Sheila lies l)tOMtk. VOL. XIII THE DALLES, OREGON. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 1901 NO. 170 HIIIHMa II AVcgetable Preparationfor As -similating the Food andRegula ling the Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes Digestion,Cheerfur nessandRestContains neither Opium.Morplune nor Mineral Not Narcotic. oroUJ)rSiV!UH.PtTCIttR fimpltm Seed' Alx.Simnf MM -Scis - Hi furixmale-Seda liiatfuvf .Wggr t rmrer. A perfect Remedy forConslipa lion , Sour Slomach.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish neas and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. Ren EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. THE ANARCHIST CZ0LG0SZ He Cares Not For His Buffering Victim Appetite Not Affected by His Bloody Deed Thought He Will Tell Officers What He Knows. Buffalo, Sept. D. Czolgosz slept from 9 last night to (i tliis morning. Hie ap petite does not seem to have been hurt any by his aet. He will be taken bet'ore (be superintendent of police and othei official during the day. It is thought he is ready to tell all he knows. He makes no inquiries as to the condition of the president and apparently cares nothing at all A! to the outcome of his injuries. bin ai.o, Sept. 9 Ah soon as Czolgosz awoke he asked for a cigar but was ri -itiseed. He asked for a newspaper several tioiee but these were also refilled. Chicago, Sept. 9 Toe twelve anar chists arrested here Saturday were ar reigned this morning to answer the charge of conspiracy to assassinate the president. The cases were continued to September lth. Nine were refused 'jail, but the bond of the thiee oilier prisoners were fixed at $3000 each. It h not likely they can all iurnish bail, the male prisoners demanded immediate lr,al nd manifested great indignation w'iei) it was refused, denouncing the action of the judge as persecution. Buffalo, Sept. 9 The police eay UMlgOll is breaking do a and will re veal the entire plot before twenty-four "ours have passed. The prieone'r has "Punt at least half of his time r ince the jreet n the sweat box. In the midst 01 Ins examination on Sunday night Secret, Service Officer Foster asked : "Why did you do it? Didn't you ?y ih',B rooW be f,tlier presidents!" 'es!" cried the prisoner, jumping to m eet excitedly, and there r ill he other violgon'i, too." fnn there are others?" Yet, hut they had uotliing to do with lue." I'n rsui Ko, 8ept.9.Carl Nuld, leader ar,.! "ro,li" in this vicinity, was ,ted W- 'ternoon. Charges against pisra CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CENTAL) COMPANY, NEW VOPJK CITY. him are yet not known. St. Loi is, Sept. 9. Tie police eay Emma Goldman is near here and will have her under arrest before sundown. Buffalo, Sept. it The police today received a. telegram Irom New York say ing Emma 'Joldman is on the way to Montreal or already there. The Montreal I II I 1 I !..,... p jiicb are asKeu 10 Keep uiuaa witicu lur her. PlTTBBUBQ, Sept. 9. If Emma Gold- ina-i be not in Pittsburg she is on her way here. The police today found her trunks at a local anarchist's house. j K !d, who was arrested this afternoon, is being seated for information re garding her whereabouts. He was with i her when she was last seen in Pittsburg. Hop Ilurvebt On. NottTil Yakima, Sept. 9 The hop pickers are coming in on every train, and several hundred are engaged in harvesting hops in the Yakima-.Vloxle district. It is estimated that the crop will reach 16,000 bales, and the quality will be even better than in past years. About 1000 pickers have t een engaged the past few days on early yards. The main picking will begin about the lOih of this month, when it is expected that 6000 pereoni will be engaged in the different hopyards. Prominent growers say Ihftt the crop is as large at in former years, and the quality of Imps much batter. Very few sales are being made, and offers rage about 11 cents per pound. Af 1 r Alleged Fiirjrr. VanoOOVM, Wash., Sept. 9. Sheriff Will I. SaUeriield, of Hill county, Texas, arrived tiere tonight to take custody of Sam E. Clements, arrested here two weeks ago by Sheriff Marsh on tele grapic advice from Sattertield, charging him with forgery. Sheriff Sattertield says Clements is wanted for forging the name of K. P. Edmiugton to two checks in Itasca, Texas, last May. He is also implicated in the burglary of two stores in Mertane, Texas. Clements' father is John Clements, a well-known resident of Itasca, Texe. Clements, when ar lested, was a private in the Twenty eighth infantry, having enlisted in Texas last May. Clarke & Falk nave received a carload of the celebrated James E. Patton strictly mire liquid paints Floral lot i. in will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Came & Falk. AM STILL CONTINUES TO IMPROVE President McKinlev Passed Another Good Bay No Unfavorable Symptoms. Mii.iuks House, Buffalo, Sept. 10, 3 a.m. President McKinley is resting easily. His condition continues to Its j prove. His physicians express the ut BDOat confidence that he will recover, though there is etill a possibility t he t complications may set in. Up to this time there have been no symptoms of I peritonitis, and the danger of this setting hi decreases every hour. Dr. McBurney, however, says that if the improvement eontlnnei it will be a week before the president can be pronounced out of danger and Convalescent. The president himself is cheerful, an I was given light j nourishment yesterday. Everything is quiet at the Milburn house, and the j vigilance ot the guards is not as strict as it has been heretofore. Mil.BUBK House, Buffalo, Sept. TO, I G :25 a. m. Up to this hour no bulletin of the president's exact condition has been issued, but it is learned that the! patient passed a good night and at this j hour is quietly sleeping. Mn.iiruxK House, Sept. 10. Dr. Paike came downstairs at 3:15 a. id. and re ported that the president was resting quietly. Everything appears quiet at j the Milburn house. The following bulletin was issued by the physicians at D.20 a. m. yesterday : 1 "The president's condition is becomiug more and more satisfactory. Untoward incidents are less likely to occur. Pulee, 122; temperature, lOO.Sdegrees ; reepira tion, 28. "P. M. Rixey, "M. D. Mann, "Roswell Paike, "Herman Mynter, "Eugene Wasdin, "Charles McBurney, "George B. Cortelyou, "Secretary to the President." The following bulletin was issued by the president's physicians at 3 p. m.i "The president's condition steadily improves, aud be is c omfortable, with out pain or unfavorable symptoms. Bowel and kidney functions normally performod. Pulse, 113; temperature, 101 ; respiration, 20. "P. M. Rixey, "M. D. Mann, "fioswell Parke, "Herman Mynter, "Eugene Wasdin, "Charles McBurney, "George B. Cortelyou, "Secretary to the President." The following bulletin was issued by the physicians at 9 :30 last night : "The president's condition continuee favorable. Pulse, 112; temperature, 101 : respiration, 27. "P. M. Rixey, "M. D. Mann, "Roswell Parke, "Herman Mynter, "Flugeue Wasdin. "Charles McBurney, "George B. Cortelyou, "Secretary to the President." Duet It J'ay to Jluj OhMff A chsap remedy for coughs and colds is all right, but you want something that will relieve and cure the more se vere and dangerours results of throat and lung troubles. What shall you do? Go to a warmer and more regular climate? Yes, if possible; if not possible for you, then in either case take the only rem edy that has been introduced in all civil ized countries with success in severe throat and lung troubles, "Boschee's German Syrup." It not ouly heals and stimulates the tissues to destroy the germ disease, but allays inflammation, causes easy expectoration, gives a good night's rest, and cures the patient. Try one bottle, Recommended many years by all druggists in the world, and sold by Clarke & Falk. Get Green's prize almanac. I Stiiiua Uulduiau Found. Pmsiiuuc;, Pa., Sept. 9. Carl No!d and Harry Gordon, well known Pitta burg anarchists aud intimate friends of Emma Cold man, were arrested here this afternoon. It if aaid Emma Gold man has been located in Ontario, Waists New WaistsSilk, Trioot, Flannel end Sat een, handsome y trim'd; COrdlnga and velvet rib bons, tucks ami hem stichints are vtry promi nent. All the new color ings and black. $2.50 to $7.50 I W I FRENCH FLANNELS P"i original colorings, at ojc yd. New Fall Styles in Soft and Stiff HATS $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50 The be6t we can get to eel 1 you at the above prices. IN Williams' Guaranteed $3.00 Hat we show all the new styles and give with every hat sold our guarantee of SATISFACTORY WEAR or MONEY REFUNDED. A. M. Oiirtiuu AUHwered. Yes, August Flower still has the largest sale of any medicine in the civilized world. Your mothers aud grandmothers never thought of using anything else for indigestion and biliousness. Doctors were scarce and they seldom heard of appendicitis, neivous prostration or heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undigested food, regu late the action of the liver, stimulate the nervous and organic action of the sys tem, and that is all they took when feel ing dull and bad with headaches and other aches. You onl need a few doses of Green's August Flower, in liquid form, to make you satisfied there is nothing serious the matter with you. (jet tireeu's pri.e almanac. Clarke A Falk's. 1 IIuk h to rau-AiiierivNM EspOSItiOB, Round-trip rates via O. R. & N. from The Dilles, $81.90. Tickets on sale first and third Tuesdays during June, July, August, September and October.good for continuous passage going on dale of sale. Return 'limit thirty days from date of sale. Stop-i vere will be allowed west ol Missouri river or St. Paul on return trip within limit of ticket. Arrangements can be made by apply ing to agent O. R. & N. Co., The Dalles, v.l.eret y tickets will be honored on lake 3team?rs in one or Uith directions be tween Deiioilami Buffalo. tf Jam ks laiUiMO, Agent Dyspepsia can be cured by using Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little Tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded. Sold in handsome tin boxes at 25 cts. Blakeley the druggist. Clark and Falk have just received a full line of fresh Velox papers and de velopers, the same as used by Mr. I.ovii k in hie recent demonstration at our store. Subscribe for Tub Chboniclb. School Books Free is still the special attraction and to say onr liberality is appreciated would be to put it mildly. Saturday saw many people In onr boys' department and to some we owe an apology for not having been able tt give them onr usual prompt attention. Three more days of tHis book-giving. ?j& Parents out clothes-buying will do well to take advantage of it as so many have already done. Second new lot of boys' clothing just opened: move due tomorrow. Come and compare our styles and prices. and Waist Materials New Materials for Waists, Koinonas, Wrappers, etc. Eolipie Flennelettei, at 20c per yard. Pore wool Tricot Flan nel Waiitinge in all the new shades at 35c. And in the new strip logl at 50c. THE Williams 1 A7713 AR33 FOR We operate a PLUMBINGr, TIN and BICYCLE REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will havo prompt attention. SEXTON WALTHER, THE DALLES. - - - OREGON. lyon's French Periodical Drops Strictly vegetable, perfectly harmleaa, ure to acconipliah DESIRED RESULTS. Greutest known female remedy. ftailTIAII Beware ut counterfeit and iiuiUllon. Tin-genuine I. put up ouly lo pala-lord Cat UHUIIVH lou with Ue klinllo kiauaiuiL- on eiilu of the bollle I hut iWOJ1! wuiiiw viniuiw w nibUA.o aiu- tu i oum iu, viii.i..hi v.iv For sale by Geo. C. Blakeley, The Dallea, Or Sack Suit Latest Sack Suits, for men, just opened, Come and see the new clothe; weaves and colorings. Beautiful ef fects in worsteds, cheviots and cassi meres. The new chalk line stripes quiet and genteel are much in evi dence. $15.00 to $25.00. L Co.