The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 13, 1901, Image 4

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    We sell the well-known
Miller" All-Wool Clothing
And will be glad to shew you
anything you need.
Prices are $6.45, $8.45. $10,
$10.90 and $11.45.
Extra Special Value
strictly all-wool
in ( 'lav
Fresh oysters at Keller's. !'lw
Go to Keller's and eat a dish of (jood
fresh oysters in any style. slMw
Clarke & FalkV flavoring extracts are
the hest. Ask vonr tr cer for them.
A full line of Eastman films ami sup
plies jnst received by Clarke & Falk.
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and suuburn. Manufactured hy C'arKe
A Falk.
If anything ails your hair, go and see
Frazer; lie's the headquarters for all
v c. ci.akkk. Mutineer. I
I Night Only.
Sept. 18th
hair remedies. Remember that
makes a arccialtv of these goods.
Damaged rustic flooring and paints :
good cedar posts at S: . cents each.
Qllbreth A Sous, office at Watts &
Baker's marble and granite work-. lOtf
Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior
paints when you can buy .lames E.
Patton's sun proof paints for $1.60 per
The Great Emotional Drama,
lieu fast Ipne
A Story .f a Woman's Wrongs.
Without question the Greatest Emotion -al
Drama of the Present Generation.
J. E. FALT & CO.,
TJtie UW1."
Purest Liquors for Family Use
1 ielivered to any part of the City.
Phones: 51 Local,
868 Long Distance.
173 Second Street. j
Peters' Shoes
for men and women an mak
ing more friends every day
than any other shoe sold.
Clark &
They give
less money.
better service foi
r.vcrv pair g
Let your next
hoc 1
Where Prices are Always the Lowest.
gallon, guaranteed for 6 years
Falk, ageuts.
Dyspepsia can be cured by using
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. Ore little
T. ..-Ml mIhh Immi1lla r.OO.f tv
L .il I I i '.111 t . . I H I i 1 I ' V 1 I .1 I ' ' I . " i w i
money refunded. Sold in handsome tin
hoses at 85 cts. Blakeley the druggist.
Experience is the best Teacher. Use
Acker's English Remedy in any case of
en nulls nobis nr rroun. Should it fail to Seats on tali
give immediate relief money refunded
25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley, the drug
gists. Don't wait until you become chronical
lv constipated but take DeWitt's Little
j Early Risers now ami then. They will
1 ! keep your liver and bowels in good order,
j Easy to take. Safe pills. Clarke A Falk'e
P. 0. PharaiAcv.
Henry Bray don, Harris, X. C, says :
"I took medicine L'o years for asthma,
but one bottle of One Minute Cough
Cure did me more good than any thing
else during that time. B (8t Cough Cure.''
. sr- MJ . ft If
Blanche : Stoddard
Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds
Headauarters for Feed Grain ol f 11 kin
And a hpifkti. Supporting Company. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ui kinds
TTonrlnncirfarc! fnr "Rrnn R"hnrtc and an kind.
aoau4 au.j ua -' .w or mill peed
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
f-nrt TTlnnV Thie Float is manufactured expressly for famllt
LUL. E J l nsp ; everv Rack is guaranteed to give BatisfactioB
Wa sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think so
call and get cur prices and be convinced.
at Clarke a Falk's,
odke Pharmacy.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat Barley and Oats
Jlhte-' Martin 1
today from Portland.
1'ipes was
In town
Notice is hereby yiven tfcat the Com
mon Council of Dalies Citv. bv ordinance
Z-i'.r is over from Seattle regularly enacted on the 4th day of -Sep-
teniber, 1W1, has determined tu con
Struct what is kuovn as the Court street
ewer, and to proceed with the con
struction thereof at once.
The territorial district to be drained
and sewered by said, sewer subject to germ disease, but allays inflammation, 1
the exemption therefrom of anv portions ' causes easy expectoration, gives a good
thereof, which, upon the hearing here- night's rest, and cures the patient. Try
inafter mentioned, may be shown or de- j u.vs bottle. Recommended many years
termined not to be benefited by said j by all druggists in the world, and sold
sewer has been, preliminarily, detenu- j by Clarke & Falk. Get Green's prize !
ined and declared bv said ordinance to almanac. 2
Mrs. '.. k
visiting her sen. Henry aeigier.
Ex-Senator Charles Hilton is in the
city, the guest of the lTmatilia House.
Mr. A. McAdam, manager of the
branch store of Pease & Mavs at Shan
iko, is in the city selecting his fall stock.
W. H. Davis, the well-known cattle
man of Wapinitia, spent last night in
the city, the guest of the Umatilla
Clarke A Falk's P. 0, Pharmacy.
Dom It I'ey to Uuj Cheap?
A ch?ap remedy ior coughs and colds
is all right, but you want something
that will relieve and cure the more sc
vere and dangerous results of throat and
lung troubles. What shall yon do'.' Go
to a warmer and more regular climate?
Yes, if possible; if not possiole for you,
then in eitlur case take the only rem
edy that has been introduced in all civil
ized countries with success iu severe
throat and iung troubles, "Boscbee'sl
German by run." It not only heals and
stimulates the tissues to destroy the
September 23-28, 1901
Great Agricultural
Industrial Fair.
Good RACING in
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
Nest door to First National Bank.
Uondo? I'hona 93 i .
i. Diiu DM. 1001.
Mes-rs 1). M. and Smith French and
Mrs. Smith French left on the noon
train to spend a while at Hot Like,
Union county.
Herman Prinz and wife and their
friend, Mrs. Watkius, have arrived here
from Monterey, Calif., on a month's
visit -.villi Mr. Prii ;:' brother, Theodore,
of thi- city.
Hielrata its Annual Harveal Carnival
September 'Jit to34tli,
be as follows, to-wit : All lots and
blocks included within the territory
bounded by Main or First street, Wash
Ington street. Seventh street and Court
Street in said i'.ilies City; also the east
ban of all lots and blocks included with
in the territory bouildtd by Second
street, Omrt street, Seventh street and
Union street ; also block 4, in Dalles
City proper, and block A, la Trevitt's
addition to Dalles City, and lot 1 in
block 6, Bigelow's addition to Dalles
For tiie purpose of determining whit
For sale.
1000 acres mure or less lying on the
Columbia river about seven miles from
The Dalles. About 100 acres of river
bottom the rest good upland suitable
for fruit and pasture. One of the beat
dairy or milk ranches in the county : a
small house ; good barn : aome orchard
JVith that Indefatigable spirit and in-' P"perty within said te-ritorial district
win L-eiiemt-.i m cam snwei rhu inl
and plenty of water,
and county property,
v Mart'en, Masonii
dustry, equally defiant alike of the. hot
weather and it- consequent problems,
the Salvation Army steadiiv pursues its
way, and taking advantage of the preva
lent holiday spirit, incorporates it in
their aggressive plant and mak's it a
ver factor in the furthering of their
vi r k ; hence the annual Harvest F-sti-v:i
the vory name of which is redolent
o gracious memories and abundant
tokens ol tiie (treat (iiv
p. i vision lor humanity.
Nothing could Iw more practical than
toe basis on which the iMllVftl is worked.
Thank : v the magnificent radius of the
ntgaoisatlou's splendid machinery now
at w.irk, one lebeme acts as a eeli-leeiler
to many others. For instance, artices
of furniture, gr.ceries, clothing, or any
thin.' of a salable character can he do
nated, as what CinnOl ! sold locally
can be sold to the nearest large Salva
tion Army center where they are con-
Aiso other town
Apply to Gibons
building 'third
Latest Attractions in New Auditorium
Building Every Evening, with
Good Music.
Beautiful Camp Grounds Frc. special
Bates on Campers' Tickets. Come
and Bring Vour Families.
Fiji- further particulars, address
M. D. WISDOM, Sec,
lauglui Portland, Oregon.
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH Pioneer Grocer.
proportionate cost thereof tu be assessed
against tin- different properties bene
fited thereby, a meeting of tiie Common
Council of Dalies City will beheld at
the council chambers on Tuesday, the
17th day of September. 1901, at the bour
of 8 o'clock . m , wnicii meeting will
be continued and adjourned from time
to time until hII interested partins shall
have been fuliy heard in said matters, at
which said meeting nil interested parties
ind ail owners of real estate within sard
- gracious territorial distrirr above mentioned, ar
hereby required tu appear for the pur
pose oi heiiig to am m relation to the
settlement and determination of the
matters hereinbefore mentioned.
Dala-s City, Oregon, September I,
sepo-l-P Recorder, Dalles City.
Notice is iierebv given that the Board
of Equalisation for Wasco r unity, Or
egon, will attend at i he office of the
county cink in The Dalles, Oregon, on
Monday. October 1901, and uublh lv
Pond Changed tu I'oiaou.
Putrefying food in tiie intestines
those of arsenic,
Lite Pills expel
hut !
Prof. Homer de Morrison
duces effects like
Dr. King's New
poisons from clogged bowels, gently,
easily but surely, curing Constipation,
Biliousness, Sick Headache, Fevers, all
Liver, Kidney and Lowe! troubles. Only
25c at G. C. Blakeley's drug store. -
If you want to retain your hair you
have to keep your scalp clean, tfoap
wili make your hair harsh, dry and
crispy. Now we have two of the yery
Ie3t preparations for cieanaing the
scalp e,gg
tlnually purchasing for tin- varloui men's examine tin- assesment roll (or 190 . and
shelters, women's metropoles, rescue
home', sad many other institutions for
philanthropic work. Live animals are
heartl v welcome, and amongst other
giftr hIso agricultural implements, land,
buildings in fart anything and -very-tbing
required by humanity, all is heart
iiy acceptable, ami til Wtll utilvd. A
full list of articles asked lor is appended :
Fruit, flowers, oanned good-, vegeta
bles, lisu. meat, chickens, live stock,
corn, ll'jllr, wheat, oatmeal, condensed
milk, breni, orsokers, cheese, tes.ooffee,
coca'. I oiks, pictures, jiwt.ry, shoes,
coal, wool, lumbar, Shingles, chairs,
sheets, blankets, cutisry, tools, furniture
m-w or use I), clothing .new or second
hand. The dite of the September
.21 it to -: h,
Wante I girl to do general boaas
W rrk in a small fsmlljT. Qood vsages.
Apply at this oflice, bl'J U
The -ilk sale at Pease A Mays' next
Nalurday must not be overlooked. It's
going to be a hummer. I
correct all errors in valuation, descrip
tion or nullities of lands, lots ,)r other
properly, and transact anv other biis:
ness t r.rtt may legally Dome before said
Dated Tiie Dalles, Or., Sept. 13, '01.
Sl4-3tW Assessor Wasco Co., Or.
i..r gai.
Twenty head of horses, ranging in
weight from 1100 to 1400 pounds. All
bal tr broken , and some broken to work.
Apply to Straube Brothers. Kndersb ,
and Pine Tar Shampoo. It
will leave vour hair soft and clo?s .
Price, So am! 00 cents a bottle, at FrazerV
"arber Chop, The Dalles. tf
Don't i.ot Thtw aaflTer.
Often children are tortured with iich
IOg and burning eczema and other skin
diseaoQS but Bucklen's Arnica Salve
heals the raw sores, expels inflammation,
leaves the skin without a scar. Clean,
fragrant, cheap, there's no salve on
earth as good. Try it. Cure guaranteed.
Only 85c ttO. 0. Blakeley'sdrugstore. 1
Wasliiiiginn itt.'i't. Know
1 .30,
The first rsgtsterad ss wells toe Brstgradn-
Mo IMlmist i-vvr iir H.rtlinnl. the World
R eateft Trance Clairvoyant snd Herba it can
bt-oo sulf-il dully "n nil h ftai of if
KlCMttrlo Palmltt and CUItVO Hilt In ! worl.l w
today: h. I. (;Hti-s hidden troaiurc. rennlliu in. i 2 .
seprntt'ii. tt-IN if t)wr,. ja rniif oil. 0 1. nr 01
your land eiiabh-s you to win th-; uil.eiiou of
one you (tSStre
eHiunsiry tauaht. medlumiatlfl ncrsnus in.v. i 1
upeii Beatobytae usesof bi revealed heibtl
teas; sure ebronlo and lo-ealled laoarabledh
eae net- ireatoieni for the poor
Band II, date of birth and three iuett tu all
lett.-rs snawered at cue.-,
Of the product of tliis weli-knosMi brewery the United States Health
Reports for June 28. 1900, says: "A more superior brew never entered
the labratory of the United States Health reports. It 18 absolutely devoid
Of the slightest trace of adulteration, but on the other hand is civ;: posed of
the best of malt and choicest of hops. Its tonic, qualities are of the high
est and it can be used with the greatest benefit and satisfaction by old and
young. Its use can conscientiously be prescribed by the physicians with
the cersaintv that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not
possibly be found."
I.oratfil hy Ulan.
Ppittnd, Auk- 10, tTo 'lis Editor),-Roner
de Uorriion, ooouliitt. located bv vuinn ti.ei.ui
Any person desiring privileges to sell &af'&mgJ
articles within the grounds of The munloated by latter I hi facta to Mr. A. J. Kai-
,. I, a. . ..... i ., Ion, owner of the aelby Woik ThcreuorUrc
Dalles Street Carnival will please call on oalved last night prove bit atatemenU rorrset.
or write to C.J. Crandali, general super- MB8' 'RASC1S PaRTLOVV.
. i i . mi r ii "" I fh-nsinj; to be Hssnre.1 that the tfolii
i n taniun t lit t Iik rim i v ml uf tin. 1.1 . .. . ... ,. '..V'".1 luK K'ifi
lrom whom he may receive the terms
East, Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON.
lyon's French Periodical Drops
t'tablo. tnrfft1 v leaieesaMlaftaiai llt-.. t,, arrnmnl ish
ucsiKUw KUSULTis. Great eat known female remedy.
tffcaa OBIameie u
UAUIIUN Siifh t-, e"s Iw'tatlons. Tbegannlaetsaat up only in v
heuii ir i Imiu .r i vuii i . "!"'" fie nr lae Hon e inns:
oeuuior Cui.u.r kl WILU.V.M Mt'o.Co . goie AgeBta, CIcveliUMl, Ohio.
For sale by (jeo. C. Blakeley. The Dalies, Or
oar cm
( Iregon.
j'y 25 lmw
A never failing cure for cuts, burns,
ICalds , ulcers, wounds end Bore? is lh-
Witt's Witch Haiel Bilve. a most
soothing and bealiog remedy for all Ikin
sflections, A'Cfot only I he genuine.
Olarkeoi Falk's P, O. Pharuiacy,
The Seventh Regiment U. B. Infantry
band, of Vancouver, Wash., will make tt
round trip to The Dalles next Sunday,
September loth., on steamer Bailey
Ci.tiert. While the boat is at The
Dalles the band will favor the public
he may
and the necessary information.
We oiler for a limited
twieo-a-week OltBONlVUC, price $1.50,
and the Weekly Oregunian, price $l.o0,
both papers for j a year, Subscriptions
under this offer must be paid in ad
vance. :
cam oy vision ny a crtluml ..ocultist. ' his
ir.nes iimi in,-sniry ol I in- LiifeM in of the
unci huh iimi nia sasiataooo was retiulrcd In re
.juTcriua me now waa H ruse 'ahiriiia
lion foi the pun oie
r glory (Kdltor Portland UraaonUn
In'. riiiM imeii- I '
leptiving ursgon uf just
with some of their popular airs.
LaNDOrnoa at thi pauis,ori
Kepteinher l.m. i
ttlce 1 1 narsby given that the (niiowine
named nettlsr baa Sled notice ol Ida inteutioii
t.i commute and stake dual proof in kuiuorl "i
bta claim, snd that aald proof will be made be
lore tbe Keel t.-r and Reotlvet at Hi, imp, .
utsgou, on astirntay, October is, isui, vu' 'I
Artkut H Barriiaan,
I Kndersby, Urwon, 11 E. Hi ruilfonhs
NHWM ec VT in. B it K . w M i
He names u,e iiiwing Nitnesaes to nrove I
bj aTl dUi " UV" u"(l ,'"UlVtt,lu"
, - , i W. A. Johnston. O. K. Fuller and D haven !
Clarke & Falk have on sale it full Hue f" t ef The uaiis, Oregon, ami Ww pattersmi
ol l--IMKTsl,y , UrVKoll
JAY V LUOAItltflllK.
Ulll Hal 'u.V Them.
To All Whom It M.vv OoNCaBK!
I hereb refuse to be reaponUble for
any bills contracted by my wife.
JCMOa" J. Wii.ev,
BBANUCOi Sept. Ii, 1901.
of paint end artist's bruehef .
All kinds of
Funeral Supplies
Crandall & Barget
The Dalles, Or.
Burial Shrouds
Subscribe for The Chronicle.