A SAD SESSION. I'KliHllNAI. MENTION. Non lirnaght t" tn laetttate nt l tie Attempted HlHIIIIIlHIW of Our I'rvMPlit. Mrs. A M Kelsay and family are home (ran their summer's stay with Mr. Kel 9ay at Shaniko. Mre. Carey Mallard returned yester Frlday'i afternoon session opened with ((l4v (rom , week's visit with hr sister Professor Haw ley we bit con- lUid friends In Portland. Mrs. l. H. (irant went to Portland jretterday on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs F. C. linker. Mrs. . James Cattrnn, who has been Slllt'ltli.' eluding talk on "History and 0111 Oov eminent." He gave an estimation of President Johnion and hi- work follow ing the death of Lincoln. He summar ily characterises Johnson to this man oar, "and I wish to speak favorably of him. bill hn was a little man in a big place and Iba contrast to Llnoiln was fata!." He followed closeiy with re-u!te Of civil war, the condition of the negro, bis expectation- and humane rights, the teachings ol the carpet baggtr, At tin- period the sad intelligence was is til brought in that President McKlnley had M'- been assassinated. He had bson shot While at Buffalo. Afier a rather long recess the institute again assembled and (Superintendent 0. L, Giiben appointed a committee of Bve to draft a set of esO' lotions in sympathy with the sad com munication jt'.st received. It was rath 1 a sail audience that listened to Professor French's concluding talk upon "Geog raphy" In which be brought t tie teach ing of latitude and longitude; surface, including slope, elevations, etc ; the de positing of eoil by streams. Superintendent Gilbert then Intro duced President P. L. Campbell, of Monmouth, who spoke briefly of the HI 31 USX LOCALS NOTICE. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are perfinn9 knowing themselves to he ttie best. Auk your n:er for them. 1 indebted to the late firm ol It. (iilbreth Wanted A woman to do up stairs & Sons will please call on them and pay work at the 1'iiMtilla House. Apuly at amount due. All accounts unpaid by the hotel at once. auglll-tf September 20th will be handed over Wanted Man to clerk in "tore ; small to MeMrl WlllOn A Huntington for col salary : experience not necessary. Ad- lection. Wt,B drttt X, care CltRO.irCLK. Mp8-tl Many physicians are now prescribing Eight teams wanted by J. 0. Sullivan. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure regularly having the goett of the family of J M Patterson, (.railing for easy level drag aeraptt found that it is tne mi prw !" returned to her home at Wasco today, i am wagon work with no up-hill haul, they can write because it is the one ... . i .t i...c tl.D iilnniKtila Hons. W 1. Bradshaw and F Alone fee Wages ?4 per day. sepa-iw preparation wmcu wum- ... Experience is the best Teacher. Use necessary to digest not on y tome a.n. Acker's English Remedy in any case of of food but all kind and it therefore cues ij m u i. i -i . Indiirestion and dyspeptla n" matter coughs, colds or croup, should it fall to mon. ci Kuiu's v o 1 what its cause, ularlt a raws i -' give Immediate relief mnnev refunded pharmacy Ulakeley, the drug- y w poriell Klntertvllle, Pa., says he suffered 25 years with piles ami coum returned home y--terday from Foltll, where circuit court convened. They re port a llgllt term. Miss Alberta Glide, a sifter ol A L Gude. formerly of fhe Dalles, arrived In the eitv yesterday from Lot angeles,and 'Jo cts. and 50 cts. guest of Mr, and Airs. (. Diet gists. WINDMILLS PUMPS and PIPE, RUBBER and Garden Hose, Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers. anyifiinc in our lino, figure with Hon. J II Rinehart, who lias tpent tome time in Portland and at the beach, wi.s in the city yesterday, leaving on the late train last uiglr. for iiis home at Summeryille. Mr and Mrs HS Wilson returned on the noon train todav from an extended trip to the K.ist, Visiting the Fan Amer ican exposition at P.titl'aio; also different Henry Rraydon, Harris, N. 0., tayt : "I took medicine 20 years for asthma, but one bottle of One Minute Cough Cure dul me more good than any thing else during that time. Lest Cough Cure." Clarke St Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Norrie Silver, North Stratford, X. H. : "1 purchased a botlie of One .Minute Dr. Mary Powel morning Irum Spokane and has resumed her duties as matron at The Dilles bos- iltal It- Tnhnann id i h.ipmttth'u riMp.t noticeable progreet In educational affairs foi: u;p po?'ilioM) Aml ',. Ferguson are in this state. Then feelingly upon the J fortunate in teeming her services. tragedy which was pist previously an sut s en route. i uongn Lure wnen sunenng wun a congn Mrs. S P Thompson, with her daugbtr, doctors told me was incurable. One run, and little son, arrived bare fiom ! bottle relieved me, the second and third Forest City, f iwa, u le days since and : almost cured. Today I am a well man." will spend the winter with tier parents, j Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Air. and Aire. J P. Gorham. ohnson arrived this If irmi are in need of us, for i will pay you. obtain no relief until DeWitt's Witch ui Balu otr.'ip.l a nertnanent cure.! Counterfeits are worthless. Clarke A REPAIR SHOF. All OWICTS I'DliUSlt'U 10 US W FalU's P. 0, Pharmacy. A full line of Eastman Blm and sup SEXTON E WALTHER, THE DALLES, - - - OREGON. We operate a r sho: prompt attention. PLUMBING-. TIN and BICYCLE I save plies just received by Clarke & Falk. Prof. Homer de Morrison OREGON STATE FAIR SALEM nounced, calling attention to the many stirring events which have been daily taking place; this sad event marking strongly these occurrences. He called Dp many of the manly w.ualitie of our beloved president ; ids visit to the Pacific coast ; his failure to reach our commonwealth, and itscauses; hie trust that this cri rue may not cut any rendi tion upon our glorious form of govern ment: the responsibility of the public SCbooi teachers in bringing things to inch a state that such dangerous ele ments may be removed from cur com monwealth. The following visitors were present : Mesdames Robert French, C L Gilbert, J T Naff, C J Crandall, A R Thompson, James Kelly, X Whealdon,M Donnell, W II Wilson, Qntherie, Townley, Mis ses Mabel Collins, Xellie Roberts, Anne Smith, Annie Flinn, Maud Burke and Mr, Merrill. OUR CHURCHES A V R gers, of the Blake AIcFall Co., of Portland, is in the city in the interest of his firm. Air. Rogers' patrons are al .is pleated when tie makes his regular visits, he being one of the most popular traveling men on the read. Vesterdav morning Rev, Wm. Hren- n-r. of the Lutheran church, and bride arrived from Saginaw, Mich. tor a t me at east they will make their home Bt ttie residence of Airs. .!. M. Hunting ton, where Mr. Brenner formerly roomed . UAHHIB1), At (lie Columbia Hotel, in this city, Thursday, Sept. 5th, by Rev. J. B. Oor ham, Air. George Williams and Alis Maud Albright, both of Gilliam county. Completed Bit Work. Homer 1). Angel!, of The Dalles, who had a government contract for survey ing two townships on toe summit of the mountains near Strawberry mountain, completed his work early tins week and arrived in Canyon City Monday on ins return to The Dalies, departing Tuesday morning. He was accompanied on the return bv Virgil Karl, of The Dallee, and Washington irei-t. Itctnma VOUl'LAN li. DRBOUN, September 23-28, 1901 Great Agricultural and Industrial Fair. BIG LIVE STOCK SHOW YOUR KIDNEYS. After von tire of using to-called kidney remedies without any benefit, use Lincoln Sexual Pills and be forever rid of those null pains In your back. Discard that old fogy idea of "pain in the kidneys" and have all your bladder and urinary troubles cur,--1. ami your nights made restful by the use of natvo e gtettatj assistant Lincoln Sexual Pills. Price, $1.00 per box buy ol your druggist or sent by mail on receipt of price, in plain wraprm, . LINCOLN PROPRIETARY JO., Fort Wayne, Indiana. M. .. Donnell, Agent, The Dalles. Good RACING in Afternoons. the The first registered aa well a the first gradu ate pdlltlat ever in Portland. rhe woild'a i; eatett Trance Clairvoyant and Herbaliat can ti' eo '.suited dally on all mtatrs of iif-. Prof, de Morrison is without a doubt tin moat scientific Palml.t and Clalrvo, ant In the world today: hi locates hi.i.ieti treasure, reunites the separated. t..-ii if there la mtufral, oil, or jpis on your land enablas vim to win the affection of one yon ileirc. Palmistry taught, nedlumlstic persons devet- i 1 oped. Ho&fabythe usesol bisrevesledheibill .... ,. t.'.i- cures chronic and so-called lucuruble dis Latest Attractions in New Auditorium ea8en'd lfdafe oS and thnwauMtins all I Building Every Evening, with letters answered at ence, . finnd Mnain. r Grandall & Barget DEALERS IN RobeS, fill kinds of undertakers Burial Shrouds Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. The Dalles. Or. w. 8. Hanna. of this citv. who com There will be no services in the Meth I posed the crew during the last few days odist ohnrcb tomorrow on account of the of tne work,0. D. Taylor, Jr., having pastors absence at conference. returned to The Lalles some time since. 1 The townships, the contract for the St. l'aut's Episcopal Dbarch Kev. C. : grjrveyina ol which had been awarded to Luoatod i Vision. Portland. Aujr. lo. (To i he Editor). Horoei de Morrison, occultist, located i.y vision thebul lion stolen iron, the Belbydmel ting Works. In behalf "i occult science be immediately com municated by letter the facts t. Mr. .v. J. Bala ton, owner of the Celby Works. The reports re ci ivtii last niKht prove hi- statements correct. U118. KRANCI8 i'AUTI.OW. it i- pleasing to i.- assured that the gold stolen from the Belby Smelting Works was 'lo cated by vision by . Portland occultist This H. Lake, rector. Morning seryica at I Mr. Angeil, were some of the roughest I thief and that nis assistance was required in re it m Riraninu aRroino at 7 -Id Sun. on the Stiawberrv Uioontam range, covering the gold was abase California inveu- II B. 111. r. I Ding lei ICt at . ..Illl- . . - . , aim for the nnmun of rionrivine imn ... tiil ,. , . elciry. ' (fc.lito: Portland i)resoiuui!.i required a day to cover the distance of Oalvary Baptist church Rev. W. B. on mile. Clifton, pastor. Regular service at 11 survey, the i.igie is intormea ,, , has been made at the instance ot tb. in me murnm . u.c ,,e uiureu Orawon Land Co.. to enable unday school at 10 day school, 12:16. AH are invited. Beautiful Camp Grounds Fre. Special U.ites on Campers' Tickets. Come and Bring our Families. SPECIAL RATES on all RAILROADS For further particulars, address M. D. WISDOM, Sec, laugliii Portland, Oregon. ni Eastern Oregon Land Co them to select lands in lien of iano within the limits of Ttie lJalies military wagon road grant which the company los t iiy being previouely -et tied upon. Wm. E. Campbell, of roe Dalles, also Services as usual: Morning service at ' has a contract tor :he survey of several 11: evening at s: Sundav school 12 :15 : wwoenipe in tne same locality, wmun Lutheran League at 7 p. tn. oti Union street, a. m. ; B. V. 1'. 1'. at 7 p 7. on Lutheran church, Seventh and Union Streits W. Brenner, pastor. i completed. Blue Congregational church corner Fifth and Court sitro -tr . Rev. D. V. Poling, pastor. Services bjtii morning and ev eiiitig .v. n a, m. and 7:30 p. m The morning eiioj-ci : "The Paradox of th Cross." 1. vening subject: "A Teaoher Sent From God." Communion services win he neid at the close of the morniug sermon. The choir will render an anthem nt both service-. United Brethren church Servicss to uiurrov, as follows : Sunday school 10 u. m., Airs. C. W. Barzee, superiuten- dent. Y. p, C. N, at 7 p, m., Frank Mulliklo, president. Preaching ll a.m. Will give you a warm welcome and try to do you good in each service. The church i- about two blocks east of the head of the new Imwery grade. L. U.trter, pastor. AanouueemeHt. We desire U' announce to tin- school patrons and public generally tliat let have aha been appointed agents for ttie tals and exchange of school text books. Exchange will i'1 riade at any time be- tween Sep tern bei l, 1901, and Jaouary 1, 1902. We also wltil U say that we have the best Hue and Iteat values in tablet;, pencil , composition books and other school supplies ever opened up In this city. Your patronage solicited. rep7-10 Mi m.h;k & PahJCIKM, Itruueli i ust, v, ork he will soon hav Mountain Eagle. Mr. Angeil will remain in The Dalles until business in connection with his work is all transacted, and then return to resume his studies in the Columbian lw school m New York. Food Uhaugd to I'olsnn. Putrefying food in the intestines pro duett effects like those of arsenic, hut Dr. King's New Life Pills expel the poisons from clogged bowels, gently, easily but surely, curing Constipation, Biliousness, Sick Headache, Fevers, all Liver, Kidney and Bowel troubles. Only Jo at o. C. Blakeley's drug store. 4 Don't l-et The, n -lull.-,. Often children are tortured with itch ing and burning traatna and other skin diseases but Bock n's Arnica Salve heals the r.i .. sores, expels infl uuinatiou, leaves the skin without a sc;r. Clean, flagrant, cheap, there's no salve on earth as good. Try it. Care guaranteed. Only 25c at o. C. Blakeley's drug store, -i Sick Headache aoeoiuieiy and perms nently cured by using Aloki Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures conntipation and indigestion, m;ik- you eat, sleep nnd happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money buck. 85 cts. and50ots. Blakeley, 'fie ilruggist. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH Pioneer Grocer. f 2 J J. E. FALT & CO., "Til Owl." Proprietors of Purest Liquors for Family Use J Delivered l any part of the City. C 173 Second Street. Phones I 51 Local, 858 Long Distance MOTT'S p. S. GUYING, PENNYROYAL PELLS They overcome Weak ness, irregularity and omissions, increase vig- or and banish "paiuj of menstruation." They are " LIFE SAVBltS" to pirls at womanhood, aiding development of organs and body. No known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harm life becomes a pleasure. $3.0 i'Klfc BOX BY 31AIL. Sold by ilrugtfisis. DR. MOTT'S CHEMICAL CO.. Cleveland, Ohio For sale by Geo. C. Blakeley, The Dallee, Or Wl! WAl Ml! Co., Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds ...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker.. ! Headquarters for Feed Grain ot?n kin ni;. i.Ku in Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kindg i Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies j Headquarters for Hl'aU SllOrtS and a" kFEED Asent for Ruaaell ii (Jo. 'a Engine, Tbrsebsn snd 8aw Hills. tt ' of MILL Wl n- a. -.. ....... ... a..... nD iaquarters toe "isyers' Best" Penaie- Telephone 157. Lonu Distance 107:! A never failiut; cure for eilts, hums, scalds, ulcers, wounds and sores is )e- W uCa Witch Hazel Salve. A most soothing and healing rsmed) foi all skin Thla mornlnir. either on the strata n( afleetions. ACOSpl only the tfenullie. THE CELEBRATED .G0It1lHBlA BREWEKY AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of thifl '.vell know n hrewery the United States Health Reports for June l!S. 1900, says: "A more SUpeiior hrew never entered the lahratory of the United State- Health reorts. It is absolutely devoid of the slightest trace of adulteration, hut on the other hand is composed of the heat of malt and choicest of hops. Its tonic iialities are of the high est, und it can be used with the greatest hen. 'tit and satisfaction by old and young. Its use can conolenliunsly be prescribed by the physioisn with the eersaintv that a hetter, purer or mure wholesome beverage could not possibly he found." 1 tOn flOUr Tins Hour 18 manufactured expressly (or family ... use; everv Back is guaranteed to give satisfaction, we sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think M call and get our prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats the city or on tt.e outskirts north, a blue enameled brooch, with a faii--ied opal in the center. A liberal reward will be given for its return to ttiia office. &7-:iid-lkv or Male. Twenty head of horses ranting in weight from 1100 to 110(1 pounds. All halter-broken, und some broken to work. Apply to Straube Brothers, Kndersby, Oregou. I)v L'o luiw Clarke & Falk P, 0. Pharmacy. NOTICE. Any psriOU desiring privileges to sell articles within Ihe grounds of Tne Dalles Street (Carnival will pleae call on or write to C. J. Crandall, general super intendent of the carnival, at The Dalles, from whom he may receive the terms and the necessary information. sep7-td Hubacribe for Tall OBIOMloia. East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. i lyon's French Periodical Drops Strictly vegetable, perfectly harmless, sure to accompliah DESIRED RESULTS. Great eat known female remedy. pailTinU Hxwuru of counterfeits uii'1 imitations. The uetnilne iSSVt ui only In pane-board Car IiHU I lUli ton with fae simile KlKiiature on side of the l.ollle. lleis; t-StV--BtjuUlur Circular lo WILLIAM.- llt'u. CO ., ttolo Ageuu, L'lsvelauU. Only. Jm9f. Fur sale by tieo. C. Blakeley, The D.liee, Or. w HOLBSALI and BJtTAIL Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Uundon Ptteas via, bUBf Klat. tOllt. Next door to First National Bank. THE DALLES, OREGON.