The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 11, 1901, Image 3

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ltfAi pPIVfi1 V Today's "commencing m" ushers into the store
inch lengths, -inch lengths, and the stylish Automobile. One look will convince
von that the styles are right.
We are also showing Velvet Skirts they are very swell.
See our corner
u indow display of
FLflNKELETTE - - - ClOiSSOlDB DOWQ. 20C per y';il
mm m
GREAT SILK SALE plain Jap. Silks in
all shades the best value on earth will not
he put in stock until Saturday morning.
Saturday Price 25c er yard
ulfli Jla ;JfTi,r .A -Jar A: rfk.
nti ihw: :ryp ihjh M' n.n: :kh,!
Sk A A iS:
5Ji mjfi tyc :!jr:
fhe Dalies Daily Chronicle.
WEDNESDAY - - - SEPT. 11, 1901 i
ice Cream
At Andrew Keller's.
All H'naco County warrants registered
prior tc. October It, 1808, will be paid
on prttHeiitntloii at my ofltce. Interest
ceane after August 13, 1901.
County Treasurer.
A marriatre license, was issued yester
day afternoon to Joe Martin and Bertha
Johnson, both of tills city. I
The Wasco Southern Telephone Coo--pan;
has decided to extend its lino by
connecting Mitchell and Antelope.
James Ball, of Kingsley, who is a na
tive of Denmark, was admitted to full
citizenship yesterday by Judge Blake
ley. Wanted To rent a small house or
rooms, furnished or unfurnished, for
light housekeeping. Address P. P.,
box 7:17. el l-2t
Judge Bennett recently purchased the
Rogers stock ranch of 4800 acres near
Antelope. The consideration has not
been definitely learned.
Tin: Chronicle has about a score of
premium lists of the Oregon state fair
"'at it will be pleased to hand to any
006 who may call for them.
On account of the Hebrew New Year
the Cireut Northern furniture store will
be cloied from next Friday evening at
8 o'clock to Saturday evening at the I
same hour. U-'Jt
Simeon Bolton and Attorney Fritz!
Wilson have jointly invested in a Hood
River fruit ranch and today, like the'
niHii in tu, parable who bought the yoke !
f oxen, they went down to see what the
BU(M was like.
Don't forget the banquet to be served
b the Ladies' Aid Society of the:
Christian oburoUi at their wheel social
next Saturday evenina in the basement
Of the church. Don't forgot to come'
nd bring a lead pencil.
In one of the windows of Donnell'e j
flrOg Btore is ft photograph in natural
colors of (l sample peach of a new variety I
named Weber's Prize from the Weber
nureerios of this place. The picture is
Ih '. and shows a sample of this de-'
'clous fruit , as magnificent as its shadow !
m a work of art. The picture is by !
The Hebrew new year will begin next
"Jay evening at u o'clock. The date I
8 "r8t fld by Jehovah ehortly before
m dP'tnre of Israel from tbe land of1
Egypt, and the account of its appoint
ment is related in the opening verses of
the twelfth chapter of Genesis. Ten
days later follows the Day of Atonement,
the account of which may lie found in
the sixteenth chapter of Leviticus.
R. B. Wilson, representative of the
Burlington Company, stated in Pendle
ton recently that, if they can be found,
50,000 horses will he bought in Eastern
Oregon for the English cavalry service.
"Already," said Mr. Wilson, "our peo
ple have shipped out more than seventy
five care, and the number will have
leached 100 cars within a very short
space of time,"
A New York dispatch says that in the
course of his sermon at Ocean Grove, N.
J., yesterday Dr. T. De Witt Talmage,
of Washington, Baid : "I wish that po
liceman in Buffalo who seized the pistol
of the scoundrel who fhot our adored
president had taken the butt of the wea
pon and dashed the man's brains out on
the spot." And the 10,000 people in
the auditorium applauded the senti
ment. The doctor's theology may be a
little askew, but hie politics are all
Some time ago the cat of the St. Peal
poBtoffice made a record by slaying a
hundred and twenty-live rata and mice
in one month. In recognition of her
abilities the postmaster wrote to Wash
ington asking an increase in her salary,
and she now receives $10.40 a vear.
Soon after she showed her gratitude by
presenting tho government with live
kittens, each of which entered the I'uited
States service as toon as it was old
enough to tackle a rat. September
Ladies' Home Journal.
Mrs Helen D. Harford, state president
of the W. C. T. I'., has arrived in the
city and will speak tonight at the Meth
odist church am! tomorrow night at
tbe Calvary Baptist church. This
('veiling her subject will be "Our Mis
sion ;" Thursday, 'Alrs. Nation and Her
Hatchet ; Past, Present and Future."
Those who have heard Mrs. Harford say
she is a splendid speaker, and as all are
invited to be present, "without money
and without price," there will surely be
a large crowd in attendance.
Yesterday afternoon at 4 :ol) of the
clock Mr. Ernst Jacobsen ami Mrs. Maie
Hays were united in marriage at the
Christian church of this city, Elder
Jenkins of Hood River officiating. The
bride and bridegroom are both well and
favorably known in this city, and Thk
OHBUMOfag joint their many friends in
wishing them many happy days. Soon
after the wedding ceremony the happy
couple left on a wedding trip to Port
land. The time of their return has not
been announced, but they have rented a
house on Union street and will make
their future home here.
Pev. U. F. Hawk returned this morn
ing from attendance at the annual con
ference held at Walla Walla. He was
accompanied by Rev. C. D. Niekeleen,
of Goldendale. From Mr. Nicxeleen,
who is secretary of the conference, we
learn of the following appointments for
this vicinity: The Dalles, W. Skip
worth, of Lewiston, Idaho; Dufui, Geo.
Moorhead ; Hood River, Frank Spauld
ing, returned ; Moro, Sherman county,
W. C. Smith, of Duftir: Wasco, George
Archer of Fossil; Antelope, to be sup
plied ; Cascade Lucks, F. H. Walker, of
fruit nml vpflrptnliln lamia Ihn urn. 1
j ing of varieties adapted to this climate.
The value of nir lands are not know n to
j the peopit outside the state, only to a
j limited extent. The committee an
j nonncs that all fuiit pitted on exhibi
I tion all have the grower's name on it,
i with the name of the locality from
' which it came. Btch sample will be
! placed to the ciedit of the exhibitor. It
; will he kept in good condition while
here, and be at the disposal of the own
1 er at the close of the fair, who may do
nate it to the society, have it retmntd
i to him, or order it sold for Lis benefit.
It is not always a safe thing to count
on heating the county ttttltOt out 01
the dollar poll tax. A tentorial nrtitt
of this citv tried to d i it the other day
; and the assessor, in order to avoid tbe
I trouble of a law suit, quietly hunted up
the fellow's assessment blank and ratted
the assessment on the improvements on
! his homestead so a" to compel him to
: pay the amount In the loiin of an ordi
( narv tax and the poll tax besides. If
i the "artist" does not pay the tax to the
I aherin that officer will take it oat of his
I Improveuentl an take it without say
rig "By your leave." Las-t year this
i same fellow abused Constable Jackson
j as if he were a dog w hen that Officer
! asked him for Ids poll tax. Jaokson
. brought suit, but the barber went be
fore the recorder and pleaded poverty
and was excused. It is time that some
I one should come to the defence of those
whose unpleasant duty it is to collect
tl is tax. The assessor or tax collector
should not be made the butt of ridicule
and abuse beetrjtt he attempts to per
j form a duty that the law imposes upon
j him and one, moreover, he has sworn to
perform. The protection of the law
costs the government as much for a
Dalles barber as it does for a Dalies mill
j lonaire, and the man who refuses to pay
i a paltry poll tax is either an unworthy
I Citizen or he has a low and unworthy
conception of the duty and dignity of
1 Amprieun I i Mnah i n
. .... i
Building Operations.
There is considerable building g'dng
on at present in this city of a class of
dwellings of which there has long been
a scarcity ; that is to sav buildings rent
ing from $15 to $18 or $90 a montn. Dr.
Siddull has four handsome cottages of
this class in course of erection on the
southeast corner of Fourth and Federal
streets. These buildings will be fitted
up with all modern improvements.
...The New York Cash Store...
138 and 142 Socond Street.
The BARGAIN STORE of the City.
Olex; Arlington, Ed Baker, returned ; I H Wakefield ,iag neari completion
Prineville, W. C. Clark, of Lone Rock ;
Goldendale, C. 1). Nickelsen, returned ;
Centerville, W. J. Baldwin, returned.
Tbe fact that Rev. U. F. Hawk has
not been returned to The Dalles by the
annual conference, after a two years'
service in this city, is beyond question
a very great disappointment to the ma
jority of his own people and to the peo
ple of The Dalles. Mr. Hawk has made
many wttrm friends during his residence
here. He is naturally a man of most
amiable and lovable disposition, who
another handsome eight-room building
of a similar class on Fulton street, east
of the Joles residence. Work has com
menced on the foundation of a a one and
a half story, eight-rjom dwelling for
Sam Wilkinson on Fourth street. Mat
Randall has nearing completion, on the
site of his old home on the bluff, a fine
two-story, seven-room residence, with
modern appointments.
A handsome five-room cottage lias
just been finished for A. C. Rice near
the head of the brewer v grade. Work
ought not to have, and probably has on the foundation of a handsome cottage
not, an enemy m the world, except itjfor W. A. Johnston has commenced at
Fred Welan has had his
on the bluff, near the Hans
said today in the hearing ol J IE UHHON- Laughlin.
ici.e, among the ranks of a few cranks j residence
who would not be satisfied with the Hansen place, entirely remodeled and
preaching of the Apostle Paul, and as a . dded to so as to make it, practically, a
matter of fact are never satisfied with )iew building.
anybody. j l addition to these and others that
Wheat is coming in at quite a lively i ,uik5llt be mentioned, builders inform us
rate and the southern half of the Wasc tliat l'e-v are figuring on (lite a number
n.a.aknna. la fnll f.nm h.a.n.. f ,nnt ItOf Other new residences that Will be
built before the snow flies. And yet; as
real estate men tell us, there is hardly a
vacant residence in the city, and when
there is one there are twenty applicants
for it.
till Imprevleg Rapidly,
A dispatch forwarded at 0 o'clock,
Buffalo time, this morning says :
The president rested comfortably all
night. He received decided benefit from
the dressing of the wound last evening.
His Btomach tolerates beef juice well
and it is taken with great satisfaction.
His condition thi morning is excellent.
Pulse, U6 temperature, 100 2.
; Another dispatch forwarded at 'i '.iO,
Buffalo lime, sajs: The piesident con-
tin oe to guin, the wound M coming
Messrs. Schanno, Sanders, Kurt, ore healthy. The nourishment taken
Evans, Middleswart and Weber, of the into the stomach is being gradually in-
The price today for No. 1 is Wl cents as j
compared with 54 cents for the patoe
grade at Portland, a difference of only
two cents a bushel. The normal differ
ence, counting freight and other neces
sary expenses, is about six cents a
bnthtl, but here for nearly three weeks
at a stretch the difference was only one
cent a bushel. For these peculiarly
favorable conditions the wheat rai6er
has to thank the new Wasco warehouse
flouring mil!, which is laying in a sup-J
ply of wheat against the time when it
will begin to grind out BOO barrels of
flour a day. This time is still fixed, in
spite of delays in receiving machinery
caused by tbe great strike in tiie East,
at some time during the month (A
..nous' ami inn 'i school sous..
V have just received our complete fall line f
Boys' and youth's Clothing, and are offering them at
unusually low prices, Now is tlu time to fit out your
hoy for school. Don! make your purchases without
seeing our lino. We will save you money.
DonM wait until the nobbiesl and neatest patterns arc
sold, hut come in at once.
Every SUIT Guaranteed.
TheNewYork Cash Store
New Grocery Store
We have added a Grocery Depart
ment to our store. A new fresh,
clean stuck. Give us a call. Prompt
delivery to any part of the city.
JVlaier & Benton,
Headqu .; rtera for
Family Groceries.
conr wood
Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware,
Stoves and Steel Ranges.
167 Second Street, THE DALLES. OR.
School Opens Sept, )tli
Arrangements have been made with
carnival fruit com..'! it tee, will this week
mail a circular to every fruit-grower in
the Second Oregon fruit district urging
them toco-operate with the committee
in 'making such a fruit and vegetable
display as has never before been made
in the Northwest." The circular calls
attention to the fact that the business
men of The Ddlles and vicinity are put
ting up :fl0,0u0 for the purpose of mak
ing a creditable txblbit of the various
industries of Eastern Oregon, and that
the state has also set apart flo.OOO for
this district, to be distributed among
the producers as premiums, to be given
to those who make the tiuest exhibit.
The object of this effort, the committee Beginning with tomorrow (Tuesday;
adds, is not to much for personal ag- I the Bailey Gair.ert will leave The Oallet
grandi. merit as to show to the outside every day, Monday excepted, at 3:30 p.
world that we have eome of the choicest ' m. instead of 4 as formerly. t91 w-w2
creased. Pulse, 120: temperature, 1110 2,
For infants and Children.
Tbs Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature ol
Team for sale at a bargain, oi to let
out to be worked until late spring fir
their feed. Inquire at this office.
One-seventy-five isn't very
much to pay for a pair of
Misses' Shoes, ami when you
can gel a real ebony calf
for that price, it is down
right cheap.
They don't scuff and they
I do (it. Small sizes, $1.60,
A. M. Williams L Co.
to act as tgtnt fot handling of the i.ew
school books, lie is tntboriaed 10 inakH
tbe exchange any time between s-j,t. i
and.lanuary I. iiOauulw
Undertaker anil Embalmer
Cor. Third and Watlilnton ttts..
411 orders all ended to promptly. Lmg
distance phone 438. l.otvtl. IVJ.
Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior
paints when yon can buy James E.
Potion's sunproof paints for fl.oOper
gallou, guaranteed fur 5 years. Clark &
Falk, agents. ml
Don't wait until you become chronical
ly constipated but take OeWitt'a Little
Early Risers now and then. They will
keep your liver and bowels in good order. '
Easy to take. 8afe pills. Clarke & Folk's '
P. O. Pharmacy. I
Fire Insurance
lav Union ( Crown Ins. Co. ol loodoo.
KlIIIMll. I I -
L'upllal paid hi
A - - I I-
Now i.-the time to insure, t mor
row may lie too late,
I'hono N. ho, Hgufori & t'oadon.
Phono No. 803, Paelflfi Mule- CX
iiesident Agent, I he Dai lea.
At The Dalles Kmplo mmt Oilier ; a
place where von can procure help with
out cost or trouble. Mill Of phono
Vacugt Kti i tv,
a28 ImchVw Manager.
Oifford's Fotoa Never Fade.