l'KllfMINAI, MENTION. Jobtl Llttlti the well-known sheep man of Antelope, is in the city. Alex K. McLennan is registered at, the Umatilla House from Antelope. F. H. Parkins and (i. T. Parr were passenger? on the noon train for Moro. Parquhar Mao Rae, who lias been In the City for the past couple of 'lave, re turned to his home at Antelope this afternoon. V. s. Hanna, w ho baa spent the sum mar surveying with Homer D. Angel I, Will leave in the morning to resume his studies at the Eugene university. T. a. Hud ion, of Hudson A Brown bill, eame up from Portland on the Dalies City and will spend a couple of davi here looking after his business in terests. C. 0. O'Noll, of Muddy, Crook county, sunerintendent o( t tie Prinevllle Land .v II.- Kept lll I. re Twelve years ago J. W. Sullivan, of Hartfoui, Conn., scratched his le with a rustv wire. Inflammation and blood i . ". . poisoning set in. ior two years tie em- , wofk H( (he UuMtilla House, fered intensely. Then the best doctors , , e ho, once urged amputation, "hut, tie writes, "1 i used one bottle of Electric Hitters and I 1-2 boxes of Bucklen'l Arnica Salve! ami my leg was round and well as ever." i BI-91 IMI LOCALS. NOTICE. Clarke & Falk's fUvnrinK extracts are A, per0,1R knowing themselves to be the best. Ask your u' Hter for them. j indebted to the late firm ol H. (iilbreth Wanted A woman to do up stairs a sons will please call on them and pay Apply "" amount due. All accounts unpaid by njj LinHc 0T uni-u i oepiemmr owi m - . . . . c .1 . : . ... f..- Ml. Wanted-Man to clerk in store ; small , to Messrs v iison a uummm-m . .. ; - CnnnH0C alarv i esoerlence not necessary. Ad-j lection. " ; rUnerai DUpUHW ilress X, care ClIKOSlCXK. eep2tf nhvsicians are now prescribing! - . ... ... ll I 1 ti.1i: I . ... . - I . I ha i.iiki For Eruptions, Kczema, Tetter, Halt Bignt leame waniea oy w. v. oymv-u. KOOOI lJJiepepiia wuni ruiri, Rheum, Sores and all blood disorder! Grading for easy level drag sctspti I (oUnd thai it is the best prescription Electric Hitters has no rival on ea.th. ;nni1 work with no up-n.ii nam. ; lhey 0an write neian-e one ? Try them. D. 0. Blakeley will guarantee I Wages 14 P 'lay- sepo-Wk preparation which eonteini the elements satisfaction or refund money. Only 60 Experience is the best Teacher. Use . necessary to digest not only pome kinds' . i , ... .1 tt i i ... ..II I. ! . I iHil !l t 1 1 1. r f 1 1 r . ' ' ..nt 4 Acker 'a isnglian ttemeuy in any case m oi iuoa oui u nrauu.. ...... . it- i. t ,iii. .u. . IcoUBhs. colds orcroUD, Should it fall to indigestion and dyspepsia "Your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Is the beat We immediate relief money refunded remedy for Indigestion and stomach j 25 CtS. and 50 Ota. Blakeley, the drug trouble that lever used. For years I j R,8,B suffered from dyspepsia, at times com-' Henry Hraydon, Harris, N. C, says: Livestock Company, spent last night In pengmeto stay In bed and causing MI took medicine 20 years for asthma, the city, the guest of the Umatilla t ftm ftamnltBlv bttt One bottle of One Minute Cough Grandall & Barget UNDERTAKERS: ffi EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Robes, Burial Shrouds Etc. what it cause. Pharmacy. Clarke A. no matter Falk's I. O. i RllbSCrihe for Tun OHBON'flr.R Horn , . cureu Dy twouoi uyspepsia v. tire, id Henry Dietae left JMlwday for his recomuien(1Inj, It l0 (tlenda who Iaffer mines near the head of I)..' Klver, " where be and a small force of men will from indigestion I always oiler to pay for do development work for the next co iple I it if it fails. Thus far I have never Cure did me more good than any thing else during that time. Heat Cough Cure." Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. of months. w. T. Wright, of Nansene, is In the city on his way to RilStttn, Klickitat County, to take np his residence on the ranch which he recently purchased of John Fender, Mrs. Wm. MorganBeld, accompanied by her two younger children, lelt on the l a train lodav for her old home in Ogden, Kansas, where She will j (In her husband and eldest son, with tli" in tention of remaining there permanently. paid." Clarke & Falk's P Kor .Sale. o. Pharmacy. Deep Consplracj Being Unearthed Nbw YoBK, Sept. 0. A special to the Herald from Buffalo says: That there was a conspiracy In which many betides CloigOfZ were concerned and which had 1000 acres more or less lying on the Colombia river about seven miles from The la!!es. About 100 acres of river bottom the rest good upland suitable for fruit and pasture. One of the best dairy or milk ranches in the county; a small house; good barn ; some orchard and plenty of water. Also other town and county property. Apply to Gibons Mart'en, Masooic building 'Third street. augllO-lm When your hair appears dry and to Lave lost its vital it it wants something to give it life and vigor. We have what Prof. Homer de Morrison OREGON STATE FAIR 9 9 J. E. FALT & CO A Proprietors of The Owl" SALEM Purest Liquors for Family Use Delivered to any part of the City. 173 Second Street, j 1 Phones ! 51 Local, 80S Long Distance September 23-28. 1901 PENNYROYAL PILLS Great Agricultural and Industrial Fair. the destruction of President McKinley I the hair needs when it gets in that con as Its purpose is the firm conviction of dirton. We have ft the Crown of ,, .. t . . . , , - Science I? a i r rfScim (.rower and all the members oi the eabmel and m Cocoannt crMmVOggjr Ionic. They the Buffalo police. An agent ol the w c, dand sSS ruff and all Unit1.'. States Secret Set vice said that scalp diseases. For tale at Fraser's bar- leid that Emma ttoldman, ; ocr s"'l'- l riM or-' ano ioc a oouie. the t';eory is the anarchist, was the prime mover in this plot, which may have contemplated u series ji crimes, of which the murder of the president was only the beginning. Emma Goldman was in Buffalo last Monday Sid Darling, 1012 Howard St. Port Huron, Mich., writes: "I have tried many pills and laxatives hut D. 'Witt's Little Early Risers are far the best pills I have ever tieed." Thev never gripe. fhal has been known tc Ihe Clarke & Falk's 1'. O. Pharmacy. i . .. . .. i ii van re siaieu on i , , I'.. o.l Changed to i'olnotl. Putrefying food In the intestines pro duces effects like those of arsenic, but Dr. King s New Life Pills expel the poisons from clogged bowels, gently, easily but surely, curing Constipation, Biliousness, Sick Headache, Fevers, all Liver, Kidney and Bowel troubles. Only C. Blakeley 'a drug store. 4 police for twenty-four hours. She was; here under an assumed name. What the ol jret of her visit was has not be'.'n learned, but presumably it was in con nection with the crime that followed four dayi later. The police all over the: United States are now searching for Emma Goldman, who seems to have j disappeared utterl aosoiuts authority that this woman teacher of anarchy will be expelled ii , Uon't Let TUen. Suffer, excuse of law can be found for such an ' 0flen children are tortured with itch act. Moreover, she will not go alone. In nd burning ecaema and other skin Holding to the theorv that the anarchists : diseases bat Bucklen's Arnica Salve conspired against the authority and 088,8 the raw sores, expels inflammation, government of the United States, planned lves the skin without a soar. Clean, the assassination of President McKinley, ,r8Kr8nt' cheaP' lherft'8 no 8alve 0,1 the members of the cabinet will 1 earth as good. Try it. Cure guaranteed, that strenuous efforts be made t.. era.H-1 0,,,y 25t! at (i. C. Biakeiey'sdrm store. 4 cue them. Secretary Rootil particular, j gjok Headache absolutely and perma ly earnest in urging this. ntl enre.i h nalno Mokl Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep Washington street, lioomi I'llltll.AM). UABOON. Tin' iirst ro'-'sto-.'il an well an the first gradu ate p.imlst ever in Portland. The world's eai.'st Trance Olatrvoyant and Uerba 1st can be p. .sult.'il nuily on all ni Hr Ol iff '. Pro', de Mori laon aitbout a doubt the iimsi cten title Palroi' t and Ulairvoxantln tne world today: be locates hidden treasure, reunites the separated, tells if there Is mineral, o 1, or gas on your land enables you to win thaaftecilon of one yon desire. Palmistry taught, medlumUtlc persona devel oped. Heals by the usesol his revealed heib il teas; cures ohronlc and so-called Ipcurablo dis , ca'es. Kreo troatmeut for the inior. Send ?l, lHte jf birth and three qUeitl Mis; all l. ttcrs answered at cnee, BIG LIVE SMSHOW WaiM They overcome Weak ness, irregularity and omissions, increase vig. or nno Daman "pair of monatruation." They an; "LIFE BAVBB8" to frirls a1; womanhood, aiding development of organa and body, No known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harm liis becomes a pleasure. ftl.OO IBR BOX BY MAIL. Sold by druggists. DB. MOTT'S CHEMICAL CO., Cleveland, Ohio lor sale by Goo. C. Blakeley, Tne Dalles, Or n C Good RACING in Afternoons. the l.ocntiMl ly Vision. PortMnd. Aug, 10.- (To the Editor). Boner de Morrison, occultist, .oca ted by viiion the bill lion stolen iron, the Belby Smelting Works, in belwlf ..f occult science ho Immediately com municated by letter the faots to Mr. A. .. Ilalv j ton, owner of the Belby Works. The reports re ! ocived lust night prove his statements correct, M U.S. KiUNCIS PARTLUVV. It N pleasing to assured that the gold I .stu:eu from the Belby Smelting Works was 'lo- j cated by vision' by a Portland occultist. This proves that tin' story of the confession of the thief and that ii i assistance was required In re covering the gold was a base California Inven tion for the purpose of depriving Oregon of just j glory."- (Editor Portland Oregonian.) Latest Attractions in New Auditorium Building Every Evening, with Ciood Music. Beautiful Camp Grounds Free. Special Kites on Campers' Tickets. Come and Brine. Your Families. Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain oi ?n kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, ofn;S'LkS Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle ton Flour This Flour is manufactured expressly for family use; every aack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. .., ,,, .. We sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and If you don't think to SPECIAL RATES Oil all RAILROADS ) dVot our pncea and be convinced. For further particulars, address M. D. WISDOM, Sec, lauglm Portland, Oregon. Fire! Few believe ti.at 0z)lg0sz was alone in the crime, or that he has been any thing more than a mere instrument unier the control i the real conspirators. That other and important arrests are contemplated in the near future is kn iwn to be a fact. How fatal We offer one hundred dollars reward for any ease of Catarrh that can not be DUrcd by Hall's Catarrh Cure i . J, Cheney cc Co. Prop., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known K. J. Cheney for the last 15 yeare, and be lieve him perfectly honorable In allbuai- and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. 2S Ota, and50ctl. Blakeley, the druggist. A never failing cure for cuts, burns, scalds, uloers, wounds and sores is De- Witt' Witch Hizl Salve. A most toothing and healing remedy for all ikin affections. Accept only the genuine. Clarke Cv Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Well, after all it is never been worst1 and we art inr a thorough inventory we find Fire! o lad but that it might have agreeably surprised for after tak- We Got Off Easy with the exception of a few lots quoted below damaged bij water. slightly NOTICE. Any person desiring privileges to sell J articles within the grounds oi The! nets transactions and financially able to ' Dalles Street Carnival will please call on I earry out any obligations made by their; or write to O.J. Crandall, genera! super firm. intendent ol Ihe carnivjl, at The Dalle?, West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, To- from whom he may receive the terms ledo, O., Waldlng, Rinnan it Marvin, apd tba necessary information. sep7td Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. j Korti(j North Stratford, X. H. : li.iii (.atari: Lure it taken inter- ., , . i I'UILUttPC.i n UUI I I ' ij. v.:.,- ..lli.ll.tr CjuhIi Cure when suffering with a cOUgh doctors told me was incurable. One bottle relieved me, the second and third almost cured. Today I am a well num.'' Clarke & Falk'i P. O. Pharmacy. B. W. Pursell. Kintersvllle, Pa., says This morning, either on the streets ol be suffered 25 years with piles and could the city or on the Outskirts north, a obtain no relief until DaWitt'S Witch ONE LOT .Men's cat-simere and cheviot ONE LOT Youth's suits, embracing BUltS, ranging from $7.50 to $12 ; Clear- worsteds, cheviots, cassimeres, etc ; ance p. rice $5-95 clearance price l3d off ONE LOT Men's blaok and lancy worst- ONE LOT of about 20 Youth's Suits, td suits, ranging from $12 to $17.50 ; age 14 to 20; more or less damaged; clearance price $9.Q5 close out at $1.95 Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats If C. J. STUBLIG, WHOLESALE AND BET Art I Wines, Liquors Cigars I Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Oonilun rii mi.- '.'.'! i. I. nut: Ki-i. inoi. Next door to F"irst National Hank. THE DALLES, OREGON. 1 All Children Clothing at 1 Qff naiiy, acting directly upon the blood and DIUCOUS surf aces Of the system. F. J, CniiNKV L Co., Props., Toiedo O. I Sold by drrug'jiists. pi ite 7."c. II ill s Family Pills are the b"t. 12 Itroocti i t. 'J'hi is an opportunity of a life-time to winter supply of clothing. lav in vimr blue enameled brooch, with a fair-sized Hasel Salve effected a permanent cure, . u. i m . v.O!i uier leu w arc nrurtlllVO. Vl(c a opal in tbe center. A libeial reward will ie given i,r return to this ofli.'o. s7-.'!'.d-l ,v N luck lluga f ... rtrtle. 1 have for sali 41 head of stock bogs, Consisting of hrood SOWS, shote- and pies, at my plaoecn Eigbt'Mlle, l9J2-w2 ll H. Pi. ii tuns, Don't wait until rou becoineohronioal lv oonstlpated but take DeWltt's Little Early Risers now and then. They iii ke.'t' your liver and bowels in good order. Eitv to take, bafe pills. Clarke A Falk's P O. Pharmacy. Falk's P, O. Pharmacy. lion' I Hub i lOi Just wet tbe affected part freely with .Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, ' and the pain is gone. Sold bv Clarke iV Falk. 1 f anything alls your hair, go and j Fraer ; he's the headquarters for ! hair remedies. Pemember that makaa a :. ialtv of these goods win fiiy T lie in. he ! If THE HUB CLOTHING CO , W. MARKILL1E, Manager. YOUR KIDNEYS. After von tire of using so called kidnev remedial Without any benefit, use Lincoln Sexual Pills and be forevei rid of those dull pains In your hack. Discard that old fogy idea of "pain in the kidney-'' and have II your bladder and urinary IroubleiClin I, and vour nigbts made restful by the use of natvc s greatest assistant Lincoln Sexual Pills. l'rice, 1,00 per box buy ol your druggist or sent by mail on receipt of price, in plain wrapPM. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY vJO., Fort Wayne, Indiana. M. .. Donnell, Agent, The Dalles. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH Pioneer Grocer. To Ai i Whom t m u Oosckmn i I herein refuse to be respoilllbls for I any bills contracted by my w ife. Jl'LlUS J. Wii.kv, Sii amic", Sept. o, P0l . We offer for a limned period tiie twuv-a-week OuttOIIICLI, price l.fl0, a.,.l ii,u W....I.1,. o.u....n;.,,, .,.,.... i . 1 ... . . , . . , ! '(iii.ii , n ii i i.mi i both papers for $2 a year. Subscriptions A fun Hn oi aastman Olmi ana sup in ad plies just receive'! bv Clarke & Falk. under this offer must be paid vance. Subscribe for Tut: OUBONtCLg. Von will not have boils if vou take Clarke & Falk's etire wurc 'oi boile. p. S. GUflfllflG, ...Blacksmith, Horseslioer and Wagon-maker.. DKA1.K1I IN Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies Agent for ltuell ft -' ' Kukiiu-. TklMhaSS and daw MilU. Telephone 157. Loug Distance 1073 dor. Second & Lamibliu Sts, THE DALLES OR. THE CELEBRATED .. .GOMlpBia BHEWEHY.. AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product, of this welLknonn brewery the. United states Haaltli Reports for J,uie 2S, 1900, ays : "A more eupeiior brew never entered the labratory oi tbe United States Health reports, it la absolutelv devoid t the Slightest trace ol adulteration, but on the othor hand is composed of the it Ol ma H and Choicest Ol bops. Its tonic (jualities are of the high est ami it can be med with tiie reatest benefit and satisfaction bv old and young, it uw ean conscientiously be prescribed bv the phvaieian Slltll tne c. reaiuiv that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not pOMlbly he found. East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. J Subscribe for The Chronicle. Advertise in The Chronicle