The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 13, 1901, Image 1

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    I) c Sialics
NO. 17'
B DRAWina nr&D
In &ite of Vigorous stimulants the De
gression Continues.
Buffaxo, Sept. 13. 5.55 ). m. The President's
physicians report his condition is grave at this time.
He is suffering from extreme prostration. Oxygen
is being given. He responds to stimulants, but
poorly. Pulse, 125: respiration 40.
Buffalo, Sept. 13. 6:15 p. m. The President's
pvsicians report that his condition is most serious.
In spite of vigorous stimulation the depression con
tinues and is profound. Unless it can he removed
the end is only a question of time.
Up to the hour of going to press no further re
ports have been received as to the President's condition.
Took a Turn For Worse Doctors Called
and Administered Powerful Heart
Buffalo, 8ept. 13. President HO I
Kinley had a sinking spell shortly after
'clock this morning, after u generally j
nnhiv, 1 .1 .. All tha ,ih iniel :i T) n '
aud members of the cabinet were sum
moned to the house. Powerful heart
stimulants were administered, but did a thing as a bearch of t tie peace of the
uot produce effects, and for a time the j fn ited States to be distinguished from a
worst wai feared. At 4 o'clock the I breaob of the commonwealth or state,
doctor.- reported that the president had i RD( the federul government undoubtedly
rallied lomewnat, aud at 4:25 he was j lH8 the power to prescribe a suitable
reatini: quietly. j penalty for a breach of the peace."
2:46a.m. President McKinley ex-! BOBAKTOK, Pa., Sept. 12. Cougress
perienoed a sinking spell shortly after j U1RII William Connell and Commissioner
- o'clock. ; General of Immigration Puwderly are in
The Associated Press lias been author- ; communication regarding the drafting of
ized tu say that President McKinley is
critically ill.
3:85a. m. Secretary Cortelyou say6
Ijfc dues nut consider the president in
Utreoiil, but that the worst is feared
from weakness of the heart.
Th-president is so weak that he does I look after the matter of penalizing aE
not apparently suffer much. Strychnine, saults ou the person of the president and
digitalis and other powerful heart stimu- j other officials. Mr. Conuel! proposes to
ItOUdo nut produce effects and the have euch assaults made a treasonable
wurei feared. His death might occur
' am time from heart exhaustion.
The following was issued by the physi
cians, a I ;', ;5Q a. in. :
The piesidenl's condition is very
eei ioue and gives rise to the gravest ap
piehSQiloQi, His bowels have moved
li. hut his heart does not respond
properly to stimulation. He is conscious,
skin i8 warm and the pulse regular,
Mily compressible and 126; respiration,
80 ;
temperature, loo.
. ,
liny physicians are now prescribing
i-sspepsia Cure regularly haviug'
film. . I
mm u ti,t best prescription
it is the best
) can write because it is the one
proration Wulob contains the elements
UttMgry tu Uieot not only some kinds
01 HMd but all kind aud ,t therefore cores
ffifui108 od dyspepsia no matter
Pi Clarke talk's .P. O.
G'ougreR Has rower.
New York, Sept. 12. General Ben-
. jamin Tracy holds that congress has
power to pass a law providing for absolute
punishment for crimes like that of Czol
gof . without any constitutional amend
mente. General Tracy iB quoted as say
ing :
"It has been suggested that a crime
such as that which startled the whole
country last Friday should be made
treason. It It impossible, for treason in
this country is clearly defined and limited
by the constitution itseli to armed re-
eistance to the power of I he government,
or to giving aid and comfort to its
"The same result, however, can be
reached in another hhv. There is tuch
a series of bills teuding to deter anarch
ical ciimes like that of last Friday at
Buffalo. Mr. Powderly will work on the
revision of the laws relating to immigra
tion so as to prohibit the landing of an
archists. Congressman Connell ' will
Ifense, and declares that if the Constitu
tioo stands in the way he will not stop
short of an effort to change the Consti
tution. Thuuaut fteot Julo KaiI.-.
Every year a large number of poor
sufferers whose lungs are sore and racked
with coughs are urged to go to another
climate. But this is costly and not al
ways suie. Don't be an exile when Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption
will cure you at home. It's the most
I lllt-1 f.. I ,.,,,,l,u ,Uu
imaiiiuie imi'u.iiiii iui ,
all Throat and Lung diseases ou
Ttie flrBt dose brings relief.
earth. The
Astounding cures result from persistent
use. Trail bottles free at G. C. Blakeley's
drug store. Price 50c and $1.00. Every
Lottie guaranteed. 4
Clarke 6 Falk nave received a carload
of the celebrated James E. Pattoa
trictly onre liquid paiuts
Superintendent Bull is Said to Have
Possession of Papers.
Bi kkai.o, Sept. 12 The Conrier says
this morning: Superintendent Bull
has now in his possession the code of
instructions imparted to the selected
ansassin, Czolgosz. The platform of the
Free Society was also added to the
cumulative evidence of the anarchist
conspiracy yesterday. This document
binds its members together to advocate
the work for the destruction of the
existing social order, and continues:
"As, in former times, no privileged
class ever relinquished its tyranny, no
more can we take it for granted that tl e
capitalists of the present day will ioiego
their privileges and their authority
without compulsion. It is therefore
self-evident that the fight of the
proletarian Rgainst the upper and the
middle classes must he of a violent
character, and that mere wage conflicts
can never lead to the goal.
"We show by numerous illustrations
that all attempts which have been made
iu the past to do away with the existing
monstrous social system through peace
ful means for example, the ballot-box
have been useless, and will be so in the
future. We know, therefore, that t lie
ruling class will not voluntarily re
linquish its prerogatives and will make
no concessions to us. Under all these
circumstances there is only one remedy
left force.
"Our platform is simple and divided
as follows :
"First Destruction of existing class
domination through inexorable revo
lution in international activity.
"Second The building of a Free
Society on communistic organizations or
"Third Free exchauge of equivalent
products through the productive organi
zation without jobbiug aud profit
making. "Fourth Organization of the educa
tional system upon a non-religious, scien
tific and equal basis for both sexes.
"Fifth Equal rights for all without
distinction of sex or religion.
"Sixth The regulation of public af
fairs through agreement between the
independent communes and confeder
acies." Three Negruen Hauled.
St. Louis, Sept. 12. A special to the
Post Dispatch from Cairo, Ills., says:
News has been received here to the effect
that last night a mob of negroes broke
into the jail at Wicklille, Ky., across the
river from the city, and lynched three
negroes, Frank Howard, Sam Iieed and
Ernest Harrison. They hanged the men
to a crosibeam in John McCauley's mill.
The crime for which the men were
hanged was the murder of an old and
respected negro, Wash Thomas. Fast
Saturday night they waylaid Tnomas on
the railroad track, hit him with a club,
killing him, aud then robbed the dead
body. The murderers confessed their
crime before the mob. The murdered
man was employed in a tobacco factory.
His slayers worked in a brickyard.
Everything was quiet in Wicklifle this
morning, and the bodies of the men are
still hanging at noon.
Clark and Falk have just received a
full line of fresh Velox papers anil de
velopers, the eameas used by Mr. Lovick
in his recent demonstration at our store.
All persons knowing themselves to be
indebted to the late firm of K. Gilbreth
& Sons will please call on them and pay
amount due. All accounts unpaid by
September 20th will be handed over
to Messrs Wilson & Huntington for col
lection. eepti tf
Sick Headache absolutely and perma
nently cured by using Moki Tea. A
pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation
and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep
and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or
money back. 2ocls. and Wets. Blakeley,
the druggist.
You wilt not have boils if vou take
Clarke A Falk' sure core toi boils.
New Fall Goods
Complete Line of
New Collars
The New YoKe Over
coat is here. Only one of
a pattern. Come and see
them. They're the swellest
vet shown.
Question AUHuered.
Yes, August Flower etill has the largest
sale of 3tiy medicine in the civilized
world. Your mothers and grandmothers
never thought of uing anything else for
indigestion and biliousness. Doctors
were scarce and they seldom heard of
appendicitis, nervous prostration or
heart failure, etc. They ueed August
Flower to clean out the system and stop
fermentation of undigested food, regu
late the action of the liver, stimulate the
nervous and organic action of the sys
tem, and that is all they took when feel
iuu dull and bad with headaches and
other aches. Yon onl need a few dopes
of Green's August Flower, in liquid
form, to make you satisfied there is
nothing serious the matter with you.
(Jet Greeu's prize almanac. Claike A
Falk'e. 1
Kates tu fttU-Auiuru'itu Ki position ,
Round-trip rates via O. li. & N. from
The Dilles, f81.'.0. Tickets on sale first
and third Tuesdays during J une, Jul) ,
August, September and October ,good for
continuous passage going on date of sale.
1: -turn limit thirty days from date of
sale. Stop overs will tie allowed west of
Missouri river or St. I'aul on return trip
within limit of ticket.
Arrangements can he made by apply
ing to agent O. It. & N. Co., The Dalles,
v. hereby tickets will be honored on lake
iteaiuers iu one or Ixtth directions be
tween Detroit and Buffalo.
tf James Juki sd, Agent
Geo. W. Lane, l'ewamo, Mich., writes :
"Your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the best
remedy for indigestion and stomach
trouble that J ever used. For years 1
suffered from dyspepsia, at limes com
pelling me to Slay in bed and causing
uie untold agouy. I am completely
cured by Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Ju
recommending it to friends who Buffer
from indigestion I always oiler to pay for
it if it fail-. Thin far I have never
paid." Ol.-rke V KalkV 1 O. I'harmacy.
b. w. Pareelij Klsttrtvillti Pa., "ay
he suffered 16 years ith piles una could
obtain no relief until DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve effected a permanent cure.
Counterfeits are worthless. Clarke &
Falk'i P. O. Pharmacy.
Oou't Hub It lo,
Juet wet the affected part freely with
Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy,
aud the pain is goue. Sold by Clarke &
Tin' Clothing and Furnishing Goods Departments claim
special attention just now.
New Shirts, New Neckwear, New Hosiery
New Techs, Fourinhands, Imperials, Bows, Batwingt
in ali the new sell silks for fall. Not to see our lines ( f 25c, 35o, 50C 7ftO $ 1 00, $1 50
and $2 00 Neckwear before buying is not to see the best.
j READY jp
This announcement will lie sufficient
to cause all admiring good shirts to
come. We suggest early selections ami
purchases in this line those buying
later not having the variety to choose
We operate a PLUMBINO, TIN and BICYCLE
REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will have
prompt attention.
Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker..
Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs aud Blacksmith Supplies
Anunt fr KuHnuii .v uo.'e Sngtaeti TkNtkiie Mi miiu.
Telephone 157.
Long Distance 1078.
of menstruation." They aro I.I I 10 HAVKKS" to girls a-,
womanhood, uiding dovelopmcut of orgaua aud body. No
known remedy fur women equate them. Cannot do harm life
becomes a pleasure. ttl.UO I'MH liOX II Y MAIL. Hold
by drilMrttfU. DU. MoTT S CllUMK AL 00.. Cleveland, Ohio.
For sale by (Juo. C. Blakeley, The Dalles, Or
ln " D"tmnn
SL Co.
Cor, Second & Latfu Sis, THE DALLES OR.
They overcome Weak
BCM, irregularity and
omleektBtti iuoroa.-Mi vir
or and huiiibh " pait i