : : : John Pashek, The Tailor. FRENCH & COT, BANKERS. Traasact a Genera' BaEkice Business. Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern Btatee. Sight Ezebange unl Telegraphic Transfer- sold on N-w York, Chicago, st. Louis. San Francisco, Portland Ore gon. Seattle Waeh . and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections ma le tit all points on fa orable terms. WM. MICHELL, Undertaker anil Embalmer Cor. T'r-..rci and Washington Sts. All or lr- at I en led to jr. Long d stanc nl ne438, I. oca . 102. Tire InuraDce. In Union & Crown Ik, Co, ol lofidon. Fu'iult latt! Capital paid np 7."(Ml,(U Hi S)SO, 1 30(033 Now i- the time to insure ; tomor T"W n.ay b t late Pbona Si . 86. x-uii-rt it i undim. Phone Ko. 803 Paeifle States Co. ABTHUB BEUFERT, Residant Agent. Tiie Dalles. Wood 1 Wood 1 Wood Best grades of dr. pine, oak an i slab, a 1 well sea soned, can be bought of Jos. T. Feters Co. slO lro FOUND. At The iMiies Employment Office; p. ace where von can procure help witn- out cost or trouble. Mail or phone VaOMU, Kei.i.kv, a2b Imdjif .Maiirtger Wanted A girl to do general huDte work in a small fimily. Good wages. I Apply at this office. e!2 -it White Collar Line. : me flaiifis-Pofliaflfl fiouie StT. BAILEY-GATZEET. DAILY ROUND TRIP. Except Monday, Cascade Locks. Hood Rivet White Salmon and The Dalles. TIME CARD Leave Portland Arrive The Dalies Leave " " Arrive Portiaud .10 Meals the Very Best. Sunday Trips a Leading Feature, "This Roots has the Grande?'. Attractions on Earth. Portland-Astoria Route Str. -TAHOMA." Daily Round Trips except Sunday. TIME CARD Leave Portland Leave Astoria I.aniiiiJt; and office Foot of Aider street: both ptiones, m 351, Portland, Oregon. w CRICHTON, Agent Portland, J. M. FILLOON, Agt. The Dalles, A. J. TAYLOR, Agent Astoria Just What You uiant. w ide variety as we are showing-never be fore graced i eingie stock. Rea: imita tion creton effecte at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant deigns, tasteful coloring?, vours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a fuii line of house paints. D. W. VATTSE, Third St. Yellowstone Park Line. TBI UlKIXQ car ROCTE Fh'JM PORTLAND TO TUK EAST, Tiih om.Y WIW LINK T1 1 THt VELLOV. .-10NL y.K LSI Ta- niwiirfjfl!,nniui:sii ti 0, 2. Fair nail for Taaoana No. "rJlti,. 1 in rn;. i . i- -HarU): ,1 gout!) Bend piiiiiLs. SpuaUuie, Kiu.. jaoo, B C Pullman. II ray i LewiaSon, Bul II :U A. M faiulluiiipuiiinngciiun- 5;J0 f, M. try, IUn-i. . i Us, St. Paul, Omaha, Kin. uy, st. Lmi, ' ,;i'.'(f', ami all p.,lub No 1. tfa..; nud .iutiit. S,. w . fua So and Kxpreaa r. n .r 1. and natin 7;0OA M UM iuteruitiate puiuu I tiratcav, aud tourut sleepera to Viiii.i)lu. Ht. Pau and Mimn ..rT:.... ith.iut ! . - . 'oatibul! iMina I UiOL dsiDDt nnawtianai in all uruioitail oitim b)tKe checked lodeatinatiou of tlcaeu r ur i v illntrMt.1 ,1 . vii tf A. D. CHARLTON. Aaaiatant lieneral Paawnaar Aaant. BfJ Morri SSa owatt.curner Tmrrt. Port.Aiid Orefuc. ' 74 I car vA Sew ideae in U'ali Paper here. Snci Noniiern Pacnic M CoiWia PacKmg Co.. PACKERS OF poRKand beef man r tacit kg K ok Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIF.D BEEF. ETC. EM Restaurant L. V. HONG, Proprietor. First-Class in Every Respect .MEAL AT All. BOVB9. Oysters Served in any Style. ST Second 3t., Tin.' Dallas. Or jugt Received A fall line of Fresh Printing and De veloping Papers direct from factory. Solio, Rex, Deko, Yelox and Aristo in ail sizes. Also a line of Plates in Cramer, Crown. Seeds and Stanley. . Travs Printing Frames . ,, Ail Ulllr nnuiugrapns, And ail accessories to complete the or.ttit of either the amateur or pro fessional photographer. Our Eureka Combined Toning and Fixing Bath is a dandy. Try it. The A. E. C. Developer for plates, films or developing papeis has no equal Enouph tor ooo to develope P do.en piatee or b dozen Yelox 4x5. Perfect blacks and whites are guaranteed, if directions are followed. Ak for the A. E. C. De veloper, and see that you get the eenuine. ve are prepared to compound any and all of your own formal;- and guarantee satisfaction. At the old place, 175 Second Street, I Tne Dalles, Oregon. Geo. C. Blakeley. r i L. Lane, GENERAL BiacKsmltn .AND. I Wagon and Carriage Werk. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Tfiird anil Jeffcrnc. Pine 159 1 nder the direction of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary. THE DALLES. OREGON. ThU iastitattoa is nlassaall ti..,itli near1 lha olurai la on the Uae ol the R & m To uwmce it i, taty of eaoaai i.,ra!! ti..,. who-it -J" ; ' mniiio uoir.t anil i, bron SIL.'L0' .iawnlns '"f tt,cir da nab ten Kitten or .. .-. i :Li , "" - aileu,; u m-,,f ...i. l,r.o,ll 111; I,,,- f -!.,.. L.ri ai.: - lino tf Ureifi.n ...... ..I,...! V' mr water, or.ou,K air. and Dtoturaa. ua U.,rJ Ill nil r. . rtir- ""u weuire.,u.- teeber In.. .. -t . rj 7" lb, ,uu7 i Ikilr? uM.Ufiao by , . j .... . . i 1 . ' ' r ' Board and tuition per acl.olaatie vaar. i.'.. ain-li will be runifTa;. l'.....!?''. V'" I Tuaadu. Bamt'n lor detailed ml,., ,ucr; 'M1 !r ' aagU i ii i ftiffnrri'o w .t Oifford 6 Fotoe Never Fadtj HorsesQQ8 Si. Diary's Bcademy mm w ejj i-m Oregon Shopj aw. union Pacific AMD DSl'AF.T TIME SCHSDCLE8 FROM THE DALLES, M!Vg PRO Ch.cwui Portlaud Special. IzrSfi p. in. via Hunt- Ingson. Atlantic Expn IS, TM a. m, vitt Hunt iiietun. Bt Pen) Ka-st Mail. 9 p. 111. via dpo liaue. gait Denver, Ft Worth. Omaha. Kan-uClty.Bt.Loait.CbJ- Wp.m cngo and the East. Salt Lake, Denver. Ft Worth. (.minim. Ki MBCltjr, 8t. Louis, (Jh. SegO ami the Rait. Walla Walla, Lewiston, BpokefifcWaUaee.PuU man, Minneapolis. g Paul, luiluth. ttilwau' kee, Chicago and i;ir ' IS a. b, t:30 i in. OCEAN AND EIYEE SCHEDULE Friim I'm timid, (All sailing dat sub ject to chai;K i For San Franciieo, Ball every days, I SO p. Iiaily except Sunday, Columbia Blear. To A-Mria and Way Landings I 00 p. m. ?X!pt .-uaUsv. . t on p. m. Saturday, i 100 p. m. Daily except Bundav, 6:00 a. m. Tneeday, Thuraday, Saturday. 6:uo a. m. Tuesday, Tbnraday, Saturday, nillanifttp Klver. Oreaon city. Kewberg, .alt;m. IndM""M : and w ay-Landlngi, I v. p. B. except i n p. m. Moadtf, tt lnediT CorvalllS and Way landings Miil ainntte ai,il umliitl litvern. Oregnn city. Dayton mi WayCandlDga. snnkn Kleer. Rlperk to Lewlston. 3 30 p. B. Momliy. WadrmSiT Friday". , m a. m. Leave Riparia daily, 3:40 a. m. Leave I.owiston 'laily, ' iJi. m. W Hurtle JeMring t fo to Peppier or point m; Columbia Southern via Bins, "hould tax. No. .', leaving The Dallei at U! 2& p. m. making direct oonneottoni at Heppnei jtiuctioc H'.id Biggti. Returning making dirtcti onstettoe at Heppnerlttnotlon and Kiggs with No. l. arriving- at The Imlles at l:0o p. m. foi further particulars, call or. or 8i'.lrss JAa. IBELAND, Agent. Tin' Liai.'.-. ijregon. Complete of Drus at M. Z. DONNELL, THt DRUGGIST. BCHBNCK, Prealdeat. Mat First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - GRECO A General Banking Easiness transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptlj remitted on dav of collection. rMftht and Telegraphic Exchange so.d os Now York, Han Francisco and port land. BIRBOTORS D. P. THOMPaoa. Jno. B. schsscs. En. M. Williams, Gbo. A. Lisbb. H M. Bball. Tne BHLDWIH BESTfiUBBKT w- w. VtaVfjsjMi Manager. First-gass in Euery Respect m?als at fill r70ur8- . , r-n PRIVATE PARTIES StKVW" The table elwuva aaDDlisd SflW " best in the market. 1 - . r- . . ka, Halls rroot ht., near toun, ia i ,,. line Clarke A Falk haee on aaie a fo" g BBd arj-t.. broeber i S:00 p. in.