TEACHERS' INSTITUTE- ; . I tome ol Ibe reeui ke of the great need of it: L Mf M developing all cn,ld L reident of The M.ir' TaaChin Ati-trlng and RMWl Interest Manifest. Thursday's gftefnoon ewtiton opened with eiitainy. This yb followed by Superintendent !. 8. LitodOTI on the n til r- of "Matte m the riuuV S-hoole. In tnef !ie ?pok the need of d faculties, a then- are many j.owerc in the mind which developed would lend; to many reasonable results. All ChH dren can be tougbt to ling. There lift I pftrt Of htiman nature that can only he ; reached by malic. If the last (term of ori:innl thought is to end ftt thirty-1 three years of age, how emphfttic it is, that the development of the higher nowera ihould beatn in eftrly life. The t ' 11 1 i Klu-illotil I.voture. The regular sessions of the county teachers' institute close this evening with nn Illustrated lecture by riot. I Bt HIMtNH LOCALS Mummer Bcurlon to tne & Cossl. i.,i.- HI ro fnp thi round trin from Clarke & Falk's flavorine extracts are ' ' . ... T. ,,.rifil. I ne iMiies i' jv'mus mm , Park, 0:ean I'aik if Nahcotta, Wash., good for return until Sept. 15 IWli the best. Ask your o' 'cer for them. Wanted A woman to do up stairs Apply ftt Bftggftgft checked through to destina- The steamer 1'. J. Potter will nuglil-tf lion. and 10 p. m. Oil Bight teams wanted by J. 0. Sullivan. SfttUrdftyi, making direct connections ui Astoria and at llwacO for all points on l)Mnn and Waahlnaton beaches. Call inspiring innuenw oi mu.c .n v Congregational church. Everybody is to be present. No down foar ; influence upon the individual and nation. Prof, French followed with ft talk upon nuuiben. Thie waa a continuation of hi morning u'.k upon thii lubject, taking Up the especial subject of frac tions. Build a baeii frutr child's ex narience. then nroceed from that to . i - s build, Including the four fundamental operation!, Continued repetition is his motto. After a short Intermission Supt. Gil bert reviewed n list of teachers who had already recured positions! for the year. There are io me nineteen schools yet vacant. All are very email schools. Prof. W. C. Hawley occupied the rest of the afternoon seMioti in a continua tion of his talk upon history and civil government. In his discourse he brought forth the error of the democratic party in adopting '"state rights," and held to view men In office who hold country above self, the purchase of Louisiana ; the embargo acts and non Intercourse acta ; the stimulation of the ttcceii achieved by piivateerd In 1812; the desire ol thr North for fjod com-! merclal relationa with England ; effect of alien and sedition laws; Importance of protective tariff and the importance of i the "Monroe Doctrlue." r&ID.VY MORSISG, Cooi and clouded. Attendance good. Session opened with e.mg. Huperin- j ten, lent Gilbert made a few remarks, j announcing the lecture of Prof. French to t ike placo at the Congregational church tonight. atSo'clook, upon his "Tour Through Europe." Superintend ent Gilbert ai?o extended the time allowance to cover Saturday's session, i Prof. Hawley resumed bin talk upon j history and civil government. His di course took up that time immediately , pre ceding the civil war and during that' period. After a snort recess Prof. French took the subject of geography. He called at tention to the sources of material for teaching this subject, How teachers may be obtained ami at what coit. It is fail aim to bring real material before the 1 puj.ii. j Prof. Hawley concluded bit course of I lectnrfi upon "Physiology Psychol' gy." He brought forth Aristotle's definition ! of the difference between the educated an i uneducated as "the living and the d"-d ;" the valu'-i of education of the re I flexes; the overcoming of the inertia Of attention, for with this nothing can I be tught. Teachers and visitors since yesterday's ! re .istr it ion are: Dllta C Brown, I' L Duttou, Troy Shelley, Albert li Shelley, Minnie Michel , i la Oiueg, Mabel Oa.eg, Emma Ward, Buna Ward, Visitor! : Mrs E M Wilson. Mrs Lang, Mn Joi T Peters, Helen ivt.-r:. Mr Merrill, Mn C L Gilbert. Ke and Zipporati Harris, Mrs Neff, Male Jones, Maie Gushing, France! Foots, Homer Angel, M rsjj C ; Crandall, Mrs Ed Will tnis, Constance Whealdon, Mr John Uavln, Mabel Boorman,Teoa McNvi , Mr and Mr- A R ThonipiOQ. , . . I .,,, ft Robert 0. French, or the Monmouth wore uns Liiiuma uuui normal school. Prof. French scent last ! ,he al onre- year traveling in Europe, and will give : Wanted Man to clerk In itore; imftll j lea vo Portland dally except Sunday and some of the results of his travels in this salary ; experience not necessary. Ad- Monday, nd the HMialo daily except rmle Helen Flynn. now dress X , care Chroniclk, iepS(tf Bonday, at 8 Dalle-, Will assist in the entertainment. Mist Flynn com 1 Grading for easy level drmr icrapei menced work In voice culture and In- and wagon work with no up-hill haul. terpretation with Mrs. Akin Hacnlll I Wanes $4 per day. iep8lwk on Hancock, continuing the study of ora- giperlence le the belt Teacher, ITse tory with John T, Morrison, of Idaho, A0Kgr, English Remedy in any case of and is a gra iuite of the Denver l 01 lege ,.0Ui.i, f.oill, rjrcrOUp. Should it fail to of Oratory, under Prof. John Wet tel. I - immediate relief money 25 cts. and 60 cts. iilakeley, the drug gists. Henry Bray don, Harris, N. C, lays: "I took medicine 0 years for asthma, but one bottle of On" Minute CoUeh Cure did me more good than any thing Miss Myrtle Micheli, one of The DalieB' Vweeteit singt-rs, will aid In the music. The entertainment will be held at the cordially Invited to bo present. charge will be made for admission. Comm. .r- Thankful, ! ' In our sad bereavement, we have been shown the greattst kindness by our ! neighbors anil friends. We are deeply grateful and assure them their sympathy j lias helped us bear the terrible burden. 1 Ais i would we assure the Order of Eagles I , that the forethought and brotherly f-eiing exhibited by their prerence at ! the list sad rites where they hovered around as if to lend their sympathy and I protection is greatly appreciated. Mas, W. H .V ixntBDBB, Wilmam Vasiiibukr. else during that time. Belt Cuiigh Cur' ." ; Pharmacy. Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Nonis Silver, North Stratford, N, H, ; "I purchased ft botiie of One Minute Cough Cure when suffering with a cough doctors told me was incurable. One bottle relieved me, the second and third almost cured. Today lama well man " Clarke i'c Falk's P. 0. Pharmacy. Jaa. Ireland, agent, The Dalles, for through time card to all nencn points. Jly8.n Many phvilclans arc now prescribing , , Kodol Dyipeplift Cure regularly having v refunded . .... , ,,..;.,,;. tOUlKl mill il IS IO O0 prewiif""" they can write because it is the on? ( preparation which contains the elements necessary to digest not only some kinds of food but all kind and it therefore cures Indlgeition and dyipepiia no matter what its cause. Clarke A Falk's P.O. Prof. Homer de Morrison Clarke & Falk have on salt: ft full lino .f paint and artist's brushc. OREGON STATE FAIR WINDMILLS, PUPS and PIPE, RUBBER and Garden Hose, Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers, f you an- in need of anything In our line, figure with us, for it will pay you. We operate a PLUMBING-, TIN and BICYCLE REPAIR SHOP. All ordors cntrusled to us will have prompt attention. SEXTON WALTHER, THE DALLES, - - - OREGON. SALEM NOTICE. All pet sons knowing themielvil to be i idebted to the late lirm ol R, liilbreth Sons will please call on tl.em and pav amount due. All accounts unpaid by September 20th will be bunded over to Messrs Wilson d: Hantington for col lection. iei6-tf is. W. Pursell, Kmtersville, Pa., says he suffered 2o years with piles and could obtain no relief until DeWitl's Witch Hazel Salve effected a permanent cure. Counterfeits are wotthless. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. September 23-28, 1901 Great Agricultural and Industrial Fair. YOUR KIDNEYS. After vou tire of nnine fo called kidnev remediei without any benefit, me Lincoln Sexual Pills and be forever rid ol thoie tlnll paina In your back. Discard that old loity idea of "pain in the kidneys" and imVe all youi bladder and urinary troubles curt I. and vour nights made reitfol by the use of nan-e s pieateet assistant Lincoln Sexual Pills. Price, $1.00 per box buy ol yonrdroggiit oreent by mail on receipt of price, in plain wrannci, LINCOLN PROPRIETARY vO., Fort Wayne, Indiana. M. V.. Donnell, Auent, The Dalles. 'I m i.piin,:i ii utreet. Itootni PUKTLANU, UKBQON. The 9 Take them to day and you'll be weil to-morrow. Baldwin's Cold Cure 9 9 Irst registorod as well n the Hntjrradu- I nt'' palmist ever In Portland. The world's b eateit Trauco Clairvoyant and Iierbailut can j in' i n iittttcd dally on all affalrnol Ht Prof, de Morrison li without a doubt the iudsi j BctentiUu Pttlmbt and Clali voj ant In the world ' f. .(., I,. Ii.,xiTmv 1,,'.1,1ji, Kraum, r,.1...it. tt " tcparnted, telw if there I minrral, oil. or iras ii I your land, enables you to win tn a flection of one you desire. ministry wugnt, mealumuuc persons aevei oped. Beau by the use of hit revealed heibd teas; cures chronic and so-called tnonrablcdis eaet, Vteo iroatnent foi the iM)c,r. Bend 1, date of birth and three queitl 'us; all letters answered at cnoe, DEALERS IN Rll kinds of Funeral Supplies Good RACING in Afternoons. the Crandall & Barget UNDERTAKERS fP EMBALM ERS .Tho Dalles. Or. Kobes, Burial Shrouds Etc. 9 9 l.ncute,! by Vision. pDitlnd, Aug, to, -(To ibe Editor), -Homer de Morrison, occultist, looated ly vision tbebul lion stolen Irom tin Belby HraeltinK Works, in beh If ol occult science be itanodiateiy com mnnteated b letter the facts to Mr. a. .1. Rals ton, owner of the Hclby Works. Therepottt re ceived last nijrbt prove hi- statements o irri-ct. MH8. KRANCI8 I'A UXI.nw. It i- pleasing to be assured that tbegold stolen from tne Bel'oy Smeltintt Woiks was 'lo cated by vision' by a Portland occultist. This proves that tlie story of the c-:ifesshu of tne thief and that bis assistance was required In re covering tbo gold was H base California inven tion for tho pari ose of depriving Oregon o jus: giory junior rortianu uregonian.j 9 Tablet No25B (Cold in head ) 9 9 9 9 9 9 NoOireNoPaySc Vjf itnil (or Pree Sample snd edic Manuel Bald-.iu ban rrincitc Sold by Claike & falk, The Dill Administrator's Notice. Latest Attractions in New Auditorium Building Every Evening, with Ciood Music. Beautiful Camp Grounds Free. Special Hates on Campers' Tickets. Come and Hunt' Vour Faml'iea. SPECIAL RATES on all RAILROADS For further particulars, address M. 1). WISDOM, Sec, lauim Portland, Oregon. 9 , Or. N'otlc is heteby given that the undersigned) i by an order of the oounty court of Wasoo county, I state of Oregon, ha oeen apjuoluted ndinlul-1 trs tor of the est ite of Mittie ilobart, deceased. I , All i ersons having olaiins against tb estate of i.i decaaied are notified t present theui, uith 1 the proper vouehers,tn my attorneys Hudson & 1 Hi nvnbill, :it their oflleo "at The Dalles, Oreaon. ft V Potlno Miaes Xiria i within six months from th,-dnt- ui this notice ' lf,r...l -Tfli rli. I,, I,- ill,,, C. f. IIOBART, Administrator of the rs-tate of Mittie Ilobart, leeeased. JlyW I PIONEER BAKERY. I hare re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH Pioneer Grocer. tli.fATOflr.raTTO 1 r I C. J. STUBliljNG, WnOLKSAt.K AND RXTAIti Wines. Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt atteniion. - Next door to First National Hank. i OoDtlOsi I' tt mm 1 . l.onj,' J)itl. JOj)l. THE DALLES, OREGON. DR. LYON 's French Peri odical Drops p. s. GuririiG, ...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker.. Strictly vegetable, perfectly harmless, sure to accomplish lL-:siRLil RESULTS. Greatest known female remedy- ISAli i llln '"a" ' 1 counierrens ann imiuiions. too lanaine is put up oniric pse"r w " "11 II i.ir-siiiiiii- Mii;ii l, I I- ,, .Md or ill,- lit it I It , 1 11 1 IV i bud tw Lirculur to WU.LlA.Mn Mrli, CO.. Sola Agents, CluvuUii-i, Ohiy. For gale hy Geo. C. BUkeley, The D ilios, Or. Executor's Notice. -DKAl.Kit IN lull- Aliowe-d. At the ltlt IDMtiag of the city C0UO I ell the following; blllf, with those of tl.o city offiotri, wen- allowed N J Love, labor f ( BQ Sotloe l- hereby liven tiiat U. Z. I beeuduly appointed executor m ii and ti-stiiMtnt o( Ann i.uchinv'i'r. do.-eaaed All persons uavlug elalms against the estate ol .-.h I l Ann hucbinger ar,- nereby notified t" present tlte same to mo, verified as by taw re ijUlred, within ix mouths from the datooi Uiis notice. i'an-,1 at iJ.iiio i i t i ii!;- Tin day of June, 1901, luns N. ss. DOMNliLL, Bveeutor, "latt will i Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies lis li Will 1 Hi d Agent f"i r.u:. tiiKiiiL-, Threshers ami .-,au' Mill Talepboue 157. Lonii Dlitanoe 107 Cor, Secoud & LaiuUiu St8 THE DALLES OR. .1 VVettli;, baani hire 4 -In Ferguson Bros, hauling hoae car' 2 50 K s (iuiminir, blaokeuiitb I 60 .1 .1 Love, labor W A lobOltOOi fUliM I 00 L 1 oakes, bauling I SO Pal I hi Water Works, water rent, Auguat 50 oo r ijneon Bros, bauling 1 50 n x'on & Walt her, noise QJ KeUlert & Condon, tt-lei lioiie rent ,s 50 ,i Jaegaoa, labor 3 00 1 1 M -iiiear, labor :; no i J Love, labor 1 lit! (i (ieorge, labor 1 00 a HeltiogvOi rent u( bldg 13S oo II Mallear, labor . g 00 l-liibretli iv Mom, lumber ii I'.i W i-i-ii Warehouse Uilliag Co, lights J one and J uly . 1 1 1 .M.-nefen & Wilton, attorney ftes KingaruaM Iir o D Doaue, ivitueai feea in oo I li. T F Forguion, witnou f0i 10 oo j J)i I A Qelaendorlfer, uithee leei 10 00 Vlaier iV Benton, radio ,l w Riakenay, huuiiug "i0 .1 i looiuey, indae l Dtilea Water W.rUs, witter UicU at'i 8iililiea J1J ;o .Ih lie Like, hauling o 25 NOTICK FOB ION. PUBLIC A rrivi at The Dauas,Or.j July J, I'.iol. t Notice Is hereby Riven that the following named settler has Hied novice t his intention to make tin.. Drool : Mini irt Ol bis clalin, iinil So that said prool will be taaoc before the Reals t,-i and ueceiver at i be Dalies, Oregon on lours j day, September : 1001, viz. i wiiii in. o, Thompson, of The Dalles, Oregon, li. E, No, vi'.u ir tbeKU iV-li and 'a I Wu gee ?, T 1 N. K II K. W M, ' lie names tlie following wltneases to prove his continuous residence upon i cultivation i o:' sai l land, via, : I'aulOarterlg. R. T. Elton, Tern Mickey and ! la-,- Hohanno, ail ol 'l he Dalles, regon, ilvM JAV H. hi i as, Keeister. MOTT'S PENNYROYAL PILLS of menstruation. They overeome Weak" ness, irregularity and omissions, increase via-- or and banish "naini They are "LIFE SAY VMS " to ttiiu ...t wonwniioou, ntuing aeveiopment or organs una bod Known remeay ror women equals them. Cannot do harm lift oecomes a pleasure. Hi.uu fMHn istJ.v liV 01 AIL. .Sold by drilggiita. DB. MOTT'S CIIEMICAL CO., Cloveland, Ohio For sale by tieo. (,'. ilhikelev, Tno l.illee, Or Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feod Grain oi tu kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinde Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, and all kinds of MILL KEED Jg i Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton Flour NOTICE FOB I'l BLICATION. l and UiKu at Vauoouver, Wash, July 17. Usui. Notice is hereby given thai ibe f Uowing usiusd settler has filed uoiloo ol bis in eutlou make final proof in support ol bis claim, end Ibat said proof will be made before the liegUlei snd Receiver f tin- V. s. Laud omoo si Van couver. Washington, ou Tuesd ir Si ptenber 10 70 1 twii vii Ira It. Hawaii i i.yi,- p, o.i M'asblugtou, who made U. B. (to, i8T7i for the south ball of imrtbweil qusrler, eel west balf of sou ih west iiuaiter of saeliun I BO i twentj one, towushlp three nortbi raui twelve SSI, . M. II - names the followlna uritnasssi to nova i bisoontio ; us residence upon and culUvaUou i i ei xxid land, viz: James riw and fjotonel KHz, each ol ears 1 l'. O.i Washington, ami inin il Bartow nd William OUoUi each Ol UUSUIl r. O.. Washing ton. Jlyj w. R, Of.Nn.vK, gggutat, r THE CELEBRATED .. .GOIiUiMBlA BREWEKY.. AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. of the pruduotoi t li i h well knon brewery tba United states Health Beporti for .lone gg, moo. lays; "A more mpaiior brew never en tared the labratory Ol the United States Health reports. It ib absolutely da void of (he aliithteit trace of BdulttnttOOi bill 00 the other hand is couponed of the best of malt ami choicest of hops. Its tonic qualitiu are of the high est and it can be Hied with Ilia realest beiiflit ami satisfaction by old and roUOfi lt use can conscieni ioiisly be irescribed by the phyilefaoa with the cereaiuty that a butter, purer or more wholenouio beverage could not pOMlbly be found." Eaat Second Streot, THE DALLES, OREGON. This Hour is manufactured expressly for family HSU ' an,1. la .a.J . n Ja. aat lafoiltuA. ... ., .u, . mi, jv io KUSIT aUIMU SU (lie.""'"" B Ml our goodB lower than any honee in the trade, and if you don't think fO call and get our j.rites and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oat? 5 J 5 C i J. E. FALT & CO., ProBristor. u Owl." Purest Liquors for Family Use Dellvsrsd lo any pari of the Oitj'. 173 Second Street Phones: 51 Local, ri5s Long Ilisunce. (or Tog OaoONroi'B