The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 14, 1901, Image 1

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NO. 18
foil deal til.
His Closing Hours
Without Pain.
r$. McKinley Not in the
Death Chamber at
the Time.
President s Last Words Wert: "Good'
bK, AH; C.ood bye. It Is God s
Way; His Will Be Done."
Milbi'kn House, Buffalo, Sept. 14.
President McKinley died at 2:13 a. m.
He laid been unconscious most of the
time since 7 :50 p. m. His last conscious
boor on earth was spent with the wife
to whom h" devoted a life time of care.
He died unattended by a minister of the
gispel, hut his last word;; were a humble
dominion to the will of the God in
Whom hi? believed. He was reconciled
to the cruel fate to which an assassin's
bullet hid condemned him and laced
death in the same spirit of calmness
which has marked his long and honor
ab!o career.
nil la.-ii conscious words, reduced to
(tilting by Dr. Mann, who stood at hi?
bedside when they were uttered, were:
"Good-bye all, good bye. It is God's
") His will be done."
His relatives and the members of his
offloial family were at the Mllburn
Boaie.except S-eretary Wilson, who did
B0t avail himself of the opportunity , an1
SOBS of his personal and political irionds
took leave of him. This painful cere
Bony was Simple, His friends came to
lbs dour of die sick room, took a longing
kUikv :t! h.0 ttm t,uruetj tearfully away.
TH PARTING with his win;.
H- Was nanttalla .,..,-....,,.;....
Ml time. But powerful heart stimu
4n,e' Inoludinf oxygen, were employed
10 restore him to consciousness for his
parting witu his wife. He asked
W her ttIui 6ie 6rtl Hl ,lie Bjde 8l(, ieU,
W hiud. He consoled her and bade
W BOod-bye. she went through the
Men. ending eeene with the same
"very rtlld fortitude with which she has
0W the grist of the tragedy which
dad hie ije.
fhelQjrnadiaU cause of the president's
"w li undetermined. Hit physicians
pureed and , probab,v re ire
IM1I1I...I .
. ,i . , -. , . .1,.
W77. ' le'""'US Will bo UK,, to
"""Ilia,... Mini n.
ill he a state
UUui, H
PI, 12 Stain I rcr
'oday issued a call for all out-
i Standing Fcaip bounty warrants indorsed
prior to Janu-uy 1, 1901. Stated in
'round nuinlers. the total amount of
I bounty warrants i'sned under the old
I law was I 120,000. Upon these there is
I dN about $12,000 interest, making a!
i total of .$132,0(10. The last legislature i
levied a tax of one mill, which produced I
I approximately $1 1
iUUUi the last ot which
sum is now coming into the state
treasury from the several counties. It
Will tUUS 06 seen that the amount 01
money rnised on the scalp bounty tax
will lack $1".,000 or more of paying off
the warrants. This amount will come
before the next legislature a a deficit.
As was shown through The Oregonian
eauie time ago, the demaud upon the
scalp bonntv-fnnd under toe new law
j bids fair to exceed the appropriation by
a considerable sum. It will not he sur
prising therefore, it the next legislature
finds itself confronted witli a demand
j fjr relief under two icalp bonnty-laws.
i The state appropriation is $50,000 under
the new law, and the counties must pay
j one-third of the bounties. WiJen the
! fund is exhausted Secretary of State
' Dunbar will eeaHe to issue warrants.
-.lit nmuiin nuiuu u v j uui
t-calp money in anticipation of reimburse
ment from the state will be before the
legislature for an appropriation! and as
many of the counties will be interested,
it may be expected that the membeisof
the legislature will give their support to
anything asked lor in that time.
Worked Bt V ' ttinltigtnn.
Wilmington, Dei., Sept. 13. Accord
ing to tl.e Blory told by Frank Niedosjk,
u I'ule, President McKioley's assailant
nce worked in Wilmington. Xiedoysk
said that a young man vrho gave his
name as Leon Czilgosx arrived heie on
a freight trian about six years sgo and
obtained work as a coppersmith at the
plant of the Harlan Hollingsworth Com
pany, boatbuilders. He was receiving
$22 a week, but left his job in a few
weeks on the pretext that he was not
getting money enough. After working a
few days at house-painting, he left the
city. Niedoysk is positive as to the
identity of the man, as he boarded in
the same house with him aud readily
recognized him in the pictures of the
assassin now being published.
Most Arrsstsd.
New Yohk, Sept. 13. Johann Most,
w ho was arrested last night on the charge
of circulating incendiary literature, cal
culated to incite unlawful acts, was ar
raigned in police court today. At the
prisoner's request, his examination was
set for Monday, Septemper 10th. Most
was locked up in default of $1000 bail.
Any uerson demring privileges to sell
articled within the grounds of The
Dalles Street Carnival will please call on
or write to C.J. Crandall, general super
intendent ot the carnival, at The Dalies,
trom whom he may receive the ter;ns
a:id the necessary information, se; 7-td
Food t'lianKel lOlaOB.
Putrefying food in the intestines pro
duces effects like those of arsenic, but
j Dr. King's New L;fe Pills expel the
poisons from clogged bowels, gently,
i easily but surely, curing Constipation,
Biliousness, Sick Headache, Fevers, all
i Liver, Kidney and Dowel troubles. Only
! 25c at G. C. Blakeley's drug store. 4
If you want to retain your hair you
! have to keep your scalp clean. Soap
j will make your hair harsh, dry and
! crispy. Now we have two of the yery
I beat preparations for cleansing
scalp 'igg and Pine Tar Shampoo
u ill leave vour liair soft and glossv.
i Price, 86 and 50 cents a bottle, at trailer's
! barber chop. The Dalles. tf
If you are going to the Portland car
nival or to the state fair at Salem, take
the Bailey Ga'zirt, leaving The Dalles
at 3:30 p. m., and view the grandest
scenery in Hie world. Mutoc, meals aud
tbe most commodious boat on the river.
Its a pleasure to ride on this boat. Pas
sengers visiting Portland can, if they
wish, secure sleeping accommodations
and remain on the Bailey Gutzert over
night, which would save them going im
mediately to a hotel on their arrival in
i'ortland. M"i
Semi annual opening of fall millinery
at the Campbell & Wilson Millinery
Parlors Tueoday and Wednesday, Sept.
loth and 17th. I'p-to date styles and
all the latest novelties will be shown.
A general invitation is extended. tf
Gifford's PotOB Never Fade.
Son of Don PmI ll Snrrendn-r.l.
London, Sept. 13. A dispatch from
Lord Kitchener, dated Pretoria, an
nounces thatC. Krugar, son of the ex
president of the Transvaal, and Captain
Peferie have surrendered.
lxrd Kitchener has sent King Edward,
as Colonol-in-Chief of the Gordan High-
i landers
aii account ot an incident that
j etronglv recalls the storming oi Dargal
Height's by that regimert. Lord Kitch-
I ennr iivi that, nf fpr .nrrpni!fli--.n Pom
I ener says that after surrendering
mandant De Villiers informed him t hat
during the Boer attack of July 4th on
Watson Spruit, the Highlanders be
haved with the utmost gallantry.
"The last four men, though complete
y surrendered and without cover,
continued to fire nntil three men were (
killed and the fourth was wounded. On
the Boers asking the survivor the reason
why they had not surrendered lie replied :
"Why, man, we are Gordan High-,
Plot to Kill Koosevelt.
Bum. in, N. H., Sent. 13, Learning
that a man who had Mt here this fore
noon for New York had declared that he
was on his way to Washington to ki 1 ;
Vice-President Koosevelt, Chief of Police
Youngliss has telegraphed the chief of
police of New York to look out for him.
The man was a foreigner. He tr.ed to
buy a ticket to Washington, hut could
not do so and bought one for New York.
New Yoek, Sept. 13. Captain Titus,
chief of detectives of this city, said he
had received a dispatch from the chief
of oolice at Berlin, giving the same in
formation as that contained in the fore
going dispatch from Berlin. The dis
patch de cribed the man as being five
feet six inches tall, smooth, face, wearing
a black sack coat aud black derby hat.
Captain Titus said he had detailed men
at all the railroad stations to watch for
the man,
North tole Ship Are Heard From.
Chkistiania, Sept. 13. A message,
dated August 5th, and received by way
of Hammerfest, from Eylyn B. Baldwin,
head of the Baldwin Zaigler North Pole
expedition, says:
"America, latitude 78, longitude 38
Seeking passage northward through ice.
All well!"
NoBTH Sidney, C. B., Sept. 13. The
Peary Arctic steamer, from Cape Sabi ne,
Eilesmere Land, August 29;h, arrived
here today. All well.
Bffurt to Settle Steel Strike Under Way.
New Yokk, Sept. 13. It was learned
today from a reliable source that propos
als for a settlement of the steel strike
are again under consideration in this
city. It wat also stated that President
Shail'er is expected here today or to
morrow, but that his coming is not the
result of any communication from this
State of Oregon, The akck y Deft j
Balem, Sept. 12, 1901. j
Notice is hereby given that there are
funds in the treasury with which to re
deem all outstanding state warrants
drawn on the state scalp bounty fund
and endorsed "Presented and not paid
for want of funds" prior to January 1,
1901. All such warrants, properly en
dorsed, will be paid upon presentation
at this office, interest thereon ceasing
from aud after this date.
el-l-'Jw State Treasurer.
Notice is herebv given that the Board
of Equalization for Wasco county, Or
egon, will attend at the office of the
county clerk in The Dalles, Oregon, on
Monday. October 7, 1901 and publicly
examine the assesment roll for 1901. and
correct all errors in valuation, descrip
tion or qualities of lands, lots or other
property, and transact any other busi
ness that may legally come before said
Dated The Dalles, Or., Sept. 13, "01.
C. Li 6 II MIDI ,
sl4-'!tw Assessor Wasco Co., Or.
A bodv of 4800 acres of land near An
telope will be sold in tracts of 100 acres
or more to suit purchaser. More than
half of this land is tine wheat land, rich
black loam. It is well watered, there
being some thirty r forty springs on
the tract and small running streame
across most of it. The land is situated
from four to eight miles from the end of
the railroad at Hhaniko.
Any part of the land will be sold,
either for cash or on long time after the
tirst payment. Priced to tf per acre.
Inquire of A. S. Bennett.
$ d.twlm
Clark and Falk have just received a
full line ol fresh Velor papers and de
velopers, the same as used by Mr. Ixvick
in bis recent demonstration at our store.
New Fall Goods
Complete Line of
New Collars
The New Yohe Over
coat is here. Only one of
a pattern. Come and see
them. They're the swellest
vet shown.
A. M.
Qnetttlou ADHwerrcl.
Yes, August Flower stiil haB the largest
Bale of any medicine in the civilized
world. Your mothers and grandmothers
never thought of using anything else for j
were scarce and they seldom heard of j
appendices, neivotis prostration or
heart uilure, etc. They used August
Flower to clean out the system and stop
fermentation of undigested food, regu
late the action of the liver, stimulate the
nervous and organic action of the sys
tem, and that is all they took when feel
ing dull and bad with headache and
other aches. You only need a few doea
of Green's August Flower, in liquid
form, to make you satiated there is I
nothing serious the matter with yon
Get ireeu's prize
almanac. Clark- iV
ICatrs to Paa-4SMMMa !:'-! iHitlon .
Round-trip rates via 0. B. It N. from
The Dilles, (8.1.90. Tickets on sale firct
and tiiird Tuesdays during J une, July ,
August, September and Octoher.good for
continuous passage going on date of Hale.
K'turn Mailt thirty days from date of
sale. Stop-overs will be allowed west of
Missouri river or St. Paul on return trip
within limit of ticket.
Arrsngements can be made by apply
ing to agent O. R & N. Co , The Dalles,
v. hereby tickets will be honored on lake
iteainers in one or both directions be
tween Detroit and Buffalo.
tf Jamkw siliAMOi Agent
Geo. W. Lane, Bewamo, Mich., writes :
"Vour Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the best
remedy for indigeetiou and stoM.ach
trouble that 1 ever used. For years I
suffered from dyspepsia, at times com
pelling me to stay in bed and oaoaiof
me untold agony. 1 am completely
cured by Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, iu
recommending it to iriends who suffer
from imhitei-lion I always oiler to pay lor
it if it fail-. TtilM 'ar I have liever
paid." Clarke & Faik'e P, O. Pharmacy.
Many physicians are now prescribing
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure regularly having
found that it is the best prescription
they can write iaj tuue it ih the on l
preparation which contains the elements
ii , i-. a r y to digest not only some kinds
of food but all kind and it therefore cures
indigestion and dyspepsia no matter
what its cause. Clarke & Falk's P.O.
Subscribe for Tuk Cuuo.mcu,
Ulothiug and burnishing Goods Departments c
special attention just now.
New Shirts, New Neckwear, New Hosiery
esa a
New TecHs, Four-in-hands, Imperials, Bows, Batwintjs
in all ttie new swell silks for fall. Not to nee our linen of 23c, 85o, B0o( 7"e, $1 00, 60
and $2 00 Neckwear before baying is not to see the best.
This announcement will he sufficient
to cause nil admiring good shirts to
come. Wo suggest earn' selections and
purchases in this line those buying
later not having the variety to choose
W'ti operate a
prompt attention.
p. s. GUNNING.
...Blacksmith, HoFsesboer and Wagon-maker..
; Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axlea, Sprinu and Blacksmith Supplies
Aicunt tor iiiii.kc-ii i( :o.'b
Telephone 157.
l.onu; iiHtance 1078
lyon's French Periodical Drops
Strictly vegetable, perfectly
Howure or counlarrulu uu! Imitation. Ttiu iiunuliit) U iut up only in euv i.u.rj Car-
tun Willi tur si ill I Ii? fcliillt ii m: I'll kllitl of I In' I lino WtWVlvu
tteuUIor Ciruular lu WILLI AM.- MPU. CO., oio
For sale by (iuo. C.
In all Departments
All orders entrusted to us will have
Rnalna, Thrsabais sod . mhu.
Cor. SecoBd & LaQ2bliQ Sts., THE DALLES OR.
harmless, sure to accomplish
T. Greatest known female reined).
Agvuu. ClvTvUuii oiiio. .
Blakeley, The Dilles, Or.