tiitiittl FRIGHTFUL TRAIN WRECK ...The New York Cash Store... 138 and 142 Second Streot. The BARGAIN STORE of the City. I i I wo Locomotive Enginccts Killed ami Several Trainmen Injured. i i i I 9 i New Arrival Today's "com mencing our hrst Bhimnent ol gong ' ushers into the store Fall Suits. Jackets, in 27- mch lengths, .y-meh lengths, and the stylish Automobile. One look will convince von that the styles arc right. We are also showing Velvet Skirts they are very swell. See our corner window display FLBHHELETTE - - - GlQlSSOme DOWH 20G per pfl. mm SPK AL GRE4T SILK SALE plain .Tap. Silks in all shades the best value on earth will not be put in stock until Saturday morning. Saturday Price 25C 'cr yard PEMSE MAYS. ,Tut as we go to press the town is shocked w ith the report of a train wreck that has occurred a'.Kiut a mile east of town in which Kneweers Tom Hashun arid Kd. l!eese have lost their liv, and two or three other train men ar more Of less seriously in jured. Further par tfC0.lt.ri could not be learned in time for this issue. The wrick ia that ol a ; double header cravel train. SCENES OF SPLENDOR. Brilliant Army of Attraetloas to iit Sr"n t hih Portlaad Carnival. Never in the history of the Northwest have the people been offerod such enjoy I able entertainment, mingled with useful instruction, as will be hud before them during the month of tho Portland car j nival, which will be held in the great exposition building from Sept. I8tb to ' Oct. 19tbi and also in tho beautiful Multnomah Bald adj lining. The com mittee of representative business men having the carnival in charge have al ready made contracts involving tht ix 1 penditure of $50,000 to make t fie enrni i Val a success. On the music and amuse ments alone there will bo f 13,000 ex-, I pended, and the other appropriations; will be in proportion for the horse show, I the grand military tournament, the ' athletic exercises, etc. These figures will give people an idea of the grandeur ar.d immensity of the' carnival, which will be Illuminated with . Joys' and Mi's school SUITS.. KNEE PANTS received Clothinir, We have just Boys' and Youth's unusually low prices, bov for school. I )on't seeing our hue we will save you money Don't wait until the nobbiest and neatest patterns art sold. !ut come in at once. our complete Tall line of and are offering them at Now is the time to lit out your make your Durchases without Every SUIT Guaranteed. ThcNcwYork Casl Store fie Dalles Daily ChNmiete. FRIDAY SEPT. 13, 1901 ce Cream and IceCream Soda At Andrew Keller's. TREASURER'S NOTICE. All H'aifn County warrant registered prior to December it, 1KOK, will be paltl on preHcntation at my office. Interest Matei arter September IS, iooi. JOHN F. HA.UP8BIKK, Couuty Treasurer. the largest yield of barley on the Ridge : pork was getting for potatoes. York was that of a small field belor.ginc to ,1. claimed he wns gettiun a dollar a sack D. Whitten. From five acres 178 sacks and threw $10 on the table to hack his were obtained. This is a i f 1 d of sev- statement. Hastings covered the bet 'enty-seven bushels to the acre. Theyflnd won the money, for the buyer of the I barley was of the beardless variety. ' , potatoes cei tified that York was. only If you are going to tho Portland car- ! getting 85 cents. The lose of the ten j nival or to the Btate fair at Salem, take j dollars effected York's temper so that he itbe Builev (-iatz-rt. leaving The Dalles ! struck Hastings a blow, which left its at 8:30 p. m., and view the grandest scenery in the world. Music, meals and I the most commodious boat on the river. Its a pleasure to ride on this boat. Pas j seugers visiting Portland can, if they j wish, secure sleeping accommodations and remain on the Bailey Gatzsrt over I night, which would save them going im I mediately to a hotel on their arrival in I Portland. irta-lw 3800 electric lights, lull military bands there will not be a noon nor evening. The music by two will he grand, and dull moment after- j There will be a re- i production of Multnomah falls in t lit exposition building, a big working min- ing exhibit, a German village, a show ing ! of all the products of the Northwest, and many other sights to see. All railroad and steamboat lines will sell excursion tickets to the carnival good for seven days, at one and one-third fare for the round trip. People who miss the Portland carnival will miss a grand event. New Grocery Store We have added a Grocery Depart nicnt to our store, A new fresh, (dean stock. ( live us a c Prompt delivery to any part of the city, .MAYS CROWE, The Vote for Oueen. mark on the light cheek. York will be tried in Justice Brownhill's court at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. Two young bloods, hailing from Port land and apparently under the influence ' .. . r noli ... .u, .-a The following votes were cast , ... ... . , . aoout 3 o clock this afternoon : 'oully this afternoon in front of 'ne- j j Eastern Oregon Land Company's office i j,)jtn Fisher 6't that Mr. i arr stepped to the door ol ttie office and asked them to move on or up to WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. I The will of the late William H. Van j Bebber was filed in the probate court yesterday. It is dated July 20, 1901, some five weeks before his death, and is witnessed by K. F. Gibons and John M. i Marden. Mr. Van Bebber leaves to his New furs just in at The Fair. Tl.e Glacier urges that the town of Hood River ought t'i have a board of trail" j son. VA illiaua r. an tiehuer, t tie sum ot tonight is : aiooo. the testator bavins full assurance weather and frost in exposed : n,, ki. ir. u.un ,,,i .in rn,nr hi UlOti II li I Iv ill : t nuii ntti i i mivi uiui Places. i. ..,Jl l u. ;.,.!.. puuti iui iiiui nosiomuuc an ju uvi juu- ment. he may properly require." All Tho cooler weather forecast for Take notice of oui blanket display in west window. Every pair a bargain. The Fair, Just received a new lot of Mascot kid gloves in rhe fall shades. The best glove for $1.85 on the market. The Fair. The Hood Iiiver public shool opened Monday with an attendance of 108, as the rest of hie real and personal property is ieft to his wife, whom he names ex-cutrix without bonds. i cease their vile talk. The bloods took ! this invasion of their sacred right to ; make blackguards of themselves as an i insult and wi'xed worse than before, j w hen Mr. Parr promptly gave them into I the hands of Deputy Sheriff Wood. When arraigned before Recorder Doher I ty the now crest-fallen youug black- guards begged hard, fur the eahe of the ! sorrow and disgrace their imprisonment would bring to their relatives at home, to be turned loose. Mr. Parr finally : agreed not to pioeecute the bos if they ; would come buck to hie oflice and US JVlaiei & Benton, Hoaoqu 9 rters for Family Groceries, V I a mi 1 rw i v u frit' I hiiir rnilunuca t r ttiti lainal ueorge ivrauss touay snippeu a oox oMclerk Tiiev did so gladlv and were let peachee to a irieuu in i ortiaiui tnat are beauties. The smallest measured 10'... inches, and most of them measured 11 K- against ISO on the opening day last year. ! inches in diameter. They were grown Patroni of the public library will Please note that the library will be open tomorrow between the hours of 2 and o'clock. Antoin Duni and Julia Hoch, two res (Jents ol Kliukitut county, were united n wedlock last evening at the Obnrr House by Rev, U. F. Hawk. Found A purse containing a small amount of money wa left the other day at the office of Pease & 'iaya. The owner can have it by proving property. eepl3 8t Ww buiineu men and real estate ol Hood River have sent to the aD'Aoidrioail exposition mis (h scrlptive of ley. The Iho) River wrjr, on the M. V. Johnson pla-ie, Wt Side, sold his Spitzenberg apples m week for $1,05 a bushel, delivered in 'own without packing." word reached here today that Mrs. R. , lark. Of Hartland, who has been iur eoine s. aii in: . , i r. 1800 p i m ph - tlie Hood River va!- Glacier savs "Mr. on his place on lb old garnaou grounds, which he bought ars ago and was called fool lor his pains, as many sup posed the snndy soil wouldn't produce anything. On the contrary, however, it will produce anything and cannot be fxcelled for Deaches o n 1 irrapes. All it! needs for orchard and gardenin poses is plenty of wafer The last car of this season's green prunes will be shipped from here to Dlgbt, mcking forty cats of 1000 crates each, or 10,000 crates for the season. This is txolueive of what have been hipped by express, which, however, was no great amount. The shipments were Utmost equally divided between Sayre Sc Co. and the Columbia Commission Co. The larger portion were sold outright and brought from 85 to 37g cents a crate, net, at the cars. This is sai 1 to he a good living price, and speaking of it one of the largest fruit growers of the g. In all the history of the United States, i lor for that matter of the world, we do not believe any country can show a (more prosperous condition thm we are I'having at the present time. Never be- foie in the writer's history has there been such a call for men. Capital is fairly pleading for labor and is offering almost fabulous wages. Just think of Any kind of a hobo who will evei make a pietense of work is offered from 11.60 to 18.50 Dr dav and board. And the beauty of it is ttiat everything else ie in proportion. Farmers aie getting good, living prices for their produce, and money is easy. Moitgages on the homee of our people are fast disappearing and it does Beem that we could atk for no jnore. Real estate is moving) too. Mr. BrOWObilli of the firm of Hudson & BrovnblUi informs us; that that firm last week sold one farm on High Prairie, Washington, one 320-acre farm a few ii. hep from town, and this week four Wty luts and one ti-rooin residence and .lot. Dad Putts has been doing a thriv- business. There is hardly a bhtiek Myrtle Michel! 47 ' Prudence Patterson 34 J Martha Schooling 2.r Vesta Bolton 34 I Grace Bcott 17 Clara Nickelsen 2tl Margaret Kinersly 16 Edith Manns . . 42 Melvia Pawson 5ii : Rose Michell 18 ! Mrs Maud Mitchell 17 Mav Elton 45 Maybel Mack 0 Mary Mclneiny 10 I rene Adams 14 Lnura Thompson 1 Alma Schmidt 1 Cora Joles 2 Mrs Ernst Luiddemun 2 CHANCC TO BUY A HOME. A bodv of 4S00 acres of land near An telope will be sold in tracts of 100 acres or more to suit pnrchaeer. More than ! half of this land is fine wheat land, rich black loam. It is Wfll watered, the e beimr some thirty . r forty springs on the tr. ' ami small running streams across most of it. The land is situated from lour to eight miles from the end of the rstilroad at Shaniko. Any part of tho land will be sold, either lor cash or on long umowior me first piynn nt. Price 6 10 $15 per acre. 1 quire of A. S. Bennett. s 13 d.vwlm Semi anriinl opening of fall millinery at the Campbell k Wilson Millinery Parlors Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 10th anil 17th. I'p-to-date stIes ami OOHD WOOD: Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware, Stoves and Steel Ranges. 167 Second Street, THE DALLES. OR. YOUR KIDNEYS. After vou tire o usintr ho culled kidnev remedies, without any benefit, use Lincoln Soxuivl Pills mid ha forever rid of those null pains In your hack. Disoard that old fogy idea of "pain in the kidneys" mid have all your bladder and urinary trout, Ie run I. mid your nights mad restful bv the use of OStlr'U greatest assistant Lincoln Sexual Pills. Price. $1.00 per box - huv ot fOOrdfOgglsl m sunt by luail on rfOtlpI nl price, in plain wrappei. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY JO., Poll Wayne, Indiana. M. '.. I) Minell, Agent, The Malles. ail the latest novelties will fie shown. A general invitation is extended. tf CASTOR 8 A For intants and Cniidreu. the Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the I WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer Cor. Third and W i i Sts. 411 orders alleodi'd to piomptly. Long dlttnnoc phono 4. td. LmsI, 108, ill county sai.l in the hearing of Iiik : Cbkokk ILI, "If I were sure of ttna price j kind in tlie fity to be rented for time of tvuhoid line u n m i. i ii iaII tl,H time I would like to have a prune nn. mahm. 'there are but tfiree or triplicated with inflammatory rheuina- orchard of a ihousand acres." four vacant houses in town, and they . "itu at her home at 0 o'clock this1 BuVd a renter on tho J. B. re so far out that nohodv wants them, deceased was a widow. Htuil Mofah. near Bovd. was arrested i,nU as a last resort. Vacant rooms are Sit, I I FOR SALE- Team for saie at a tmrgain, ol to let out to be workxl until late spring for their teed. Inquire at this office. s-d.i a 1 w tomorrow 'Tuesday, Beginning with 'uorninir. The who eaVB f.HI,lily 0,Bix children, all of this afternoon by Constable Jackson on fast disappearing, and even the butcher's the Bailey (Jot.ert will leave The Dalles WsH reaide in Klickitat county. Uomplaint of William Hastings who ' re complaining of "loo much woik. ' every day, Monday excepted, at 8 30 p, urooKimuse, of Tygh Ridge, has 1 11 at- . i -- put up Ui threshing machine alter w -),000 bushels UIO charires Yoik with assault Bud battery. The assault was committed in front of He estimates! the I. X. L. restaurant, where both ! Wanted An office boy, Fair wages. Apply at Times-Mountaiueer. elO-lw sveraiie viuin i . I a n.H mr. I Miss Julia Masouart. at the Beehive . " Biriug Wltoai ai parneii iiu oumu j--- i -- . lnty LU9tiel, and Qf f .. . .. A di te arow restaurant, will do dressmaking of all 0lrlT In ikl.. . 71 . ... .. ' i ' " ""'ny-nve bushels in. instead of 4 as formerly. t01w-w2 Piobahly wea York and Hastings over the price kinds. t'i !m j Boy wanted to do chores, about two hours' work a day ; good wages. Apply at this office. sl21w Subscribe lor Tun Chkowuu b- One-tfeventy-flvo isn't very muoll t pay fill a pair ' .Mi-ses' Sliutts, and wlicn you m m m can get a real ebony can for tliat price, if is down right cheap, They ln't seuif ami they do lit. Small sizoa, $1.50. Fire In&cirance. Lavr Union & (icfii Ins. (o. ol london. i, inuli I I --' i I'miitui i'. lei Hi' gl ,5(10(000 $ao, i tOtOua Now i- the tin,,- t iiiHiirc ; tom r- rmv nmy be too late. Phono Nw. M, sco!i:rt a t'ondop, I'hoiu; No. 803, Pacilic Slates t o. 4RTI1UM sin I BUT, R guidon t Agent, Tho J'ulles. A. M. Williams CO. Co. FOUND. At The U tiles Kmpluymenl 0(Bott pi ice where vou i-uu procure hc,p with out cjst or double, flail Of phone V.M IIKI. Kli.ld.KV, Vl& adsS Manager. WooJ ! Wood ! Wood ! Best grades id hi, pine, oak and slabs, all well sea tuned, can be bought of Jos. T. Peter A. U), slO ltu