t ( a! 1 Lzji II $ji W AlPiVflll Today's "commencing ni" ushers into the stove ur first shipment of Full Suits. Jaekets, in 21 0 incli lengths, -inch lengths, and the stvlish Automobile. One look will convince & j it the stylos are right. We are also showing Velvet Skirts they arc very swell. von that the styles are right ML J " f i V Sec our corner window display of FLBKKELETTE - - - CiOiSSOlS D0W11, 20C per ptf. ft SATUPDAT m I GREAT &3LK SALE -plain Jap. Silks in all shades the host value on earth will not he put in stock until Saturday morning. Saturday Price 25c per yard PEASE & MAYS. jib A: JtU A I & :rSi; a -. A' sSBk a&r jA- :At Jkifct :3a. Ar iffe -Jkjfe Jb. Aufrjflfc A: j; ; sQtt A A: ., U A i Jj;! rjf: S&r., w. .. - y V nf? iJjr ay ?V sy. .t tpt iu 2 a-jr 'V V" -V V- V" V S? - 0 "if : The Dalles Daily Chronicle. T!lf't:!. Y SEPT. 12, 1901 Ice Cream and IceCream Soda At Andrew Keller's. TREVSURER'S NOTICE. All Waaco County warrants registered prior t llecemlter .'1, 1K08, will be paid on predentatton at my office. Interest ccaten after September I ; , 1001. JOHN F. HA YirsHIKK, County Treasurer. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. The price of wheat in this market fell today from 52 to 51 cents for No. 1. Wanted An office boy. Fair wages. Apply nt Times-Mountaineer. slO-lw Go to A. M. Williams & Co.'s and net your fall euit. The Tickwicks have come Now Manhattan shirste prettier Itylei than ever at A. M. Williams & Co.'e. Boy wanted lo do chores, about two hours' work a day ; good wages. Apply at tbit office. sia-lw Wanted A girl to do general house work in a email family. Good wages. Apply at this office. sl2 4t The eilk sale at Pen 16 V Mays' next Saturday must not be overlooked. It's going to be a hummer. Wanted To rent a small house cr rooms, furnished or unfurnished, (or light housekeeping. Address P. P., box 7.::. UlUit Oil account of the Hebrew New Year the Great Northern furniture store, will he closed from next Friday evening at 11 o'clock to Saturday evening at the same hour. 1 l-2t There can be seen at Pease & Mays' owe waist and costume novelties in Mrded velvets. The tendency toward corded velvets is strong, retailing only 1 per yard. Miss A. E, Landon, Western Union telegraph operator, was chosen by the committee of United Artisans as their candidate for queen of the carnival, and llt she will be eupported goes without laying, Mml annual opening of fall millinery Mhe Campbell & Wilson Millinery drl!H? P0U and Wednesday, Sept. U Aid ITU,. Up-to-date etyles and Ml IIM latest novelties will be shown. gener' invitation is extended. tf C; L "Hipe, the chioken man, re- wwiy received two new incubators from ie mm, which be warmed up this gWBUll and 8et t0 WQrk tQ hatoh out oimeeu doze,, eg8 at a clatter. Mr. n 'P8saybewm haye a number of 'Mb.torsand brooders at work during the carnival, and it is a safe prediction j that the operations will be -an interest- j ing center of attraction. The next meeting of the Oregon Wool Q rower ' Association will be held in Heppner Tuesday, September 17th, at I 10 a. in. It will pay sheepmen to be present as matters of much importance j to stockmen will come before the meet- log, Special Mfcting of tbe Council. At a special meeting of the council held last night it was ordered that a warrant, numbered 222s, and drawn in favor of J. P. Mclnerny, be canceled be cause of a discrepancy between the amount on the face of the warrant and that on tbe stub. The committee of streets and public nronertv were ordered to confer with The Seventh Kegiment U. S. Infantry j the countv wr, with reference l0 hav. band, of Vancouver, Wash., will make a ing repaire ma(Je on U)e Fourth g(reet round trip to The Dalles next Sunday, bridge aepiemuer loin., on steamer DBi.ey A motion prevailed condemning the tatzert. While tne noat is at ine Dalles the band will favor the public with some of their popular airs. .It Mr. E. L. Fain, of Weatherford, Tex., A like motion prevailed condemning was united in marriage, at 11 o'clock ! the Laughlin street sewer, this forenoon at the reeidence of the j It was ordered that general ordinance bride's parents, to Miss Carrie St. John, j No. 312, an ordinance regulating ped Rev. U. F. Hawk officiating. The bride diers' licenses during the coming fair, and bridegroom left on the afternoon j be placed on file. This ordinance pro train for Weatherford, where they wllljVidei ihat every person or association make their future home. Inf persons who shall peddle for sale, or There probably never was a time in jpffer for sale on the Btreets of Dalles the history of The Dalles when labor ifCity any goods, warea or merchandise, was in greater demand at better wages "except farm and dairy produce, shall Federal street sewer, excepting from the condemnation the private sewer of Max Vogt. I than it is at this moment. The repre- tentative of a Portland employment j agency stands daily at the otfice of the i D. P. & A. N. Co. offering men $8,86 a day to work on the Portland, Vancouver and Yakima railroad. He wants 500 men, and judging from tiis present progress he wont find half that number till the snow tlie. A road master, east of town, wants a number of men and offers $1 .75 a d;iy, with $10 a month board, while men are in urgent demand by other parties ior diggiur holes and planting telegraph poles. When the harvest is over it ia pofsible that the demand may be eupplied. j "Ctiarley Shackelf u I," a pioneer res ident of The Dalles, is suffering untold pay for the privilege the sum of 6 pet day. A warrant wTas ordered drawn in favor of K. P-. Gilhreth A Sons for a bill of lumber amounting to $5.40. I'KKSONAI. MENTION. J. Di Whltten, of Kingt-ley, is in the city, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Gonrlay. Attorney W. H. Parker, of Medfoid, Oregon, is register d at the Umatilla House. Attorney .hhu H. Middleton, of Port laud, was in town today attending to business in Judge Bradchuw 's court. Mr. H. Hi Kddit.gf, of Portland, is here on a visit to his sister, MlM Bd ding?, of the Elite millinery parlors. Walter Klindt, who hae been on a agonv from having a big rusty nail run hlbart visit with his parents, Mr. and . ,. r, T , . i , ,. Mrs. Henry Klindt, left on the noon into bit hind foot. Charley is only ggji for M bOOM lo Ea-tern Washing horse, hut should his it jury prove fatal 1 torjj his demise will cause more sorrow in j ySB Mttniie Buchler has returned The Dalles than would that of some of rorn g three-months visit with friends its inhabitants. "Charley" is owned, ! iu Monterey, California. She was ac- rvbodv knows, by Dr. W. . companieu ny -ir. ana Mrs. uuar, iiuoets. lit- Kept Mi- L Twelve years ago J. W. BullivaU, of Hartford, Conn., scratched his leg with a rusty wire. Infiammation and blood poisoning set in. For two years he suf fered intensely. Then the best, doctors Urged amputation, "but," be writes, "I used one bottle of Flectric Bitters and 1 1-2 boxes of BttOkieu'l Arnica Salve anu my Ifg wtt8 sound and well as ever." For Eruptions, Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Sores and all blood disorders Electric Bitters has no rival on earth. Try them. . C. Blakeley will guarantee satisfaction or refund money. Duly 50 cents. i Stock H. -K" r sale. I have for sale 44 head of 9tock hogs, consisting of brood sows, ehotes and pigs, at my place cn Eight-Mile. t9J2-w2w H- R, RiCBAMM, as everynooy Knows, oy Shackelford and he is so well known in tbe city that on'y a day or two ago a former visitor to The Dalles, who saw the animal standing in front of the Don nell drugstore, lemarktd to Mr. Don uell that the last time he was here, twenty years ago, Charley was standing in the same place w here he found him now. It may not be theologically au fait to pray for Charley's recovery, see ing he is only a horse, but the people of The Dalles will be delighted just the same to know of the auiir.ai's recovery and to see ttie faithful and intelligent brute again on his old haunts. Attempt to Rnh a Chinaman. A bold attempt was made, at a little alter dark last night, to rob Fung N ,t. the Oblnamae who runs a vegetall garden near the B. F. I.tughlin resi decce on the Muff. Two men entered the Chinaman's shanty and, seizing him, bound his hand and feet with ropes and gigged his month with MIBO Clothing that they found in the shanty. Following thi? action Or) stood giurd outside the door Ot the shanty while the Other ratisjcked it for what money they could tlnd. In this search they were completely disappointed. There was no mony in the shanty, pave a little silv r in the pocket of H patrol pantaloons, which hung on a nail, and even this the robbers missed. After the robbcts had satisfied them selves that no money was to be l ad, they loosed the rope? that hound the Chinaman's mouth and vanished into tbe night. The cries of the Celestial, after he was ungagttd) brought a neighbor to the scene, who loosed the ropes that hound his hands and feet and set him free. The marshal was notified, and Officer Paulsen hurriedly visited the1 scene of the attempted robhery, but all effrts to identify or trace the robbero weie vain. This mornin? the lacerated mouth and swollen neck of the Chinaman hire unmistakable evidence of tbe rough treatment he received at the hands ol his assailants la?t night. It is possible the would-be robbers ' were local artists who knew something of the Chinaman' businetf, for the Ce lestial yesterday collected quite a little sum of money from his customers, which he dispoeed of in some way know n only to I i:nse!f. "Kt l.june." "East Lynne," a play that will live forever, comes to the Vogt on Wednes day, September lSth, for one night only. The question is often diked, w hy ie it that people never tire of "East I.ynne"? The answer is, "Because it lias so muob heart interest: because it ia a life story, the story of a woman who had loved and lost." And it is without question the greatest emotional play of tba pres ent generation, a drama in which the most famous actors and actresses in the country have appeared and which stands today tbe most powerful theatrical mag net in America. The company that will present "East Lynne" is headed by one of the greatest emotional actresses of the present day, a beautiful woman who has reached the very zenith of her profession in the character of Lady Isabel. The support ing company embraces some of the best actors and BCtresses that have ever been seen in the West, and the production w ill be a noteworthy one. People who desire seeing this play would do well to secure their seats early, as the house is practically sure to be crowded. The Vote for Oueen. Tiie following votes were cast up to about 8 o'clock this afternoon : MisB Landon .'W Edith Fisher S8 Myrtle Michel 1 27 Prudence Patterson 14 Martha Schooling 24 Vesta Bolton 32 (j race Scott 12 Clara Nlckelsen 24 Margaret Kinerely 13 Edith Manns 22 Melvia Dawson 47 Hattie Cram 12 Annie Haelam 24 HoseMichell 16 Mrs Maud Mitchell ' 12 May Elton I May be I Mack 1 Mary Mclnemy -1 Irene Adams 8 sun Improving. The following bulletins were Issued today bf the physicians of the president ! At S:30 a. m., Buffalo time: The president passed a quiet and restful night and has taken much nourishment. He feels better this morning thau at any time. He took a little solid food this morning and retained it. Pulso, 122; temperature, 100. At 8 p. m. The president'" condition is very much the same as this morning Hie only complaint is fatigue. He con tinues to take a soffioieot amount ol nourishment. Pulse, 186; temperature, 100 2 CASTOR 8 A- For ;.2itants uni! Children, The Rind Vcu Have Always Bought 8iguature ol I ...The New York Cash Store... I 139 and 142 Second Street. I The BARGAIN STORE of The City . . Boys' and Hi's SCHOOL SUITS.. KNEE PANTS We have just received our complete Till limi of Boys' and Youth's Clothing, and are offering them :it unusually low prices. Now is tlu time to lit out your boy for school. Pon't make your purchases without Beeing our line. We will save you money. Pon't wait until the nobbiest and neatest patterns are sold, hut come in at once. Every SUIT Guaranteed. ThcNcwYorkCashStorc New Grocery Store We have added a Grocery Depart ment to our store. A new fresh, clean stock. Give us a call. Prompt delivery to any part of the city. ...MAYS CROWE... JVIaier & Benton, Heacqu rters for Family Groceries, :OOHI WOOD: Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware, Stoves and Steel Ranges. 167 Second Street, THE DALLES. OR. YOUR KIDNEYS. After vou tire of nslntr so cal'eil kidney remedies without any benefit, UN Lincoln Mexuul PlllSand be forever i id of tbOSS lull DslnS In your back. Ihwcard that old fogy idea ol "pain in the kidneye" and have all your bladder and urinary troubles con I. ami your nights made rentful hv the use of liatwc S gleatcst ast-istant Lincoln Kexuul Pills. Price, $1.00 per box buy ot yourdruggltl orient by mail on rseotpl ol price. In plain wranpeic LINCOLN PROPRIETARY .'.. Fort Wayne, Indiana. M . Donnell, Agent, The Dalit s. .aSatf aMaatera Mm WM. MICHELL, Undertaker ami Embalmer Cor. Third ami WafeldnyUm Sta. All orders atten ted t promptly, l.'iig dlstanee pbono 4IS. Looel, 108, SALE- a bargain, oi to let 1 or Sate. Several bead of horses, weighing about 1000 pounds apiece. Prices right. At my place on Light-Mile. 12-lw M. M. Waikhman. Gifford b Fotoe Never Fade. FOR Team for sale at out to be workrd until late spring for their feed. Inquire at this office. B-d.t w w Beginning with tomorrow Tuesday tbe Hailey Oatrert will leave The Dalles every day, Monday escepted, at 3:30 p. m. instead of 4 as formerly. s'Jl w-w2 I One-seventy 'five isn't very i much to pay for a pair of Misses' Shoes, and when you can t''t a real ebony calf 1 for that price, it is down- I , right cheap. i They don't kcuH' and they :do lit. Small ilxet. $1.50. A. M. Williams & Co. Tire Insurance. lav Union I Crown Ins. (o. ol London. i...n.a 'i Capitul paid uii Hl Ik iru, I ((, ti.ir, Now i- the time t insure; UB10r row may be UX) late. fbone No. B6. Heufert .'v Condon. Phone N". Ko;f, Paciftc States IHTUyB IKI I EK Pi llesidfut Agi-iit, The Dalles. FOUND. At Ttie Delias Biuplojrmenl OOce;s place where fQQ can BfOCON help with out cost Of trouble. Sja!l Of phone V SCfllL KlLLKY, ..2olind.V Manager. Wool ! Woud I Wood ! Heat grades of fir, piue, oak end slabs, all well sea toned, can be bought of Jos. T. Peters A Co. flu Da