Allowed at Septvuilirt Torin. The following nre the bills allowed St the Meptttnbtr term of the county court. Where t lie ralafiM or lees, ap the cafe tuny tie. are not fixed bj law C II Crocker Co, supplies for the Sharif i othce j v i". Hunt, rabate on tales .... Sbanikn Lader, printing delin quent tux notice Frsnd iV Buskuhl, lumbar road dist 27 Samaritan Hospital, care Mary Clary for Inly Chronicle Publishing Company, printing W ard A Robflltaon, team hire Maier .; Benton, mdte tor the county I Like, hauling Ban Foley to hos- pitni II L A!:in, liAK fnntl C Ward, supplies to road dis trict 27 Irwin Hcdaon Co, supplies to clerk's offioa v 98 2 9 ;i 26 i 80 60 L' " 00 e on 14 00 7 60 6 88 6 18 B 70 30 00 cila?-1 & Prudehomme, book type writer .... Pacific .states Tel Co, repairing tnetiagea in r.ierk s omce Pacitic States Te Co, messages in sheriff's office M U Gushing, board nonresident paupers Frank Lanier, services supervisor districts 9 and 10 Chirlea Durham, supplies road rliat 84 Edward Baldwin, work sheriff's office Black 0v Ash, supplies to Fitz - aimrnona anil sister Dr Aug C Sohroeder, med exam insane Umatilla House, board Brown & McCormiok Regulator Line, transportation for poor (iia?s & Prudehomme, one deed record Johnaton Bros, rebate on tax-s 0 D Doane, exam insane Irwin-Hodson Co tax tale re demptton cert Irwintiodson Co, receipts for treasurer Antelope Herald, printing notice J 8 Landers, assistance teachers' ex a n ... J T Neff, assistance teachers' ex amination F N Wallace, dei uty assessor J E Baruett, work in assessor 's otth' Frank Lapler, Ininliei road dist Noa 9 and 10; labor ditto .... Franl Lapbr, supplies road dist No 8 J L Harper, work on Jliii creek bridge !,iMir Dispatch, printing notice C W Dietzel, viewer Adams road V H Taylor, do do K Hcbanno, do do R G Brooks, cbainman Adams road 3 A Qulliford, viewer G raster rd H O'Neal, do do . W T Wright, do do . Adoiph Schmidt, chainman Gra- z er roaii Cas Grazier, cnaintnan Graner road John Confer, viewer Pitcher rd Ed Bothwell, do du J W Davidson, do do Andrew Crabtree, chainman for Pitcher road A'dolph Schmidt, marker Pitcher road Robert Kelly, boarding prisoners jJttl'es City Water Works, water rent . Oregon Lumber Co, supplies to pauper Mt 11 :od Mill Co. lumber road district 8 J M Huntington Co, insurance court house .1 E Watt, M D, medical service tramp 7 60 8U 00 ". 00 1 7b 1 60 16 50 7 00 5 00 9 50 21 00 1 60 15 00 15 00 102 00 10 00 113 40 7 60 4 60 1 00 2 00 2 00 i.' 00 2 00 2 0o ' 2 00 : 2 00 2 00 2 00 4 on 4 00 1 i 00 4 00 i 00 16 91 1 "i :: lu 36 02 14 00 2;: 00 86 J0 o 30 F C Brotiu vices ! untain 6 :t-am hire F .- i iunnin. M D, medical ser- i lie Livei v Co, work road district N 1 10 Citv Kla KsiniM 1 Jo iO hop, supplies to road districts W K Brown, w.'ric oil Tvgh hi;! grade W a Johnston & Co, supplies to indigent S K liaituitfs?, coffin lor Mrs Clayton Chronicle Publishing Co, print ing I. Lane, water trough . N Whealdon, Insurance court house 31 15 00 5 00 Si 80 2 L'o 11 00 14 00 Maier a c unty Benton, supplies for So Jos T Peters ec Co, supplies for county . TimeaMountaiueer, priming M Hplohinger, supervisor district No 48 ..... a F Lake, incidental expenses clerk's offioa Ward Bros, lumber and supplies to county .... . Uood Samaritan Hospital, care .Mrs M Clary for August Ti . 1 .... It " i i . 43 2o 10 4o 00 1)0 ;u on isaiiwi noapuai, Hospital leer Don issideut paupers r II" - l hi-: We oiler one hundred dollars reward for any case oi Catarrh that can not I cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure F. J.C'hknki A Co. Props., Toledo, O, We, tin undersigned, Lave known ?, J. Cheney for the lasi 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi ness transactions and financial! abb- to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Trues, Wholesale Druggists, Ti iedo, O., Welding, Kinnan s- Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio, Hall t; Catarrh Cure ie taken inter nal y, aeting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the eyatem F. J. Outlay A Co., i'rops., Toiedo O. fcold by drruggiets, pi ice 7ftc. Rail's Family Pills ure the tst. 12 FROM ONE ON THE GROUND 90 no 50 31 1 oo E. Doscta W rites of the Shootlog of McKinle) Oulj (be Midway at the Buffalo Fair Closed at Once He Scores Anarchists. Si.e:. Sept. 11, Governor Geer to day received a lengthy letter from Colone; H. K. Dosch, inperiutendent of the UregOn exhibit at the Pan-American Exposition, in which Mr. Dosch relates ome of the incidents of President Mc Kioley'i attempted aasassainatlon. After describing '.he attempted murder, as he learned of it, Mr. Dosch says: "Then the strangest thing happened, winch I am still unable to understand. As soon as I learned of the tragedy I went at once to the superintendent of this building to have it closed out of respect to the president, hut he did not Wish to take the responsibility, and I had hin 'ohone to the DirectorGeneral, Mr Buchanan, hut he said it might create a disturbance, so everything went on as if nothing had happened. The thousands oi pa ipla came anil went, Sightseeing; the taker-cried their wares, and people were buying souvenirs. The on y people wbo di i take ,congisnee of it, and it must be said to their credit, arc tnose oi the much misrepresented Midway.' As soon as they learned of it, aii Shows were closed promptly, and the noisiest place on earth becau e as quiet as a graveyard. I am completely unnerved this morning, everything gees en as usual." Mr. Dosch advocates ayressive measures ag itnst anarchists and anarchy, and says that 'When tlerr Most and Signor Sevagll and made their anarch istic speeches in New York, years ago, they should have been handed to the Srsi lamp-post, then and there, which would have made the advent of Emma Goldman impossioie, and our president would not now be fighting death.... I Thiaussassinaiton of good Mr. McKinley, a man who would not harm or do injury to even a worm, is the outcome of a I diabolical, hell-conceived doctrine which i is gaining so rapidly that in the very; near future we shall see a war surpassed ' by any prior uprising, as it will be a war of murder, tire and rapine. Even now,1 late as it is, it would be better to hang up at once a lew thousands of the .(.testable anarchist? and knock the; head oil" every other one that rises up. ' It is not Mr. McKinley. but the presi- aem o i n i e Liiuea .-Mates, we must con- siuer, as wei. as me stability ot our I government and the weltare of our' Nation. SEWER NOTICE. Notice is hereby iven ti:at the Com mon Council of Dalles City, bj ordinance regularly enacted on the 4ih day of Sep tember, 1901, has determined to con struct what is known as the Court street sewer, and to proceed with the con struction thereot at once. The territorial district to be drained and sewered by said sewer subject to the exemption mercfrom of anv portions thereof, which, upon the hearing here inafter mentioned, may be shown or de termined not to be benefited b5 said ewer has been, preliminarily, determ ined ami declared by said ordinance to be as follows, to-wit: All lots and blocks included within the territory bounded ly Main or First street, Wash iiiL'ton street. Seventh street ami Court street in said Ialies City; also the east half of all lots and blocks Included with in the territory bounded by Second Mreet, Court street, .Seventh Street and Dnion Street; also. block 4, in Dalles City proper, and block A, In Trevitt's addition to Dalies City, end lot l in block 6, Bigslow's addition to Dalles City. For the purpose of determining what property within said territorial district will be benefited by said lawei and the proportionate cost thereof to be asses-. . I against the different properties bene fited thereby, a meeting of the Common Council of Dalles City will be field a' the council ohambers mi Tuesday, the 17th day of September, iuoi, at the bom of M o'clock p. in., Wpicll meeting will be continued and adjourned from time tn time until al! interested parties shall have been fully beard in said matters, at which said meeting all interested parlies and al! owners of real estate within laid territorial district above mentioned, are hereby required to appear for the pur pOSS of being heard in relation to the settlement and determination of t lie matters hereinbefore mentioned. Dalies City, Oregon, September I, 1001. J. Do HUB i v, sepo-ic. Recorder, Dalles City. For Mule. Twenty head of horses, ranging in weight from 1100 to I40O pounds. All balter broken i and some broken to work. Apply to Straube Brothers, Kudersby, Oregon. jly L'o liuw A never failing cure for cute, burns, Melds, ulcers, wounds ami sores is le Witt's Witch llaz-d Salve. A most soothiug and healing remedy lor all skiu affections. Accept only the genuine. Clarke Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. BUSINESS LOCALS. Fresh oysters at Keller's. 8lW Go to Keller's and eat a dish of good fresh oysters in any style. lBlW Clarke A Falk's flavoring extracts are i the best. Ask your u' Ncer for them. A fuli line oi Eastman films and sup plies just received by Ciarke A Falk. Floral lotion will core wind Chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by C'arke x Falk. If anything ails your hair, go and see Frasar; he's the headquarters for all hair remedies. Remember that he makes i SSCClaltV of ttiese goods. t Damaged rustic flooring and paints; good cedar poste at 8'... cents each. Gllbreth A Sons, office at Watts & Baker's marble and granite work-. lOtf Why pay 61.78 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James K. Patton's sun proof paints for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & fr', agents. rn I Dyspepsia can be cured by usinp Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little Tablet will give Immediate relief or money refunded. Sold in handsome tin boxes at 28 cts. Hlakeley tiie druggist. Experience is the best Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of coughs, colds or croup. Should it fail to give iui mediate relief money refunded 28 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley, the drug gists. Don't wait until you become chronical' ly constipated but take DeWitt's Little Early RUcrs now and then. Thev will keep your livt r and b Easy to tuke. .vife pi iwels in good order, is. Clarke & Falk'e P. O. Pharmacy. Henry Bra;, don. Harris I took medicine 20 years N. C, says : for asthma, bttt one bottle oi One Minute Cough Cure di 1 me more good than any thing else during that time, p.est Cough Cure.' Clarke i folk's P. O. Pharmacy. Ouei it ray to buj Cheap? A eh ap remedy for coughs and colds is all right, but you want something that will relieve and cure the more - -vere and dangerous results of throat and lung troubles. What shall yon do'.' Go to a warmer and more regular climate" Yes, ii possible : if not possible for you, then in eitner case fake the ONLY rem edy that has been introduced in al! civ izea countries with success in severe throat and lung troubles. "Boachee's German .Syrup." It not only heals and stimulates the tissues to destroy ttie germ disease, but aliays inflammation, causes easy expectoration, gives a good night's rest, ami cures the patient. Try I u.E bottle, Recommended many years i by all druggists in the world, and sold ( by Clarke ci Falk. Get Greeu's prize aimanac. 2 For Sale. 1001' acres more or less lying on the i Columbia river about seven miles from . The Dalles. About 100 acres of river bottom the rest good upland suitable for fruit and pasture. One of the best dairy or milK ranches in the county : a small house ; good barn ; some orchard and plenty of water. Also other town and county property. Apply to Gibons & Marc'en. Masonic building Third street. aug.'JO-lm Pood CbaogeiJ to I'olaon. Putrefying food in the intestines pro duce? etlecta like those of arsenic, but lr. Kings New Life Pilis expel the poisons from clogged bowels, gently, 1 easily but surely, curing Constipation, Hiliousnes3, Sick Headache. Fevere. all Liver, Kidney and Bowel troubles. Only Joe at G. C. Blakeley 'i drug store. -1 If yon want to retain your hair you have to keep your scalp clean. Soap will make your hair harsh, dry and crispy. Now we have two of tiie very be3t preparations for cleansing the scalp Kgg ami Pine Tar Shampoo. It will leave your hair soft and glosav, Price, '.V. and 50 cents a bottle, at Frazer's barber chop, The Dalles. ti Don't bet Then Saffer. Often children are tortured with itch ing and burning eczema and other skin diseases but Buekleo's Arnica Salve heals the raw sores, expel? Inflammation, leaves the skin without a scar, (.'lean, fragrant, cheap, there's no salve on earth as good. Try it. Cure guaranteed. Only 2b'- at g. C. Blakeley 's drug store. -1 NOTICE. Any nersoh desiring privileges to sell articles within the grounds of The Dalles Street Carnival will please call on or w rite to C. J . CrandaL, general -nper-intendent ot the carnival, at The Dalles, Irom whom iie may receive tiie terms and the necessary information, sep" td We oiler for a limned period tiie twice-a-week CURONICLI, price $1.50, and the Weekly Oiegonian, price $1.50, both papers for J a year. .Subscriptions under this oiler must be paid in ad vance. : Will Not ray Tltmn. To Ali Whom f Mav OoNOIHM : 1 hereby refuse to be responsible for any bills contracted by my wife. J l'- J. W'ii.k Y, Bhanikqi Bepti 8i foot . Clarke ot Falk have ou aale a full line of paint and artist's bruabee. THE V06T OPERA HOUSE. F. C. CLARKE, Manager. I Night Only, Wednesday, Sept. 18th The l I ret Emotional I irania, SS ft 4 A Story if a Woman's Wrongs. Without question the Greatest Fmotii n al Drama of the Present Generation. Blanche : Stoddard as "LADY 18 A BELLE," And a Rjpital Supporting Compdny. Seats on sale at Clarke i Falk's, Post Office Pharmacy. OREGON STATE FAI SALEM September 23-28, 1901 Great Agricultural and Industrial Fair. BIG LIU: STOCK SHOW Good RACING in Afternoons. the Latest Attractions In New Auditorium Building Every Evening, with Good Music. Beautiful Camp Grounds Free. Special Kites nn Campers' Tickets. C one and Bring Vour Families. SPECIAL RATES on ali RAILROADS For further particular?, address M. D. WISDOM, Sec, lauglm Portland, Oregon. Prof. Homer de Morrison m Rtraat. Iloon M. UKStOUN. fUBTL Tho .irst renlntt-rcit a wi-1! i, the lirl fnutll' ! ate Mlatlal ever iii Portland. The wurM a eatoit Trance Clatrvoyunt ami Hetba i-t can ! be On isult-tl dully on al! ,u;,,ir of llf Hrol de Morrtoou la wtttiuuta doubt the noil i Clentllle I ini t mul cluirvn. ant in tnr world i.Hiny: nc locale ntoaen in sin. . ri.'iiiuli'S tin ops rated, telin if tiier.- i mineral, o I, r gaa ou youriana enabira you to win ih one vou Uesin- aneenon ot HelinUtry tausbt. mediumuilo penoni devel oped. UaaUbytbo uwol bli revealed beibd leu: eureaobronlc andio-oaHed laeurablc din eaea. Hree treatment toi the m:. Baud It, dan- of birth aod three quettt n all letter-- in we red at cnee, i..K-iii-i by riaiop, I'oitNnd, Aug. in (T.. Hi- Kilitot). Iloirc-r de MorrUoii, oeculu-i. located by Vitlnn the bill Lion atolen iroei the Selby Smelting Works In ix'luh of oeoull Mlenee b Imirediateir com muuteated byletteHhe faeu to Mr Kai lon, owner of the Selby ',rk i be report- r eelved but ulgbt provi in- itatementa c irreel MRS. K.vst i- PaBTLo'w, ! "It i pleasing to Ih- tUUred that the gold toien from tae Selby Smelting Works . cated by vlilon' by n PortUnd oocultlil This proves that ttie story of ihe roofeanlon of u,',. tntel anil that Mi- aaiiitanoe wai reiiuiied in re opveilng the gold wai b...- California inven 1 tion for tin- purpose of depriving iiri-k'o:i ul jn-t glory. Kdttor fortlaud liregoniao.i m tot NOTIOR FOR PUBLICATION. Laenornos at Tata iAi.!.K.-,or.,( September 7, itiui, i Kotloa is berebjf given timt ihe following named settler baa Hied notice ol Ills intention n commute and nut Anal proof in support oi bis claim, and that said proof will be nude be loretbe Uegbter and Beoelrer at Ibc i.iiu-s Uregou. on Saturday, October 16 Igoi, via" ' Aether m. gtnrrleaeni ol KodersbT, uregon, n R, No. ;i;n for n... nw, BW H S 80TT 1 ti., R n V. . w M lie natnes IhS following Wltueaaei to prove bis eontluuous residenoe upon ami cultivation of xaid laud. vu. : VV. A JohaitOUi ti. N. Puller and U p. IMveu poit of The l,iifs, tlregon, and Wui. fatterMjii of Kudersby, Oregon SSptl JAY K hUCAB.Kcgiiter. J. E. FALT & CO., Proprietors Purest Liquors for Family Use Delivered to any part of the City. f Ph"iies 51 Local, 868 Long Distance! Was i H fa eadquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds Headquarters for Feed Grain ot ru kin Keadauarters for Rolled Grain, ul kinds Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, Ei,?!! Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendie- U'lnnn This 1' lour every We sell our DOOdS lower than r. call and fit rur riric's am! be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. 'A TA !ilA'.A! A'f A , A C. J. STUBLIJMG, ; M HOLES v LB Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Next door to First Condon "'hi l.ona 1'iHt. THE Oil I , PIONEER I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH Pioneer Grocer. evfv THE CELEBRATED .. .COIiUjUBlA BREWEKY AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of tin- product of this well-knonn hrewery the United States Health Reports for June 28, 1900, says: "A more SU pel lor brew never entered the labratory of the United Staten Health reports. It is absolutely devoid of the HliKhtent trace of adulteration, but on the other baud ie composed of the nest .Of malt and choicest of hops. Ite tonic tjualitiea are of the high est and it can be used with the greatest benefit and satisfaction bv old and young. Its use can conscientiously he presort bed bv the phvaioians with tue certainty that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could nut possibly be lound." East Second Street, THE lyon s French Periodical Drops l&an,Ea&StJBUMy 're tu accomplish I'CSIKtU KbSULTb. Greatest known rems.1 remedv. CAUTION Uewarp of e ton with r.t. iinterfeiis and imitation:,. lo v 1L.1.1A .MKlj.t.u ie For sale by Geo. C. Blakeley. The D.tlles, Or. Crandall DBALEBh IN All kinds of UNDERTAKERS 0 EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Funeral Supplies; Subscribe for The Chronicle. "The Owl." 173 Second Street. 1 y is mannfaetnred expresslv for hmm sack is gnaranteed to aive satiihMiM iisl iwor thun any house iti th tracte, and if vou don't thinir . ; A. VA.IA VililiTMiTAU1 A t A i ASM KB1 AM. National I!auk. DALLES, OREGON. J BAKERY. DALLES, OREGON. avevavavV'V-i Tln oiooiii,.. i. ..- r no ,nlv in ikisii'- -il Cat Ageau, Cleveland. Ohio. & Burget Robes, Burial Shrouds Etc