The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 09, 1901, Image 3

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Fall Merchandising
m The in?tan!ane ius response to our advertisement
jl ait week enes to show that shoppers Appreciate bar-
W Dtlni and op-tOIW BOOdi. Never hail we gotten to-
M ejher such a collection of dainty things for ladies and
I f low III price. New Roods are daily arriving, and von
W can depend on it every article is the latest shown
tft anywhere.
v Prices that shout economy.
Cut prices that cut competition.
ijij Prjcea that are a lesson to
$ scientific shoppers.
t Dress Goods
A :
retailiDg nt 86c and !()., will be sold during the week
An exceptionally fine offering for. this season of the year
Outing Flannel dale
The beet ever shown for the money
See our window display of Parisian
NecKwear for Ladies. None finer.
Hundreds of New Attractions in our
store. j& ? ?
Suit dale.
Commencing Saturday, Sep
tember JTth, and ending Sept. 15th,
our entire stock of Youths', Boys' and
Children's Clothing will he sold at
I -3 off
We need more room for our now
Fall .Stock and wish to close out Our
odds and ends. Every Suit and Pair
of Pants in the house marked in plain
figures. You gel one-third off from
original price.
Nats, Cas
marked-down prices
and Shirts at
See Dislau in Window.
. Text Hnnk. In Vn Slight Chung
In the l.lnt or TVachrri). ,
The children are much in evidence on
the streets today all with- brand new
books under their arms, and onr hook
stores filled with the young hopefuls
preparing for the year's studies. So far
we have been njiable to 3Dtfctt) the nnm
her of pupils in attendance, but nnd-'r
stand school opens with areat promises
for the year's work. A great many are
unable to come in from the country un
til harvesting is over, when the rooms
usually are tilled to their utmost capac
ity. A few changes have been made in the
list of teacheis, Miss Salina Phirman,
who was unable to teach lust year, again
resuming her work ; Miss P.tisie Allaway
being added to the corps of teiuherr,
atid Mifs Julia Hi'! Inking charge of her
sister's classes in the High echool. The
assignment of teachers is as follows :
East Hill Primary School Miss Itha
Cheaile, lb, Bb,3b; Miss Kmma Rob
erts, 4b, 4 i, 5b.
Court Street School- Miss Salina
Phirman, lb, la; Miss Minnie Klton.'Jb,
2a; Miss Anna Thompson, 3b, 8a j Mies
Etta Wrenn, 4b, 4.
Academy Park School Miss Nan
Cooper, lb, la; Miss .Maggie Flinn, 2rfJ
3h; Mis. Kate Koche, 4a, 5b) Miss Dalai
Allaway, 6b, 5 1
High School Building Mrs. Ellen
Baldwin, Mis8 Louise Hintonl, Mis
Tina RintQOl and Miss Minnie Michel!,
(ib, ta, 7a, 8b, St.
High School Mr. J. T. Neff, princi
pal ; Miss Julia Hill, assistant J. S.
Kinder?, superintendent.
Are I iivovIiik ilie t.
...The New York Cash Store...
139 and 142 Second Street.
The BARGAIN STORE of the Citv.
Special in
Sec our Show Window.
fhe Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Ice bream
SEPT. 9, 1901
Ice Cream
At Andrew Keller's.
All Wasco County warrants registered
prior to October 17, 1898, will be paid
on premutation at my ofHce, Interest
cease after A upunt 13, 1901.
County Treasurer.
Fresh oysters at Keller's. 0 lw
Go to Keller's and eat a dish of good
fresh oysters in any style. f9-lw
Miss .lulia Masqiiart, at the Beehive
restaurant, will do dressmaking of all
kiiule. 8ep9 Im
We understand a number of our young
ladies will leave soon to attend St.
Helen's tiall in Portland.
Dainty dress trimmings, belts, hair
ornaments and jewelry of the latest fad,
lias been received by Pease & Mays,
New fall street hats are now on sale at
the Campbell & Wilson millinery par
lore. All the latest novelties. t'l-lw
1'ease & Mays are showing a large line
of Parisian bordered flannels for waists.
Tlie are the correct thing for this sea
son. The (iood Intent Society, of the Meth
oilist oharoh will meet at the home of
Mn, B, V. Laughlin Wednesday after
noon .
Beginning with tomorrow (Tuesday)
the Bailey Uatr.-rt will leave The Dalles
every day, Monday excepted, at 3;50 p.
j that appointments no doubt have been
j delayed.
I A wedding cake in the window of
Keller's bakery is attracting much at
tention and many are inquiring which
of the long list of benedicts in The
j Dalles, in the near future, is to claim
the cake. We have it from head-!
quarters that Arliugton "takes the,
j cake," not The Dalles.
Some weeks ago Tue Cuko.nici.e called j
j attention to a sidewalk in our city tbat j
was badly in need of repairs, several i
persons having just escaped injury while!
I walking over it. So far nothing has
I been done to improve it. If it is not !
i the property owner's place to repair it, j
! then the city should take it in hand.
St. Mary's Academy starts out in j
flourishing condition this year, new pu
pill entering each day. The same course
of study which is followed in Portland is
taken up here and therefore our Must em
Oregon people are patronizmg the school
here. The number of pupils in instru
mental music this year is particularly j
Saturday Deputy Fish Warden H. I
Bultmau and Game Warden L. S. Frit,
in company with Deputy Sheriff Wood,
went down the river and arrested Aug
ust Heilberg for illegal trap fishing in
the Columbia, lie was brought to the
city and his case came up in Justice
Brownhill'8 court this morning. He
was lined $50 and costs.
make an exhibit at the fair, but one
j night last week some heathen, or heath-
em, made it their business to steal every
peach on the tree. Mr. Weber was not
only disappointed but a mighty angry
; man.
I MrB Helen I). Harford, state president
of the W. C. T. 1T., will be in our city
on Wednesday and Thursday of this
week and will speak both evenings at
the Methodist church. Wednesday
evening her subject will be "Our Mis
sion ;" Thursday, "Mrs. Nation and Her
Hatchet; Past, Present and Future."
Those who have heard Mrs. Harford say
she is a splendid speaker, and as all are
Invited to be present, "without money
and without price," there will surely be
a large crowd in attendance.
Voting for queen of th e carnival will
commence tomorrow morning, when all
are at liberty to vote for their choice of
onr young ladies for queen, provided,
that the committee reserves the right to
rejjct any objectionable names. This
Our theater-goers will be more than
pleased to learn that the militia com
ptnynre making 'improvements in the' opera house, which will, they hope,
greatly Improve the acoustic properties j
of the building. The 100m will be i
arched, thus doing away wif.h the square
corners which it is thought have caused
the difficulty. Beside, they intend to
use caleomino and paint in great quan
tities until ttie walls are clean and at
tractive. Manager Clarke has some good
attractions hooked for the season, among
which are :
September 14 The Diamond King.
Sept 25 Roscoe & Holland's Minstrels,
j Oct 15 Wedimonn's repertoire shows; a
week's rngagement. Oct 24 Herman,
the Magician. Nov 13 Hunting for
Hawkins. Nov 15 Maloney's Wedding,
Nov 20 Ving ot the Opium King. Die
G Yon Yoneon. Dec 9 Wise Woman.
Dec 13 Gus Sun's Minstrels. Jan 2
Stranger in n Strange Land. Jan
The Wrong Mr. Wright. Jan 20 For
Her Sake. Jan 30 Murray & Mack.
Feb 3 Valley Forge (which is said to be
much like Nathan Hale). Feb 17 Guilty
Mother. Feb 22 Man From Mexico.
Feb 27 Stetson's Uncle Tom's Cabin.
March '.) Human Spider. March 15
Barlow's Minstrel'. March 29 Barrel
of Money. April 8 Denver Express.
Several other companies are in cor
respondence with the manager, and we
New Grocery Store
We have added a Grocery Depart
ment to our store. A new fresh,
clean stock. Hive us a call. Prompt
delivery to any part ot the city.
...MAYS t CROWE...
plan is considered to be the most satis- j trust we may have some good plays here
j factory to the largest number, and our this winter.
! young ladies are requested to avoid the j AMosuMmwt.
i annoyance caused last year by the with- j
drawal of names voted on. The voting We desire to announce to Hie school
: places will be at Grant's ci.rar store, j patrons and public generally that we
i A. M. Williams', Pease At Mays', Blake- , have also been appointed agents for the
Know all men by these presects, that
the editor of Tin-: OlTBONICUC arrived
home today and will "take his pen in ;
band" tomorrow to resume his duties
on this familv journal. If any, there-1
fore, have grievances to settle, apply to
headquarters. But should there be any j
luscious fruit to test, or anv iavors to
ley's drugstore, the Umatilla House and
Gumbert's cigar store.
Our neighbors down the river will be
specially favored by the boat companies
daring the carnival and fair, both steam
er lines having signified their intention
of giving one fare rates to all residents
along the river as far as, and including
Qaroadei. On Portland day one fare
will be given to Portlanders as well.
Tuesday and Wednesday of fair week
will be free one way to our Washington
neighbors who attend the fair, a coupon
bestow, the reporter is always ready to I tne ferr-v acrof!8 the Columbia river
serve on a committee of reception. , bei"K Kive" MWU OM who pays gate fare,
ur . d.l n.i t ; that they may croBS on the return trip
ii n iivuuin i ci ' i ii'iwn ivii HV.OUVI i j ' 1 t
on the market by H. C. Coe, has been
bought In by John Leland Henderson,
Mrs. N. C. Evans, Simeon Bolton, WaB-
n ennntv'f) denutv I'ountv clerk, and
""'"ill be a meeting of the sports I Fre(1 vVilson. of The Dalles ; considera-
free of charge. Ratee will
on the O. H. A N. and Co
also be given
uinbia South-
Imtead of 4 as formerly. elUw-w2 :
"I'll , ; ,,,, , u onmitdiliiu ll... f...
--.-' iiiiiiin j i v 1 1 1. i ii 1 1
at the club rooms this evening at 8:30
A lull attendance is earnestly requested.
Miss Haven wishes to announce that
0U September 11th will be held her in-
tor in a!
opening of'ai' liatu
Neweit novelties in street hats and no
orders duplicated. Come and inspect
Wlglnal designs In patterns. t-3t
hat is to rare as a day in September,
Particularly q Eastern Oregon? No
Me could ask for more perfect weather
t"a that of yesterday and today.
f'Veryoe seems to be enjoying it to the
L, fcxUi''t. and onr streets have been
MM with people all
" was expected
reepiuu.i .j
. luuy concerning the various
appointments of the Metbodiet confer-
Sot T iD 8e8i,OD W"H Walla.
up IS hcwever-tMbMn ken
v with the trial on hand in tbat body
that word
would be
tion, $2,000. The land coneists of six
acres just south of the public school
building. The tract has already been
platted. It will be placed on the market
immediately. Glacier.
The picture of Emma Goldman, the
high priestess of anarchy, given in yes-terday's-Oregouian,
disturbed .the quiet
of the Sabbath to many a reader of
that paper, who could not gaze on the
detestable countenance with feelings in
keeping with the day. It would seem
that it were quite as well to snrpresa all
these anarchistic photographs, it least,
from our papers, for are not their faces
a veritable index of their souls?
Mr. Giftbrd showed us a picture yes
terday which was a "peach." It was a
photograph of an immense peach called
"Weber's Prize," and it certainly wae
a prir.e. Mr. Weber is introducing the
variety here and had been planning to
While on boaid the vessel bound for
i the Philippines, many of the teachers
i were interviewed as to their impression
of Hawaii. Among them was Miss
Both Cooper, of this city, who said : 'T
nave seen many pictures of Hawaii,
i touched in color; I had supposed the
Coloring overdoue, for I couid not be
lieve tbat the realitv actuallv existed ; I
j , 0
diil not suppose for a moment that na
ture could live up to such colorings. I
am simply charmed with everything,
and I think the drive to the Pali one of
the most magnificent that there can be
in the world. It has all been one grand
dream and I am constantly pinching my.
self to see if J am awake. The courtesy
j of the people, American and native
alike, is charming; we have found them
! very cordial and courteous."
Wanted A messenger boy, between
the ages of 12 and 14, at the Oregon
I Telephone oftice. Apply at the office.
sale and exchange of school text books
Exchauge will be made at any time be
tween September 1 , 1601, and January 1,
1902. We also wisli to say that we have
the best line and best values in tablets,
pencils, composition bonks and other
school supplieo ever opened up in this
city. Your patronage solicited.
sep7-I0 IfCKIVXI A pABgfNB.
Iirooc-li l i.t.
This morning, either on the streets ot
the city or on the ontt-klrts north, a
blue enameled brooch, with a fair-si.-fd ,
opal in the center. A liberal reward
will be given for its return to this
office. e7-Mtd-lw
Stuck Hkh Wit Hale.
i I have for sale 44 head of stock hugs,
consisting of brood boms, shotes .n1
pigs, at my place tn Eight-Mile.
I eOJ2-w2w H B. BtOiMMMi
Whiie the attendance of ( dicers at the
, 8 diool officers' meeting Saturday was
not what could have been wished, w hen
it is realized that there are 272 school
'Officers in the county, yet Huperintend-
I tilt Ackerman assured the promoters
t'ia'. the number preterit Mas the largett
of any of the tl.ree meetings he has at
tended Ibis year. The idea is a new
one, and when the reople of the district
realize what a lieQgflt these gatherings
aie to the rjOUOiy they will insist on
representations from et ch district. Tiie
; meeting was most instructive to those
who attended, and its re-u'ts will be
seen in the future of the county fchools,
' the speakers being men who are thor
oughly versed in every department of
j school work, questions were seked and
answers given concerning he subjects
I brought up.
JVIaiei & Benton,
Headquarters for
Family Groceries,
Hardware, Tinware. Graniteware,
Stoves and Steel Ranges.
167 Second Street,
We are better prepared than ever be fore
to meet the demand tor
School Opens Sept, 9th
Arrangements have bet n mado with
The Shoes we fit KIT there are no
tacks; no nails. Stockings won't be in
holes right tiff, We take time enough
arid do it right.
j to act as ageijt for
' school bonks. He
1 the exchange anv
and January 1 .
I.audling of the new
is author -.) In iiutku
t line bet W ecu ept. I
30 ingl w
Undertaker and Embalmer
Cor. Third and Washington Sta.
All orders alien led t promptly. I.oug
disiauce photifl 433. Local, 108.
Boys' Shoe.
Our "A r mured (Vuiner," made of good
calf-skin, witli lolid oak-'anned coles
' which are filled with eteel circle's. I'ot -
1 Itlvely do not r'l'-
8 to 13
13) to 2
Sty to Si
ood 6hoes for
of them.
girls tot. and plenty
Fire Insurance.
Law Union J Crown Ins. (o. ot London.
fouutfi ii-;
Cnpltnl puiil "o
A iMC In
$'40, 1 IMMKIft
NOW la the time to insure; t mor
row may be tuO lute.
Phong No. 89. SciuVri iv Condon.
Phong No. 803, Pnelflo Htates t o.
un i u ski PERT)
KeMideiit Agent, The I'alles.
A. M. Williams (SL Co.
Why pay (1.75 per gallon (or inferior
paints when you can buy James K
Pntton'a sunproof painta lor $1.60 per
fftlloo, guaranteed (or 6 years. Clark A
alk, agents. oil
At The Dalles Kuiploy merit Oftice ; a
place where you can procure help glib"
out coat or trouble. Mail or phoue
Vauagt Km .iky,
a2b linditt Manager.
Qifford's Fotos Never Fade.