The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 07, 1901, Image 3

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    for Fall
Wo arc now road' with the first
showing of french Flannelettes. The
goods are the choicest that lias ever been
shown for the money. The patterns are
equal to Flannels at $1.00 per yafd.
You can reft assured there is nothing
better for (he money.
Our opening price is
See Window.
sible to sell a splendid shoe at $2.50
and that's what we are doing. We have
the best $2.50 shoe for women in all
shoedora made in the best styles that
Fall has brought. Style, comfort and
durability arc not neglected.
The Dalles Daily Chmriete.
Ice Cream
At Andrew Keller's.
All tVam County warrant H registered
prior to October IT, 1898, will be paid
ou presentation at my oflloe, Intereat
cease arter August 18, 100 1.
County Treasurer.
Oysters at Keller's.
A full report ot the school officers'
meeting will he given Monday.
James Urqnhart went to work today
as clerk in the Grant cigar store.
The office of R. B. Gilbreth will be
temporarily located at Watte' Marble
Another shipment of fall suits, for
boyi, arrived today at A. M. Williams &
A marriage license was granted by the
county clerk today to J. D. Bowman and
Mary J, Lewis.
ProfeMor Sandvig announces his so
cial dunco ut the Baldwin tonight, and
invites all of his friends and others, who
enjoy dancing, to attend.
A lew days since C. W. Stipp, of the
Orygoa Lumber Co., at Viento, was
brought to the city and placed in the
QOtpital, suffering with typhoid fever.
Mrs. (;, v. French, wife of Contractor
French, ie very ill of enteritis at her
lome near Hartland. Dr. Eahelman
who bai jut returned from that place,
informs ui that there is small hope of
er rSCOVarv.
Ouarlei Keed, a former Dalles boy and be a newspaper man. He is a first-class
brother of Mrs. Geo. Johnston, of Du-1 reportei at any rate,
'ur, bai taken charge of the Dufur Die- j On Monday morning Contractor Mc-
Patch. We piedict for it a bright fu-1 (jarthy started to work on the new
WW, an Mr. Reed is just the man to j 2,000 schoolhoosj with a force ol 12
make g ()rtJlJ iumf carpentere. The way the work is being
today the 0. R. & N. commenced pushed forward proves what the con-!
"aw: work on the road between Hood tractor eaid about having the house
'Ver and Mosier. Seven crews will; ready for occupancy by the first of Octo
Wurk ,lu-v and night, hauling the gravel bar. Shaniko Leader.
rm Grand to that locality, and extra Wheat is not coming in as lively as it
rgc BOgloM will be in use. dl 1 last w eek, on account of the rain. !
Or. Doane informs ue that Tim Evans, No damage has been doue so far, and it
wljo wa. injured in the runaway accident iienerally couceded that Wasco county
yesterday, a getting along nicely, and j wheat is pretty well secured. Further
le thinks is out uf danger. The little showers would injure Sherman county J
A. P. Vance, the victim of the
""away .'MunJav is alan imnrnvino
Mibs Taylor announces that she will
kiidergartM next Wednesday,
da lhe ,tMion l be held each
y' con"ncing at 2 p. m. She will
Suit Sale
I -
Here's a two-fifty
shoe shot from our
store that will cer
tainly bring relief
to many overtaxed
purses. It's pos
I A: liffik mh A n
Tf IBi
also start claeses for a limited number of
older children, the hours to be from 9 a.
m. to 2 p. m se 6 10
It Nat Goodwin and his wife canceled
tbeir engagement to a swell dinner in
London last night, surely Americans
should show at least as much respect for
the chief executive and forego special
social events until President McKinley
is out of danger.
Miss Minnie Bartell, who has been
one of the hello girls at the Oregon
Telephone Company's office, has ac
cepted a position with Pease & Mays
and will assume her duties Monday.
Miss Bernie Schooling will take the
place vacated by her.
In a business letter received yesterday
in The Dalles, the fact of the death of !
Sam Stroud, the old-time shoemaker at
this place, waB mentioned. No further
particulars as to the date ot hie death,
or manner were given, other than it
occurred at Eddyville, Iowa.
Perhaps you "forgot to remember"
that this month has an r in its name;
but Andrew Keller hasn't, and he also ie
aware that the little letter will permit of
your eating oysters, so he has anticipated
your wants and is now ready for you. If
you feel like eating oysters, call on him.
We notice from a Walla Walla paper
that Rev, U. F. Hawk was one of
the committee which acquitted Rev.
Henry Brown, a former pastor of the
Methodist church here, from the charge
of maladministration brought about by
the trial of Rev. Cool, of Spokane.
Our public schools begin next Mon
day, and already tiie children are talk
in school on the streets. The agents for
the new books, I. C. Nickelsen and
Menefee & Parkins, are well stocked
with new text books and ready for the
fray. Jt will be a lively time for them.
Tiik OhbONIOLI is under many obliga
tions to Prof. R. R. Ajlard, of the Dufur
public schools, for daily reports of the
institute proceedings. Were Mr. Allard
less of a eueeess as a teacher, we would
sav I,., hart tviiaanH 1 1 i a M 1 1 i llir n (t flllOllld
wheat ; also Gilliam, where they have
had more rain than Wasco. I
The Taconia G. A. R. veteran, who
thrashed an anarchist last night when j
he said McKinley should have been shot
long ago, did just what some one should
have done in The Dalles last night when
Commencing Saturday, Se
tember 7th, and ending Sept. 15th,
our entire stock of Youths'. Boys' and
Children's Clothing will be sold at
3 off
We need more room for our new
Fall Stock and wish to close out our
odds and ends. Every Suit and Pair
of Pants in the house marked in plain
figures. You get one-third off from
original price.
Hats, Cas and Shirts at
m a rk ed -down prices .
See Display In Window.
lift: -A A: A; , f!t -A
Hp 'V w w ' WW
a remark was made that Roosevelt's
friends were accountable for the terrible
deed. Anyone who would harbor such
thoughts is capable of pretty low down
tricks himself.
Davenport Bros., of Hood River, have
received two second-hand planing mills
from the Booth-Kelly Lumber Company
at Eugene, which will be installed and
ready for operation Mondav morning.
The railroad switch will be replaced
next week, and the lumber company
will again have things running as they
were before the fire. Work at the little
sawmill was resumed Wednesday.
Monday the Regulator line of steamera
will run on their new schedule, the
Regulator and Bailee City will make the
regular daily runs, leaving here at
o'clock each morning. The George W
Shaver will also remain on the route,
principally as a freight boat. She (or he
as we suppose George signifies) will leave
The Dalles every Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday at 8 a. m., and leave Portland
1 aionaay, Wednesday anil rnuayat o a.
Some of our music-loving people have
I determined on hearing Herr Schott sing i
; once more before he leaves for New York
I in October to reside permanently. We'
have no doubt that all who heard him
upon his former visit, as well as many '
j who were not so fortunate, will voice the !
j sentiment of those who are endeavoring
j to arrange a concert for the latter part of !
j this month. An opportunity will be!
, given all to signify their wishes in this i
1 regard, as a paper will be circulated to- j
j day or Monday for signeis.
It is said that two gentlemen one a
j popular young deputy district attorney I
and the other a court stenographer 1
, attended the school officers' meeting '
i this morning when they least expected.
I It happened in this manner: As the;
1 former entered the clerk's office this j
morning Judge Bradstiaw requested him i
jtogo up into the court room and get j
some papers winch he wished him to
take to Menefee. I p went the young
aiiorr.ey, anu in me customary manner,
bolted into the room, when what was
his surprise to find it filled with people,
among whom were many young ladies.
Not to be outdone tie marched to the
judge's table, looking all about for the
papers, ami finally returned having
found nothing hut a lot of good-looking
young ladies. Later the young married
man wae sent on the same errand, but
returned linding nothing more than his
predeceseor. And now they both de
clare Judge Hradshaw had no valuable
papers iu the court room.
No doubt our readers of yesterday
were shocked to notice iu the report of
Hip tire that two little children had been
neJ to a bed post and lefl alone in the
house while iheir mother was doing her
hnnninv i that the tire started durimr
her absence, and but for the forethought
of neighbors the little ones must have
suffered a terrible death. We have
since learned that the oldest child, 4
years old, was tied, while the youngest,
lSs years old, was asleep on the bed.
To the credit of onr citv be it raid that
indignation waxed warm as the report
j spread, and many a mother thiew up
j her hands in horror at the thought of
; anon inhuman proceedings; molhera
I who would not entertain the thought of
, leaving a child alone in the rmnee for an
j hour, much less tyinir the little one be
! cause he had been in the habit of run
' ning away. The least that can he aid
! ie that if we have such mothers I ?) in
! our midst the law shou'd see that the
'children are protected.
Time alter time have Dalle people
paid 50 cents or more for an evening's
! entertainment which in no wise DOB
j pared with that given by the promoters
of the institute lact night at the OongM
i gational church, and our people appre
ciated Superintendent Gilbert's efforts,
and turned out in large number-" to hear
i Professor French give his lecture on his
travels, having made the journey
; through England mostly on a bicycle.
: What a privilege then for those who
perhaps will never have the opportunity
I to make the trip, to listen to his de
scription and have depicted on the can
vas before them the beautiful isles of
I Scotland, the cathedrals ami many of the ,
j imposing ruins and structures w hich are
J viewed hv a traveler thiouuh Kngland.
It was indeed a treat, for which we feel
! grateful. Besides the lecture the andi-
j ence was delighted at the two readings
given by Miss Mamie Helen Ki inn, who
ll indeed a talented young lady and an
elocutionist of rare ability. She gave ;
the Money-Musk anil also answered to
j an encore. Miss Myrtle Michel 1 sang at
j the opening of the entertainment
''Sweetheart Sigh No More," and for an
j encore, "Little Boy Blue," a tweet little
ib.llad recently composed by Joyce.
At the close she sang "You."
Minor'! utile Mill lie Here Other
The exhibition of Mr. Minor's herd ol
short horns, at The Dalles carnival, will
pay every visitor if there was nothing
else on exhibition. Arlington Record.
We know it, Mr. Record, and we
assure you there'll be much else on ex
hibition. Our fruit exhibit will be such
as to not only make your eyes dance,
but your mouth water. It was splendid
last year ; 5 ou watch it this.
Stacks of letters are being received
every day fiom parties who desire to
make exhibits. Among other promi
nent exhibitors will be E. J. Bowen, of
the famous seed house. Then we under
stand a large implement firm in Port
land expect to make a great display of
their wares, among which will be a
large threshing machine, and a sawmill
at work on the grounde. These are
mentioned to give some idea of what
the exhibits will be.
Work is going on rapidly at the race
track. The stables are now ready for
the horses and the cattle, and the grand
stand will soon be constructed, and all
moving along in a way that assures us
the manager is just the man in the
light place.
We told our readers yesterday what to
expect in the line of music, and those
who have heard this famous baud know
that their music in itself will warrant a
trip to the city.
Of Mr. Minor's cattle an exchange
says: "Thifisoneof the fines', herds
in America. With the herd is the great
Sally Girl, champion cow of the United
States in 18'J(. She waB in all the prin
cipal fairs in 1900 in the WeBt.and never
was beaten. He also has Sasy
Frantic, w inner of first priz'j at Chicago
last December, when in competition
with forty of the finest calves in the
United States and Canada. Mr. Minor
will have live men in charge of the herd,
fie will exhibit them at Hpokane and :it
the state fair at Salem, coming to The
Dalles later.
l'liolo(raiherx, Attention!
The committee in charge of the display
of photography for the district fair and
carnival to be held during the fiiBt week
in October, are very desirous that all
. pwl0B interested in this class of woik
should begin in time and prepare speci
mens of their work or exhibition, either
to enter for premiums or to help out the
display and make it a credit to the dis
trict. The carnival committe will have
the premium lists out within a few days,
when any one desiring them can get
them. Liter there will be notice givt n
of Borne one appointed to receive the
photographs sent in for the exhibit.
Ciiaikm 1 hfjCoMMITTMi
For Inlands auu Children.
1 m u . j i 1 a . .
Bears the
ttgoatare ot
Clarke A. Falk have received a carload
of the celebrated James E. Pattoa
strictly mire liquid paints
...The New York Gash Store...
133 and 142 Second Street.
The BARGAIN STORE of the City.
Special in
Sec our Show Window.
New Grocery Store
V have added a Grocery Depart
ment to our store. A new fresh,
dean sttu-k. (live us a call. Prompt
delivery to any part of the oity.
JVIaier &
Headquarters for
Family Groceries,
Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware,
Stoves and Steel Ranges.
167 Second Street, THE DALLES. OR.
! in Mala.
1000 acres more or leSB lying on the
Columbia river about seven miles from
The Dalles. About 100 acres of river
bottom tht! rest good upland suitable
for fruit and pasture. One of the best
dairy or milk ranches in the county; a
small house ; good barn ; some orchard
and plenty of water. Also other town
and county property. Apply to Glboni
Si Marr'en. Masonic building Third
street. augHO-lui
When your hair appears dry and to
have lost its vitality it wants something
to give it life and vigor. We have what
the hair netilii when it gets :n thiit con-
dil ion. We have
the Crown of
Science Hair
Cocoannt Cream
will cure daud
( irower a n d
Tonic. The
lull a ' ' I all
scalp diseases. For sale at rrtSvr'l bar
ber shop. Price 50c and 75c a bottle.
Sid Darling, 101.' Howard st. Pott
Huron, Mich., writes: "1 have tried
in any pilll nod laxatives but DcWitt'f
Little Karly Risers are far the best pills
I have ever used." They never gripe.
Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Don't Hub ll 111,
Just wet the affected part fieely with
j Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy,
i and the pain is gone. Sold by Clarke A
I Falk.
' Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior
, paints when you can liny James K.
Patton'd sun proof paints for $1.50 per
1 gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Ciark v
Falk, agents. ml
If anything aiis your hair, go and see
i'la.ei; he's the headquarter for all
hair remedies. Kemember that he
makes a ipeclollf of these goods. tf
Will Mot l'ay Tht-in.
To A1.1. Whom It May OOVOMMI
I herebj refuse to be responsible for
any bills contracted by my wife.
JpMVI J. Wii.uv,
Khamko, Sept. 3, 1901.
School Opens Sept. )th
Arrangements have been made with
1. c inti
to act as agent for l.andling of the new
school books, lie authorised to nmkl
the exchange any time httween Sept. I
and Inn liar v 1 . 'til mul W
Undertaker and Embalmer
Cor. Thud and Wablilnfcton Sts.
All orders attended to promptly Long
dixtance phone 433. Local, 100,
Fire Insurance.
Law Union H (mm Ins. (o. o( London.
Poundc I ptil
Capital paid i
Now In the time to insure; tontOF
row may b'' too l ite.
PboM So. hh, Boufert v ('ondon.
Phone No, 803, Pacific Himtm Co.
itesident kgent, lhe Dftliof.
At The Dalies Employ ment Office; a
place where you can procure help with
out cost or trouble. Mail or phone
YACHlL Khi.i.fcv,
a2ii-lmdtfcw Manager.
Qifford's Potos Never Fade.