THE HERO OF THE HOUR IN ABERDEEN Police Jttdge J, C. Pearson. Who Fined Anarchistic Incendiary, Ahbudkbn, Wash., Bupt. 0. Judge J. Charley Corsen, en oldtime resident C. Pearson, who presides over the police of The Dal lei, has returned here from coaft jn th, cty , has come Into promt- -T M Ti Willi I IK" . ... . t" Dr. .i lonf l'KKSONAI, MKNTION Robert Rend arrived here on the noon train from Hood lliver. W St. M. BaMM, h former resident of The Dalles, is registered at the Dm til la House. M . . 1 Al .n Tl,,.... , C , .,1 in,- .. w, HIT. .UIC. llli'liiii? . vi,. ...... . . . - . f arrive : home yesnsruay anernoon irum an outing at Ocean Perk, Mr. and Mr. Henry KHndt have re turned from spending the summer at their cottage at Ocean Park, North Beach. back his family and remaining perma nently. The Vote Fn Queen, Voting for the queen of the carnival etait- Ottt briskly and in the few hotlis luce the ballot boxes were placed in position the following eotes were cait up to about 3 o'clock this afternoon : Miss Landon 28 Bdith Fisher 38 Myrtle Mtchell 27 Prudence Patterson 14 Martha Bchoollna H nance since McKinley. by bis speech In court de nouncing the remarks of a man about 'the town known an "Long Tom," a Frenchmatlt - Ith anarchistic tendencies. "Long Tom" was on the street, near a crowd ol men when the news of the Bt tempted assassination was communi cated to him, and be immediately eaid : ' That's good, Now they ought to kill Mark Hanna and Roosevelt, and men let the people ru e the country.'- These Incsn iiarv w )tds set the teeth of 6V( rv msi Kss locals. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are the best. Ask vonr w cer for them. Wanted A woman to do up ("lairs ! work at the Umatilla House. Apply at ! the hotel at once. angol-tf Eight teams wanted by J. C. Siiliivan. Grading for easy level dray sernpei and wagon work with no up-hill haul. Wages M per ilav. lepS-lwk Experience is the best Teacher. Use I Acker's English Remedy In any case of 1 coughs, OOlds or croup. Should it fail to j give immediate relief money refunded 1 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley, the drug i gists. Henry Bray don, Harris, N. C, eays: "I took medicine 20 years for asthma, but one bottle ol One Minute Cough I Cure did me ur ic good than any thing j else during that time. Best Cough Cure." : Clarke & Falk's P. (). Pharmacy. Von Will not have ooils if you take Clarke & Falk'y sure cure '01 boils. NOTICE. All persons knowing themselves to be Indebted to the late Arm ol R. (iilbretb A Sons will please call on them and pay amount due. All accounts unpaid by! 'September 20th Will be banded over to Messrs Wilson & Huntington for COl j I lection. stiif( Main- physicians arc now prescribing Kodol Dyspepsia Cure regularly having found that it Is the best prescription they can write because it is the one preparation which contains the elements j necessary to digest not only some kinds1 : of food but all kind and it therefore cures indigestion and dyspepsia no matter what its cause. Clarke tt Falk'e P.O. Pharmacy. Subscribe for TllK CHaOKfM R J. E. FALT & CO., Proprietors TIlC Owl." 3 Purest Liquors for Family Use J Delivered to any part of the City. 173 Second Street, j Phones : 51 Local, 80s Distance 1 II , I I ! mmtm m villi ... n jy 1a Vesta Helton 32 one Who hear. I them on edge, and Chief of Polic Grace Scott 1- .1 r- : .1. .0 O I Margaret Kioersly 13 P0""'1 Edith Manns 22 Melvia Dawson '-) Ifattie Cram 12 Annie Haelam 24 Rose M ichel Mamie Helen Fivnn . 10 Mrs Maud Mitchell 12 In this connection it is prjpei to an nounce that the voting for queen will Graham to whom they were lost no time in going to Judge Pearson and Informing him of the declaration of "Long Tom." The city attorney was informed of the nflair, I Ut expressed the opinion that nothing could be done. 'I'll siow you what can be done,'' said .lu lg,j Pearson, so he issued a war rant at one charging the m m with a Prof. Homer de Morrison OREGON STATE FAIR ww m - - rcuiii mi close promptly at 9 o'clock on the night misdemeanor ami using language of an of the 19th. Votere w ill also take notice Incendiary and deeply Insulting that the price of votes was reduced today character on the Streets of Aberdeen, by the committee too cents each. When "Long Tom" was bi ought into riiotThat railed i,'"ri ttlf ul,! judge's spirit was in a Sept. 10. Details of a it against the life ol President ire given oat on authority, it Senator T. E. Ellsworth il une of excitement, and bis speech denouncing the man before him was highly dramatic. In announcing the line of .'.'" and costs, be said : "This Is 1 .1... it.o ..n.., ...1 . 1... 1 ... 1... .1... specie to the Tribune from:1"-"""1 "" " J 1 -. 1 I ! . I i ft . ft.. , ..;,( 1 urea: ciema., 1 11 here mei;i times us much." Jn Ige Pearson is highly patriotic, lie served in the war of the rebellion, and only within a few weeks buried a .son 1 who '.vat: killed in battle in the Philip- Michael Anunai, it le eald, P,nM" lle ,s a Duve 01 nuiana, to whose lot it fell to do the j 01 department of Ann ' arbor, the first probate judge ot thiesec i lion when the state was a territory, and I the ursr prosecuting attorney when Washington became a state. He is a staunch republican and a loyal support 1 or of President McKinley. The judge is now the hero of the hour I in Aberdeen. Food ClmuffGc! t I'olaou. I Putrefying food in the intestines pro vince? effects like those of arsenic, but I Dr. Ring's New Life Pills expel the J poisons from clogged bowels, gently, easily but surely, curing Constipation, ! Dill Dl.l. II 1 I 17 , 1 McKinlei is said to have bad "'"'". an Liver, kidney auu tiowel troubles. Only 25c at ti. ('. Blakeley 'a drug store. 4 New Yi previous McK I n I is said, by OOrdtng to Locknort, N. He is credited witl the statement that the plot was hitched in Paterson, N. about the first of May, and Emma Wold tu an, Luis Bines tein and !ii ?r prominent anarchists are aid to have been concerned in it. A yount; talli r, Michael Anunzi, it is said, was the one deed. Al that time the presio.'ut was on bis tour of the West, and Anunzi left for Sin Francisco, w.'.ere be expected McKinley crould be by the time he reac. ed there. But he arrived several days ahead, and attended several anarchist meetings, where he met a young man, to whom he told his purpose. The v., mm man was none other than a secret service detective, and Anunzi was promptly arrested, but upon lack of evidence and certain advices from Washington, only the oh irge of vattrancy wa- entered against him. The condition Of Mr eoni" was hushed up. the prisoner being, sentenced to eight months in the San Francisco workhouse. Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kini& Headquarters for Feed Grain ot p n kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds TlAnrvnoTiDT'C! "frvr "PiTCl T RlinTtc and all kinds iiCaUU UUI u J.VM. jwj. w, wwvi of MIL L FEED September 23-28, 1901 Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton Flour SALEM Great Agricultural and Industrial Fair. This Hour is manufactured espreeBly for familT iiou over' pack is tniaranteed to ffivn p:it:r(!iu. Va putt our onniln lowar than any house in the trade, and if von don't think call and got our prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats ft you want to retain your hair you have to keep your scalp clean. Soap ' will make your hair harsh, dry and Now we have two of the yery Miss TaylOl announces that ber Kin- di'n.Mrren ehi" wilionpri nexl Mnnrlnv.l" "'PJ September 16th, and continue daily from be,,t P-" for cleansing the .r , i scaip r' huu l ine tar cuampoo, 11 tayior iaeiiu i- i i i i . 1 1 i-.i.' iijiii uuii -tjii nun u.'i-.- Pr ivided Miss 2 It 4 p ni a sumcietu numoer ot pnpus, tne rate. Price, 26 and 50 cente a bottle, al Fraser's for each pnpil will be reduce I to 50 1 barber chop, The Dalles. tf cents a week. Miss Taylor's school for older children will commence tomorrow Sept. 11th, at ! a. m. slO 11 Miss Haven wishes to announce that on S'Jptombsr lltli will he held her in formal opening of ready-to-wear bats. Newest novelties in street hats Orders duplioitad.' Come an. I otigiual designs in pattern.? Don't laCl Then: Mlllvx. Often children are tortured with Itch ing and burning eczema and other skm disease- but BllCklen's Arnica Salve heals the raw sores, expels inflammation, leaves the skin without a sc ir. Clean, and no fragrant, cheap, there's no salve on inspect earth at good. Try it. Cure guaranteed. Only 25c at G. O. Blakelev s drugstore. 4 ISO1., rtn Ington street. Ilnomi 3330, I'UKTLANI), OBltaON. the iirst regUtce 1 a well ie the Brst gradu Btc i.inilst ever in Hitrttfiliil. I'll" World's u' e.m -t Trance f.'tmtviyHiit and tterba i"t can tufo tultfil Urtlly on nlf iilt'ilrsol tf . Hmf. dc Mi rrts m In without h doubt the moil ictenttrlo Palmnl nnd ulairvoi nnt ui the world today: helcoatea hidden treasure, reuntton the soparated. toils if there Is mtnoral. o I. or bs on your land enables you to wlu th afteciion of one yon dcslr.1. falniistry taught, medlumlstlc persons devel oped. Heals by the useaof his revealed heibil teas cures chronic mei so-called incurable dl eases. Kreo treatment f " the poor. send It, date ol hiitii and three r-uestl'ins; all letters answered at cuee, Located by Vlalon. PortUnd, Aug, 10.- tTo the Editor). Hotnei de Morrison, occultist, tocated by vision thebul lion stolen irotn the Bel by Smelling Works, in beh if of occult science ho Immediately com municated by letter the fuets to Mr. a. J, Rals ton, owner of the iel by Works. The reports re celved last night prove bh statements correct. MR8. RANCIS PARTLOW. It i- pleasing to be assured that the gold stolen from tne Belby Smelting Work was 'lo otitis) by vision' by a Portland occultist. This proves that the story of the confession ot the rhici and that his isiMnci was required in re novering the gold was n base California Inven tion f. r the purpose ol depriving Oregon ot Jast glory." (Knitor Portland Uregouian.j V Good RACING in the Afternoons. Latest Attractions in New Auditorium Building Every Evening, with Good Music. j Beautiful Camp Grounds Free. Special U ue- on Campers' Tickets. Come and Bring lour Famlllee. SPECIAL RATES on all RAILROADS For further particular-', address M. I. WISDOM, Sec, lauglm Portland, Oregon, rire! Fire! : AJA' Al Al A A ' t- ri. iAfAlAiAlAlA! ATA' Jt T Si AWI ATAI ATA'fATATA : A A. : A ulfM YKr 9 v v s, v 6 v v v v v v vv vv v v " v v v v v v v v rmm x C. d. STUBbljNG, V llDl.i.s.M.K AND DETAIL Family Orders will receive promot attention. Next door to First National Bank. H Cfinclor l'lmlle !34 K Long lllal. 1001. THE DALLES, OREGON. J t'.'-IJt NOTICE. Aoyiierroii desiring privileges to sell articles within grounds of lie Dalies Street Carnival will please call on or write to C. .1. Crandali, general super Intendentol th csrnivil, at Tne Dalles, irotn whom in- 10113 receive the tern 1 and the necessary information, -e; 7 d Kin Male. lOod acres more or less lying on the Columbia river about sevsu milt a from The Dalles. Al out 10'J aores of river bottom the rest k(-o1 upland suitable for fruit and pasture. One Of tl)'- best dairy or milk 1. inches in the county : a am ill bouse; good barn; tome orchard ami plenty of water. Also other town ami count property! Appl) to Glbons A Man'en, Masonic building Third etreet. aug'iUlm III 1. i.cll I nil, Tbie morning, either on the streets of the city or on the outskirts north, a blue enameled brooch, with a fair-tiled opal in the center. A liberal reward still oe (liven fur ito return to this ofloe. n7-;itd-iw it. w. Pursell, Kiotereviile, Pa., nays be suffered 83 years with ;iie.s ami could obtain no relief until DuWitt' Witch Han-d Halve effected a permanent cure. Counterfeits are worthless. Clarke A Falk's P, O. Pharmacy. Ilon't 1. .It. it 111, Just wet the affected part freely with Mysterious Pain Cure, a .Scotch remedy, ami ttie pain in gone. Sold by Clarke A Flk. BUSINESS LOCALS. Fresh oysters at Keller's. 0 lw tio to Keller's and eat a dilh of jrood fresh oyster-: in any style. ti -lw A full line of Eastman riim and sup plieH just receive'! by Ciarke & Falk. Wanted An office boy. Fair wages, i Apply at Timet -Mountaineer. iKMw New fall itreet i it- are now on sale at ' the Campbell A Wilson millinery par : lors. All the litest novelties. t'.i-lw Wool! Wood 1 Wood! Best grades of fir, pine. 0.1k an.! slabs, all well tea SOned, can be bought of Jos. Ti Peters & Co. siu im Damaged rustic flooring and paints; good cedar posts at H1 ctnts eoch, Qllbreth .v Sons, office at Watts & Biker's marble ami granite work, KHf 1. spepsia can he cured hy using Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little Tablet will give immediate relief or m mey refunded. Sold in hatiiieome tin I boxes at 35 cts, Blakeley the druggist, if anything ails your hair, go and sec Frazer ; lie's the headquarters for all hair remedies. Kemeuiber that he makf-s a CC iallv of these goodl, if win Nai Pay Viseut. To A1.1. Whom li May Conuhuk i I bereb) refuse to be responsible for any bills conn acted by my wife. Julius J., Sn muo, Sept. M, 1901. Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line if paint and. artist's brushes. Well, after all it is never so bad but that ii might have been worse and we are agreeably surprised for after tak ing a thorough inventory we iiiul We Got Off Easy with the exception of a few lots quoted below slightly damaged by water. ONE LOT Men's casaimere and cheviot ' ONE LOT Youth's suits, embracing suits, ranging from $7.50 to $12 j clear- worsteds, cheviots, cassi meres, etc 1 mice price $5-c-).5 clearance price l-3d off ONE LOT Men's black and fancy wont- ONE LOT of about 20 Youth'- Suits, ed suits, ranging Irom 12 to $17.50; age 14 to 20; more or less damaged; clearance price $9.95 close out at $1.95 All Children's Clothing at 1 0ff This is an opportunity of a lifo-timt to lay in your winter supply of clothing. THE HUB CLOTHING CO.. W. MARKILL1E, Manager. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH Pioneer Grocer. THE CELEBRATED .. .COIiUflBlA BREWERY.. AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of this well-know n brewery the United States Health Reports for June 2S, 1000, eays: "A more eupeiior brew never entered ttie labratory of the United States Health reports. It is absolutely devoid of the slightest trace of adulteration, but. on ttie other hand is eon; posed of the best of malt and choicest of hops, ftp tonic qualities are of the high est and it can be lined with the ureatest benefit and satisfaction by old and young. Its use can conscientiously he preeeribed by the physicians with the oersainty that a better, purer or more wholecom'e beverage could not possibly be found." i East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. YOUR KIDNEYS. Aftt-r von tire of Using SO called kidney remedies without any benefit, use Lincoln Sexual PiUs and he forever rid of those dull pains In vour Pack. Discard that old fogy idea of "pain in the kidneys" and have all your bladder and urinary troubles OUri I, and your nights inuile restful by the use of nati'-e. s yieatest asHi-tant Lincoln Sexual Pills. Price, $1.00 per box buy ol your (Ironist or sent by mail on receipt of price, in plain wraruwi. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY vJO., Fort Wayne, Indiana. M. '.. Donnell, Agent, The Dalies. Kon's French Periodical Drops strictly vegetable, perfectly harmless, sure to accomplish DBSIRBD KbSULTS. Qreateat known female remedy. CAUTION "J ami luiitatii.ns. Tho uoiiuine is put up only In pustej'wr.l Csi- SOU With fin miiiiIu kimialino un siou ot i In- I.,, i in- thus tsSVrr beuaiur circular to wiLLi am MHi. OO.Tsote AUuu, ClaTslaae, oEto, h&SZSiZfSZP Vot sale by Cieo. C. lllakeley. The Dalies, Or. ...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker.. -IIKALKU IN- Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies AgeOl lor KuhscII .'. ('(.' Limlncs, Tlircbtiern ami baw Mills. Telephone 157. Long Distance 1073. Oor. Second & Laagblin Six, THE DALLES OR. r Crandali & Burget - - . Robes All kinds of undertakers Burial Shrouds Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. The Dalles, Or. Subscribe for The Chronicle.