The Dalles Daily Chronicle. MONDAY - SKP1'. 9, 1901 PATR10TH SENTIMENT, The last word IJH ken by l'rosi lont MoKinley in a public address were (bote of Thursday, when lie said: '"Our IDOSt earnest prayer is that God will most graciously vouch safe prosperity, happiness and peace to all our neighbors) and like bless ings to all the peoples and powers ot earth.'- The true American is made to blutb for his country when he re members that three 'great and good presidents have fallen at the bands of assassins during the last thirty seven v.a:s. No throne of Europe has such a bloody record. we grant the degenerate foieigners loo much free speech.' Baker Republi can. The beauty of the wounded man's disposition has been shown in this trying ordeal. He thought first of his Wife, that fraii little woman who is more than life to him. lie told her to be brave for both their sakes. How brave he was himself to con sider bet even in his hour of great distress and mental and physical anguish. The world is not peopled with such men; they are too few. "NY. W. Union. The anarchist must gu. 1 1 is band is lifted against the state and society, and so long us he is allowed to preach his doctrines and put theui to exe cution there is no safety for Ibe in dividual or our institutions. His principles ore foreign, as is ln an cestry, and his presence is nol to be tolerated in a country founded and governed as the United States has been. In a land of liberty, equality and opportunity there is no room for tiiesc creatures of disordered intellect. They are enemies to the government, to tbe home, to the family, to every thing that society holds dear. They are sworn to an eternal warfare on the existing order of things and their program means destruction of life, law and property. Spokesman Review. The worst disgraced spot in Amer ica on Friday night was Patterson, N. -I. One is at a loss bow to fix the greatest blame to the people and tbe authorities of that town whether for the cowardice which allowed a gang of anarchists to celebrate the shooting of President MoKinley with toasts anil rejoicing, or for tbe sbame lessness with which they allowed tbe fact to be published to the world. It is doubtful if there was another spot in the I'nited States where such a "celebration" would have failed to result in tbe annihilation of the tribe of celebrants. Salem Statesman. A man once passing through A I bany said to a resident of this city : I am an anarchist. My mission is to destroy tbe familv, the church and the government." -Men with such missions are entitled to no con sideration. Fortunately we have no anarchists here permanently. The mission of good men should be to build up the family, the church and the government. Albany Democrat, Evidence from different putts of the country shows that it has gone bard with the man who has seen lit to spfuu of a wounded president in uncomplimentary language. Several cheap characters received well de served pummeling for inappropriate references, and thii far the only one who has escaped a thrashing is Sena tor Wellington, of .Maryland. He view. The people anxiously await any news from the bed of the wounded president, and every telegram from Duffalo is eagerly read. Sympathy with the wife is universal, and if Mr. MoKinley die?, tbe "deep damnation of bis taking off" will arouse anger in every heart of our millions of people. Gilford's Fotos Never Fade SEWER NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the Com mon Council of Dalle- City, by ordinance regularly Hnacteii on the 4th day of Sep teniber, 1901, has determined to cou- 1 struct wtiat is known as the Court street sewer, and to proceed with the con- 1 StrUCtion thereof at once. The territorial district to be drained nnd sewered by said sewer tabjeettol Ibe exemption therefrom of :mv portions thereof, which, upon the bearing here- i i i . .i f t e r mentioned, may be shown or de termined not to he benefited by said sewer has been, preliminarily, determ- I ined and declared by said ordinance to ! be as follows, to-wit : All lots ami blocks included within the territory bounded by Main or Kirst street, Wash Ington street. Seventh street and Court street in said I 1 1 e" City ; also t he east half of all lots anil blocks included with- j in the territory bounded by Second street, Court street, Seventh street anil Union street ; also block 4, in Dalles , City proper, and block A, in I'revitt's addition tn Dalles City, and lot 1 in j block o, Bigelow's addition to Dalles1 City. For the purpose of determining what property within said territorial district will be benefited by said sewer and the j proportionate cost thereof to be assessed against the different properties bene fited thereby, a meeting of the Common Council of Dalles City will be held at I the council chambers on Tuesday, the 17th day of September, 1901, at the hour of 8 o'clock p. m,, which meeting will be continued and arljiurned from time to time until all interested parlies shall have been fully heard in said matters, at which said meeting all interested parties and all owners of real estate within said territorial district above mentioned, are hereby required to appear for the pur pose of being heard in relation to the settlement and determination of ttie matters hereinbefore mentioned. Dalies Citv, Oregon, September 4, 1901. J. DOMKBTY, sep5-14t Recorder, Dalles City, 1 1 nil's Tlllt) We ofl'er one hundred dollars reward for any cae of Catarrh that can not be cured hy Hall's Catarrh Cure F. J, i 'iieney & Co. Props., Toledo, O. V . the undersigned, have known V. ' J. Chcnev for the laat 16 vears. and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi ness transactions u:. 1 1 financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists,. To ledo, O., Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directiy upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toiedo O. Sold by drruggists, price 75c. foil's Family Pills are the best. 12 Thousands Senl Into Kxlle, Every vejr n large number of poor Ufferars whose lungs are sore and racked with coughs are urged to go to another climate. But this is costly and not al ' ways sure. Don't be an exile when Dr. Eing's New Discovery for Consumption will cure you at home. It's the most infallible medicine for Coughs, Colds, and all Throat and Lung diseases on earth. Ttie first dose brings relief. Astounding cures result from persistent use. Trail bottles free at G. C. Blakeley's drugstore. Price 50c and if 1.00. livery t ottle guaranteed. 4 I'layeit Oat. Dull Headache, Pains in various parts of the bodv, Sinking at the pit, of the stomach, Loss of appetite, Keverishness, Pimples or Sores are all positive eviilen cee of impure blood. No matter how it became so it must be purified in order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Klexir has nevet failed tocure Scrofulous Or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly a wonderful remedy ami we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee, Ulakelev, the drug gist. Miss Taylor announces that she will I . 1. .... 1 ,...... ....... II .1 1 . .. vvm uci ftiiiuci pill icu neAi ff eiiiirsurt y , j Sept. 11th, the Bessiona to be held each I day, commencing at 2 p. m. She will alio start classes for a limited number of older children, the hours to be from 0 n. m, to li p. m septi HI 1 For Male. Twenty head of horses, ranging in weight from 1100 to 1400 pounds. All halter-broken, and some broken to work. I Apply to Straube Brothers. Kndersby, Oregon. jly 26 lmw Don't wait until you becomeehronical ly constipated but take DeWitt's Little ! Early Ilisers now and then. They will keep your liver ami bowels in good order. Easy to take. Safe pills. Clarke & Kalk's 1 P. 0. Pharmacy. If yon want to retain your hair you have to keep your tcalp clean. Soap wili make your hair harsh, dry and j crispy. Now we have two of the yery best preparations for oleanslog the i scalp Egg and Pine Tar Shamuoo. It will leave your hair soft and glossv. , i rice, - i anil ou cents a uotiie. at l-razer s i barber ;:hop, The Dalle-. tf CASTOR I A Foi' inhints and Children. Tbe Kind You Have Always Bought aguaturo of CEjy&SSEk On Sept. I Shakespeare, rocco; i Atala tav Dore. in Union and Second Street regulator line. Dalles, Portland & nstoria NAVIGATION CO. DALLES BOAT -I.KA VKS OAK STREET DOCK, PORTLAND, at 7 A. M. and II P. M. ...Portland Boat... LEA VKS THE DALLES 7:00 A. M. anil 3:00 P. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. at M. BTKAMBB8 REGULATOR, DALLES CITY. RELIANCE, W. C. ALLA WAV, General Aaent, The Dalles. Oregon, Unller tlie direction of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary. THE DALLES, OREGON. Thi institution Is pleasantly situated near tlie C'olunit ia on the lii e of the I). R, s- N. Co. thence It is easy of access for all those who de lire tn secure a comfortable home and a progres siva teat of learning for their daughters or ivarda. The location of the academy is one of the moat healthy on the Pacific slope, this por- I tion of Oregon being proverbial for Its pure water, bracing uir, anil picturesque scenery. The Academy is incorporated ami authorised by the Utate to confer Academic honors. Hoard and tuition per scholastic year. $100 I studies will bo resumed Tuesday, September, 4th I For detailed information apply to tbe lister Bupetior. sugI0lm John Pashek, The Tailor, Has just received 1000 samples of tlie latest p-itterns in tienl's Clothing Goodl. He- guaran tees prices and a good fit or no pay. : : . : John Pashek, The Tailor. T T W w. IV1LHUN, Kaaager. pirst-Class in Euery Ffesp?et. fT)(?als at pil r;oiir8. PRIVATE PARTIES SERVED. TiiH table alwars best in the market. supplied with the 1 Front St., near Court, The Dalles. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. Trausact a General Banking Business. . Letters of Credit ieued available in I the Eastern Slatea. Si;ht Kxchange and Televraphic . Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, I'ortlaud Ore- i Ifon, Seattle Waah., and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav -1 orahle terms. Clark A Falk are never closed buuday . Don't forget this. St. Rlary s HGaaemy fie BRLDWIN RtSlRURflN 7th will be presented :omplete in one volume, bound m Jvior- - - . - .144 . , t 1 folio volume, re Itl. T. - . Local Phone 9l White Collar Line. tub Daiies-Poriiawl noute Str. BAILEY-GATZERT. DAILY ROUND TRIPS, Except Monday, Cascade Locks, Hood Rivor, White Salmon and The Dalles. TIME CARD Leave Portland 7 A, It. Arrive The Dalles 8 P. sr. Leave " " 4 " Arrive Portland 10 " Meals the Very Best. Sunday Trips a Leading Feature. This Route has the Grandest ceo ie Attractions on Earth, Portland-Astoria Route Str "TAHOMA," Daily Hound Trips except Sunday. TIME CARD Leave Portland 7 a. m. Leave Astoria 7 P. M. i Landing and onice Foot of Alder ! Street; both phones, M 351, Portland, uregou. y V. CRICHTON, Agent Portland, J. M. FILLOON, Agt. The Dallee, . A. J. TAYLOR, Agent Astoria. Just What You u-iaot. New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced n single stock. Real imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. FCIegant designe, tasteful colorings, vours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. in n Yellowstone Park Line. THE UlKIHQ CAK ROUTE FROM PORTLAND TO THE KAST, TBI ONLY DIRECT LINK TO TBE VKI.LOW- BTONE PARK Union Depci, FiMundlsis No. 2. Knst mail for Tacoms, Seattle. Olyinpia, ru e s Harbor ana South Uand points, Spokane, Ross lioni, 11. c, Pullman, Moseow, LtalstOU, Hul U:i5 A. M. faloHumpmlolng coun try, llelenu, MlniieHtio IU, t. 1'aul, Omaha, Kansas city, st. ixniu. No. );) V. M, t'iiiuaK" ami all iioints. tast ami sumtlietiBt. l'uuet .Sounil Kxpress lor Taeoma ami Seattle ami intermediate poinu- No. . 11 ,30 r. M No. 3. 7;00 A. SI, i Pullman flmt cUkh anil l.mri.t w ... SlittSawPfllnSsM MUouri riv",,'", Vesubulad train, uuion depot connections ... ... w.yui uu. KoFTiaivasoiaely lllu.traUHi le.erlptivei fatter n,,et-, sleeping 1Vttt w, Hmkkhko CMvckeil toiU-sitliiHlioii .,( il,-L..K A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General PupMfM Aavnt, sou street, corner Third, I'ortlaud X Moiri Orejon. l Mi to my customers - r illustrated iv uus- NOLAN. i! PACKERS OF poRKand beef M ANT FACT II KERB OK " Fine Lard and Sausages Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON ,)R( FD REIOF. ETC. 1. Y. HONG, Proprietor. j First-Class in Every Respect MKAI.S AT AM. BOOKS. Oysters Served in iny Style. 87 Second St., The Dalles. Or Jugt Received A full line of Fresh Printing ami De veloping Papers direct from factory. Solio, Rex, Deko, 'el(x and Aristo in all sizes. Also a line of Plates in Cramer, Crown, Seeds and Stanley. Travs PlintinC Frames Albums, Multigraphs, And all accessories to complete the outfit of either the amateur or pro fessional photographer. Our Eureka Combined Toning and Fixing Bath is a dandy. Try it. The A. E. C. Developer for nhites. films or developing papers has no equal I Enough forMoc to develope C doen plates I or (5 dozen Velox 4x5. Perfect hlacks and whites are guaranteed, if directions ' are followed. Ask for the A. E. C. De veloper, and eee that you get the ' genuine. We are prepared to compound any and , all of your own (ormitlte and guarantee satisfaction. At the old place, ' The Dalles, Oregon. 175 Second Street, Geo. C. Blakeley. J IT,T'l i ' . 1 L. Lane, QKNBKAl. - p Wagon and Carriage Werk. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Plioiie 159 Kodol Dyspepsia Cure i uigeits what you eat. 1 Itartiliclallyd.'gests the food audaida riature In sirenKthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It istlie JatestdiscovcieddiL'est- lint. Kiwi x . . hwiimiiiwi iiu uiiier preparation CRD Ulllli'oacll if. in i..,. 1 t 8n"y relievesand permanently cures 1 f!!.84pelPSltt, iU(lik?stion, Heartburn, : vwwuivuwi ouur oioinacn. Nmiavs. Minlr UUIi4..I.a r.4 ., .. ..' " I .11 . . ' """i-lBIU.Tatnpsana ss1' eporedSyE c. OeWITT CO.. Cbicog Sold by Clarke & Falk's P.O. Pharmacy. He commDia Mil Go eg BBSfaurant j I V BUt) J ...AND... HnisRRnnsr uuiuuuiuui .Oregon Union Pacific AND nKPART TIMK SCHEDULES I FROM F"R THE DALLES. I'll .CHRII- Portland sut Lake, Denver, Ft spcoi)! i . Worth. Omaha, kan- I'l'i p. in. BttMClty.Kt.lmi!', Chi- via Hunt cafro and the Knst. Ington. Atlantic . ,. , , Kxnrtftli Luke, Denver. Kt 13-eOa in Worth, Omaha., Kan- Via Hunt s" LouKci.i- Ington. on,it" l,u- Kast- st. I'nni Waiia Walla, Lewis ton, Fast Mail, epokane.Wallace.Puli. 0:35p. m, man, Minneapolis, Si via Bpo- Paul. Duluth, Milwau- kune. kee, Chicago and Eaat, RRivr from 1 05p.m. 1:45 1, m, :!0a. m. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE From Portland, (All Miiihitr dates sub jeot tu onaiigB ) For Sim Francisco, Sail every fi days. :00 p. in. 1:00 p. m ; Daily ; CXCCIlt , Bunny, ! H :00 p. in. j Saturday, j 10:00 p, in. i Dally Columbia River. O Astoria and Way- Landing!, 1:00 p. m. except Bunday, Willamette Itlvur. Oregon City, Nonrbarg, salmi, Independence, anil W a -landings. , except Sunday, i 0:00 a. in. 1:30 p. ni, except Sunday. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, fcOU a. in. 4:80 p.m. Monday, Wednesday Friday, Corvallll anil Way Landtags. Tuesday, Thursday, Willamette and 3:80 p. a, Yamhill Livers Monday, Oregon City, Dayton and Wejlneaftay Wa)tandings. friday. 1 1 atnrday, :IW a. in. Leave Riparla dally, 8:40 a. m. SnHke Klver. Riparla to Lewiston. Leave ! 'H iMon daily, -::JJ a.m. fff- Parlies JestritiK to co to Ileppner or points on Columbia Southern via Biggs, should take No. L, leaving The Dalle. at 12:25 p. m. making dlreol oonnaotlons at ileppner junction ami Hinns. KeturnliiR niHiUngdireeteonriectlon at Hcnpner junction and Biggs nith No, l, ar riving at The Dallas at 1 :06p. m, For further particulars, call on or address JAS. IRELAND, Axellt. The Dalles, Oregon. Complete of Drills at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. J. S. KCHCNCC, I'lrSlilelll. .Max V.lUT. :ashlei I First national Bank. j THE DALLES - - - uncuw" "1 1 A General Banking Business transacted H DeDonits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav 01 nouecuou. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold M New York, Ban FranciBco an;' port- land. DIRECTORS T HOMPHON. Jno. B. 8oiW D. P Kd. M. Williams), Gbo. A. H M. Rbaii .ISHS- 60 YIIARS' EXPERIENCE iJmm I bai t- m"' RESIGNS Aiirono -i-ii. line n Ueleli ami daseriptwn . f ' quli hly aaeurlaln our opiiium tree wi l1' N1f. iiiv.nition is m.. i.Mi.iv iiaieiuaiiiy. PatsBil wur frao. Oliuai niiauojr for aeeiiimi.' l' 1 .t... .,. , ,u..,, ,i,;,,.,ii. mui. ' . ..7 ... iii. ''TST Scleiiiif lc JUitcricM. A handsomely illustrated woeklr I..irr-. - Perms. SI i n no rear rulalloii of any nrlentlUe Journal. ' T;im lour uiontUa. IL bom Bjaii IT J, rear ; MUNN JC 1.0 361Breadway A 4 PIP B reach tWe b V it . Wa'US'u"-