The Dalles Daily Chronicle. FRIDAY SKIT. 14, 1901 WHAT TO DO WITH ANARCHISTS. If there ought to be asylums for tlie insane mid homes for the feeble minded, then ibere ought to be n special plaoe of couflnenieni for every Daman being who proclaims himself an anarchist, no matter where lie niny reside or from what nation he claims to be a descendant. Seat tle Times. We place insane persona under restraint. They are dangerous. Why do we allow anarchists like Jubann Most and Emma Goldman to re main at large and to harangue the people, inciting weak ami eviiy dis posed persona to violence? It is certain that the line must he drawn against the dangerous doctrines of the anarchists. They have no right of free speech to advocate the aboli tion of law and order. Tacoma News. Even while the nation prays for the recovery of its chief magistrate it must mourn, wiih a sense of shame, the fact that It must now be neces sary to guard the life of the president of the republic from possible assas sins as carefully as the monarch- of empires have to be guarded. Tbia fact is deplorable because it marks a change in our country. Helena In dependent. Anarchy aims at all government. Anarchy is planning unconsciously to bring about a government more Stringent than it has ever known. There must be a power able to say to these agents of blood, "Begone !" There must he a force sufficient to curb the assassin. Anarchy is pre paring its own noose. Hasten the time when the G old mans may be suppressed by a siem hand, when there shall be a distinction between liberty and license, and when the venomous tongue can be silenced. Tacoma Ledger. A blacklist ought to be made of all known anarchists, who by faith are incipient assassins, and all civil ized countries should declaic them outside the law, just as pirates, no matter what are their antecedents, are sure to meet death from their captors. There should be no more asylums in civilized lands for a man professing the faith of a homicidal anarchist than there is freedom for a Bengal tiger or safety for a sheep killing dog. They should be ex pelled from every civilized country, subject to penalty of perpetual im prisonmeiu if they venture to return. Oregonian, MoKinley'a assailant is the natural product of the schools of anarchy that have been tolerated in this country for the propagation of cranks and the growth of a murderous mania against those in power. It is time that a healthy public sentiment, rooted in the rights of rulers as well as in the liberties of the ruled, arose in judgment against the universities of crime which anarchy is fostering throughout the land. liutte .Miner. Betides looking to our own secur ity, we have no right to harbor such a gang of reptiles whose avowed aim is murder and assassination. .lohann Most and Louise Michel should no longer be allowed to preach then doctrim i of assassination In this Country. The privilege of free speech has been abused and turned to bad ends, and should be restricted to exclude the raving- of these fob lowers of the red Hag. They should be exterminated so thoroughly that uo sign of the red lag and no word of anarchistic doctrines will be again heard in this land. Helena Record. We need, perhaps, a more effective recognition of the abyss that lies be tween liberty and the license that ends in deeds like these. We need a more practical reverence for the citizenship that we have permitted the sewers of the world to pollute, ' and the ideals of freed im which the marauder has defiled with the vile symbols of a bloody creed. We need Ics3 rancor and more generosity in all our relations. Whether or not we need more severity in our laws and our punishments, we need to stand for higher and kindlier views of life, and to breed better men. Seattle l'osi-Intelligencer. Jones, the socialist mayor of To ledo, has failed in BC experiment in municipal ownership of public utili ties. The city of Toledo has been forced to lease the gas plant which it had established to a private corpora tion. The I'n. able Some time n;o Tin: CUKONICLE gave a short description ol a kitchen table that Win. MeOrum was making for presenta tion at the i-'jrui i'vr fair ami carnival to the lady who would bake the best loaf of brertd. The table bai since then been completed and another description will not be wholly a repetition! Th .i leaf is of Oiegou nine. Tr is ol nine pieces and i-? finished, as is the rest of too wood, ii; wax. It has four drawers, one fnr knives and forks, one for kiteben linen, one for spices and sundries and one for odds and em's, besides a bin for flour and one for oatmeal. The Hour bin is supplied with a scoop and sieve. Ii has a kneading board, a board for euttiup bread, one for cutting cake and a fourth for cutting meat. This last is of oak. An open space contains a rolling pin, and a potato masher that Mr. McCrucu says lie imported from Ireland. The front of the drawers and boards is finished in black walnut and maple. In fiou of the partitiou between the drawMN ig the legeud, in inlaid letters, "Prize fable." On the same is also an inlaid checkerboard, nine-sixteenthe of an inch square, consisting of sixty-four pieces of wood that compose the cheeks. Two similar checkerboards are on the end of the tabie. On the front of each drawer and bin and board are inlaid letters and words indicating their use. On one end of the table, in similar in laid letters, is t lie legend, "Awarded by the Committee of The Dalles Carnival to the Lady Making the Best Loaf of Yeast-Ilaised Bread, September 30 to October 5, 1901," On the front of the flour and meal bins are blank spaces where Mr. McCrnm will put tlte name of the lady who has the luck to win the table. On the drawer fronts and par titions are inlaid pictures of n frying pan, a meat chopper, a etifar bowl, a , tumbler, a jug, a knife, a table spoon, a tea spoon, a coffee pot, a lamp, a ease knife, a butcher knife, a measure, a gravy pitcher, a syrup pitcher, a baby's bib, a bedroom bowl and pitcher, four birds and a cake rack. Of the many tables that Mr. McCruni lias made during his life ttiis is, in his own opinion . by far the handsomest and probab'y no monetary consideration would induce him to make a duplicate. It has been entrusted to a special com mittee consisting of Mrs. E. M. Wilson, Mrs. John M. Marden and Mrs. Ku-ile Sehaunn. It will be on exhibition at , the fair and is bound to attract a crowd. She will be a proud woman who wins the table. Quaker Daetori Armti Again. NORTH Yakima, Sept. 12. Derry and Walton, proprietors of the Quaker doctor's concert, were arrested this even ing for running a show without a license. The doctors refused on coming hero to pay Ibe license of S23 a day for hawkers. An arrest followed, and they secured a temporary injunction in the federal court restraining the city from molesting their, Under I bat order he bas since been do ing business. The authorities are de termined they must pay or quit doing business. When your hair appears liry and to have lost its vitality it wants something to give it life and vigor. We have what ttie hair needs when it gets in that con dition. We have i the Crown of Science Hair rfit2j25j ''rower and t'ocoanut Crean LJgr . ,Mir. They will cure daini ruff ami all scalp diseases. For sale at Fraser's bar her shop. Price 60o ami 75c a bottle. Norris Silver, Nurth Stratford, N. II.: "I purchased a bottle of One Minnie Cough Cure when suffering with a oougfi doctors told me was incurable. One bottle relieved me, the second and third almost cured. Today lama well man," Clarke & KalkV p. o. Pharmacy Sid Darling, 1019 Howard at. Port Huron, Mich., writes: "1 have tried Qiany pills and laxatives but DeWitt's Little Karly Risers are far the beat pills 1 have ever used." They never gripe. Clarke k Falk's P, O. Pharmacy. r or Hale. Several head of horses, weighing about 1000 pounds apiece. Prices right. At my place ou Kight-Mile. si- 1 a M. M. Wa On Sept. 7th will be presented to my customers I Shakespeare, complete in one volume, bound in Mor- rocco; i Atala in large folio volume, illustrated by Gus tav Dore. Union ami Second Streets. Local Phone 92. regulator line. Dalles, Portland & fisioria NAVIGATION CO. DALLES BOAT LEAVE- OAK STREET DOCK, PORTLAND, at A. M. and II P. M. ...Portland Boat... -LEAVES THE DALLES at 7:00 A. M. and 3:00 P DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY, M. BTEAMEB8 REGULATOR, DALLES CITY RELIANCE. W. C. ALLAWAY, General Anent, The Dalles, Oregon. I'nder the direction of the Sisters of the Holy Names of: Jesus and Mary. THE DALLES, OREGON. This Institution is pleasantly situated near 1 the Uoluuilia on the Hue of the O. K. & N. Co. thence it is easy of access for all those who de sire to Moure a comfortable home anil a progres sive seat of learning for their daughters or wards. The location of the academy is one of the most healthy on Uk- Paeilir slope.' this nor- lion of Oregon being proverbial for its pure water, bracing air, ami picturesque scenery. The Academy is Incorporated and authorized by I the State to confer Academic honors. Board and tuition per scholastic year. 100 Studies Will be resumed Tuesday, September, 1th I l-nr detailed Information apply to the .-sister Superior. augio-lm John Pashek, The Tailor, Ha? just received 1000 'am pins of the latest patterns in Qent'i Clothing tioods. ll Biiaran teos prices and a good tit or no pay. : : : : : John Pashel;. The Tailor. pirst-Class 19 Euery hespet. rnals at f tyours. PRIVATE PARTIES SERVED. Tba tahle alwars supplied witli tiie hest in ttie unirket. 71 Frunt St., near Court, The Dalles. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. Transact a General Banking Business. Letters of Credit issued availahle in the Eastern States. Bight Transfers St. Louis, iron, Seattle in Oregon Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. Clark & Falk are uever closed Hunday, I Don't (cruet tl.ii. I Si. Diary's flcanenty TH6 B0LDWIN BESTHDBHNT Nlfttoi if 8111(1 W w. wii.siin, Manager. llxehange and Te)eraphie'if??!, t pihks aii tourist su-epe to can approach It in etlicieucy. It iu sold o New York, Chicago, wiuJoW.,,1, PuuUml river ,h,iuu stantly relievesand permauently cures Mao FraooiNO. Portland Or Vaiubulad trains, ruiun ii,,t ,,,,,. dyspepsia, Indigestion. Hearthnrn. Wash., and various noints '". " prim-ipal clues. JUatUlence. Hour Kfrimnih 7Ca..aAB 1 . lialClfHSri' i'hts'k.1 I.. . 1... 1 1 1 1 .. 1 1 , .1.., .. Ol.l. IT 1 p. Collar Line. TUB saiifis-Poiiianii Route Str. BAILEY-GATZERT. DAILY ItOL'ND TRIPS, Except Monday, ; Cascade Locks, Eood River, White Salmon and The Dalles. TIME CARD Leave Portland 7 a. Arrive Tiie Dalles '.' v. Leave " " 3:30 ' Arrive Portland 10 ' Meals the Very Best. JSP".n:iday Trip" a Leading Feature, i P-Thia Route has the Grandest rente Attractions on harth. Portland-Astoria Route str -tahoma; Daily Round Trips except Sunday. TIME CARD Leave Portland 7 a. si. Leave Astoria 7 v. i. Landing and office Foot of Alder ! street; hoth phones, m 361, Portland, Oregon. E. W. CRICHTOX, At-ent Portland, J. M. FILLOON, Agt. The Dalles, a i Tivrnn ant a..i. ... ... .... ... .... ... ............ Just What You uiant. r- New ideas in Wall Paper here. Sucli wide variety as we are showing never he fore graced n single stock. Keal imita tion ereton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, voure for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints D. W. VATTSE, Third St! Yellowstone Park Line. Till: DINING CAB ROUTE PROM PORTLAND To TDK EAST. TBI OM.Y DIBSUT LINE TO THE VKI.LOW-. sio.NK PARK udioii Der c:, Firt-i dud 1 sis A K It l V K . No. 5;M 1'. M. No. 3. 70ii A. M. No. ; Fast ninll fur 1 mi 1111 a. Seattle, Oiymplu, uray's Harbor 11 .i South Beud "iui-. Bp Km-, Ross land, n. c, I'uiii.iaii, mm u ,'',"'m"w' L8",ton. liuf u.13 a. m. Mioumnpminiugooun try, Htkim, Mlnnsapo t. Paul, Omana, kansMs City, K'. Louis, Cbioago anil ail points fu. 1. c-u.t ami southeast. 11-m 1. u . Expea ii, ju r. .M. lor lai-uiua ami hcattli; and iuti-ruitiliatu points Kor liallllmiliiclv illliairut..! !.... tickets, sleepiuK c-r reservaUuuren-" call Z o. A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant OeiK-ral Passenger Aent. HI Morrl sua btroet. comer Tiiircl, Portland Oregon. wJf M M Colo a., PACKERS OF poRKand beef MANUFACTORKRS OK Fine Lard and Sausage if BRAND uiirors 01 OR1F.D BEEF. RTC. raw Restaurant 1. Y. HONG, Proprietor. firsi-CIass in Every Respect HEALS AT A I. HOURS. , Oysters Served in any Style. , . ., ,, BOOOUU DUi ill" vKli vji just Received A full line of Fresh Printing and De Veloping Papers direct from factory Solio, Rex, Deko, Velox and Aristo in all sizes. Also a line of Plates in Cramer, drown. Seeds and Stanlev. Trays. Printing Frames. n r i , i Albums, Mult-graphs. And all accessories to complete the "-" wiuwui oi (no .,;,. ,, ,nin., Our Eureka Comhined Toning and KixinL' Bath is ii dandy. Try it. Ttie A. E. C. Developer for plates, tiling or developing papeie has no equal ! Enough forUo:' to developer! dozen plates or Ii dozen Velox 4x5. Perfect hlaeke anti white! are guaranteed, if directions ! are followed. Ak for the A. E. C. De veloper, and see that you get ttie genuine. I We are prepared to compound any and jail of your own formal"-and guarantee satnfaction. At the old place The Dalles:, Oregon. 175 Second Street, Geo. C. Blakeley. L. Lane, Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Third and Mcim L-..-,.J.-J1..c: . , J --.u., M tJ, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artilielally digests the food aud aids rlature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gnus. It is the latest discovereddigest ant and tonic. No other Drenaration Gaatraltfia (Iramnaatwl nil nil.... ....... Ii . I ' T .. S T aitw.uui lomisui iiuperiL-ciaigestion. Price 50e. anatl. .Large Use contains mtlmea toittlitlse spared ky g. A OeVITT CO.. Cbicasjo Sold by Clarke AFalk's P.O. Pharmacy. I1 GENERAL j BiaGksiDirn ...AND... fi II nUHIOi! oiua ncituaune. OlEG0N Union Pacing 5 AND dei a ut TIME SCHEDtJLEg PRHM F,,K THE DALUtB. n OhUUlO- " fortlaud suit Luke, Denver Ft Special. Worth, Omaha, knn 12:2 p. m. I sas City, St. Louis, Chi- l:Con n i via Hunt- cngo mill tin-Kinst. hifrton. Atlantic . ,. , , , Express, mt Denver, Ft.i 12:60 a.m. Worth, Omaha, IUn- , ,. via Hunt ststCtty.St Louis, cin- 41m. ! Ington. '',,K" u,l(l t,u' East. j Kt. Pan) Wnlla Walls, Unvlston Past Mail, .siinkane, Wallace. Poll- I 9:36 p. m. man, Minneapolis at ssn. jviaspo- PaUi,l)nfuth,utlwaQ. "Jam- Wane. kee, Chicago and East, j OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE From l'.trtlnnil. (All suiliiiR dates tub Jeot to change 1 8:00 p.m. i-oo T, m For San Franotsoo, v'm HhH every fi days. I J --, I, j Daily except Columbia Klver. , Sunday, , , ... 1:00 p. m. SiOOp.m. To Astoria and Way- 0X(,ep, i Saturday, handings. .s,md,v. 10:00 p. in. Dally Willamette River. except Oregon City, Nowhere, 1::!"P'ra-.-U-, .lay, Slll,,m in;i,.,,0ai.ll( except 6:00 a. m. and W ay-Landing. """W- I ; Tuesday, 4:30p.a Thursday, Corvallla and Way- Monday Saturday, landing.- Whiesdy ii;0l a. in. Fria.iv. I Tuesday, Willamette and 3:30p.m. ' Thursday, Kamtilll ttlvers. Mondavi Baturdaj . oregon City, Dayton and W'sanestoj , :ooa. in. Way-Landings. !i?nve, Hnake Uircr. , l-eTe Uipiirlu Lewlttoo dally, . . , , . , daiiv, 3:40a. m. Rlparia to Lewiston, g:aoiut! i I Parties lesirtng lo yo to Ileppner ot points on Columbia Southern via Kiggs, should take No. , leaving The Dalles at l:Ji p. m. making direct connections at Heppnerjcnsttoa and Bivgs. Returning makingdireotconntstioa at Hepprrerjunctlon and lliggs with (Mo, 1, ar riving at The Dalles at 1:05 p. m. For further particulars, call on or address JAB. IRELAND, Agent, The Dalles, Oregon. Complete of Drus at M. Z. DON NELL, TH DRUGGIST. I. fi. HCHKNOK, fresideiu. maj a voat. eutiei Ilpirst national Bank. j THE DALLES - - - OREGON i A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, enbject to Bigut Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remittee on (lav oi couecuuu- Might and Telegraphic E iixciiange Buiu - New York( San FraxiclDC0 uc orv land. DIKHCTOKS D. P. Thompson. Jno. B. BoM Ed. M. Williams, Oko. A. L'8 H M. Bbam 50 Y LARS' EXPERIENCE I I i-l!,.- -. 1 -Kb JESIONO Anvnno -pihIIiIK a skeii-li and fifSrSRSh l luloklr ascertain our opinion is-. ' ' lliunii nveiitliiii id probnlily WVit?!. i. on pswntt1 i.HUHlrntlf riinlliluiitlal. Uainn")l( " ',,,. Mill (roe. Oiliest iiirom-y for setiuini- lr, P.iioi.ts taken tlirouuli Muim tu- rtl jiictal notice, without obarue. In tut citttific Htnencan. p. pandtomalr Itlustrated wei-ui l'einl3..Jf su filiation of any soioniltlc iuiirnu . iMlsrf raur : imir moiitw, L Sola by all ' "'"EjL 3ClUroadway.NeW W i Biiuoli Sttet k, V rt.. Wasl.-ui:'""- u.