l)roniclc. VOL. XIII THE DALLES, OREGON. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1901. NO. 174 I) e Dalles lii 7y-- i'l " AYcgetable Preparationfor As similating the Food andRegula lin'4 the Stomachs andBowels of Promotes DigestionXheerfur ncss and Rest.Contains neither Opium.MorptUne nor Mineral Not Narcotic. rv orOUiO-SAMUELPlTCHSlt flumtiH Seed' ,f.'x.Sr.iur R-ktU Salts - Jtyitmwtt -H) CumoiinlrSoila. Warn Seed -fiiailiul .'iugar Hkifnyvm Flavor. Ancrkci Remedy forConslipa fion , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Vbrms .Convulsions .Fcvcrish ncss and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature or NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. PRESIDENT'S LIFE IN A BALANCE Wounds Not Necessarily Fatal Late Report Says He Is No Worse. Buffalo, Sept. 0. The president and party sie.it the morning in company with Mayor Deuttler, and, with an army escort, visiting Niagara Falls and driving about that city. After luncheon, the power house was visited. From there the party returned to t tie exposition grounds, nod was holding a reception at tlie Temple of Music when the shots were tired. HAD Tin; RKVOLVIB UOKOBAMtD. At the reception a young man was pres-in forward to shake hands with lU president. His right hand was ap parently dune up in a handkerchief, hut beneath the handkerchief a revolver Ml hidden. As he approached the prwident, bo proffored Ids left hand, at 'uesHiue lime revealing the revolver in Wo right, With a quick move ho tired lo shots. A crowd gathered around DOatiMlin, hut were driven back by the petition guards. Secret, Service Selective Foster closed iu on the assassin, RQd Krahhmg lain, knocked bill) down ffih a powerful blow. The police then interfor,.-,!, forcing Foster bad:, who Dually calmed down. The police did not dare to remove the prisoner from the MBpio of Music, ai the crowd on the rounds were anxious to take his life. (DO doctors ere now working over tlie PnoldtOt. When the president fell, he "benign, by Secretary Cortelvou. and WOli'loot Milhu'n of the exposition. INTKNMK KXt'lTKMBNT. As way easily be imugined, the excite "pit about the grounds and throughuui UUj was intense. Nothing like it "MONO witnessed since Lincoln was ''"tin 1805 or Uarlield in 18S1. MD rOOIOI&boriog both events say the con ""nation was just like that that marked '' '"asses n tliuw formM cUM WUfoo were shot down by the "JMUW who took tboir livce. ' nOOriM How from mouth to mouth, om. , El ,"x',li4,,ati"n8 were offered, ,he af8aB6in tt8 H ttehUt. , '"'"""'-al society of Unt lrut" whom of Ute so many CASTDRIA CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CCNTAUH OOMMNV, NEW TOUK CITY. attempts at' the lives of rulers have come. This theory found acceptance with many. On the other hand, it was aseerted thai the man was merely a crazy fellow such as have frequently, during times of excitement, stirred by the tenseness of the moment, resorted to such bloody deeds to release their nervous tension. At Mi" time of the shooting, it was with the greatest difficulty that the crowd was kept from killing the man. If the guards had not stood like a eerried column against the pressing mas?, they would have secured possession of bin), and he would have been torn into a thousand fragments. HE SAID OKJS WOUND PAINED HIM, After an examination by the phy sicians, Secretary Cortelvou asked the president if the wouuds were painful. "Tbil wOUOd," raising a hand to the one iu the chest, "hurts me severely, " answered the president. When tlie shooting occurred, the president whs surrounded by the usual number of secret service men aud de tectives, but none particularly noticed the man 1 ho tired the shots. The prOOldoBt was at once taken to the emergency hospital, where u bullet Which lodged against the breast bone was removed. Later the president was reported as resting easily. At b o'clock Dr. Roowell Parke, the well-known surgeon, arrived at the hos pital, and after putting the president under an anesthetic, began probing (or the ball in the abdomen, but in vain, and the wound was sewed up. Dr. K xsy broae the news in a most gantlo manner to Mrs. McKinley. He said she Btood it bravely, though much affected. If It was possible to bring him to her she wanted it done. Dr. Kixey j assured her that the president could he brought with safety from the Exposition ground!, and when he left Mr. Milbnrn's I It WOO to com pi ate all arrangements for the removal of the president. A big force of patrol men was assigned to the Milhurn residence. HBIOAUTiONO tun BSM taken. The authorities all olOBg feared an at tempt oil the life of the president. It was auuounced yesterday that every precaution hail been taken to safeguard him against any soch attempt, and de tectives and policemen were on all sides. President McKinley lias always traveled about the country without more than usual guarding than is given to public officials, and regretted that in this in stance it seemed necessary to resort to uncommon measures to protect him from the fury of possible cranks and assassins. BUFFALO, Sept. 6. The prisoner who at first gave his name as Newell is Leon OoolOM, He is of Polish-German ex traction and hails from Cleveland. Is an avowed anarchist aud says he com mitted the deed because he believes the I present form of government in the t'nited States is unjust. Buffalo, Sept. 7.-8:80 p. m. Presi dent still resting quietly; pulse 1:40; temperature 102 2 10; respiration 24. The latest report received by The CnBOirtCLE at 4 o'clock says there has ! been no change for the worse. The bullet has been located in t! e ma cles of the lack. pokatia Church ROW Aired. Walla Walla, Wash., Sept. o. The Methodist conference now in session here was the scene of a lively tilt yesterday, when the opening guns of the war be tween the two fractions of the First Methodist church of Spokane were fired. ! Charges nod conn tor charges resulted, I and a committee to take evidence and report was finally appointed, the die I cussion in this way having drifted from the conference to th committee room. Today the committee is taking testimony behind closed doors, and an effort wiil be made to keep the details of the case from the public from this time. litv. Ilcnrv Brown, presiding elder of the Spokane district, is the man on trial. He is accused of having shielded Rev. P. A. Cool, pastor of ttie Spokane church. 000)0 time ago, in having refused to tile charges against the pastor, duri.ig the C lurch trouble at Spokane. Tbil brought the whole matter up, and a warm disius sion followed, taking up most of the day. At last a committee was appointed to j take the matter up, and try the facts be- j hind closed doors. Rev, P. A. Cool, pastor of the First Methodist church of Spokane, with his friends, is here to make a strong fight, j and the expelled members of the church j and also on hand in full force. In all fourteen COOOO OtO to be tried, and it is now expected that the work will take up several days. Later After an all-night session the trial committee in the Methodist confer ence, found Dr. Brown, of Spokane, not guilty early this morning. American Woman Kidnapped. Washington. Sent. 6. The state de partment has received information from j the United States legation at Oonstauli DOplo confirming the press report of the capture of au American missionary by briganis. The dispatch from Minister j Leishmann reports that brigands I captured Miss Stone, an American mis- j ..!...... ... ... V. , , n.aa frut'ttlinor ir i I i a vrnmun ' IUUHI J n t J " no i i u v.. ,fp ....... companion, iu the Vilayet of Salonica. The department adds that the matter has received the immediate and earnest attention of Minister Leishmann. Hlug KUwuril li Iter. London, Sept. 0. --Though King Ed ward is consciously submitting to the light, water and massage "cure" at Homburg, the Candid Friend, a weekly paper, says the throat trouble from which he has sufl'ered since and before bis accession shows no improvement. Oug It I'ay to Kuy Cheap? A chsap remedy for coughs and colds is all right, but you waut something that wiil relieve and cure the more se vere and dangerous results of throat and lung troubles. What shall you do? Co to a warmer and more regular climate? Yes, it possible; if not possinle for you, then in either case take the only rem edy that has been introduced in all civil ized countries with success in severe throat and lung troubles, "Boschee's German Syrup." It not only heals aud stimulates the tissues to destroy the germ disease, but allays inflammation, causes easy expectoration, gives a good night's rest, and cures the patient. Try m hot tie. Recommended many years by all druggists in the world, and sold ny uiarae x ram almanac. Get Green's prize i Dyspepsia can be cured by using Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets, One little Tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded. Sold in handsome tin boxes at 25 cts. Blukeley the druggist. Clerk and Falk have just received a full line- of fresh Velox papers and de velopers, the same as used by Mr. Lovick in bis recent demonstration at our store. Subscribe for The Cuuonicle. SCHOOL Books Free of CostjZ?j& Tlie opening of school loss expense to parents. now books or both: and to provide for, the cost is intend to benefit you. For reference, we publish in the space opposite, a revised list of the books adopted by the board of direc tors for this coming term of school. Any copy listed can bo had through this store of your local dealer as a premium on purchases in our boys' clothing depart ment. The value of the book depends, of course, on the amount of your purchases. Our Stock is Quite Complete. Vou may select from Little Boys' Vostee Suits 3 to 8 years $2.00 to $5.00 Little Boys' Junior Suits 3 to 8 years 2.50 to 7.50 Little Boys' Double-breasted Hoofer Suits, (3 to 8 years) 2.50 to 5 00 Boys' Double-breasted School Suits (0 to 15 years) 2.00 to 10.00 Boys' 3-piece Round Sack Suits (7 to 15) 4.00 to 8.50 Boys' Long Bant Suits (10 to 16 years). 3.00 to 10.00 Young Men's Sack Suits (17 to 20 years) 5.00 to 17.50 Many of our Fall Suits have already come. A. M. Yes, August Flower still has the largest sale of any medicine iu the civilized world. Your mothers and grandmothers never thought o? using anything else for indigestion and biliousness. Doctors were scare and they seldom heard of appendicitis, nerVOUl prostration or heatt faiiure, etc. They used August Flower to cUan out tba system and stop fermentation of undigested food, regu late the action of the liver, stimulate tne nervous and organic action of the sys tem, ami that is all tfiey took when feel ing dull and bad with headaches and other aches, Yon only need a few doses of Green's August Fiower, in liquid form, to make you satisfied there is nothing serious the matter with you. Get Green's prizi almanac. Clarke & Falk's. 1 Hale tit r,. , v in i i ii ..I, BxpoSllloO, Round-trip rates via O. R. &. N. from The D tiles, fHI.DO. Tickets on sale first aud tiiird Tuesdays during June, July, August, Septem tier and October.good for continuous peiage going on date of sale. Return limit thirty days from date of sale. Stop-overs will be allowed west of Missouri river or St. Paul on return trip within limit of ticket. Arrangements can be made by apply ing to agent O. R. A. N'. Co., The Dalles, v. l.vrel y tickets will be honored on lake jteamers in one or both directions be tween Detroit und KofTalo. tf Ja.mkm Juki. and, Agent Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Came & Falk. days are always of more or It is either mow clothes, or where there is a large family no tritlo. Hero is where wo It is needless to dwell on the fact that the boys' clothes we sell are, of the satisfactory kind. If they weren't, we could not sell to the same peo ple year in and year out. It takes honest goods to stand (be strain. Our boys' clothing this fall is the same brand we have handled hereto fore our assortment as large, and the prices just a little lower. As a speoial inducement wo of fer until Sept. 12th a refund of ten per cent, on any Boys' r Young' Men '8 Suit, Overcoat or pair of Bants, this amount redeemable in school books, for which an order will be given vou on your book store. Williams Fire! Well, after all it is never so bad but that it might have been worse and we arc agreeably surprised for after tak ing a thorough inventory we And We Got Off Easy with the exception of a few lots quoted below slightly damaged btj water. ONE LOT Men's cassimere and cheviot ONE LOT Youth's suits, embracing suits, ranging from 7.00 to ifl'2 , clear- worsteds, cheviots, cassimeres, etc.; ance price 9595 clearance price l3d off ONE LOT Men's black and fai cy worst- ONE LOT d about 20 Youth's Suils, ed suits, ranging from I i to 17.50 ciearai.ee price ibv.vj All Children' Clothing at off This is an opportunity of a life-time to lay iu your winter supply of clothing. THE HUB CLOTHING CO., W. MARKILLIE, Manager. ' LIST of School It inks adopted bv the Hoard of Directors for the coming term anv of Which en be had free a" a premium on purchase in our hove' clothing de partment . First Reader Second Reader Third Reader Fourth Reader Introductory Lnnguago Work rhi' rimer icon Oltlxan Qradod LoMO&oln English Elementary Arithmetic Practical Arithmetic Elements of Geography Complete Geography Word Lessons New Normal Mental Arithmetic Natural System of Vertical Writing. E'ementary Histoiv of the t'nited States History of the t'nited States A Healthy Body Hooks 1, 8, 3 and 4, New Short Course in Drawing Hijjh School Adoption Higher Lessons in English The Essential! oi Algebra Latin Grammar The hirst Latin Hook Caesar's (iallic War Select Orations of Cicero Firt Hook of Physical (ieography Qiieitioni for Physical Geography History of i recce Mediaeval and Modern History European History Students History of the United states An Academic Arithmetic Plane aud Solid Geometry Elements of PyhtlOl Botany Elementary Geology German Grammar Government of the American People Elements of Rhetoric ami English Composition. Notes for Teachers of English Corn posit ion English Literature v Webster's Hunker Hill Oration Maooaolay'i Milton Tonuyson'l Princess Goldsmith's Traveler and Deserted Village Elliot's Silas Marner Iv angeline Co. rire! ; ageUtoL'O; more or less damaged; close out. at