)t0nick. VOL. XIII THE DALLES, OREGON, MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 9, 1901 NO. 1 Sty Dalles CASTORlJ ANcgclable PreparatiortFor As similating HieFoodandRcgula Unti ihc Stomachs andBowels of Promotes Digcstion,Cheerfur ness andRest.Contains neither Opiiun.Morpliine norMiiteral. ot Narcotic. Htdpt o '(Hd IhSiiKUELPtrCHEH t!x.Smna - Itnrhtllt .Wif - Jfyrmwii - ill CnrtxiluUrSodtt fjfrmSenl -CfmfM tugar WuitcTjrrrn Flavor. Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa flon , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms Convulsions Jcverish ness and Loss of Sleep. FacSimite Signature or NEW YORK. EXACT COPy OF WRAPPER. At tin' Point r Diuih. North Yakima, Wash., Sept. 7. Tliomue J. Pearne, the well known Yak I ma Indian preacher, was Injured by a horse Wednesday, and now lies at the point of death at hid home on tbe reser vation. He ie probatjly "0 years of age, and ie a noted character. He tias been regularly ordained Methodist minister, though a full-blooded Indian, for the last twenty years. He is one of the trusted leaders of the people. About the first of the year they sent him to Washington, D. C, to represent, them in the matter of their claim against the government on account of tbe so-called 'disputed tract," a body of land com Prising 300,000 acres near Mt. Adams, which after a controversy was awarded to the Indiuiis, and which the govern ment is now negotiating to purchase. While in Washington 1'earne met many Of the leading men of the country, and uy his dignified bearing and great in telligence won their respect. He re wived marked attention at their bands. When he started into tbe unkiiowu East "any of hit people protested against tbe journey, believing that the whites would never permit him to return. After he tame b.iolt bii story of the grand recep tion he had met made a profound im pression on them, and has made the task of negotiating with them much easier for the government's com u'iteioiiera. Police Saved an Agitator. TACOMA, Sept, 7.-Only the interfer ence of ,l,e poJOB gaved 60Cjujst ftgt. tu' bare tonight. He waB haranguing h MM on South Twelfth street and re lerreii sneeringly to the "full dinner Pa'h" Souih one in tbe crowd took ex JSptloni to the remark and several bun- Pwni immediately started for speaker A friend who attempted m to Ids rescue was hustled out of y, but the police interfered to ve the agitator. Under an escort of e poie he was taken borne, followed y several thousand persons. Finallv a is necessary lo run to get tbe man way safely. 1-i for UxulajokB. K W, S(pti 7.PwJdtot Mc. WoMl',ret',,Very W0Uld '' 'l"t his Pri-on LU"ld ,:on,ioed i laft.li. , veart'' lne msJtimum RS I'V "e,,ai todeof coqUil '", "ietldsof piooedure c or :d jtice of Erie CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE OtNTAUK COMPANY, NEW YOUR CITY. tion and woud have the right to counsel and time to prepare hie defense. The prisoner would waive this formality and elect to go before the grand jury of Erie county. Tbe grand jury then could find an indictment of assault in tbe first degrer. An act of congress providing a penalty for assault against the person of the preeident, would, according to legal authorities, take precedence of the penal of the stale of New York in the case of t lie man who made the attempt on President McKinley's life. A eeaTch for such an enactment by congress will be made. It would not be possible to in flict any greater punishment on the anarchist Cz jlgOFK by any act of the legislature fixing a more severe penalty for an attempt on the Hie of tbe presi dent. The death of the president would result in tbe trial of the assailant for homicide, and his conviction would mean death in I he electric chair. A Denial 1' ru ui Hauna. Hi halo, Sept. 7. Senator Mark A. Ilannu was seen by a representative of the Associated I'ress e few minutes after ho left the bedroom of the president. Tbe senator requested that a denial be made that he bad sent a message to his si n, Dan H. Hauns, stating that Presi dent McKinley's condition is alarming. "I have sent no message to Cleveland nor to any other point in tbe country re garding 'the condition of t lie president, other than the official bulletins issued by the physxiaue.'' the seuaior laid. "To forestall any report that may ob tain circulation, I with to state now," the senator continued, "that no one is to blame for this terrible affair. The exposition officials, the officials of the government aii'tthe local officers did everything in their power to tuard tbe person of tbe etiief executive, and no one is responsible in t lie slightest degree." OrfgUU'J I'outloleiice, S.w.fc.M, Sept. 7. Governor Geer today sent tiie following telegram to George Cortelyou, secretary to tbe president, at Buffalo, N. Y.: "The people of Oregon are deeply shocked at tbe dastardly attempt upon the life of '.he preeident, and you will please assure Mrs. McKinley that with one voice ihey ie. veutly pray for hie speedy recovery, and ihat lie may be spaied for many yearn yet lo herself and the country. T. T. Gkkk, "Governor. " Clarke & Fa Ik have received a carload of tbe celebrated James E. Patio strictly mire liquid paints AW THE PRESIDENT STILL IMPROVING Reassuring News From the Milburn Residence. Bltf.w.o, Sept. S. Through this quiet, peaceful Sunday every word that came from the big vine-clad house In Delaware avenue, in which th Chitf Magistrate of the Nation lies battling for life, was reassuring and tonight tbe chances of his recovery are so greatly improved that all of those who have kept the patient vigil at his badside feel strongly that his life will be spared. Ttie developments of last night and to day were dreaded, but hour after hour passed and the distinguished patient, struggling there beneath the watchful eyes of physicians and trained nurses, showed no unfavorable signs. Five times during the day the doctors and surgeons assembled for c.in?u:!ation, and each time the verdict was unanimous that what change had occurred was for the better. Not the slightest premonitory symptom of peritonitis appeared and tbe fresh hope, bom with the moiniDg, grew stronger and stronger as the day ad vanced until toward evening, the confi dence expressed in tbe president's re covery seemed almost too sanguine. Thus far the ball of t tie assassin, which is still in tbe body, gives the- physicians no anxiety. But if the slightest Inflam mation appears in the region of the lead, it will be immediately extracted. No difficultv is anticipated in this regard. And yet, despite all this optimism, the president is by no means cut of danger. Not one of bis physicians ; not one of bis advisers who is admitted to the inner councils has tbe temerity to go so far as to declare that he is. But, if be continues to improve for one day more, tbe danger of peritonitis, which is most dreaded, will have practically disap peared. MRS. MCKINLEY BIAB8 DP, Mrs. McKinley passed a comfortable night and shows no signs of breaking down. The whole atmosphere about tbe Milburn residence is perceptibly brighter. The N-ray machine arrived shortly after 10 o'clock, and e few minutes after ward, Dr. Charles McBurney, the famous New York suigeon, drove hastily up to the residence. Secretary Cortelyou and Mr. Milburn had met him at the station. A late repoit is to the effect that the president is still improving with temperature at llo. He is not yet out of danger, but his physicians are taking a very hopeful outlook. Warning of Am roillgUt. Nkw Youk, Sept. 7. Gustav Meyer, who save he is an astrologer, living in Hoboken, N. J., alleges that lie sent the following telegram to President Mc Kinley when tbe latter was in San Francisco : "Your wife will live another year until about uexl February or March but be careful of yourself. You will be shot or stabbed during the month of June, or else in September." Out For Govui'oor. Pendleton, Or., Sept. 7. Judge Stephen A. Lowell today formally an nounced bid candidacy for the republican nomination for governor. 'laai ft ! to Jin Cheap? A cii -up remedy for coughs and colds is all right, but you want something that will relieve and cure tbe more se vere and dangeious results of throat and lung troubles. What shall you do? Go to a warmer and more regular climate? Yes, if possible; if not possible for you, then in either case take the only rem edy that tias been introduced in all civil ized countries with success in severe throat and lung troubles, "Boschee's German Syrup." It not only heals and stimulates the tissues to destroy the germ disease, but allays inflammation, causes easy expectoration, gives a good night's rest, and cures the patient. Try um; bottie. Kecouimer.ded many years bv all druggists in the world, and sold by Clarke & Falk. Get Green's priee almanac, 2 Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by C'arae & Fed. Subscribe for Tan Chbonicls. Waists-" New Waitaep3ilk, Titcot, Fjannel and Sat een, hsid"ome'y trim'd; cordings and velvet rib bons, tuck" and hem stichiots are very promi nent. All the new color ings ar.d b'l.ck. $2.50 to $7.50 FRENCH FLANNELS ,n. IVr?il"! Knv,,,; i'lw '"'J1 original colorings, at ojc yd, New Fall Styles in Soft and Stiff HATS $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50 Tbe beet we cun get to sell you at the above prices. IN Williams' Guaranteed $3.00 Hat wo show all the now stylos and give with every hat sold our guarantee of SATISFACTORY WEAK or MONEY REFUNDED. A. M. Oiic i.1 inn Auawered. Yes, August. Flower still has tbe largest sale of any medicine in tbe civilized world. Your mothers and grandmothers never thought of using anything else for indigestion and biliousness. Doctors were scare and they seldom beard of appendicitis, neivous prostration or heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out tbe system and stop fermentation of undigested food, regu- ' late the action of the liver, stimulate the I nervous and organic action of the sys ' tern, and that is all they took when feel I ing dull and bad with headaches and j other aches. Yon only need a few doses I of nem's August Flower, in liquid form, to make you satisfied there is 1 nothing serious the matter willi un. (iet Green' prize almanac. Clarke & j Falk's. 1 Kitten to PM.ASMflSSR K.uo.HIoii, Kound-lrip rates via O. K. & N. from The Dtlles, fBI.'JO. Tickets 011 sale first and tiiird Tuesdays during June, July , : August, September and October, good for continuous passage going on date of sale. HHurn limit thirty days from date of sale. Stop-over will be allowed west of ; Missouri river or St. Paul on return trip within limit of ticket. i Arrangements can be made by apply ing to agent O. It. & N. Co., The Dalles, ! v. lierefcy tickets will be honored 011 lake j jteamere in "V! rr ixitli directions be- ! tween Detmit ami Buffalo. j tf j oiis Ihki.ano, Agent Dyspepsia can be cured by using Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little Tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded. Sold in handsome tin boxes at 25 cts. Blakeley the dmgist. Clark and Falk have jmt received a full lioe o( fresh Veloz papers and de velopers, the same as used by Mr. Lovick in bis recent demonstration at our ttore. Subscribe for Tus Ciiuumcu. ScHool Books Free is still the special attraction and to say our liberality is appreciated would iu to put it mildly. Saturday saw many people in our boys' department and to some we owe an apology for not having been able to give them our usual prompt attention. Three more days of this booK-iving. Parents out clothes-buying will do well to take advantage of it as so many have already done. Second now lot of boys' clothing just opened; more duo tomorrow. Come and compare our styles and prices. and Waist Materials New Materials for Waists, Komonas, Wrappers, etc. Eclipse Flannelettes, at 20c per yard. Pure wool Trie, it Flan nel Wailtiugl In all the new shades at 35c. And in the new Strip ing! at 50c. THE Williams WJHJ A XI. ID AOE1NTS FOR M I T C H E L L M ill We operate a PLUMBINGr, TIN and BICYCLE REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will have prompt attention. SEXTON WALTHER, THE DALLES. - - - OREGON. Lyon s French Periodical Drops Strictly vegetable, perfectly Imriuleb, sure to accomplish DESIRED RESULT. Greatest known female remedy. CAIITinM Bwarof couplerfolti and ImiUllooa. Tbe genuine U put up uiiljr In pieOrt,ril Oar- wfawa.wa ion won rac-munia manature on ttvuufur C'ncuUf lo WILLI AMo alFU. Co., Bolu For sals by Geo. C. Blakeley, The Dlles, Or. ThE'YORK" Sack Suit Latest Sack Suits, for men, just opened. Come and see the new clothes weavea and colorings. Beautiful ef fects, in worsteds, cheviots and CaSSl' meres. The new chalk line St H pel quiet and genteel- are much in evi dence. $15.00 to $25.00. Co. icie or inu umiie. inn: Aguui., CievviauU. Ouiu. W A it G .Jr o