The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 05, 1901, Image 4

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    mm .
Advice of a
' Ii i- proper, I think, to 1"' other- know
about the popularity mid virtue of Acker's
English Remedy for doughs, i olds and '-n-
.- uinptioti .
F r 0 ni t li p
moment I
began hand
rapidly. and
the sale!
keep utmw
mp all the
time fast
a pcop le
fi n el out
What n re-i
n a r ' a hie
jireja ration
it i- Tlie
Bati ifactton
it gives is
unit crsal.
lur best c it
Izena um it
and say ii i- the beat thing for throat and
lung troubles they ever saw. Mr.8. B Cnl
ver. one "i our prominont townsmen, says
Acker's English Remedy is the only medi
cine that helped his chronic cough ! many
years' standing. At tir-t i: gave rellel and
now, after taking a fe bottles hi is wholly
cur. tl. 1 buy it bj the gros a: a time,
ntnl my sales are larger on this om ii" dicine
than on any other in my store It is a great
y. asun t-it meto feel that tvblU lam prosper
Ing 1 an. also doing so much good to the com
munity in selling such a grand medicine.'
- (tied R l: Dot'oi is Weatfleld, N Y
Bold at 85c. 50c. ami i a bottle, throughout
thi rutted States and Canada ; ami in Eng
land, at Is. iM.. 2 3d 4.kl. Ifyoti an-not
satisfied after buying, return the bottle to
jfi or druggist and get your monej back.
Ii". nuihorii tkt Ohorf Quttrxtcc.
tr. HOOKER 4 CO. Pi '' Sen Kwfc
a- B
Booh ' the Blona of tin- lu-titute
Now being Held,
Wednesday's afternoon se-e'.on opei ed
with lingingc indoi ted by Bnpt. Lenders,
The first discourse of the afternoon
was "High School Coatee ol B udy" ly
J. S. Ln lers. He Ip ike of the needs of
co-operation throughout tiie entire statP.
He s?a'e? that our course of study is the
result of a caraful consideration of the
courses ol many other states, and iayg
great s:re;: upon the Study of English,
calling attention to the principles of
composition and literary stvie. He!-
with literature a course in Latin.
He advocates the dropping of the t ach
ing of history by oantinual study of
battles, a? to the average child tliese
military tactics .ire ineompreheniible
and have rather a general brutalizing
effect, tit- places war as a bad disease
of the body politic and should no more
he held tip for inspection bv the child
than an u cer. He defined patriotism
ar.d p aced trie various ki.ids in this
ortl-r : First, doty to our Creator:
econd, to oar Country; third, to our
Home; toarth, to himself as a member
of society. A'ipo iayg great stress tion
loyalty to one's country ; hut advocates
tn- teaching of both aides ol a question.
I'r I French c mtinned hit talk upon
Reading, emphasizing, again the value
of phonic study by the pupil. He showed
lume very unique methods of piacing
"busy work" before the child. This
work embraces design work in paper
cutting and perforation, Be exhibited
soii.h design work very well executed,
by children it; Ihe schools of Home. In
his talk he illustrated the value of
pictures drawn by the student, telling
gome story he has heard, us a test of ids
understanding ol the selection.
This aras followed by Prof, W, C. I
H mley on "Physiological Psychology." ,
Be -ii ids hi- talk upon "that which is
ln!de of yoor heed." ' This being ali
there is in 'tie world." Be illustrated
the Phyiiolo'icl coostructioo of the
brain, The average nam tier ol brain
c..- daveloped In man is greater today
than ever. This is due to our public
Schools. He itirther prows with clear
Statistic) ti.p superiority of ce!: develop
ii. illl In the United Mates over that of
a'i the rest of the world. lue to the
jiu ill schools, Use develops the cells.
"The great man of the world is vet to
come" a-i no living man has ever
developed ah the cells contained in hie
The visiting teachers were given a re
ception a; the High .School boildinj i3t
evening by The J'.-: lee teachers. It was
uu laforms affair and every one enj ytd
i. immensely. Prof. W.C. Bawley again
proving his versatility in the story tell
ing iiu-, kept every one laaglllng for an
luu". Es City Bupt, Gavin was present
an i gava expression to 10 me friendly
b idlnage,
Ic ere, iu war served by The lMiles
The morning v ac cool and -lightly
doodad, Session opens)! with linglng.
Attandanosgood, Btat Superintendent
J. H. Aoterman tame down row Baker
City thi- morning to be with the VYaico
county lesohers ho a short time.
Pro'. W. 0, Hawley aga'n resumed
hia talk upon hiltory and civil govern
ment. In brief, he treated the knowl
edge of the thirteen original colonies
possessed by the English and French ;
the cause of France's aid to the colonies
and the way in which this aid was
secured ; the struggle in thia country to
prevent the establishment of a kingdom
which would allow our country to come
UndSJt the dominant influence of Europe ;
the eligibility of the president, senators
and representatives, and how it came to
be so.
Prof. French then took Dp the snbj-et
I of numbers, which our conrae of study
carefully outlines. He treats the SUb
i iect from the knowledge of the Individual
concept t i the general idea. "The child
I HI rated through expressions." ' The
greater t ie expression the greater the,
po Aer. "
After a short intermission, which is
always a social moment) Prof. W. c.
Bawley reanmsd his excellent talk upon
"Physiological Psychology." Be again
smphasists the remit of practice by
quoting from Prof. Romanes:
"So ehange In childhood's cailv day
No Iforn tint : rnged. no though: tliat :.m
Bat leaves a tmcx upon the i iy
Whici. itowly baruens into mac
Honesty i acfjiiired by practice. Ilia
honesty i? acquired by practice. He
also spoke of the power of heredity.
It is the most excellent thing for the
public school, the state, the l oittd
States, that so many noble, true, pure
principled young women are in oi:r
public schools, Good physiological con
ditions facilitate menta! progress. Good
food produces good thought. Skimmed
in ii k diet produces skimmed milk
thought. The student must be well fed.
Superintendent spoke in
brief ol the genera', attendance at insti
tutes : the genera, benefit derived from
institute work : the cause of new iaw
governing high school work : the benefit
to be derived therein : the new iaw gov
erning high school work in districts of
the Second and third class : nature study
in the public schools.
Additional teachers in attendance:
01 Kirman, (.' R Deems, Mis C K
Deem3. Rachel Morgan. Bertha Robin
son. Lorene Bridges, G D Gunnell, Mag
gie Fiinn, Margaret Reed, Cora I. Cop
pie. Martha Whealdon, Georgia Bonney,
A! her- J Smith. Blanch Davey, Mrs F.
M Da t ton, Bertha Williams, Murdina
MeLenl, Jesdc MoLsod, lies? sen berg,
V II Isenberg, W Farrell. Itha Cheadle,
J H Ackerman.
m i sees hot ai.i.
Ciarse Fall; have on saie a full line
of paint end artist's brufthef.
Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are
the I)est. Ask your gr -ger for them.
Wanted A woman to do up stairs
work the Umatilla IFuise. Apply at
the hotel at once, ac.gol-tf
Wanted Mac to ciprk in store: small
ralary : experience uot necessary. Ad
dress X, care CilROXlCLE. se.2-tf j
E'gbt teams wanted by J. C. Sullivan,
Grading for easy level drag scraper 1
aid wagon work with no up-hill haul.:
Wage- 4 per nay. se 3-lwk
Henry Rraydon, Harris. N. C, says:
"I took medicine 20 years for asthma,
but one bottle of One Minute Cough
Cure did me ni re good than any thing
else during that time. Best Cong:. Cure."
Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Norris Silver, North Stratford, N. H. :
'T purchased a bottle of ( ne Minute
C;oah Cure when suffering with a cough
doctors toiii me was iocurabls, Cne
bottle relieved me, the second ami tiiird
niinost cured. Today lama well man."
C:arke & Faik ' P. 0. Pharmacj .
S'hen your hair appears dry and to
have lost us vitality it want- something
to give it life and vigor. We have what
the hair needs when it gets in that con
dition. We have 'he Crow n o'
Science Hair SjgHSgjL i rower and
O coaiitit Crea I nio. They
. j, cur.- dali'i SS rntl i.' i a.
-caip disease-. I or saie a' Frazei's har
der shop- Price 50c and 76c a bottle.
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread. Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH Pioneer Grocer
p. s. GuiriG,
RUBBER and Garden Hose,
Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers,
avc in need of anything in our line, fio
ure with
-. 1 -11 TT . . 1- 1 ITT . . 1 . '. . , ,
...tfiacKsmiin, liorsesnoer auu wagoii-iiiiuitji . , us, ror w whj pay
We operate a PLUMBING-. TIN and BICYCLE
REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will liave
Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles. Springs and Blacksmith Supplies
A8'jnt (or RttaMll ('' tiisine-. Thre?lier anil .-aw Mills.
Telephone 1"7.
Lonii Distance 10711
lor, Secoud & WM Sts, THE DALLES OR,
J. E. FALT &. CO.,
"The Owl."
of , .
Purest Liquors for Family Use
Delivered to any part of the City.
Phuues : 51 Local,
B5S Iong Diiiaoce,
173 Second Street.
prompt attention.
of menstruation." The- arc
votnanhood, aidinp dcvelopme
known remedy lor women equals thm
tiecuiii.-ft a Dleaaure. .1.K PEB BOX BY 1 TI.
by druggist. DR. MOTT'S CHEMI AL CO
Fur sale bv Geo. C Blakeley, Tne Dalles, Or
They overcome Weak
ness, irregularity and
omissions, increase riy.
or ii iid hauibh "naii'j j
LIFE SAVERS" to pirla a
nt of oxxraua and body. No
Cannot do harm life
Cleveland, ohu
Oi the product of ttiie well-known brewery the United States Health
Reports for June 28, 1900, say : "A more superior brew never entered
the iabratory of the L'nited States Health reports. It le absolutely devoid
of the slightest trace of adulteration, but on the other hand is conposed of
the best of malt and choicest oi hops. Its tonic qualities are of the high
est and it cau be used with the greatest benefit and saiisfaclion by old arid
young. Its use can conscientiously be prescribed by the physicians with
the certainty that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not
possibly be found."
East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON.
Job Printers.
1 5 i h
I ?
I ( i
I ft
WarftME Hi Cs.
Prof. Homer de Morrison
Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kindfc
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot p 11 kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, iTlx 14m
Headquarters fcr ''Byers' Best" Pendle-
FlOlir ''s uUr " "laniifactured expressly for famih
use: everv sack is guaranteed to give satiefaction.
We eeli our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think so
call and net i'ur prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats
After you tire of using so-called kidney remedies
without any benefit, use Lincoln Sexual Pills and be
forever rid of those dull pains in your back. Discard
that old fogy idea of "pain in the kidneys" and have
all your bladder and urinary troubles curt and your
nights made restful by the nee of Iiatl'-o peatett
assistant Lincoln Sexual Pills.
Trite, $1.00 per box buy ot your druggist or sent
bv mail on receipt of price, in plain wrapper.
Fort Wayne i Indiana.
M. . Donnell, Agent, The Dalles.
lyon's French Periodical Drops
Grandall & Barget
All kinds of undertaker Burial Shrouds
Funeral Supplies embalmers Ete.
4T ir
The Dalles, Or.
Strict: y vegetable, perfectly harmles
DKSIRi-l) KLSULTS. Greatest km
p A HTinil 1 w.i r1 ' intrfeif- an-! imii'.ii 'in-.. 'I'Ih. urnum,' ' ' u( unly in pa-, I
unwnvn iMt v,,hi Ij.'-Miirte m,.'!:.!! ure on -moo! tti,' im.uio uu:
umIi ui;tiili sti--l. Itftimi-
Ti,. Qrtt rtslttored m wtll st
it pilialal eri in Hortland
u dstMi rranee Clairvoyant sod nertistut can
be co -ulii asiljr no all irtlmol if
Krot as UorrUoa ii- witboul doubt tbsnost
icleiitlllc I'.ilml't tnid ClsltVOi nut in the world
today: bo loostM blddtti treftitre. reunliM tbe
ei t rated, telli it tuer- . ntre ran j i ai on
your land eosblen you touiu ili-uiivciun of
one roll clesire
i almUtry laugbt. nsdlunlaUc partopi dTl
).il Ilea!- by tin- UMaol bia Mvsaled iwib 1
i i- curea obronlo and so-called Incurable dl
oue hrw irestnicnt f''r tin- tnr
ieud fit date of birth and tbrae iucitl all
lettew auawcred at tnce.
. sure to accomplish
vu female remedy.
mntsfftlii and Initstlona. Tbcscnulaab put up only in ssatc-iioard f'.u
bcuu tr Cueuiar lu WILLIAM S1KU. Co., Bole Aaeuu. CISTCland, Ohio. rJ--5rV.i'
Fur sale by Qeo, 0. Blakeley. The IhUiee, Of.
Many physicians are now prescribing Nuaamsr Eicur i t in, s, Ooasti
Kodol I spepsia Cure regularly baviDg I Only o 50 for the round trip from
found that it is tin best prescription
they cm write beiAUie it it the one
The Dalies to Long Beach, Tioga, Psolfic
J'ark, Ocean Park cr Nahcolla, Wash.,
preparation whloh contain! the elementi good for return until tept. lo, 1901,
i,nc'ut-i by VtaloB,
PortUud, auk. 10. fin ibCdttnr). Howet
de Morriaon, ocoultitt, iAftatt1 by vll'ii tbebul
lion stolen Iroan tbe aVtlby amwltlns Worst in
babll "i occult tolenoe toe Imn ediitel) cosn
uuntcslcd by latter the facia i!r a. J iui
ton, oenar of tbe aalby Work The reiwrti re
ceived I"! iiiKiit provi in - statements correct.
"it i- pleas ins to o taaured tbat tinu'Wii
t.i ii. in. in.- -mi Hiiil' ur); a 'In
catei! i ii,iii hy ii i-m .n . oocillllsl
prove timt tbe story ol lha confession ii"'
unci Mini that bis sMatsaee was Mquired in rt
noverioc the gout wsa on' Csilforuls Inveu
lion fo ti" purpose nt depriving uregon uf just
Kiury " -(Kal tor Portland uregonian.j
neceMary to digest not only some kind
of food but all kind ami it therefore oorai
indigestion and dyspepsia no matter
what its caiiBe. Clarke iSc Falk's 1". O.
Hxperieuce is the best Teacher.
Acker's Engl 1(1) Remedy in any case of
Baggage checked through to destina
tion. The steamer T. J. loiter will
leave Portland daily except Sunday and
Monday, and the Ilasealo daily except
Sunday, at s p. m., and 10 d. iii. on
I e Saturdays, making direct connections at
Astoria and at Iiwaco for all points on
coughs, golds or croup. Should It fall (0 UregOB and Washington beaches. Call
give immediate relief money refunded
Jo cts. and 50 cte. Blakeley, the drug
giati. B. v. Parselli Kinttravllie, Pa., sas
he sutl'ered 'lb years with piles and could
Xbia obtain no relief until DaWttt'l Witch
lia.el Salve etTected a permanent cure.
Counterfeit.- are worthless. Clarke &
Falk'e P. O. Pharmacy.
on Jas. Ireland,
for through tim
agent, 'Die Dalles,
curd to all beach
jl3 'Jin
At The llalles Fmploymeut Ot)ice;a
Pitts where vou can procure help with
out cost or trouble. Mail or phoue
alia lmdAw Manager.
C. J. STUBhliNG, I
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
Next door to First National Bank.
dun 1'injne eaa
teag tut. luoi.
Advertise in The Chronicle.
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