Sfcr nr L- -J Jfer -JsV rar flV V' V ST- H? IF W fall Merchandising f ft The Instantaneous response to our advertisement last week noes to show flint shoppers appreciate bar gains nd up-to-date food. Never had we gotten to nether such a collection of dainty things for Indies and 10 low In price. New goods are daily arriving, and yon can depend on it every article is the latest shown anywhere. Prices that shout economy, Cut prices that cut com petit ion. Prices that are a lesson to scientific shoppers. retailing rt Hre&s Goods and 40(J Will be sold during the week I ft ft i V f i Mb Ji. ; .at yard An exceptionally fine offering for this season of the year Outing Flannel dale The best ever shown for the money fier Boys' Suit Sale. Commencing Saturday, Sep tember V?th, and ending Sept. 16th, ;tock of Youths , Boys' and Clothing will he sold at our entire Children' 1-3 off We need more room for our now Fall Stock and wish to close out our odds and ends. Every Suit and Pair of Pants in the house marked in plain figures. You get one-third off from original price. See oxir window display of Parisian NecKwear for Ladies. None finer. Hundreds of New Attractions in our store. j0 ? j& Hats, Caps marked-down prices. and Shirts See Display in Window. PEASE 5c MHYS. it Jk Jfc rffa tttt A dBk -Jk A rib 4k J&: fe -A;. rift: A; A; & -A. -,3k &: ftr Jfc e y r g "M I W W HP :' IT -Tir :,r ; V "W- V V1 P " W- U it- w v sK -'v11 B" v JNFaB rhe Dalies Daily Chronicle, j - - - SEPT. 10, 1901 ' TUE8DAY ice Cream and IceCream Soda At Andrew Keller's. TREASURER'S NOTICE. All Wasco County wnrraiita registered prior t October 17, 1898, will be paid on presentation nt my olBce. IotereHt WIN after Augrmt 13, 1901. JOHN F. IlAMPSnlltB, County Treumirer. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Freeh oysters at Keller's. 9-lw Go to Keller's and eat a diah of good fresh oysters in auy style. e9-lw Wanted Ad oflice boy. Fair wages, j Apply at Times-Mountaineer. 10-I w Misa Julia Maeqnart, at the Beehive restaurant, will do dressmaking of till kinds. sen!) 1m The ladies of St. Paul's Guild will meet with Mrs. C. J, Crandall Wednes day alternoon at 2 :30 o'clock. will commence on September 20th and will hold over two Sundays. When the location is secured due announcement will be made in THE CHRONICLE, Miss Haven wishes to announce that on September 11th will be held her in formal opening of ready-to-wear hats. Newest novelties in street hatsand no orders duplicated. Come and inspect original deeigne in patterns. bO-St R. B. Gilbreth, in addition to the misfortune of losing heavily from tho recent fire, lost a very valuable horse this morning, the best he owned, troai lockjaw. The animal contracted the disease from having a rusty nail run j into one of his feet. A meeting of the commissioners of the ; i Second Eastern Oregon District Fair ! j was called for 11 o'clock this morning in ' j the oflice of President Mays. As some j of the members were out of town, and a j ! full attendance was desired, the meet- j ! ing was postponed till this afternoon. ! Miss Taylor announces that her Kin j dergarten class will open next Monday, j ! September 10th, and continue daily from I 2 to 4 p. in. Provided Miss Taylor has j a sufficient number of pupils, tho rate for each pupil will be reduced to 50 j cents a week. Miss Taylor's school for older children will commence tomorrow j Sept. 11th, at 9 a. m. elO 1 1 Said a mation member of the com- j tion of ice cream, cake, fruit cious home-made confections, lowifig were present : Mr The loFN and Mrs D Hansen, Prof and Mrs Gorham, Mr andyl airs .J Kigge, Mr and Mrs G Bunn, Rev P Kruger, Mrs Tompson, Mrs Sehwabe, Mr and Mrs W Hopkins, Mr Berbrori Tompson, Miss F Simonsen, W Tryon; A and M Bunn, Tompson andV hops, but in reality to go to the monnt i ains to chase and slaughter the deer un mercifully. If any one doubts tho sim ple facts in the matter let him fallow a band of ln.iians on one of their drives and witness the wholesale slaughter of the innocents and the crippled ones that ape left to sorter and die by slow tor ture. Also to see the pack horses that go out of the mountains loaded every fall. The most skeptical will be con vinced th't th" Indian is death to the (time law s." Here is a field where Gitne Warden Q limbv might exercise jjT his talent to betttr advantage than w merely filling the Telegram and O.-ego-3p man every little wliiie with empty threats about t he horrible punishment iSi ! he is just going to inflict on violators of j the game law. Really Mr. (Juimby a l stems to do the most of his hunting W ! down of violators of the game laws with w his month. US R. K. Davit, who was examined in A I Justice Brownblll'i court on the 5th jjfc instant and bound over in I tie sum of St i (300 to answer for the crime of assault jjlr with a deadly weapon on the person of w Ben Wilson, of the F.ast End, was W i br.mgtit before the justice ngain this ! morning and had his bonds increased to JjL I HOOP, The actiMi was taken on infor t ' mation of facts that were not hroaght to ' the attention of the justice clearly or at w 1 all at the e xamination on the 5tb. The justice has since become satisfied that D.ivis is a dangerous and quarrelsome man when in his cups, and he is in his ' cups as often as ciicumstances of means land accees to liquor permit. The very : day in which Davis wantonly and with I ( ut the least provocation snapped a pis j :ol in the face of Ben Wilson, he threat I I ned to kill an employe In an Fast End j h ed yard, whole only offence was a dif- 'erence of opinion in a trifling matter of j fact, In connection with the movement i to increase Davis' bonds Hen Wilson ! Sled an affidavit alleging that the affiant l as every reason to believe that Davis is ; a very dangerous man and that, as a ! matter of Tact, shortly after Davis' ar- i rest for the assault on Wilson he offered Mr. Wilson $200 in cash and a deed to and deli- 1 his farm somewhere should Mr. Wilson agree not to appear against him nt court. ...The New York Cash Store... 139 and 142 Second Street. The BARGAIN STORE of tho City. Special in Mens Straw Hats. 25c Sec our Show Window. tnittee on the oneen of the carnival to New fall street hats are now on sale at r 1111- V il IH'. It'l l L k I I tLll.l V'. :, A il-H . ' say to the boys of The Dalles, 'The bal lot boxes and ballots for the qneen'l election have been deposited In their respective places m uiinonnoed ill yes terday's ClIBONIOl K, Now ! your best girl and let her go Gallagher.' The cereal committee of the street ' and district fair desire that farmers who ! have choice varieties of wheat, outs and ! barley, both threshed and unthreshed, me Campbell A Wilson millinery par lore. All the latest novelties. t!)-lw Woo.i ! Wood ! Wood I Best grades of fir, pine, oak and slabs, all well sea soned, can be bought of Jos. T. Peters & Co' 610 In The registration of pupils in The Dalle public schools yesterday was largely in enoesa of that of the opening day of any 'all term in the history of the city. Misses Krauss, Mr and Mrs Krar.ss and Mr Murhardt. The editor of this rag haB had his out ing and, greatly refreshed therefrom, ie ready for another year's collaboration with the scissors and paste pot. Our recreation consisted in eating a chicken dinner that was cooked on a camp fire in the back yard. Harney Connty News. We tiave also had our annual outing, Which consisted in eating a Sunday chicken dinner out in the country with Our mother-in-law. Antelope Republi- j can. Having neither a mother-in-law ! nor a back yard we are foiced to content Ql with a chicken dinner some time in ! the future. Prineville Journal. Abbie Elisabeth French, wife of G. W. j French of Hartlnnd, died this morning at her home, nfter a short illness, aged 69 years. The immediate cause of death I was an attack of cholera morbus, from which she had not sufficient vitality to recover. The deceased, whose maiden name was Richardson, was born in Massachusetts and emigrated to this coast in 1&04. residing with her husband j in California for fifteen years, when i Ihey moved to Klickitat county, Wash ing ton. She leaves a husband and four sons, S. F., E. .. R. W. and G. R. ; Mnk You m Shirt Waist. ' Take an old shirt, the louder the stripe the more attractive. Grasp it firmly with the left hand just above the connection of the tail, or narrative, as it ie styled in more fashionable society, New Grocery Store Wo have added a Grocery Depart ment () our store. A new fresh, clean slock. Give ub a call. Prompt delivery to any part of the city. MAYS CROWE, and with one full swoop of the sword, catlass or other edged instrument of war. detail it. Or you can saw it off, or lay it on the ground and with an ax or hatchet cut it off, or if you can run it I through a barb wire fence and tear it i off, or let it run w ith the cows and the I it.luaD ii' i 1 i cliuu tl hut oar it nfl' Then trade your cuspenders for safety pins or buttouholes, anchor the wrtut firmly to your pants, Btep out on the street and you will be suprised how much people don't pay any attention to you. If not too much torn, mutilated, marred, and otherwise defaced you had better save i,bs tail, as it won't be mote than a week or ten days until you will be hunting borne one to sew it on again. Huntington Herald. Favoraltle Condition! Still Coulluuo, Damaged ruitlc flooring and paints; good otdar posts at 8'... cents each. Qllbrath & Sons, office at Watts & Btkw'l marble and granite works. lOif Mr. N. MeMilW ..r.,A .,,. "y from Dayton, Oregon, to uaumel 'tie dntiei of head salesman at the store MOonroy A Son.nl the Fast End. Beginning with tomorrow (Tuesday)' UU Bailey GaU?rt will leavo The Dalles ' "ery day, .Monday excepted, at ?;30 p. ! 'nstead of 4 as formerly. e91w-w2 M. R. E. Clarke, ol Hartland, whose1 "M wai reported in Tub OUBONICLK i e days ago, is etill seriously ill of Mjjaonia, with no change for tho I W will h regular communica- E evening at 8 o'clock. gTJ WlOMbta Chapter, No. 33, O. o 8 Friday) evenim at a U French, a!! residents of Hartland. The boys, choose i fun(Jra) ,au, tomorrow at 10 a. m. from the Hartland Baptist church, and the interment Will be in the Hait land cemetery. Suppose that some morning there should appear in the newspapers such 1 shall bring samples of the same to the i an item Rg tnig. uMr aU(, Mrg A1,elt 1 office of the Eastern Oregon Land Com- K VVettin.uccoippanied by their nephew, paoy. The prompt attention of fs'Bi' I Mr. Frederick W. V. A. Hobanaollern, era to this request will greatly facilitate eaie( yeetertiay froni Liverpool for New ; the efforts of the cereal committet, while york," Qow many ,)eopie woui,f i the premiums offered will, in many more tllttn H passing glance at this an cases, mora than compensate the farmer nouncement? Yet it would be a piece for his trouble. f nevT8 calculated to throw the people j Pete Stadleman returned yesterday; of Ne Vork, and the whole of tliie from a three-days fainting trip on Tvgli country, in fact, into a paroxysm of ex Ridge, in company with Milt Anderson,! citement and feverish expectation, as the village blacksmith of Dnfur. Both)' must be admitted when the names of got home with well-filled game bags.i, King Ed ware VII, iueen Alexandra Mr. Stadleman says he never in thai and Emperor William of Germany are' eame length of time saw as many chick-j respectively substituted for the true ens. The game laws, as they relate to I family names given in the supposititious this noble biid, have evidently donejiitem. Then there is the youthful ma uiore than merely preserve it from ex- troii, Mrs. Henry Sehwerin, who wields Unction. They have apparently result- ; more power than any other woman of 21 ed in an increase of numbers that ought ,now living. She is known to the world to continually augment under the opera- las Welhelimna of Holland, and is the the , etruction of the coyote. - same- powers as a king.- September A p.ouottui aururidu n no (ucu ioi . in honor of Mr. George j A Washington dispatch of 5 o'clock j this morning announces that the presi jdent'e condition is eminently satisfac 1 tory to his physicians. Should no com plications aiise, his rapid convalescence s expected. At, that hour his tempera ture was 00. t, pulse 104 and respiration 20. Another dispatch dated 8:90 p. m., Buffalo time, j-'iive his respiration as the same, his pulse at 1 10 and his tempera- JVIaier & Benton, Hearlqus rters for Family Groceries, CORD WOOD Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware, Stoves and Steel Ranges. 167 Second Street, THE DALLES. OR. We are better prepared than ever be fore to meet the demand for GOOD SCHOOL SHOES The Shoes we fit FIT th"r are no tacks; no nails. Stockings won't be in boles right off. We take time anongb anil do it right. School Opens Sept, tjth Arrangements have been mad with tine at 100. The same favorable condi tions, it was added, continue as report' ed in the morning. A iijuiTlulloii. Tn hwiLitt.' avuv tl.r. vcirn -i.nl at Mosier, as we leave to make our home elsewhere and to form new ue qoalntaiices, V are reminded of the continued kindness of our old fiiemis, and are deeply grateful, not only for past kinduesr, but for the neighborly regret express as we left them. We as- sure our Mosier Mends that wherever we may make our home In the future, their memory will always abide in our hearts, MK. AND MliS. II. HirniKN.MI I.I.KH. llllOUIK fll.f lit. l.(. to act as agent for school hook", lie ttie exchange any and January I . handling of the new .i- anthoriasd lo make t ' me bt l een .-.ept. 1 30aiiilai WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer Cor. Third and VVusl.lnton Sts. All orders attended to promptly. Long distance phone 433. Local, 101, Boys' Shoe. Oir "Armored Cruixer," ii,ude of good calf-skin, with solid oak-tanued soles which are filled with steel click-is. Pot We desire to announce to the school : itivel' w tip 8 to 13 I8 to 2 24 to Si V ,...1 leSfateirv M'y Scott Myers, tion of the scalp bounty law in the de-jfonly queen in the world today with struetlon of the covote. "- same- powers as a king.- Septen ltV. Win 1! . . I the Prineville I, B. Sin ill, i . ut of the n wmmnu evangel- a pieasa Lin..... M.itmn Adveutist church. I Wednesday hen. u , centy uiade his headquarters Krauss at hie reeideuce on Twenty-first Journal, writing from the 1'pper Dea -. .. .....ouuii wiinin me Ladies' Home Journal. A correspondent of patrons and public generally tiiut Wt ' have ulto been appointed -aients for Hie i sale and xchauge of school text books ' Exchange will be made at any time be- 1 tween September 1, 1901, and January 1, 1 1002. We aUo visil to say that we have the best line and best values in tablets, pencils, composition books and Other school supplies ever opened up in this A. M. WlllifimS 0&L Co. City. Your patroiage solicited. , JltMIlK & I'AUKIN . Qood shoes (or of tlll ilj. i.7fi 2.00 2.20 girls loo-and plenty Fire Insurance. Law Union H Crown Ins. (o. ol London. I'l.lllnl. il !' (.'anltal i"iit up A -.Mt I 7, .IH I IIIMI nuo, i ii,tMtn Now ie the time to iuaurej tumor row may In- too lata. Hbont Nu. d, Haufert A Condon. Phone No. 80S, I'ucific States Co. B i ll I H SKI I KBT, Besident genl, The dalles. sep7-10 Wanted 'ty for once holding a semi-annual confer- uieeting nJ campineetlng. Tbe street. V The evening was delightfully j chutes country, says: "Hie Juuians spent tiil the hour of midnight in games ! are coming up in droves, ostensibly to and music, followed by a dainty refec- I go over to the Willamette valley to pick , Why pay tl. io per gallon lor interior -A messenger boy, between Dftiutg wheo yo cal) blly Jhiiiu8 b the Sjges of and 14, at Ibe Oregon p.tton's sunproof paints for 1 1.60 per Telephone office. Apply at the oflice. gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark A eep9-Ut I Falk, agents. ml FOUND. At The iiaiies Bmploymsnt OAcejn plgM whore you can procure help willi out cost or trouble. Mail or phone Vacant. KilliVi fj Im.Kv.v Manager. Grifford'a Potos Never Fade.